You Are Always Special to Me Quotes

Not everyone is lucky enough to have people who care about them. Not everyone is lucky to have families or lovers who would do anything to make them smile.

As someone who has been blessed to find a special someone, you’d want them to know just how much joy they’ve brought to your heart and how special you think they are.

These you are always special to me quotes are perfect for telling your mom, dad, sibling, lover, and friend just how much they mean to you. What’s more, they help strengthen the relationship you have with them.

Waste no time; select the most suitable quote for you below:

You are always special to me quotes are quotes used to express deep love for the people we care about, say, family members, spouses, or friends. This kind of quote can strengthen the bond between you and those you love even without doing so much.

1. You are always special to me, no matter how many people I meet. Plus, I’ll always be there for you, my darling.

2. You are always special to me, even when we have been through the hardest times. You will always be my sweet one.

3. You are always special to me, so I want you to know that I would not trade you for anything in the world.

4. You are so special to me. I am always grateful for your presence in my life, even when you’re not around.

5. We all have a little bit of something that makes us special, and no matter what you do, I will always be proud to call you mine.

6. I will always remember that you are special to me. Be the love of my life forever.

7. I am always there when you need me, no matter where you are or what time it is. You are always special to me.

8. Your love is my motivation. Your support is my inspiration. Your smiles are my sunshine. And your laughter is my reward! You are super special to me.

9. I know how difficult it is to keep up with life and the people in it. I don’t forget how hard you’ve tried, or how much you mean to me.

10. No matter where you are, whatever you choose to do, or whom you become, I’ll always see the beauty in you. You are always special to me.

11. I may not always know why, but I will always be here for you.

12. Always remember to take time for yourself; you are special.

13. You are always special to me. You make my heart smile; I can’t wait to see what happens next.

14. You are always special to me. You will always have a place in my heart, and I hope that someday you realize it.

15. You are always special to me. All of your moments were momentous, and yours, they were mine. There is no greater joy than to see how you grow and how I’m in the right place because of it.

16. You are always special to me. I will never forget that.

17. You are always special to me, and I’ll never stop thinking of you when I look at the stars.

18. I know that no matter how much time you may have left, you are always special to me.

19. You’re always special to me because you’re my best friend.

20. You are special to me. And I’m so blessed that you are in my life. I love you forever.

21. You are always special to me. You are a beautiful, strong, and talented person that I am proud to call my daughter.

22. You are always special to me. No matter how many times I say that, it always makes my heart soar with happiness and excitement.

23. You are always special to me, even when you’re feeling down. I’m here for you, no matter what.

24. You are always going to be my special person; I’m never going to get over you.

25. No matter how old you get or what you do, I will always see you as a little kid.

26. I believe that you are special to me, and I will do everything I can to be sure that you know it.

27. I’m so glad to have you in my life. Life is better with you. I love you!

28. No matter what I do, you will always be my number one.

29. You are special. Like no one else, you have your own unique form of greatness—the kind that can’t be taught. You’re beautiful, funny, wise, and compassionate—your own special brand of greatness to the world.

30. I give thanks for the moments we spent together, the ones I was able to see, and the ones that you chose to share. I love you.

31. I will always remember you as the sun that kept my days bright and warm. You’re always special to me.

32. You are always special to me. I hope you know your worth and never let anyone tell you otherwise.

33. You are always special to me. I’m so grateful for being able to watch over you, give you all of my love and support, and guide you on your journey through life.

34. You are always special to me, you are my best friend, and I will always care for you.

35. You are always special to me because you have found a way to be yourself. So keep on being that way!

36. No matter how hard I try, no matter how much I change, you’re always going to be special to me.

37. I will always think of you as a special kind of miracle that happened to me.

38. You always put a sparkle in my eyes. You are more than special in my life.

39. No matter what size you are, no matter how much weight you’ve lost or gained, I am always here for you. You are loved and cherished.

40. I’m so glad that you’re a part of my life, and I’m so glad that you’re here with me.

41. You are the reason I smile. You are the reason I dance. And you are the reason that I’m okay. You’re so special, and I feel super special to have you.

42. You are always special to me. Always the best part of my day. A little lighter and happier with each new day.

43. You are always special to me. Thank you for being part of my life.

44. You are always special to me, and it’s true. I’ll love you until the clock stops ticking.

45. You are always special to me because you’re the best part of me.

46. No matter how many people tell me that I’m not, you are always special to me.

47. I’m grateful for you, and I want you to know that. You’re always special to me.

48. No matter how busy life gets, you will always be special to me. I love you.

49. I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me, but there are no words that can adequately express it.

50. I love you not because of who you are but because of who I am when I am with you. You are always special to me.

51. You are always special to me. No matter what, you will always have a special place in my heart.

52. You are always special to me. Even when the world is telling you that you’re not good enough, my heart knows better.

53. You are always special to me. I know you have big dreams, and I love seeing your hard work pay off! Let’s keep working together for your dreams.

