You Are Always in My Prayers Quotes

With the fast-running life, very few people find time to express their love and care through quotes, poems, or any other text, but they always do it out of their heart. While dealing with someone throughout our life cycle, we also feel an urge to express to them our care and concern for their growth through some such things as you are always in my prayers quotes.

God listens to the words you express through prayer. Words are powerful and can carry great weight in the kingdom of God. That’s why every Christian must be careful about what he or she says regarding prayer. Prayer is the best way to support, care and encourage your dear friend/brother/sister. To heal the pain, to breathe life again into a dead relationship, to protect our children from misfortunes. God gives us many ways to pray for our loved ones. Prayers are the great fuels of the soul. There can be no keener spur to human endeavour than the feeling that helped our forefathers achieve what they did.

You can use these you are always in my prayers quotes to express your love and care for your family, friends and loved ones. When you don’t have time for saying anything but you want to let that special person know that you care about him/her or thank him/her for something, just write down these special You are always in my prayers quotes and place them somewhere he or she will see them.

I hope you realize how much I care about you and want to be there for you whenever you need someone. Thank you for being a part of my life. You are always in my prayers. May the Lord hear your prayers and open new doors for you. May He shower you with blessings and give you wisdom and understanding. In times of doubt, may He be the courage you require to move ahead.

1. You are always in my prayers, even if I’m not on your mind. Stay strong, stay beautiful and stay safe until we meet again. You are in my prayers every day. I may not always know what to say, but I’m thinking about you.

2. You are always in my prayers. I am grateful for the blessing. In my life and I always look forward to what God has in store. Your prayers are always in my thinking, so I thank you from the deepest part of my heart.

3. You’re always in my thoughts and prayers; I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you. I’ll always think of you and pray for you. I am thinking of you today and every day.

4. You’re in my prayers. I love you. I am always thinking of you and wishing you the best. I hope you’re feeling better soon. I love you and think about you often.

5. I’m grateful for your presence. Everyone hopes your day is filled with happiness and love! It’s a pleasure to know that I’m always on your mind. The world is a better place when we have you in it.

6. I am praying for you and everyone in your life. Have a blessed day, and remember that God’s love never ends. I am praying for you always and everywhere.

7. I pray for a peaceful life and good health: I pray that my family will stay together, that we will have good friends and relatives, that our finances will grow rich, and that the government will do what is best for its citizens.

8. Your light will always shine through me. I pray that God fills you with His joy and peace, just as He has done for me. I pray for the courage to accept and love yourself. Your journey in life is not just your own; it is the journey of us all.

9. May your days be bright, your nights restful, and your heart full of joy. Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing great and you are always in my thoughts, prayers, and love.

10. I am grateful that you are always in my prayers. I pray that you will always be near us, helping us do your work and blessing us with your love!

11. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Your life is always in God’s hands, and I am here for you whenever you need me. I want to keep you in my thoughts, prayers, and love.

12. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I love you. You are all I think about, all I pray about, and all that I love. I think about you all the time and hope that you are safe and doing well.

14. May you be showered with blessings, and may you prosper and find happiness in life. May you always know that I care. May you be abundantly blessed; may you prosper and find joy in life. May you always know that we care.

15. May you always know that I care. May the angels bless you and keep you. May God lift his countenance upon thee and give thee peace.

16. We thank you for being part of our lives, and we pray that we will be generous and loving in return. May you always know that we care.

17 May the grace of our Lord shower you and bless you today. May you prosper, be happy, and always know that I’m here for you. I hope you will be showered with blessings, and I wish the best for you and your family.

18. May your life be filled with the blessing and happiness you deserve, and may it also be a blessed one, as you are our most treasured friend. May the glory of heaven shine down on you and your family today. May His presence bring you everlasting happiness.

19. May the Lord hear your prayers, increase your faith and open new doors for you. Open a new gateway to wisdom and understanding in Jesus’s Name. In times of doubt, may He be the strength you need to move forward.

20. May the Lord hear your prayers and lead you to new opportunities. May He give you His tremendous blessings and fill you with infinite wisdom. In times of doubt, may He be the stability you need to move on.

21. May the Lord hear your prayers, give you wisdom and understanding and shower you with blessings. May He open new doors for you, be your strength, and guide you in the right directions.

22. May the Lord bless you and love you. May He always guide you. May He open new doors for you and give you wisdom, courage, grace, and understanding.

24. Bless those who pray to you with all their hearts. Touch their families. Give them strength and wisdom in times of doubt. And most of all, open new doors for them.

25. We pray that the Lord opens doors for you and blesses you. We pray that the Lord blesses you with wisdom, understanding, and strength.

26. We pray that God will open all doors He wants you to walk through. We pray that He generously blesses you and gives you wisdom, understanding, and strength.

27. May the Lord open your heart, mind, and soul to let His light shine. May He guide you through this time and give you the peace and confidence you need. May He keep you from harm and remind you of His blessings.

28. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He show you His favour and be merciful to you. May He turn His face toward you and give you peace.

29. Dear God, I’m coming to you today. May he help you make better decisions, guide your life, and give you a blessed future. Blessings to you on your birthday.

