Miss Being in a Relationship Quotes

Being in a relationship is not easy. The word “relationship” is a combination of two words “relation” which means connection and “ship” which means the state of being connected or related to each other. Relationships are a very important part of our lives. If we don’t have anyone with whom we can share our feelings, we will be incomplete. When you are in a relationship, you become happy because your partner supports you and removes your stress but when you break up, you realize how important it was for you and that makes you miss being in relationship quotes.

Missing Being in a relationship is something that we all go through at some point in our lives and I think the most difficult factor of being single nowadays is the feeling that we don’t belong and that there’s no place for us. That’s because every time we turn around, everyone seems connected somehow to someone but you. Sometimes it sucks to start something, and it ends. You put in a lot of effort to get it started, and then poof! It’s gone. It didn’t work out as you had hoped or imagined. What do you think about that?

You know how it feels. You’ve been feeling up and down, wanting to be back in that relationship, but there’s always this something holding you back.
Do you miss being in a relationship? It’s normal to miss what you are used to, even if it’s not good for you. This time could be used for reflection and personal growth before you return and try again.

If you’re feeling nostalgic about a relationship that didn’t work out for one reason or the other, here are some miss being in a relationship quotes to help you through it.


I miss being in a relationship with you. I yearn for the days when you were mine. My love for you is pure and solid. Stay strong, and don’t give up on your dreams. We may not be together right now, but I will always be here for you as a friend, I promise.

1. I miss being in a relationship. I miss the feeling of being needed, supported, and so much more.

2. I miss being in a committed relationship, but sometimes it’s nice to be on your own.

3. I’m so lonely all the time. I miss feeling loved and wanted

4. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before. This person is everything I could want in a partner, and we’re still so new together. It’s incredible how everything feels brand new with him. I miss being in a relationship with him.

5. I love the feeling of being needed and wanted; it’s better than chocolate-covered strawberries. I miss being in a relationship.

6. I used to think that I was completely in my life. Nothing else mattered except for my friends and me. Now, I look back and realize how much I’ve missed out on by focusing only on myself. I miss being in a relationship

7. I’m not sure what it is, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m missing something. I miss being in a relationship

8. I’m missing the feeling of being in a relationship.

9. I just want to be in a relationship. I want to fall in love again and have someone I can call my own. I miss being in a relationship

10. I wish I were in a relationship, so it didn’t feel this lonely. I miss being in a relationship

11. Some days, it feels like I’m the only one missing a relationship. I feel like I’m missing something, like someone better than you is out there.

12. I’m so in love with someone. I can’t stop thinking about them all the time, and when I see them, I smile ear to ear. They make me happy as a clam. I miss being in a relationship.

13. I live life at the moment. But sometimes, I feel a longing for something more. I miss being in a relationship.

14. I’m missing being in a relationship. I want that feeling again where you feel safe and warm and happy with someone.

15. I miss the feeling of being in a relationship, being loved by someone and them loving me back.

16. I am unsure if I will ever feel complete without a relationship again. I’m missing being in a relationship.

17. I can’t help but feel lonely. I’m not on any dating apps, and I don’t have anyone to talk to. I miss being in a relationship.

18. I wish I could be in love again, even if it’s with myself. I’m missing being in a relationship.

19. The feeling of missing being in a relationship is strong…I wish I could be with the one who treated me right.

20. I miss being in a relationship. I miss falling in love and knowing that someone else is in my life forever.

21. Maybe it’s the comfort of having someone who cares about you, or maybe it’s the excitement of exploring new things together. Whatever it is, I feel like Im missing being in a relationship.

22. I am so grateful for this summer—especially the friends I’ve made who fill the void of a relationship I once had. I miss being in a relationship.

23. The feeling of missing being in a relationship; I want to be loved and needed by someone.

24. The feeling of missing being in a relationship is when you don’t want to be alone or someone you care about is away from you.

