Proud Army Girlfriend Quotes – Motivation and Love

Being a girlfriend of an army member means being in an intercontinental relationship, which can be challenging on any occasion. The military lifestyle, deployments, training exercises and other military events often take place at the last moment. There are few women who love to be in this position because it is hard but, it’s great as they feel more than accepted by their men and by the military generally. 

When you are an army girlfriend, you have to be proud of it because it means you are the lucky one who gets to walk through the tough times with your soldier. You are a shoulder to cry on, someone to share the good or bad news with. Though it’s hard to see your partner leave you behind, being proud of him is easy because of all that he represents.

You have to be there when they don’t have time for you. You have not to care that they can’t always call when they say they will. You have to come to terms with the fact that leaving is a definite possibility. And you have to make the most of what has been given to you—the good and the bad. To do anything less would be the biggest failure of all.

If you are a proud military girlfriend or know who she is, and you need quotes about being a proud military girlfriend. Then, don’t hesitate to see the following proud army girlfriend quotes. 

I am a proud army girlfriend because I have the ability to make my man feel good about himself when he is doing something great or being me at home. I always try to see the good in him and remind him of how amazing he is on a daily basis.

1. I am a proud army girlfriend, and I will always be there for the troops. It’s in my blood to promote the brave men and women who protect this country every day.

2. I am a proud army girlfriend who is ready to face the world with courage, strength and confidence. I am here for my soldier always.

3. I am a proud army girlfriend who loves serving my country with love and respect. I love my soldier, support him in all that he does, and am proud of his service to our nation.

4. I am an army girlfriend, a military spouse, and a proud one at that. I serve alongside thousands of other soldiers and their families who have sacrificed so much for our country.

5. I am a proud army girlfriend of my boyfriend. I support him every step of the way, and I am always here for him, no matter what.

6. I am a proud army girlfriend who values her Soldier husband and spends every day encouraging and inspiring him. I can’t wait to have him home sometime soon.

7. I am a proud army girlfriend. I know that my husband is able to do things because of the training and skills he learned in the military, and I want the world to know why he is the strongest and smartest person on the planet!

8. I am a proud army girlfriend. I help my boyfriend be strong mentally because I can relate to his situation and know he’s safe. So when he comes home on leave, it’s like he is coming home to me.

9. I am a proud army girlfriend, and I’ve made it my mission to show the world that a strong military family can be just as strong.

10. A girl’s just as tough as her man, and I’m here for you no matter what. I’m a proud army girlfriend who’s here to support my man through the good times and the hard times.

11. Being an army girlfriend and owning your own piece of the world means you can do great things. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

12. I am a proud army girlfriend. I am tough and fearless, but I love my man more than anything in the world. And I will support him until the very end.

13. Proud to be an army girlfriend. Proud to be a part of the Army. Proud to be in the Special Forces, proud to be with my fellow soldiers and proud of this team.

14. I love my boyfriend, and I love serving in the army. It’s a constant reminder that we serve a cause bigger than ourselves. Proud to be a part of the army family. War is not the answer! Peace is our only hope!

15. Army families are unique in the sense that they have their own little family — a husband, wife and kids. And nothing is more important than maintaining this bond while they’re gone. Proud to be a part of this awesome community.

16. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t or shouldn’t do something. If you believe in yourself, nothing will stop you. I am a proud army girlfriend, and I will be there when you need me.

17. I am a proud army girlfriend; I support my man in his time of need while he is away. I have his back, and I always will.

18. I am a proud army girlfriend, and I will always support my soldier. I’m here for you when it’s hard, and I’ll always be there for you when it’s not.

19. Proud to be a soldier’s girlfriend. Proud Army Princesses – we are so proud to be part of the military family. Here’s to a safe and happy retirement!

20. Proud to support my boyfriend and his job as an army officer. Proudly serving our country! I will always be here for you, no matter what.

21. Proudly serving your country is something that is always going to make me feel so lucky. Proud to be the girl next door, always by your side and always supporting you!

22. I am a proud army girlfriend because my partner has proven himself to be dependable, trustworthy and protective. I am always there for him in good times and bad.

23. I am a proud army girlfriend. I am not just a girlfriend but also the best friend of a soldier in the field. I serve and protect my man with all of my strength and courage.

24. I’m an army girlfriend, I’m an army wife, and I stand by you when the world is in danger. Proud to be a part of the army and the girlfriend of an army man.

25. I’m a proud army girlfriend. I’ve been there for him when he needed me, and he’s been there for me when I needed him most. We made it through the hardest parts of our lives together, together.

