Happy New Month Prayers for Lover (October 2022)

It is no surprise that you want to always serenade your lover at every given opportunity. I personally believe it is one of the obligations you have to uphold as long as you are in a relationship and your partner means a lot to you.

It is beautiful that there is a new month around the corner, which gives you the opportunity to show just how much you care about your lover. Starting the month with powerful prayers can make the month a beautiful and blessed one for you and your lover.

With these October 2022 most powerful happy new month prayers for lovers below, you need not worry about the choice of words to use. Just copy the messages and send to your lover and then, watch as the month unfolds in an indescribable beauty and immeasurable blessings.


Give your lover the best chance to begin and end this month on the best feelings ever. Pray their way into the month from the beginning of the month and expect them to end it in praises and testimonies. Share the Happy new month prayers and messages with your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife and make him or her feel extremely loved by you.

1. A very happy new month to you
I see how hard you work and how much you push for positive changes where ever you find yourself. These qualities were and are still the things that keep me in awe of your person – I hope that the new month is kind enough to help you be better and eventually reach your goals. I wish you a very happy new month.

2. May the month be as beautiful as you
This past month has been a true gut punch for me because you have been constantly absent. I hope to have a better month with you around. Happy new month to the one who makes life worth living and everything beautiful at its time.

3. Have a month as amazing as you
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a month that brings you and all that is your full-blown love, joy and unending happiness. There shall be an inflow of good tidings for you. Happy new month, lover.

4. Have a wonderful month
A lot has happened since the beginning of the year – I must say that nothing prepared me for the day you said yes to my proposal and that till today, it will go down in history as the day among many that have changed my life for good. Who else would I be wishing a new month, if not the one who has impacted my life positively with love? Have a wonderful month, lover.

5. This is your month
I have learned a lot these past few days; thanks to you. I think and believe you deserve to get as much grace as you have dished out in the past. This month is your month. This month, we are doing exploits and making our lives count. Happy new month, my lover.

6. May your wish come to fruition
I never thought this day would come; but, here I am helplessly in love with the man I met a few days ago. You, my dear, have helped me to see life clearly and I wish that that much is done for you in the coming month.

7. Cheers to doing exploit this month
We have had celebrations in bulk since the beginning of the year – here is another opportunity to celebrate life and the love that we share and you should know that I am jumping on it and taking it as a chance to celebrate you, who is the love of my life. Happy new month, lover.

8. May you always rejoice
I believe that you deserve to have a beautiful new month – you are a good person and so you deserve only good tidings. May you have a reason to always rejoice in the month to come. Happy new month loveliest, love.

9. May the next 30 days be great
There is no mistake that my love for you is sure – going into the new month will not change that. But, I desperately want it to speed up goodness in your life. This month and beyond, you will have days as beautiful as you. Happy new month, my love.

10. Hopeful month
I am hopelessly in love with you and helplessly taken by the way you show it. Continue being yourself and we have nothing to worry about as a couple. Happy new month. This is the time where all hopeless situations receive miraculous turn around. Happy new month, my love.

11. May this month be a beginning of good tidings in your life and mine, happy new month to the love of my life

12. May all that is you and everything that means something to you be well represented in this coming month.

13. One of God’s most resolute blessings in the past month has to be giving me yourself in full-blown love. I am grateful and pray that you never lose your shine.

14. I do not take your presence in my life for granted at all. As a matter of fact, I have decided to guide you jealously with prayers and conscious effort. May this new month bring you joy.

15. I love the way you love me like no other does. I love the way you say my name compare to every other person and I love that you are the man of my dream. I wish you a great new month.

16. It is a new month- you are probably thinking about all the list of things you have to achieve this month. I would say, stop overthinking and get ready because it is going to be a great month.

17. I wish from the depth of my soul and the bottom of my heart that you get all your heart desires this new month.

18. My new month wishes are but a few; top on the list has to be my prayer that you get your utmost heart desire.

19. You will not only have a happy moment this new month, but you will also experience these happy moments with fervour and forever have a reason to love this new month.

20. I am very excited to be going into a new month with the love of my life. One of my favourite’s prayer is that we have a wonderful month together.

