10 Most Common Scholarship Interview Questions and Answers You Should Explore

10 Most common scholarship interview questions and answers

The awarding institution may ask you to submit the application in person. Your answers in preparing for a scholarship interview will be useful in determining the eligibility. This post outlines the common interview questions you may ask for scholarships in order to apply for a scholarship. In other words:


It’s fantastic if you’ve gotten to the point where you’ve been invited to a scholarship interview. It indicates that you have been chosen as the scholarship recipient.

The University Board of Trustees would like to de-mystify the significance of this scholarship for you. They want to know how the scholarship will help you achieve your career ambitions.

So, before you can claim your scholarship, you must first complete an interview. We’re guessing you were preparing for a scholarship interview.

Your answers will be used by the university to determine your eligibility.


  1. Tell us about your background!
  2. What do you consider to be your greatest strength?
  3. What is your most serious flaw?
  4. Why do you think you’re deserving of this scholarship?
  5. In five years, where do you see yourself?

Scholarship interview questions and answers

If you have a scholarships interview coming up then stick to this because I’ll be dishing out tips that’ll definitely help you succeed.

This is what we’ll cover on this post.

  • A list of top scholarships interview questions you should prepare for.
  • Brilliant Unique answers to tough interview questions
  • Best tips on how to standout during your scholarships interview

Your GPA and SAT don’t tell the whole admissions story

How to answer scholarship interview questions?

This is the place to go for a step-by-step instruction on how to answer the most common scholarship interview questions, along with sample replies. We’ll go over some of the most common scholarship interview questions and replies.

Who are you?

What are your academic and career goals?

Tip – They’re asking this question to check if you have a strategy. What are your plans once you graduate from college? It’s a fantastic move if you can illustrate how this scholarship will help you achieve your career goals.

For instance, my ultimate ambition is to own a farm. When I was a kid, my grandparents had a small farm, and I used to adore going there. I learned the value of growing food for a community as a result of that experience. Iowa State University’s agricultural science programme is nationally famous, thus I’d like to study there. I intend to work at a local farm after graduation to acquire enough money to start my own fields. I’m even thinking about donating some.

Tell us about your greatest strength and greatest weakness

This is guaranteed to come up during your scholarship interview.

Tip – Talk about different strengths that you have that will help you achieve your academic goals and your future career in your answer to this question.

Then give just one weakness that you can improve upon during your academic studies.

Here is a great answer to help you.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths include my abilities to apply myself to a given task. This means I will always achieve my goals, I am a good planner and organizer and I know what I need to do to get to where I want to be.

Other strengths include the fact that I am a supportive person, and I am a positive, enthusiastic person. I would like to think I am good to be around.

And my weakness is that I currently don’t feel confident when speaking in front of other people. This is something I would like to overcome because it will be important in my future career.

If ever there is an opportunity to give a presentation during my studies, then I would very much like to give it a try and see if I can improve.

This is a very clever answer for this question because you’ve talked about many strengths you have and then just one weakness that will do you no harm. You are saying you are open to improving on that weakness.

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Tell me the biggest achievement of your life?

Tip – Use this chance to discuss a major achievement or project on which you worked. Explain why it was significant to you in addition to the achievement.

“I am an editor on the yearbook staff at my school, and we received the Interscholastic Award for Best Yearbook last year.” Because we were unsure if there would be a yearbook near the end of the school year, receiving this award has been one of my proudest moments.

We had to find a new printer in mid-March due to budget concerns, but we overcame those challenges and kept our commitment to quality to produce a beautiful and meaningful yearbook.”

Tell me the biggest mistake

They’re searching for self-awareness of your weaknesses, similar to naming a flaw about yourself. No human being is without flaws. They’ll want you to explain what you’ve learned from your mistakes, which is even more crucial. What other ways has that experience helped you grow as a person?

For instance, when I was in seventh grade, I destroyed our rival school’s windows by spraypainting our emblem on them. Even though I was in a lot of trouble at the time, I’m glad I got caught in the end. I was grounded and required to clean the windows on a Saturday, in addition to being barred from extracurricular activities, which meant I couldn’t compete with my baseball team. My coaches and teammates were devastated, and I knew I’d disappointed them.

I learned a valuable lesson from that mistake: that not only will my actions have consequences, but they can have a negative impact on the people I care about. Ever since then, I’ve definitely thought things through before doing them.

Tell us about yourself

Tips – Now when describing yourself during this first interview question, concentrate on what you are as a person, your future ambitions and what you do in your spare time.