25. When you miss being in a relationship, it’s because you were on the other side.

26. You don’t have to be in a relationship to feel love, but you’ll miss it if you’re not in one.

27. If you’ve ever been in a relationship, you know: that nothing is more magical than falling for someone new.

28. I feel a little lost. Missing being in a relationship.

29. I sometimes feel like I’m missing being in a relationship.

30. I missed when I was in a relationship.

31. I wish I was in a relationship right now.

32. I’m missing the feeling of a relationship. I can’t explain it, but I know it’s real

33. I’m missing being in a relationship. It was much easier when I had the whole world at my fingertips.

34. I miss being in a relationship where I can feel comfortable enough to talk and have someone listen to me.

35. There’s always a little bit of me missing when I’m not in a relationship.

36. I miss the simple things in life. Being close to someone I care about, hearing their voice, and seeing their face.

37. You are the one that got away. I can’t express how difficult it has been without you in my life. I love you, and I know you are an amazing person. I was afraid to be with someone so amazing because I was broken inside. I miss you so much.

38. I really miss you, I know it’s only been a few days, but I can’t stop thinking about you. These feelings are deep in some dark corner of me, and I must deal with them when they arise.

39. We had so much fun together…we achieved everything we set out to do and started many new adventures. We loved hard and laughed often. I was sad to see it end & I felt like most of our good times were behind us after we said goodbye.

40. I miss us. I miss taking our dates on weekends out to dinner and a movie. I miss those spontaneous moments full of passion, desire, and love. I miss being your dream girl, but I miss being your everything.

41. I still miss how we were. You made me feel so special, so loved. I never felt more alive and happy than I did when we were together. I hope to feel that again one day, as I’m sure you know. The times we spent together will forever be in my heart, like a tattoo.

42. I miss you. I miss how we laughed together, our sincere passion for life, and making love to you whenever we could. And I miss hearing you tell me “I love you” every morning. I just want us to be back to how things were before life got in the way.

44. I miss the time we spent together; I miss our nights out with friends. I miss your touch and the way you made me feel so special. Spending time with you was the best part of my day, and now that’s over. This is not how I wanted it to end. My heart is broken, my life is lonely, but I know I will always love you…

45. I miss you a lot, and I miss you every day. I realize our time together is over, but there will never be another that I love as much as you. Your lips are soft like the petals of a rose, and the taste of your kisses is like honey.

46. Words cannot describe how I feel. Your smile, your laugh, and the thought of you no longer being a part of my life make me want to cry. You mean so much to me, more than anyone else. That’s why I just can’t let you go. I don’t know what to do.

47. I miss you so much. I wish we didn’t have to be so many miles apart. You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever known, and it’s a shame that our relationship had to end in such a negative way. I hate that you were so unhappy, and I really hope one day you can be happy again.

48. Falling in love was easy; it was a walk in the park. But staying in love is no easy task… I don’t know how to tell you that I miss you. I miss your presence, touch, laughing, and even talking with you on the phone. I’m missing the daily dose of craziness that only you can provide…

49. You will always be the one who will remain in my heart, in my soul and my mind. Just looking at your photos, I can still see your smile, the sparkle of your eyes and the warmth of your touch. Remember always, you are the only one I have ever loved, and no other can ever take your place. I love you and miss you!

50. I miss you so much. I wish I could remember all our moments together. I know that someday, everything will return to normal, and we will be back to laughing and smiling. It will be like no time has passed at all.

51. I miss holding you in my arms. I miss walking around the house and feeling your hair brush against me as we walk. I miss sitting on the couch, glued to each other and watching movies.

52. I wish I could stop missing you. I miss everything about us. I miss being close to you, having you in my arms, hearing your heartbeat, talking to you and watching our love grow. Our song was always playing in the background, and now it seems empty, but I still love it.

53. I miss us. I miss our laughs, kisses, and late-night talks. I miss everything about you. I miss being in love with you. I wanted to lay next to you on the beach, counting how many freckles are on your face by candlelight.

54. I miss your touch; I feel lost without you! I long for returning those soft lips and arms I used to hold tight at night when we would lay in bed watching movies and cuddling.

It’s good to see you are here for these miss being in a relationship quotes that will help you express how much you miss being with someone you love. I hope you found one or two quotes that hit it for you.

Please share with your friends and loved ones.

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