21. May this new month be the start of something great and the beginning of doing exploits for you and yours.

23. It is unmistakable how you make me feel and how much I am willing to show you mean the world to me.

24. There is no stopping you this new month. I see the zeal you are carrying into the month and I am convinced that you will own it – may the month bow at your feet.

25. May you take all the available strength that is embedded in this new month to get going and surpass human expectations?

26. My utmost desire apart from you being in my bed every night this coming month is that you get your reward for every tiny push you make

27. I pray for less rollercoaster in this new month – if I am asked, I believe that you have had enough ups and downs and now is the time to have your ups in abundance.

28. Life would be cruel without you beside me and that is how I know I already owe this month gratitude for bringing you and your work close to home. Now, all I need the month to do for you is to cooperate with all your handlings.

29. I hope that the universe agrees that you deserve the best things of life just for being. May you get what has been agreed upon.

30. I love you beyond words and may never be able to find what’s to affirm my feelings. My words are prayers that you never have a reason to cry or be sorrowful.

31. This is me wishing the woman that makes my life worthwhile the best things in this coming month.

32. I am the one for you as you are for me. I go into this new month with no iota of doubt in my heart that we will make things happen.

33. As we go into a new month, I wish that we learn better how to keep each other’s heart warm and body alive.

34. May this new day be the harbinger of good tidings for you and everyone you hold dear.

35. The end of this month marks the beginning of another. Soon, you will be celebrating another end. I hope that this cycle brings increased happiness for you.

36. I believe that you deserve to have the best life and this is why I never let any opportunity to wish you the best pass. Happy new month my dearest.

37. As you enter into a new day, new week and new month, I pray that you get new blessings and renewed joy.

38. I am so in love with you and how you make everything work around you. I wish you a month that is supportive of all your dreams.

39. I know now that you are the one I want to be spending all my days and nights with. I wish you a very happy new month and week.

40. There are more than a hundred things I love about you. Of all these, your smile comes first and that is exactly what I would like to always see on you. Happy new month, love.

41. It is a beautiful time in my life because I have you present with full-blown love. I am so grateful and I couldn’t have asked for a better life partner. May you be as happy as you make me this new month and beyond.

42. More than anything, I wish that all you lay your hands on this new month prosper and everything you aspire to become comes to you.

43. I wish you, who is the love that makes my heartbeat and my soul smile a great month and beautiful moments all through the month.

44. This is the beginning of a lot of good things in our lives – first, the day starts our love story and it also marks the beginning of a new month. The day is blessed, the month is blessed and so are we.

45. I wish you wonderful moments and days in this new month. I hope that you finish in grand style.

46. There is a grace that comes with the beginning of a new month. That kind of grace is the one I wish for you this new month – May you be positioned to receive it.

47. You are in the position to make me happy and you have used this position very well since I said yes to our love story. Thank you and remain progressive even as you celebrate the beginning of a new month.

48. If anyone deserves to have a very productive month, you do. And I pray that you get all that you deserve and more.

49. Everything is easier with you by my side. Every day is a great day with you as y love – that is how I know that this month holds promises to be great.

50. It feels so great to have woken up with the love of my life on the day that begins a new month. Happy new month, dearest.

51. I have had the best moments with you in the past few months. So, I am assured that we are good to go this new month. Enjoy the new month.

52. Hello darling, I hope you are having the time of your life on this day. I am sure you are – have fun this new month.

53. May this new month move you closer to your dream and aspirations in life? Happy new month, dear.

54. I wish you great joy and exceeding happiness as you move into a new month. Have a wonderful month, my love.

55. I am filled with zest and optimism for the new month – this is me channelling this oomph to the one that makes my heart warm. May you get your joy and happiness?

56. am in doubt about some things about life – my love for you is not one thing I doubt, I just want you to have that in mind as you move into the new month.

57. Everything you need to outlast all challenges and make the waves that will push you to greatness will be given to you.

58. I am convinced that I will be in love with you for a very long time and as long as the universe allows me. Do not doubt this ever. Happy new month.

59. May everything you stand for you back. May the things and people you give your time to work for you and with you in return. Happy new month to the love of my life.