30. Dear Lord, that for all my blessings and your grace. May I be more patient with those who seek my attention, and may I always put others before me.

31. We thank thee, O Lord, for thy many blessings. We are especially grateful for one another and for life’s gift. Grant us the wisdom to realize that being here and now is all we need. The past is gone; the future is yet to come. What matters is here and now.

32. I feel like God is constantly looking out for you, and I hope your faith carries you through your challenges. I am forever reaching for your love with the devotion and persistence of a religious sinner.

33. I pray that God will bless you with peace, love, and wisdom. May God bless you with peace, love, and wisdom. I pray that the Lord bless you with His peace and love. May his wisdom guide your way.

34. Dear Lord, I pray you will bless me with peace, love, and wisdom. I ask that you open my heart to these things and remove anything that stands in the way of experiencing these blessings.

35. Dear Lord, I pray you to walk with me through my life journey. May your light shine upon me and guide me toward peace, love, and, most importantly, wisdom.

36. May God’s blessings be upon you! Dear Lord, I pray you will bless them with money and good health. May the warmth of God’s love fill your heart with peace and joy. May you always know how blessed you are.

37. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he look upon you with favour and give you peace. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

38. Dear Lord, please watch over my family and me. Inspire us to lead a life in peace, love, and joy. Blessed are those who have been called by the Lord, chosen and consecrated by God.

39. I thank God for hearing my prayers and bringing you into my life. You are an example to me of true love, and I thank you for the love we share.

40. This beautiful prayer is a unique jewellery piece that will be treasured for years. O Lord, please watch over your son/daughter as they take these steps along the road of life. May they find grace and peace in You. Amen

41. You are always in my heart, prayers for peace and happiness. I pray for you every day and night. I pray that your heart will be filled with God’s love and presence.

42. I pray that your heart will be filled with God’s love and presence. I ask God to bless you, heal, restore and rebuild you.

43. I pray for you every day. May God protect your heart, and may you always feel the presence of His love. My heart cries out for you and your family. Please know that I am praying for you, that God’s love and His presence continue to fill your heart.

44. Dear God, I pray for you today. I pray that you will find comfort in knowing God is always with you, and He loves you. I also pray that your heart will be filled with the love of Christ and His presence in your life.

45. May God’s love surrounds you, and His presence is with you daily. God is the source of love and joy; with Him, your heart will always be filled with love and joy. Always surround yourself with people who care for you and want to see you succeed.

46. My dear friend, I thank you for the joy you bring to my life and for the favour you have in God’s eyes. This is a prayer for you during this difficult time. I pray that your heart can rest in knowing that God loves you.

47. Father, bless my friend with Your unfailing love and presence. I will be praying for you and your family. I am always here for you, no matter what happens in your life.

48. Lord Jesus, I come before you today and ask for your forgiveness. I pray that you will give me a fresh start as I begin this day in your presence. Thank you for your unfailing love and blessing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

49. Dear God, we pray that your love is with us. I’m grateful for the gift of life, and I pray for all who have been touched by cancer. May the good Lord always keep you in his thoughts and prayers.

50. I hope that you always have a safe journey and that you’re always with the ones you love. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

51. May you always be in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and your family. I’m praying for your strength, courage, and peace and praying for you, my lovely friend.

52. I’m praying for you right now. Thank you for your unwavering faith and support. Your strength and perseverance are always inspiring. May all your wishes and dreams come true. I want to bless you with everything that makes you happy.

53. God knows and cares about all your needs. Pray for continued protection, healing, and provision. The Lord is always with you. You are the light

54. May God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, and may He give you peace.

55. Lord, I pray that everyone around me is blessed with joy, peace, and abundance. May you always be filled with the joy of giving, the peace of serving, and the love of sharing.

56. I’m going to tell you something today, when I’m no longer with you, I hope and pray that every single day, you remember how much I love you.

57. Those who have not yet found their voice will find it in prayer. Thank you for the prayers; they are like a second heartbeat. I pray that you will have the joy of a peaceful Thanksgiving and a Happy New Year.

58. You are always in my prayers. I will never forget you. I lift you and your family in my daily prayers. May God bless and keep you safe.

59. Praying that all your dreams and wishes come true, may GOD bestow his blessings upon you. May God keep you under his loving care always.

60. God bless you with love, kindness, and peace. May the Lord continue to shower his blessings on you. May he keep you safe from all harm and fill your life will joy.

61. May the Lord guide your life and give you strength in times of difficulty. There is nothing that can break the bonds of our love.

62. May you always be blessed with joy and prosperity. May this day be blessed with many graces from our Lord, and may you always find peace in a Savior who promises never to leave you.

63. Dear Lord, watch over my friend in their time of need. Give them the hope, comfort, and peace only you can provide. I hope you are safe and well. I’m here for you if you ever need anything, and I’ll be praying for your health and happiness.

64. Lord, thank you for your blessing in my life. Thank you for helping me through everything I go through. Thank you for loving me despite my faults.

65. God, I pray for this person to grow in Your love and wisdom daily. Lord, I ask you to bless this person’s life with everything good. You are always with them and in their life. Praise You, Lord! Amen!