26. Proud to be an Army girlfriend, I am a strong woman that loves her military man and wouldn’t change him for the world. Being a badass army girlfriend is my full-time job, and I make it look easy.

27. Proud to be a part of the army and proud to be your girlfriend. I support you, and I stand by you always.

28. Proud to be an army girlfriend, proud of my boyfriend for serving this country and for fighting for freedom.

29. Proud to be your girlfriend, proud to be your companion and proud to be a part of this beautiful army. Proud to be an army girlfriend and proud to serve our country.

30. Proud to be an army girl. Proud to be proud of my Soldier. When I’m with you, I feel like an army. We’re never alone. My soldier. My hero. My heart.

31. I am a proud Army girlfriend who is always there for my man no matter what! I’ll support you in every way possible! Proudly serving with all of my heart, body and soul!

32. Proud to be an army girlfriend because I’m living my dream and doing what I love to do with the people I love most. The hills are alive with the sound of homecoming!

33. Proud and strong, I am an army girlfriend who always takes care of her soldier. We are all different, but we have one thing in common: we are the best girlfriends of our military men.

34. Proud to be a girlfriend of an American soldier. We are proud and grateful to have his love and support, always.

35 Being a part of the army is what I live for. We are always there to protect our fighters and their families. My life is a military family travelling the world. I am so grateful for this opportunity and blessed to serve my country!

36. I am a proud army girlfriend who loves to support you and your military family when you are deployed.

37. Proud to be a proud army girlfriend who is always there for my significant other. I love you more than anything in this world! I support my husband no matter what.

38. Being a military girlfriend is the most rewarding job you’ll ever have. I am an army girlfriend. I support the men and women who serve our country in uniform.

39. The most important thing about being a soldier is that you are part of something bigger than yourself. To be proud – to wear your uniform with pride, to do what you can to help your country, and to know that there is strength in numbers. That makes you feel proud of who you are.

40. Army girlfriends are the best kind of friend there is. We know the sacrifice that you make, so we celebrate you!

41. I am a proud Army wife and mother. I love serving my country, and I love being a part of the greatest military family in the world.

42. Proud to be an army wife and mother. I wear these colours with both pride and honour! I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

43. Proud to be an army girlfriend, Proud to support my husband and family and Proud of the job I do. Proud to serve, proud to be a soldier’s wife.

44. I am a proud army girlfriend who is dedicated to my soldier and has his back through thick and thin. I am a proud Army girlfriend, and I stand for everything my soldier does.

45. I’m a proud army girlfriend. I love and support my man while he serves his country, and I am thankful to be able to do so.

46. I am a proud army girlfriend, and I know that my boyfriend is the bravest man I know. Loving every minute with my boyfriend in his new job!

47. We are dedicated to our soldiers and their families. We are proud to be an army girlfriend.

48. I’m proud to be a girlfriend of a soldier. I know what it means to love someone who is serving our country.

49. Proud to be the girlfriend of an Army Ranger. I am a proud woman who has learned to be strong, independent, and confident.

50. Proud to serve in the armed forces and thankful for those who have served before us. I am a proud army girlfriend and proud of it.

51. I am a proud army girlfriend who makes her boyfriend’s dreams come true. I will always stand behind my husband and support him no matter what.

52. I’m a proud army girlfriend who doesn’t let the grass grow under her feet. I’m always ready to go, whenever and wherever my Special One needs me to be.

53. I love my boyfriend for serving our country. I am a proud army girlfriend, and I’m not ashamed to say it. I am who I am, and it is my strength. I will be the strongest woman in my life.

54. Proud army girlfriend, I wear my heart on my sleeve and show my support for our troops! Proud to be an army girlfriend, and thank you for making me one!

55. I am the proud Army girlfriend. I serve, I care, and I protect. I’m not just any girlfriend. I’m an Army girlfriend. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

56. Proud to be a girlfriend of an army mom. Our service men and women protect our freedom so that we can live happy, peaceful lives.

57. My boyfriend is a proud Army man, and I’m proud to be his girlfriend! Proud to be a part of the Army, supporting my boyfriend on his deployment.

58. My husband is my soulmate, my hero and my best friend. I am a proud army girlfriend and proud of my man.

59. I am a proud army girlfriend. I’ve been there for all the ups and downs of your military career, but most importantly, I’ve always been there in your times of need.

60. I am a proud Army girlfriend. I have spent my life supporting and defending our country. My marriage is based on a deep commitment and trust in that fact.

61. I am a proud army wife who just happens to also be a hard-working mom and an active duty soldier. When I’m not busy with all of these things, I love spending time with my husband and making memories.

62. I am a proud Army girlfriend. I love my husband and all that he does to keep us safe. I love him more than I can put into words.

