My First Bike Quotes – Motivation and Love

Many people love riding bikes, and I am one of them. I bought my first bike in the summer of 2013 and it was one of the greatest days in my life.
The journey to buy the bike, spending all my savings on it and taking the bike on a test ride, were great memories for me. This was a stepping stone in my life, cause it was the day that I turned my childhood dreams into a reality. I walked on the sunshine during that period of my life.

Knowing how beautifully overwhelming such a moment can be for many bike enthusiasts, I decided to compile these my first bike quotes.
These wonderful quotes are useful for you as a bike lover when trying to share your first bike experience. They’ll help you perfectly caption your first bike images and succinctly tell your story about your first bike.

Without further ado, go through these my first bike quotes to choose the one that best captures your first bike experience.


My first bike is like my first kiss—I could go on and on about my love for it. My first bike, a Raleigh Sport, was a big ride. I had no idea how much I would love it. I had it when I was five. It wasn’t the best, but it was mine, and I loved it.

1. This is my first bike. I got it at the age of 14. It was the highlight of my summer after I rode it every day, without fail, for three months straight.

2. I remember being so excited about my first bike; I took it everywhere. I rode my first bike to a friend’s house, and we tried to convince her mom that I was actually a little boy because I rode it like a pro.

3. I rode my first bike and fell in love with two things: the wind in my face and those hills. I feel like taking a ride on my first bike again to see how fast I can go with it after all these years and to see if I can make it over that hill without falling.

4.  One of my favourite memories is when I got my first bike. It felt so good and was a rite of passage to get out there, ride and explore what the world had to offer.

5. I remember the first time I got on my bike and felt like a kid again. I rode like there was no tomorrow. I can do more with a bike than I ever could on my first car.

6. I don’t care what others think; I have a bike of my own. I would rather ride my bike in traffic than take a bus.

7. My first bike was a heavy thing, but I loved it. It was a Suzuki SV650. It had no power, but I  handled it well and it was my first taste of freedom.

8. My first bike was a combination of my love for bikes and an attempt to have freedom. I ran away from home and travelled across India, riding on buses and trains through villages and cities.

9. What’s better than a road trip with your best friend on your first bike? When I first rode my bike, it felt like the world was new. And it taught me something: that there’s always more to discover.

10. The coolest part of riding every morning is getting to see the world through a new set of eyes. My first bike taught me this.

11. You can’t ride a bike without a helmet—it’s like going to the movies without popcorn. My first bike was all I had. It got me out of my parent’s house and into a big city and gave me purpose in life.

12. My first bike was a stinky, old hobo—I rode it until my legs burned and hands cranked.

13. I’m getting used to feeling the wind in my face and pushing the pedals. I just bought my first bike. I love the experience.

14. This is the bike that taught me how to ride and how to love. This is my first bike. I’m so excited to ride it and learn how to ride safely.

15. I was ten years old, and I was going on a bike ride. At first, I felt like an idiot out there. But then the wind blew, and I decided it wasn’t ridiculous at all. It was a beautiful thing.

16. Riding my bike is like travelling from point A to point B but having a whole new adventure along the way.

17. Life’s a winding road, but there are a lot of good times on it if you are taking a ride on your first bike.

18. My First bike was a mess, but I’ve learned to love it. My first bike was really rusty—the seat was falling out, and the pedals were no good, but I learned to ride it anyway.

19. I remember the day I got my first bike. It was a magic moment filled with memories, smiles, and tears.

20. First time I got on a bike. The wind in my hair and the freedom of the open road made me fall in love with my bike more.

21. When you first ride a bike, you will remember the feeling for a long time. It is that feeling of being free and in control. Therefore, I can say that my bike was my first love.

22. I have a new hobby, and it’s called riding my bike. I just got my first bike, and there’s no way I’m ever commuting by car again.

23. I used to ride my bike with a bucket seat, a gas pedal attached to it, and a helmet that was too big.

24. Life’s a little bit better when you ride a bike. It makes you smell freedom and get you going when life is tough.

25. My first bike was a Schwinn Sting-Ray. It was red, with chrome handlebars and a front wheel. It had a kickstand so I could pedal without leaning over when I parked it. I panted for the first ride—just trying to remember what all those pedals did. And once I got the hang of it, I realized this was the coolest thing ever.

26. My first bike, a big yellow one with purple streamers. I was in third grade, and I loved it. It was a small one, but I knew it was mine.

27. I learned to ride my first bike at age three and I remember it was the most magical, exhilarating, and overwhelming experience of my life. I can’t explain the feeling of freedom I got when I jumped on that little two-wheeler.

28. The first time I rode my bike was the best time of my life. Riding is freedom; riding bikes is fun. It’s the bee’s knees.

29. I learned how to ride a bike in the mountains of Colorado. My first bike was all black, purple, and gray. I remember the day I got it, finding that I could roll down hills on it. I never really rode that much with my real bike because there was so much more you could do on a BMX bike.

30. My first bike was a piece of junk, but I loved it anyway. I never knew that the world was so big until I had my first bike.

31. You’re always a little bit older, a little bit wiser, on your first bike. When I was a kid, my mom would pick me up after school, and we’d ride our bikes home. She said to me on the way: There’s nothing like riding a bike.

32. I was never on a bike before, but now I’m riding everywhere with one. My first bike may be a piece of crap, but it gets me anywhere.

33. I got my first bike when I was three and couldn’t stop riding it. Not only did it help me get better at biking, but it also taught me that life is more fun with a good friend on your back.

34. I couldn’t get enough of the open road, and my first bike was no exception. It was a classic steel frame with a comfy new-age saddle and some classic Vittoria tires ready to roll.

35. The first time I rode a bike was an unforgettable experience. I’ll never forget it.

36. The first time I got behind the handlebars of my own bike, it kind of felt like the end of the world.

37. Riding a bike is the best way to travel—the wind in your hair, a feeling of freedom and serenity.

38. What would you do if you didn’t have fear? What would you do if you didn’t have limits? Ride to the end of the road; that’s what you will do. I’m so doing that with my first bike.

39. My first bike was all I ever wanted. It was my little blue Nintendo, the one I lost whenever I went to a friend’s house. Now, in retrospect, that was the best thing that ever happened to me.

40. My first bike taught me not to be afraid to go out there and explore. I can never forget my first bike.

41. You get to ride around on your first bike, and that’s pretty cool. You get to feel unrestrained and at peace by yourself. What’s not to like?

42. My first bike was a red Mongoose. It was a cheap, wobbly bike that I should have kept as a coaster. But I loved it, so I kept riding it, even though it was a disaster.

43. My first bike was a Honda CT-110, and I rode it all over the place. The first time I rode it to school was almost like a religious experience.

44. My first bike was a green ten-speed. Now I ride a road bike, and it’s time to head out on an adventure like never before.

45. I rode my first bike. It was sweet. Then I crashed and broke my arm. It was a blue one. It carried me across the country and kept me out of trouble.

46. The first time I got on my bike was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

47. I’m back. I’m on my first bike. So far, so good; it’s been a thrilling experience I would not have any other way.

48. I’ve always been the type of person who wants to explore the world around me. On my first bike, I’m discovering both roads and people. It’s been a great journey so far, but there’s still a lot to see.

49. I was running late for school. But there was no time to waste, so I decided to get my first bike.

50. When we first got our bikes, I thought the world was much bigger. Now I realize how small it really is.

You undoubtedly enjoyed reading and choosing from this array of my first bike quotes. Please take the time to let me know which of these quotes captures your feeling about your first bike. Don’t forget to let other bike enthusiasts read my first bike quotes post. So kindly share.
Thank you.

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