I Choose to Be Happy Quotes

Happiness is a choice, not a result. Regardless of our circumstances and environment, we have all the power to choose happiness every day. While it is normal to experience ups and downs in life, for many of us, these experiences can make it difficult to be happy. I know from personal experience that constantly fighting negative thoughts and feelings can be exhausting. But I also know from personal experience that no matter how many hardships we face in life, our happiness is always within our control. And this perspective has transformed my life for the better.

In today’s world, there is a lot of negativity. We hear about the bad news daily. It can be used to drag us down. But in actuality, this is a choice that is up to each individual. We don’t have to be affected by the bad news, we can choose to be positive and happy. Here are I choose to be happy quotes that will help you break through your own negative state of mind. If you’re positive, then you’ll make positive choices — and they’ll lead to positive results!

I believe the quotes will inspire you to always choose happiness now and in the future because happiness is a state of mind and can be created by making everyday choices that result in an increase in your levels of happiness.

I choose to be happy, even though it is not easy. I choose to find happiness in what I have even if it is not perfect. I choose to be kind and humble, even when others do not see that I am. And I choose to pray every day for my family and friends. And by God’s grace, I will be happy each day of my life.

1. I choose to be happy because I know that some days it’s better to have a chocolate chip muffin than a slice of cake.

2. I choose to be happy because life is too short and full of beautiful things to not let it get you down.

3. To be happy with yourself, you have to love yourself first so I choose to be happy

4. I choose to be happy. I can’t change how things are, but I can change how I think about things.

5. I choose to be happy. I choose to love myself and the way I look, feel, and sound. I choose to cheer myself up when things aren’t going the way I want them to.

6. I choose to be happy, not because I think that life is perfect but because I can’t bear to live in a world that’s imperfect.

7. I choose to be happy because I think that life is hard but I cannot live in a world that’s boring and sad.

8. I choose to be happy because no matter what happens, in the end, I’ll be fine.

9. I choose to be happy. You’re the one who can do it.

10. I choose to be happy, and I choose to surround myself with all the things that make me happy.

11. CHOOSE to be happy because happiness is my choice, it’s part of my mission, and it comes with real rewards.

12. I Choose to be Happy. And I choose to make the best of today!

13. I choose to be happy, so I can be the best version of myself.

14. I chose to be happy today. My choices matter, my attitude is contagious, and my smile is infectious!

15. I choose to be happy because happiness is a habit. And I have no interest in being as good at that as I am at anything else.

16. We all have choices. Choosing to be happy is one of them.

17. No matter how bad things get, I choose to be happy.

18. I choose to be happy. And I choose to smile. And I choose to make others smile too. Because it is never too late to change your thoughts, but it is always too late to change your actions.

19. I choose to be happy. I’ll choose to smile and laugh again today.

20. I choose to be happy even when life is tough. I choose to be happy every day and live in the moment, not in memory of the past. I choose to do what makes me feel good and make those choices count!

21. I focus on the small, simple things that make me happy. I focus on what makes my heart smile and push past the little things. I choose to do what makes me feel good and make those choices count!

22. I choose to be happy even when my life is rough. I choose to start each day with a new perspective and live in the present. This way I can create the future that I want to see!

23. I choose to be happy. Most people do not realize how much they are really choosing the way they feel. I’m going to change the way I am!

24. I choose to be happy and feel good no matter what life throws at me.

25. I choose to be happy. I chose to smile, and I chose to live my life on purpose.

26. I choose to be happy. I choose to do what makes me happy. I choose to surround myself with happy people and create a life that reflects my values, purpose and vision for myself.

27. The best things in life are the things that make you smile. I choose to be happy!

28. I will choose to be happy! I know that the best things in life are the things that make you smile, and I’m always looking for new adventures.

29. I choose to be happy, to make the most of my life, to enjoy every breath and smile. Because life is too short not to.

30. You can choose to be happy. It is never too late to start over and create a new future for yourself.

31. I will make my own choices. I will choose happiness. I will be the person that I want to be, and not what other people want me to be.

32. Life is a series of choices, each with its own reward. Choose to be happy.

33. Life isn’t always easy. It can be hard, frustrating and overwhelming at times. We all have our ups and downs and we make difficult choices every day that impact the people around us in ways we often don’t realize.

34. I choose to be happy. I choose to see the good in every situation regardless of how dire or disappointing things may appear to be. I want to make the best out of any situation so that those around me know that I appreciate them. And by God’s grace, I will be happy each day of my life.

35. I choose to look for the good in every situation. I choose to forgive and forget the past. I choose to recognize that everyone makes mistakes. And I choose to let go of negative thoughts. By God’s grace, I can be happy every day in my life.

36. I choose to wake up in the morning and smile. I choose to find beauty in the ordinary things around me. And I choose to be thankful for everything that comes into my life.

37. I choose to greet the day with a smile, no matter what happened yesterday. I choose to love and forgive even when it gets hard. And if I fall down, I will just get back up, and try again.

38. I am truly grateful for my health, my family, my education and for food for the next day. I believe in God and he takes care of me. I have a warm house, enough food to eat and money to buy other things. Even though I earn less than others and don’t have a fancy car, I still feel blessed because there are people who have it worse.

39. I am happier than yesterday. Slowly but surely, I’ve learned how to be happy with myself. Today, I’m grateful for the life I have and the people who have made it so much better.

40. You have the power to make your own happiness, so choose to be happy.

41. I love to find the silver lining in every situation. I feel positive and enthusiastic about my everyday life. It’s contagious!

42. It’s never too late to start a new day. It’s never too late to choose happiness

43. Don’t get so caught up with what others think, that you lose your own happiness.

44. I’ve always been a positive thinker. It’s one of the qualities that has helped me push through the challenges in my life.