60. As you paddle through and enter into a new month with boldness, I wish you the strength that you need to overcome.

61. May the things that stress you and give you worries be silenced this month with news of good tidings?

Wait. Do you need help on managing stress? Go and read this latest article on Better Help. You’ll thank me later!

62. There is a longing only joy can fill – may exceeding joy work for you and with you to put an end to your longing this new month.

63. It feels really great to be starting the new month with you and by you. Have a wonderful month dearest.

64. For the love that we share, let us have a month free of strife and argument – I just really wish we could both enjoy smooth moments this month.

65. I want to rest on your heart this month; I need to live more in your embrace and to make a home in your hug. So help me God.

66. I have had the best months with you this year – I hope this new one is even more wonderful.

67. I am a believer in a better tomorrow and so I am optimistic that this new month will be greater than the last.

68. I am done being wishy-washy about things that concern us; this month is for ascertaining and affirming that our love is here to last.

69. As the world evolves, our love will evolve. But, one thing it will never do is change. It is until aeon and I am chuffed that you are the one I will be sharing it with. Happy new month to us.

70. We have had some real life-altering moments in the past months – all good and dandy. What do you say to more incredible times together as a power couple?

71. You have taken me deeper than anyone I know as far as love is concerned and have shown me the world more than anyone as far as adventure is concerned. Than you. Thank you and happy new month to you.

72. am correct to call you mine – this new month is about taking bolds steps for me and I think I want to start by laying my claim on you. Happy new month to the one for me.

73. You are indubitably strong, charismatic and a wonder to behold – I am very lucky to be acquainted with your kind and to be the one you share your heart with. I wish you a very happy month.

74. This is me reminiscing about the last few weeks and also me wishing and praying that this month is even better for you.

75. Hello there! I hope your day is going on smoothly like mine. I just texted to wish you a happy day and new month.

76. I just thought of you – your smile, walk and persona. Whew! You, my dear, remain the one that I will always dream of. Happy new month.

77. Even after having a great day by self, I still find myself thinking of you and wishing you were here. Happy new month.

78. It gives me joy to know that this is going to be one adventurous month for you. May you find clarity as you go.

79. My dearest, most trusting friend and lover, I wish you a great month ahead.

80. There is nothing I know more than the fact that you are the love of my life.

81. I am so chuffed. You know why? You are mine. I feel the luckiest. I feel like the most loved by God because you love me. Happy new month.

82. This is a new day, a new month and of course, a golden opportunity to show you just how much you mean to me.

83. It feels really beautiful to be spending this day and new month with the love of my life.

84. I wish you the best days ahead and the most incredible moments all through this new month.

85. May all the things aligned in the new month work together for you and with you to give you’re your utmost desires.

86. My dear, this is the time – the time to embrace greatness and prosperity in this new month. I wish you enough courage to do this.

87. May we both have the most inspiring month and may we experience good tidings and greatness with fervour.

88. I am full of hope for you and all that you have set to achieve. Have a fulfilling day and month, my love.

89. As things begin to fall into shape this new month, may you be brave enough for all the goodness that follows.

90. I am deciding at this very moment to be your greatest cheer leader. This month, next month and every other month. Happy new month, darling.

91. My dear, have a good month and prepare to tell me all about it when I return.

92. I am currently laughing because the message you sent me is amusing and as sweet as you. Happy new month to you too.

93. You are very thoughtful and kind. Thank you for the gift and happy new month.

94. As we embark on another journey of a new month and day, I wish and pray that we both have plenty of reasons to celebrate.

95. This new month for me is about celebrating good tidings and about taking giant strides. Be my partner in success.

96. You are the one that occupies my mind now and then and so I have you to thank for every good decision I have made that have somehow lead me to the moment. Thank you and happy new month.

97. As we continue in this love ship, may things only get better and not worse?

98. I love how you make me feel safe and comfortable around you. I am grateful for you and wish that you have a month that you deserve.

99. May all that this month has to offer be in par with your desires.

100. Go into this month in power and the might of God.

Doesn’t it feel wonderful to anticipate the coming month with the love of your life? I bet it does. If I had a lover, I would feel great and unashamed to spend a new month with them and pray them into the safe hands of God. So, it is great that there are several happy new month prayers for lover here that can communicate your prayers to your partner this new month.

Do well to use them.

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