Painting After a Long Time Quotes

The feeling of painting after having been away for a long time is almost indescribable. The first real stroke of the brush explodes in your consciousness, filling you with giddiness and exhilaration.

There is magical alchemy at work happening between your mind, body, and spirit when you paint that transforms into the image on the canvas, which is pleasant to look at and a good way to pass the time.

Therefore, below are quotes about what it feels like to paint after a long time. The quotes are amazing and describe that feeling of painting perfectly. Do not hesitate to make use of this collection of painting after a long time quotes because the quotes are so expressive. Enjoy.

Painting after a long time feels like I have missed something great. I have been painting and don’t have much time to paint right now. I’ve missed the feeling of the wet brush on the canvas, of seeing the colours mix together and blend against the white paper underneath. For lack of better words, it is just a good feeling.

1. Painting after a long time is like falling in love. It is a beautiful experience that is full of energy and joy.

2. If you have a long time of no painting, then you are ready to paint. If you are unsure what the best way of painting is, try different ways and see which works best for you. No one method or technique will work for everyone because everyone is different.

3. Painting is not something that I can’t leave alone. When I am not painting, the painting comes to me forcefully.

4. Painting after a long time is like coming home after a long time away, seeing things differently, and feeling more alive than ever before.

5. After a long time, I just finished painting again. It was like meeting an old friend whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

6. Painting after a long time is like coming home. It was always there, waiting for you, but it feels so fresh and new that it blows your mind all over again and makes you fall in love with the process.

7. Painting after a long time feels like coming home, a path through a forest, and when the brush touches the canvas, it is like the moment of touching with lips the flower one loves.

8. After a long time of being unable to paint, I was finally able to do it again. It felt amazing to just be able to pick up my brushes and create whatever I wanted. I found that doing this made me feel so much better about myself.

9. It feels great to be able to paint again. To be able to work on a painting where I can really let myself go, and I don’t have to think about all of the things I’m supposed to do in my life.

10. Painting after a long time, I made it my job to make sure that I paint every single day, even if it’s just for a half hour. It’s like exercise. It’s like stretching.

11. It feels so good to paint after a long time. It lets you see how far you’ve come and how much you have grown as an artist and person.

12. When you learn what it’s like to paint again after a long time, it’s like riding a bicycle on an unknown road. You have forgotten everything and have to relearn the technique before getting the body of your work together.

13. When you paint after a long gap, it’s like the first time you see the ocean after a long time

14. Painting after a long time puts me in a different state of mind. This is where I feel the most relaxed and calm.

15. After a long time of not painting, it feels like you can paint again.

16. Painting is a lot like therapy. It leaves me with a feeling of accomplishment, joy and calm

17. Rush to the brush and canvas. Don’t look back. Feel free. When inspiration hits, seize it. Don’t let anything stand in your way.

18. After a long time of not painting, it was amazing to feel the paint stick to the paper again.

19. It’s been a while since I painted, but this new series feels like coming home.

20. Painting is a form of expression. It lets you say everything about yourself in a creative way, and it’s like writing down what is going on in your head.

21. When you start painting again after a long time, it feels like diving into water from a high-dive platform.

22. Painting after a long time is like when you come out of hibernation because you have been working in the heat, and then you go into your house that’s full of cool air,

23. I feel like I have missed something great in life by not taking up painting as a hobby.

24. When you are painting, you are free to let your imagination run wild. You can create anything you see in the world around you or things from your imagination. The world of colours opens up to you when you begin painting after a long time.

25. Painting after a long time feels like I have missed something great, an experience that completes me; it is an important part of my life. My hands are itching to get back to it.

26. Painting after a long time is so much fun that I did not know it before.

27. Painting after a long time feels like there is something just beyond reach that I am almost inside it, yet still out of my grasp.

28. Painting after a long time feels like I have missed something great. It makes me want to paint again; I forgot why I used to do it.

29. Painting after a long time can bring back all the memories.

30. Painting after a long time can help you to recall the old time.

31. Painting after a long time is the feeling of not being able to express yourself.

32. Painting after a long time feels like I have missed something great because there are so many techniques, materials and subjects. Whenever I begin a painting, there is something new to explore.

33. I am just beginning to understand why painting has always felt like I’ve missed something great.

34. It’s never too late to start painting, even after being away for a long time.

35. Even though it’s been a long time since I painted, it felt so good to get back in the groove.

36. Painting after a long time really makes me remember how much I love it. It’s like coming back to an old friend who you haven’t seen in years.

37. Painting after a long time feels great like I have missed something great. If you can do it, do not worry about the process. The painting will be done when it is done.

38. I’m back to painting after a long time, and it feels like I’ve missed out on something great.

39. Painting after a long time is really an art. It takes patience and commitment, and it requires more concentration, but the outcome is worth it!

40. After a long time, I am happy to paint. The colours and the brush stroke are like a musical score to me.

41. When you’re ready to start painting again after a long break, don’t be afraid. With patience and practice comes skill and confidence.

42. Painting is a lot like making a friend: you have to invest your time and risk that it won’t work out. But when the painting grows on its own and makes you proud, then you can smile at all of your hard work.

43. There’s nothing like a fresh coat of paint to inject life into your space.

44. Painting is a very rewarding experience. A lot of patience, attention to detail and concentration are required. It’s also about finding your own inspiration through the process.

45. The longer you go without painting, the more you get back in touch with your creative self and those elusive lightning bolts.