66. I’m grateful for your unconditional love and prayers. I pray that God’s peace will be with you and give you the strength to overcome all the obstacles in life.

67. Thank you, Lord, for always being there in my times of need. Thank you for never giving up on me. I love and appreciate you so much. I pray for you every day to see the face of God in you.

68. Every day, I pray that the strength to be your best self will not fade. You are in my prayers for a peaceful and healthy holiday season.

69. Your love never fails or falters; it always shines brightly. Your light guides me. My prayers are with you, for whatever your quest may be.

70. May the angels lead you to victory and peace. May the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, rest upon your heart. I pray for your strength and wisdom to guide you in all things.

71. You are always in my prayers. I pray that God blesses you with all the happiness, health, and wealth of the world. God is great!

72. May God bless and keep you safe; may he fill your heart with joy and peace. You are always in my prayers. I’m praying for you; God be with you

73. May the Lord be with you. May God touch you with His healing hand, and May He grant you strength and comfort every day. Let His love surround you and give you peace.

74. Please give me strength in these difficult times. I know now is not the right time, but I need your help. You are always in my prayers. I pray for your healing, strength, and peace.

75. You are always in my thoughts, prayers, and loving appreciation. I send you my love and prayers during this difficult time.

76. You are always in God’s presence. He hears you and holds you in high regard. He is pleased with your life and knows the days ahead of you.

78. You are my love, joy, peace, and purpose. I’m so grateful for all you do for me. As you await tomorrow’s dawn, I pray that Our Lord will grant you His peace and protection.

79. I would like to pray for you: may God bless all your days. You do good deeds, and may the LORD bestow his goodness on you, my dear friend.

80. I pray that God blesses your dag and the year ahead. I know you are struggling and have been for a long time, but please know that I pray for you daily.

81. May God guides you when you are in harm, in the shadow of his wings, protect you, not just from evil but also from fear. I love you, and I’ll always be praying for you.

82. I’m grateful for you, and I’ll always be praying for you. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you always. Thank you for being in my life, and I hope you are happy. I’m thinking of you, and I’m praying for you.

83. I’ll pray that you find the peace and comfort you seek. I’m grateful for you, and I’ll always be praying for you.
I’m thinking about you, and I hope all goes well.

84. The Lord will bless you and keep you. The Lord will make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord will turn his face toward you and give you peace.

85. Thank you for everything you do. I’m so grateful to be a part of your life. I pray that you are blessed in all you’re doing. May God give you strength and peace. May you feel His presence and the comfort of His love.

86. I pray for you and your family regularly. May the good Lord bless you and keep you safe. All my love. I hope I haven’t bothered you with this request. Please forgive me for my shortcoming. I’m praying for you.

87. Lord, please comfort your child, who may be feeling overwhelmed. Please show them a sign that they are not alone and that you love them.

88. In a world full of many problems, your prayers are the only thing that gives me hope. I ask for your prayers as I embark on this new stage of life. Thank you for always being there for me.

89. I’m grateful for all the blessings God has given me, and I’ll always lift you in prayer. I pray that you will have a wonderful day and that God is with you every step of the way.

90. If you don’t spend time in prayer, you miss an opportunity to grow in your relationship with God. I’m praying for you, and so are all of us.

91. I pray for the strength and courage to be strong in my faith, hope, and love.
Your constant prayer may work in me an awareness of you so that a divine use may enhance the whole of my being.

92. I pray for the strength to endure. I pray for the courage to overcome. I pray for wisdom in knowing what is right and wrong and that my actions are not merely in line with my beliefs.

93. I will lift my hands to you, God, so your love may be over all the earth, just as you are over all the earth. You are always in my prayers.

94. You are always in my prayers. If you feel you can’t pray for me, pray for the people around you. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

95. I pray for your peace. You are always in my prayers. May your every thought be a reprieve from doubt and fear—May your life sparkle with the blessing of God.

96. You are always in my prayers. May I be the instrument of your will and serve you in every moment with complete devotion. Lift your heart to the Lord and let Him guide you through this

97. I am sending blessings and strength from above to you and your loved ones through this difficult time. You are always in my prayers

98. Someone is always in my prayers. A special prayer for you to lift your spirits and give you peace. May your morning be filled with warm thoughts, peaceful mornings, and a smile on your face.

99. I’m sharing these quotes because they keep my busy thoughts in check; they remind me; that matter what is happening in my life and what’s going on with others around me, I am always in your heart and prayers.

100. I pray that in all I do and say, I will always put others first so they can live a better life. I lift my eyes to the hills and behold. The same approach I’ve always had in prayer, to God first, with my family in mind.

I hope this collection of you are always in my prayer helps you in some way. You can use it and share it with your friends or family – especially on that special occasion or with those who are very special to you. I know that you like to share beautiful quotes and prayers. And, who knows, maybe one of these quotes will touch someone’s life, someone who is far away from you now, but when he/she reads it, he/she will think of you, and your prayers will become more powerful. That is why I love writing quotes so much – because I know that something good always happens due to it.

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