I Am Not a Bad Person Quotes

Everyone makes mistakes. We all have bad days, and even sometimes wake up feeling like a bad person. But we shouldn’t let those feelings define us because we are not our mistakes. Some mistakes just aren’t bad enough to call someone a bad person.

We sometimes do things that hurt or annoy other people, and sometimes we do such things on purpose. We often regret these actions when we look back on our lives, but they shouldn’t determine how we live today if we want to be happy.

Sometimes we make bad decisions, out of insecurity, weakness, or lack of self-esteem, but that does not mean we are bad people. These I am not a bad person quotes below will speak to you if you’re having doubts about your character, or are feeling like everyone is judging you for the mistakes which you have made.

I am not a bad person; I just made a lot of mistakes. Not that it matters because people don’t treat me any differently now. It’s not like they know anyway. And if I tell them, they’ll just give me that look like they’re disappointed.

1. I am not perfect, but I am not a bad person either. I just want to be better and I am always striving for it.

2. I am not a bad person, just a man in a bad situation.

3. I am not a bad person. I just want to laugh, cry, play and live.

4. I am just a person who did what I thought was right. I am not a bad person, kindly forgive my mistakes. I am still learning.

5. I am not a bad person, stop criticizing me. This is who I am, I just like to be alone and I find joy in what most people don’t like.

6. I’m not a bad person. I don’t deserve this constant criticism. It’s time to stop.

7. I am not a bad person, give me a chance to prove myself.

8. I am not a bad person. I just want to live a life of my own and let go of the chains that tied me down.

9. Sometimes you lose a battle, sometimes you lose a war, but the most important thing is to lose the fight. I did, and now everyone thinks I am a bad person, I’m not, I’m only human.

10. I might have hurt some people along the way, who hasn’t? The point is that I am not a bad person.

11. I am not a bad person, I just stumbled on them and was too scared to say anything about it. No one is perfect, and I do not deserve to be condemned over it.

12. I am not a bad person, ignore rumours. I’m proud of my achievements and my life.

13. I know you think that I’m awful, but it’s not really how I am. In case you don’t know me, I’ve got a lot of potentials.

14. I am not a bad person, I promise to learn from my mistakes and strive to be better.

15. I hope you’ll kindly accept my inadequacies. I’m not a bad person, I’m just a little shy, introverted and socially awkward in certain situations.

16. I don’t need to be a bad person to make mistakes. I just need to be human.

17. I might have made mistakes but am not a bad person, I am not just perfect, but I am still a good person. Give me another chance!

18. Don’t judge me, I’m not perfect, I’m not a bad person, I just stumbled on this once.

19. I am not a bad person, I just found myself in a bad situation.

20. I am not a bad person, we all make mistakes. But we can always be better.

21. I make mistakes and it saddens me. I make mistakes and I try to hide them but don’t misinterpret me, I am not a bad person.

22. I’m not a bad person, I’m a victim of circumstances.

23. If you would only take the time to get to know me, you will see that I can be your best friend. I’m not a bad person, I’m fun and cute!

24. I did some bad things, and I will have to live with that. But I’m not a bad person.

25. I’ve done some things that I regret. And I will probably do so again in the future. But I am not a bad person.

26. I’m not a made person, I just make mistakes. I may not be perfect but I can change and I can be better.

27. Don’t judge me by the way I look, don’t judge me by the way I walk, I am just a victim of a situation. I am not a bad person, give me a chance to prove myself.

28. I’m sorry if I’ve said anything rude or offensive. I promise that’s not who I am, and I hope you’ll accept my apology.

29. I am not here to make trouble, I am not here to call for a change, I am not here to hide my mistakes, I am here to get my life back. I am not a bad person.

30. I am not a bad person, give me a chance to prove myself I am just a victim of the situation. Put me in the spotlight and I will do my best to shine.

31. I am not a bad person, I deserve a chance to prove that the situation I found myself in was making me look bad.

32. I’m not a bad person, don’t judge me by my looks, and don’t discriminate either.

33. I am not a bad person, it’s just the situation I found myself in. It just wasn’t favourable.

34. I am not a bad person, I am not a mean person. It is true! Listen to my side of the story and you will understand me better.

35. I am not a bad person but I am a person who will hold myself back from punching you every time you say something annoying because I’m so patient.

36. I am not a bad person, I just want to see the light.

37. You can do bad things, but you are not a bad person. Do not let people define you.

38. I do not intend to neglect you!! I am not a bad person, I just want to live a life of my own!

39. I am not a bad person, I am a victim of circumstance and I must accept my fate.

40. I am not a bad person, I just want to move forward.

41. I am not a bad person, ignore rumours, I was just having some fun.

42. I might have done some things that you might not agree with, but I’m not a bad person I promise.

43. I am not a bad person. I know that some people might think that, but it’s not true. I do good things for other people.

44. I have made some bad choices but that doesn’t mean I’m a bad person.

45. I’m not perfect, I’m not a bad person, and I don’t want to be held up as a role model. I am human, I make mistakes.

46. I am not a bad person, I just stumbled on this once and I’ll do better next time, I can get up and turn this around for all the world to see.

47. I am not a perfect person, I make mistakes, I don’t mean to make mistakes most of the time, but I hope you will see that I am not a made person, because I am a human being just like you.

48. Sometimes, even nice people do bad things. I’m not a bad person, I’ll always be true, I’m just fighting for my desire.

49. I am not a bad person, I just need to move ahead in life. I don’t have the time to continue to correct your wrong opinions of me.