46. Painting is like writing a story. You have to start over and refine your art.

47. When you start painting again, there’s a feeling of freedom. The very first line is always the hardest to get right.

48. It’s time to paint again. It’s fun, and it’s a rewarding experience. Who cares if it takes time?

49. Painting is a journey that makes you grow as an artist and a person.

50. Painting is a meditative and relaxing way to pass the time.

51. The work of art is never finished. It should be left unfinished so that you can fill in the blanks yourself.

52. Do not give up when you feel like giving up. Just keep going. And at the end of that, you’ll be surprised at how far you have come.

53. Doing something that you love is more important than anything else. Everything else will fall in its place.

54. Sometimes, it takes a while to get back in the painting groove. But the challenge and satisfaction of getting back to work can be just what you need to get going again.

55. Make each day count! And don’t let the days pass you by. Keep painting and have fun with your art!

56. After a long time, I can finally paint. It’s been a process—a journey of trial and error—but it’s all been worth it on the other side.

57. It’s been a long time since I painted, but I think I’m going to go for it again.

58. There’s nothing more inspiring than a work of art that you’ve been thinking about for a long time.

59. Painting is like a new adventure, each time, you start fresh.

60. When you paint, you’re painting for yourself. It doesn’t have to be anyone else. It’s not about getting it right but about getting it started.

61. Painting can be a challenging experience, but the feeling of satisfaction after creating something new always makes up for it.

62. Painting is a great way to practice patience and focus, especially when you have been too long without doing anything.

63. Painting always feels like a fresh start, even after many years.

64. I’ve been painting for a long time. I’m not quite sure why I’m painting, but it’s good to be back in the zone.

65. I’m ready to paint again. It’s been a long time since I’ve pulled out my paints and dabbed away at the canvas.

66. You have been waiting for this moment. You have been dreaming about this painting you’ll do in your time off. It’s finally here, and you are so ready to paint it.

67. Painting and drawing are forms of self-expression. It’s therapeutic and helps you to express your creativity and inner beauty

68. It is hard work, determination and perseverance that gets you to paint after a long time.

69. After a long time, the amount of paint needed to cover a wall is not as much as it used to be.

70. After a long time, I’m back painting. This is the last picture I painted before I retired.

71. You can do it, even if you’ve been told you can’t. You’re strong enough to paint again.

72. When you are finally able to paint again, it’s a very rewarding feeling.

73. Painting is like meditation. It builds blocks of colour upon which you can base the creation of new worlds. When I paint, I feel closer to myself and the world around me.

74. After a while, the brush and paint become your friends. It’s such a rush to paint again after a long break.

75. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you painted – it’s about the process. That feeling of satisfaction when you’re done and happy with what you’ve produced.

76. It’s been a while since I painted. I’m almost done with this painting, but it took a while to get the feel back.

77. When you paint for a living, it’s hard to get back into the painting groove.

78. Painting after a long time is like re-discovering your favourite pieces of art and painting them in a new way.

79. Painting is something that I’ve enjoyed for a long time, so it’s nice to be able to go back to it whenever I want.

80. What’s it like to paint after a while? It’s really relaxing and meditative. I feel like I can let go and be creative without worrying about being perfect.

81. Painting is a form of meditation, so after a long period of absence, I tried to come back with a simple and relaxing painting style.

82. It feels great to paint again. It’s like a little spark of joy blossoming in my life.

83. You will see the world in a different way after painting for some time.

84. It’s like you woke up from a dream. A dream where you’ve been painting for years, and all of a sudden, you realize it’s the beginning of something new.

85. I’m so happy to have time and a place to paint again.

86. After a long period of painting, I finally felt like I had mastered a style. It was a great feeling to get in front of the canvas and feel like I could really create something great.

87. Painting is one of my favourite ways to reconnect with myself, my creative self and what makes me tick.

88. I’m finally painting again. It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything, but I am excited to paint with my new paints again.

89. This is how I feel when I complete a painting that takes me a long time to finish.

90. When you push through the pain and chase your dream, the results are amazing.

91. You will see the world in a different way after painting for some time.

92. It’s like you woke up from a dream. A dream where you’ve been painting for years, and all of a sudden, you realize it’s the beginning of something new.

93. I’m so happy to have time and a place to paint again.

94. After a long period of painting, I finally felt like I had mastered a style. It was a great feeling to get in front of the canvas and feel like I could really create something great.

95. Painting is one of my favourite ways to reconnect with myself, my creative self and what makes me tick.

96. I’m finally painting again. It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything, but I am excited to paint with my new paints again.

97. This is how I feel when I complete a painting that takes me a long time to finish.

98. When you push through the pain and chase your dream, the results are amazing.

99. The feeling of painting after a long time is indescribable, and the appreciation never stops.

100. It’s great to be back. It feels good to paint again. Things changed, but I’m glad I still find joy in my work, as I have always done.

101. It takes a lot of time to get back into the painting game. It’s a lot of work, but it’s also kind of like going on a weight loss journey: the hard work is always worth it.

102. It feels good to be back at it. I felt like the painting was never going to get done, but now I am done and ready to move on to the next painting.

103. It feels good to be back on the easel, painting scenes that remind me of home.

104. The feeling of having just painted or drawn something is so much more than the finished work. It is a whole new experience.

Guess you got that quote you needed to describe the art of painting after a long time from this collection of painting after a long time quotes. Kindly share and leave a comment below.

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