Here’s a great answer to help

Tell me about yourself

I’m a very positive and happy person who has the mindset that you only get out of life what you are prepared to put in.
Although I’m young, I have big ambitions for my future and I know the only way I will achieve This is if I work hard. I persevere, and I am prepared to listen and learn.
Outside my studies, I keep myself fit and active, and I enjoy spending time with my family. I also enjoy reading both fiction and nonfiction books, and I usually dedicate some time to my own personal development.

I understand numerous students apply for these scholarships, and I would hope that my future ambitions and my promise that I will be totally committed to my studies make me a strong applicant.

Typically, interviewers know very little or nothing about you; they have only seen your scholarship application form, and therefore there are two extremely critical things to highlight when introducing yourself.

  1. Your desire to attend a specific college.
  2. Your financial situation, which prevents you from pursuing your ambition.

At this point, stick to data and facts and avoid playing with emotions. Simply indicate the amount of money your household earns and how it is spent (siblings education, paying debts etc.).

Furthermore, briefly describe your financial circumstances and why you require the scholarship.

Who is your role model?

Your response to this question can reveal to your interviewer what kind of person you aspire to be in the future. Family members, teachers, historical figures, politicians, activists, and others can serve as role models.

Describe why you admire that person and which of their characteristics you want to emulate.

“My role model is my late grandfather, who established his own textile company at the age of 25 and built it into a thriving business.”

He was a talented man who built his idea from the bottom up and devoted his life to giving back to the community. He prioritised the success of his firm over spending time with his family at times, but I admire how late in his career he ultimately discovered work-life balance. He’s a great guy.

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Why do you deserve this scholarship?

I believe I deserve this scholarship because I have genuine achievable plans for my career, and I understand I will only achieve those if I apply myself throughout my studies.

I’ve been reading a book, and it has taught me the importance of applying yourself and being consistent in the work you do and making sure you do it to the right standards.

If I am fortunate enough to get this scholarship, then I will be 101% committed to my studies. And I will repay the trust you will have shown in me by being a model student, by supporting others and by ensuring that I achieve my goals.

This is a brilliant answer to the question above, it’s a positive and confident response to this common scholarship interview question.

Why did you choose this school or program?

Tip – If you can demonstrate there has been a logical thought process behind you choosing their school to study, it shows you are serious about being successful because you have a plan in place, and that’s essential because to be successful you have to have a plan.

Here is a brief positive response to this question.

Why have you picked this school?

I have selected this school because from what I have heard and read during my research, the environment is conducive to productive learning, the teachers, and lecturers are highly regarded and experienced in their subject area, and you clearly support your students, so they can achieve their goals.

Although I will be a good student and I will work hard to achieve my academic goals, this won’t be possible unless I have a positive environment to learn and study.
And this is the only school I want to be at.

This is an excellent answer for this scholarship interview question.

With zeal in your voice, respond to this question by discussing your future ambitions and what you intend to do after you graduate and receive your degree.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Tip – This question is intended to find out how goal-oriented you are. Before pursuing their scholarship chances, every Postgraduate student has a vision for himself or herself.

As a result, the judges would be interested in hearing about yours. So, in this instance, you’d describe your passion, connect it to your future ambitions, and explain how the scholarship will help you.


Numbers fascinate me. And I always like providing financial advice to business people. That is why, in five years, I intend to start my own audit firm.

I’m now working on earning all of the credentials and licences I’ll need to realise my ambition. As a result, a master’s degree in financial accounting will provide me with the information I need to accomplish my goals.

Who is your role model?

Tip – You must describe a person in your life who has had a significant impact on you. It could be a family member, a friend, a senior colleague, or a public figure. In any case, you must state and explain why you admire him or her, as well as possibly provide an example of his or her merits.

The University board will be able to observe how capable you are of portraying your sponsor’s beliefs in this way.

Example of a perfect Response:

Candy Hammer is someone I admire. She is the author of numerous personal development books that have influenced my thinking and motivated me to become a better version of myself.

I once sent her an email expressing my gratitude. And she answered! A one-on-one life coaching session was held. I was delighted to meet this modest person. Since then, I’ve been ecstatic, but more motivated than ever to encourage personal growth in others around me.

Other Questions

What would you like to know?

Tell me about your leadership experience

What is your dream job?

Tell us something about yourself no one else knows

Have you participated in school activities?

Who do you admire?

Ready for the interview?

What is your favorite subject in school?

Tell me the most meaningful experience you have had in school?

Tell me the best way to describe yourself?

What is your favorite book and why?

Tell me the greatest achievement of your life?

Why are you the best candidate for this scholarship?

Disclaimer - This is solely based on the authors research and other resources from external sources.