45. I choose joy. I will not let anyone or anything frustrate me today. I will choose to be happy and successful at all costs.

46. I choose to be positive. In joyful moments, I will find something to be happy about. In difficult moments, I will always find some reason to smile.

47. I am thankful for my positive outlook on life. I have an amazing support system and a great family to help me through the hard times.

48. I’m a positive person and I’m excited about what the future is going to bring.

49. Whether you think that life is great or bleak, why not choose to be happy? After all, you can’t change the world and you might as well get the most out of it while you’re here.

50. I am a happy person. Not because things are always great but because I choose to look for the soft colours of this world and stay optimistic about life.

51. At times, life can be tough and unbearable. We look to make things perfect, but it’s not possible. Why is that?

52. It’s not about whether or not something could be better but whether or not you’re going to do your best to make it better and resist those that tell you that something will never get better.

53. To be happy, choose joy. To be healthy, choose health. To have faith in yourself, choose confidence. Choose happiness, choose me!

54. Happiness is a choice. Choosing to be happy, even when you don’t feel like it, can make a huge difference in your life.

55. Happiness is a choice. We are always given the choice to be happy or not, to choose happiness or misery.

56. You are the master of your own destiny. No one can do it for you. Choose to live a life of happiness and purpose!

57. Even if you’re not happy, your happiness will make others happy.

58. Happiness is a choice—a decision to be happy, rather than depressed, sad or angry.

59. Happiness is a choice. It’s not always easy but you can make it happen.

60. Happiness is not something that just comes to you. It’s a choice—a daily one.

61. There is no better time to start than now. Make a difference in your life and happiness begins with you!

62. We should make personal choices that keep us happy.

63. As you think about the choices you make in life, remember our choice to be happy is yours.

64. You can’t buy happiness, but you can choose to be happy. Choose to be happy, and choose happiness every day.

65. Happiness is a choice. We make it every day that we choose to smile or laugh, to be happy or excited. When you’re feeling down, the best way to get back on the right track is to make a new decision.

66. Happiness is a choice, not as much as happiness is a mindset.

67. Be kind to everyone you meet, and they will be kind in return. If we can all make that choice, our world would be a happier place.

68. It is easy to be happy, but it requires a lot of discipline and self-control.

69. I choose to live a good life. Each day I get to wake up and build upon the success of yesterday. Sure there are ups and downs, but overall I am happy to be living my life.

70. Happiness is a state of mind and I believe that being happy will make you live longer, sleep better, improve your work efficiency and ensure that you have peace of mind.

71. In a world of uncertainty, I choose to always be happy.

72. You get to choose how you live your life and what you do with it. You can go through it or you can choose to be happy – no matter how hard or complicated things may seem at the time.

73. If you want to be happy, choose happiness. The universe will conspire to make your choices the best ones.

74. There is so much joy in your life you’re not even seeing it. You should be happy.

75. Happiness is not a destination. It’s a journey, and you’ll be at peace once you recognize that it’s always changing and growing.

76. I dwell on thoughts that make me happy. I choose to do the things that make me happy. I surround myself with the people and things that reflect my values and desires for myself.

77. I am happy because I am CHOOSING happiness. I was raised in a household where happiness is the default and where I was taught to be thankful for everything I have. I have now learned to exercise my choice to be happy, every day.

78. I choose to focus on the future with a fresh outlook. I am mindful of how I weigh emotional and physical factors in making my decisions.

79. Happiness is a choice. We can choose to be happy or we can choose to be sad. It’s your choice, so make it right!

80. Happiness is a choice. You choose to be happy or you choose to be unhappy. You can’t be sad and happy at the same time, so choose happiness.

81. Happiness is a choice. It’s what you make of your life, not how things happen to you.

82. Happiness is a choice. Choose to make every day an amazing one!

83. Happiness is a choice. So is love, so is health, and so is happiness.

84. Happiness isn’t something you choose; it’s something you are, first and foremost.

85. Be the kind of person who chooses happiness over all else, because everyone will be forced to deal with your choices.

86. Choose happiness. The world will be a better place when you do.

87. Choose with your heart, and happiness will follow.

88. Rewrite your life today, and be the person you want to be tomorrow.

89. We are the social currency that rewards your happiness. We believe life is better when we are happy. You can now earn tokens for doing what you already love – sharing your stories and expressing your happiness.

90. Live a happy, cheerful life and everyone around you will be happy too.

91. Happiness is the master key that opens the gates of happiness. It is a quality of mind, a state of well-being that arises from fulfilment.

92. Whatever happens, whatever you do, don’t forget to be happy. It takes practice!

93. You don’t have to compromise your happiness for anyone, in order to keep the peace or fit in. Live a life that is all your own.

94. Happiness is the most important thing in life, and making the right choices brings you happiness.

95. Don’t let negative people steal your joy. Be the change you want to see in the world.

96. Some days are better than others. Some seasons are better than others. Some moments are better than others. It’s up to us to decide whether we’re going to be happy or not. Personally, I’d like to choose happiness.

97. Happiness is a decision. It’s up to us to decide whether we’re going to be happy or not.

98. Remember, you’re in control of your own happiness. Each of us can choose how we approach every situation.

99. Happiness is a choice. You get to decide every day what you focus on, what you worry about, and how you feel.

100. Happiness is a choice you make every day. It’s all about how you think and feel about life, so choose to be happy!

Happiness isn’t something that is just given to you for being alive but can be increased by choosing to be happy no matter what is going on around you.

Feel free to use any of these I choose to be happy quotes up there, you can paste them on your wall or let them be a reminder on your phone to be happy at all times.

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