54. You are always special to me, more than you can ever know. I hope I can show you how much someday.

55. My heart is yours, do to it what you will. You are always special to me.

56. No matter how many people try to make you feel otherwise, you are always special to me.

57. There is no one like you, and I love everything about you. You are beautiful, smart, and kind. You deserve all the happiness in the world!

58. Your smile, hugs, and little words of encouragement mean the world to me. I love you a ton. You are super special to me.

59. Even when you don’t know it, I am there. Always. I love you so much, and I am so glad to have you in my life.

60. Thank you for giving me your time. You are always special to me.

61. You are always special to me. You are unique, and you’ve got a great heart. You’re beautiful, and I can’t wait to see where life takes us.

62. You are always special to me. You’re the most important person in my life, and I will protect you, love you and cherish you with everything I have.

63. You are always special to me. You are my world, my life, and the light of my eyes. Love you, baby.

64. You are always special to me, even when you’re not. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep us together.

65. You are always special to me because you make me fresh every morning. You fill me with hope and laughter. You remind me that love is a beautiful thing and that it can come from anyone.

66. You’re always special to me, regardless of what’s going on in your life. I love you no matter what.

67. I will always think of you as my friend, lover, and one of the best women I know. You are always special to me.

68. You are special to me for all the ways you make me feel, whether it be bringing some of your friends along or just being there for us. I love you so much.

69. You are always special to me. I think of you often, wondering what your life is like. I hope you are well and doing great things—and that you know how much I care about you.

70. You are always special to me, you know that? Even if you’re going through a tough time or having a hard day, I want you to know that I’m always thinking about you.

71. You are always special to me. No matter how many times I tell myself you are different from the rest, it is never enough.

72. You are always special to me, so you should feel comfortable in my space.

73. I am so grateful to have someone like you in my life. You are always special to me, no matter what.

74. I love you because you are always special to me. You are the greatest gift I have ever received.

75. I believe that I’m always special to you. No matter what. You are one of a kind, and I love and appreciate you for everything you do.

76. Your friendship means the world to me. You are more than special to me.

77. I’m always here for you. I promise never to stop loving you, my special one.

78. I love you more than I can ever express. You are always special to me.

79. You are always special to me. I am so grateful for your friendship and the fun times we have together.

80. You are always a special person to me—someone who makes me smile and feel better every single day. I love you.

81. You are always special to me, no matter the number of times we have met.

82. You are always special to me, don’t ever forget that.

83. You’re always special to me. Thank you for sharing your story with me, and know that I will never forget that day in the park when you talked to me!

84. You are the most special person in my life. I would never want you to feel like you aren’t enough. You are beautiful and extraordinary and perfect just the way you are, no matter what other people say!

85. I think of your smile and how it brightens up my day. I think of the way you always help others and how that’s something I wish more people did. Thank you for being the special person you are to me.

86. You’re so special to me. There’s no one else like you in the world, and I’m just glad that I get to be with you.

87. I love you because the way I feel about you is unique and special, not because I’m so different from all the other guys out there.

88. You are always special to me. You are beautiful, talented, and fierce. I am truly grateful that you have chosen me as your partner in this journey.

89. You are always special to me, no matter how many times I tell you that—there’s always a special reason why.

90. You are always special to me, even though you’re different from everyone else. You’re special to me because you are unique and have an amazing self.

91. You are always special to me, even if you don’t feel like it. I know that life can get tough, but never forget how amazing you are. You deserve happiness, love, and respect. You are beautiful on the inside and out.

92. You are always special to me, even though you may not always see it.

93. Your smile is a gift that shines forever. It’s always special to me!

94. You are always going to be my special little girl, even if that means I have to get in touch with my feelings a little bit more.

95. You are not just the person I love; you’re the person I grew up with. I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.

96. Your unique personality, style, and voice are the most striking things about you. You are super special to me.

97. Your personality is what makes you special. You’re cool and calm, confident in your ability to make good decisions.

98. You are always special to me. I can do things with you that no one else can. And when everyone’s too busy to notice you, I’m always here to tell you that you’re special.

99. You are always special to me, no matter what happens. You keep me grounded and teach me what love means. All the hurt I have caused you has taught me so much about myself, and I am so thankful for you.

100. I think of you every time I look at the stars. You are always special to me. You’re never too old for hugs and kisses, and I always want to hug you long and tight, my darling.

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