63. I am a proud Army girlfriend. I wear my uniform proudly, love the military and will always defend my home & country.

64. Proud to be an army girlfriend. I am a strong, empowered woman. Proud to be an army girlfriend. I am strong, resilient and determined.

65. Proud to be a girlfriend of an army man, serving our country and protecting the freedom that we love.

66. Proud to be in a relationship with a soldier. The brave ones who fight for our freedom and the ones who sacrifice their lives for us.

67. I am a proud army girlfriend, and I will always stand by my man to the end! Proud to be part of this family.

68. I’m a proud army girlfriend because I can be there for my soldier and make his life easier by doing things that he can do.

69. Proud to wear my military uniform and support our men and women in uniform. I am a proud Army Girlfriend.

70. Proud to be an army girlfriend. Glad we get to be together, and I’m so thankful that you love me too!

71. I am a proud army girlfriend, and I’m not afraid to show it. I love my soldiers, their families and the country they protect.

72. I am a proud Army girlfriend who will always be here for you no matter what. Being able to celebrate the men and women that make this country strong is what makes my heart warm.

73. Proud Army Girlfriend. I am the best girlfriend a Soldier could ask for because I make an effort to help them out and be supportive when they are deployed.

74. Proud to be a proud Army girlfriend and proud to be with the man who’s always prepared to fight for freedom.

75. I am a proud army wife, mom, and friend. I love my family and friends who support me in my endeavours.

76. I am a proud army wife and mother who has always been there for my soldiers. I am a proud Army wife, and I love my army.

77. I am a proud Army girlfriend when I see how much my husband is loving his life and raising us on his own.

78. I am a proud army wife, and I strongly believe in this country. I am a proud army wife, wife of an army man, and proud of it!

79. Army girlfriends are the most loyal, supportive and courageous women in this world. Proud to be one today!

80. I am a proud army girlfriend because I stand by him through thick and thin. I love my boyfriend more than anything else in this world, making me a good girlfriend. I love you, my boy!

81. I am a proud army girlfriend; I don’t need the whole country behind me to see my face on the front line.

82. My love for my soldier is stronger than any pain or distance. I am a proud army girlfriend!

83. Being an army girlfriend is a privilege and a challenge. I am proud to be part of this program, and I look forward to the new missions ahead.

84. I am proud to be your girlfriend and will always be there for you. I’m proud to be your girlfriend because I love you.

85. I’m more than just your girlfriend. I’m your best friend, confidant and the one you can completely trust with anything.

86. I am a proud army girlfriend and will always stand by your side, even when you are deployed. My love for you has no limit.

87. I am a proud army girlfriend who has proven to the world that they don’t need all their fingers and toes to be happy.

88. I am a proud Army girlfriend. My man is in the service of the country, but I’m here for him. I support him 100% in his job and will always be there for him, no matter what happens.

89. An army girlfriend is loyal, devoted and constant in every situation. She’s always there for you. I am a proud Army girlfriend.

90. Proud to be a girlfriend of an army soldier who has chosen to protect me and stand on the front line. This man is my hero, and I’m proud to call him mine.

91. Army girlfriends are just like soldiers. We have to have our heads in a cloud of dust, and off we go!

92. I am not a perfect girlfriend. But I am always a good one. You’ll never go wrong with a military man; you can always count on him.

93. I am a proud army girlfriend. I stand behind my man, no matter what. I will always support him and be there to uplift his spirits whenever they drop.

94. I am a proud army girlfriend. I’m not ashamed of my man, and I’m never going to be.

95. I am a proud army girlfriend because I don’t worry about him getting hurt. I know he will come back to me like an army soldier.

96. I am a proud Army girlfriend. I will always put my man first, but I also put myself first. My heart belongs to the Army, and I’m proud to be a part of it.

97. I am a proud army girlfriend. I am a supportive spouse and a capable mother. I stand by my husband in all things, and together we have built a joyful, fulfilling, and deeply meaningful life.

98. We’re here because we love you, have faith in you, and believe that anything is possible when you believe in yourself.

99. I am a proud army girlfriend. I believe that my husband is an amazing human being who has sacrificed so much for our family. He works hard and plays even harder too! I am thankful to have him by my side every day, and I will always be there for him.

100 I am a proud army girlfriend, not just because of my boyfriend, who is deployed but because of the love I have for all of the soldiers and their families.

When you are a happy army girlfriend, you will know that many rules are not to be broken. And also that most women control their man’s life in the army. The army is all about honour, discipline and high spirit.

Being a proud army girlfriend means you are a strong woman who loves her soldier. With the proud army girlfriend quotes here, you have the right words to express yourself.

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