50. I am not a bad person, I do not claim to be perfect or even a saint. I am a flawed person who makes mistakes.

51. I am not a bad person just one of a kind, step by step I am growing I can change, and I can become better.

52. I may have pissed off some good people. I may not be perfect but I am not a bad person.

53. I am not a bad person, no one is immune to making a mistake neither am I.

54. I am not a bad person. Ignore the rumours, listen to me. I’m a good person.

55. I am like a lot of people. I have made plenty of mistakes and yes, I have even lied to my friends and family. However, that doesn’t make me a bad person.

56. It’s been my experience that you can generally tell how a person will behave in a certain situation by the way they’ve behaved in other situations. You just assumed that I am a bad person, you are wrong.

57. I am not a bad person because I didn’t do anything bad. I don’t need evidence because I didn’t hurt anyone.

58. People treat me the same now as they did before they knew. They would give me that look of disappointment. It’s sad, but I know that I’m not a bad person.

59. There’s no point in dwelling on the negative. I might have done some bad things but I am not a bad person. Don’t forget that.

60. I am not a bad person please believe me when I say that my intentions were always genuine.

61. The things you have been saying about me are simply not true. Please stop criticizing me, I am a great person who would be an amazing friend if you were to get to know me.

62. I used to be a bad person. I’ve done a lot of bad things. But I’m not one anymore and that’s – most people don’t know how to process that.

63. I am not a bad person. Ignore rumours. I’m on the right track, and I’m not turning back.

64. Kindly accept my inadequacies, but I am not a bad person and you should stop assuming that I am.

65. I am a human being, like you, and everyone you know. And like all human beings, we’re going to make mistakes, painting me as a bad person isn’t right.

66. No matter what people say, I am not a bad person. I know that and I stand on it.

67. I am human, I make mistakes, I am not a bad person, give me a chance to prove myself. And then if all don’t work out, I’ll just become stronger, and with that, I’ll continue to dream and live.

68. I am not a bad person, I have great parents who’ve instilled in me good morals. Ignore the rumours, they’re just rumours.

69. Don’t believe everything you hear. Ignore the rumours. I’m not a bad person.

70. Without judgement, I’ve been blamed for a lot of things that I haven’t done in the past. But I want you to know that even though I may have made mistakes in my life, I’m not a bad person.

71. Hey, I’m not a bad person. I’ve made mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. But I’m gonna be better for you.

72. Please stop arguing with me, I’m not a bad person. Take the time to know me and you’ll realize that I’m an amazing person.

73. I don’t have anything to hide. I have my demons, I have my issues. But you should know that I’m not a bad person.

74. I got in a couple of fights, stole some stuff and broke some rules (not to mention hearts). But I’m a good person at heart. Really!

75. I know I can be difficult, but please believe me when I say I am not a bad person and that it is not easy to be misunderstood.

76. I am a good person, you just don’t know it. If you would only listen to me and see my perspective, you would realize that I am the best person for you.

77. I am not a bad person, I am just fighting for my right, I have a voice to be heard I have a song to sing.

78. I believe there is a place for me, although I am not a bad person, it’s a place I want to find, a place in which I can be free.

79. I’m not a bad person, I’ve just done bad things. It doesn’t make me a bad person, does it?

80. I have flaws and make mistakes, too. I am not a bad person, I’m only human. Accept my inadequacies because I still love you.

81. I’m sorry. I’ve disappointed you, and it’s been painful for me to see you so upset. I am not a bad person.

82. I am not a bad person, I just made some mistakes. Forgive me for my errors and the people I hurt.

83. I might have done some bad things but I am not a bad person.

84. I am not a bad person. I just made a few mistakes along the way. I permit you to call me out when I fail. Give me a chance to show that I can be better next time.

85. I might have made mistakes, but I have never hurt anyone I have never lied to anyone, nor have I ever cheated anyone.

86. Please stop criticizing me, I am not a bad person. If you would only take the time to get to know me, you would realize that I am an amazing person.

87. I am not a bad person, and I believe my actions reflect that. I hope you can accept my apologies.

88. I am not a bad person, I just stumbled on this once so please don’t judge me for it I’ll prove myself to you, I’ll show you I’m worthy of your trust and love, and I’ll give you a second chance.

89. I am just a victim of circumstances, I was made to become what I am, but I am not a bad person give me a chance to prove myself.

90. The situation I found myself in made me look bad, it was as if I had thrown a fit, the things that I said were horrid, like a child who has dropped his toy.

91. I am not a bad person, I am not the one who does wrong the most.

92. I am not a bad person, I’m not just perfect, I am a wonderful person, I am not just perfect.

93. I am fully aware that I am not perfect and that I make mistakes. All I ask is that you take the time to get to know me, and once you have gotten to know me, you will see the amazing person that I am.

94. Don’t misinterpret me. I am not a bad person, my intention is not to hurt you, I am a good person who has a different way of thinking.

95. I’m not a bad person, I just want to live a life of my own, I want to make my dreams come true, I want a life of my own, I want to live a life of my own.

96. I am not a bad person, I just had bad circumstances to contend with, I am not a bad person, I am just a lot of things that happened to me.

97. I am not a bad person the situation I found myself in made me look bad.

98. I am not a bad person, I do not want to hurt you, my intention is not to hurt you, I am not a bad person. I’m just here to do good in your world.

99. I was a victim of a situation, but today I’m standing tall, I’m not a bad person give me a chance to prove myself.

100. I am not a bad person and neither are you we just made some mistakes, but we’re trying to correct them and we’re not bad people.

101. I am not a bad person please give me the chance to learn from my mistakes so that I can become a better person.

Finally remember that there are always going to be people that consider you a bad person, but do not let their opinion of whom you weigh you down. I hope you enjoy reading these I am not a bad person quotes listed above. Kindly drop a comment in the comment section and share your experience about situations that made people or your close friends tag you as a bad person when you are not!

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