Nice to Meet You Quotes for Him or Her

Greeting someone for the first time is always exciting and a bit nerve-racking. You want to be polite and pleasant, but you also want to make sure you come across as friendly and approachable.

The first impression is the last but not always. Some first impressions can be misleading and can lead to misconceptions.

Meeting someone new means a lot of things. It could mean you’re moving to a new place, starting at a new school or job, or just meeting someone interesting in any setting.

Meeting someone new can be challenging, especially if you aren’t sure how to start a conversation. You may also be shy or feel anxious about the situation. No matter who you’re meeting, and what type of greeting you want to give them, you must do so with an open mind and an excited heart.

These nice to meet you quotes for him or her are a great way to understand the feelings of people when they meet someone new.

Hi dear, nice to meet you. I know fate has brought us together. I hope that together we will go places, and do great things. I am really glad to finally meet you after many years. I wish you the best and I wish you success in life.

1. I’m glad we met because I was beginning to think I was making you up in my head.

2. It’s always a good day when you meet someone who has good vibes and good energy. Nice to meet you.

3. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need to talk or just hang out, I’m here for you. It’s nice to meet you.

4. You’re a great guy and one of my best friends. If you ever need me, don’t hesitate to call. Nice to meet you.

5. It was nice to meet you. Let’s talk soon.

6. It was nice meeting you too, and I hope we can hang out again soon.

7. The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. It’s nice to meet you.

8. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. It’s nice to meet you.

9. It was a pleasure meeting you, I am excited about this meeting.

10. I’m glad we finally got to meet, it’s nice to finally meet you.

11. Thank you for meeting with me today. It was nice to meet you.

12. You were exactly as I pictured. It was so nice to meet you.

13. It is so nice to meet someone like you. I really appreciate you and it’s nice to meet you.

14. I am glad I got the opportunity to meet you.

15. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me, today. It was so nice to meet you.

16. The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said. It’s nice to meet you.

17. Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. Nice to meet you again.

18. Sometimes we never truly understand the importance of a moment until it becomes a memory. It’s nice to meet you.

19. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. It’s nice to meet you.

20. I want to impress you, but I don’t want to seem like I am trying. Anyway, it’s nice to meet you.

21. It’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. Please tell me about yourself.

22. It’s nice to meet you. How do you do? May I introduce myself?

23. Wow! You’re really super. It was so nice to meet you.

24. You’re amazing. It was a real pleasure to meet you; for real.

25. They say silence is a way to make people feel they did something wrong. I’m just making sure you know you’ve done so many things right. Nice to meet you.

26. They say life is better when you laugh often. Thank you for making me laugh. It was really great to meet you.

27. Nice to meet you. They say everyone has lost something, loved someone, and is afraid of something. Is there anything I can help with?

28. You are a lovely person because you met me with a smile. As they say; a smile is the beginning of love. Nice to have met you.

29. No matter how you say it, it’s been a pleasure to meet you.

30. Hi, nice to meet you. You should know I take relationships very seriously. May I know you?

31. Hey there, if we were being truthful, I wouldn’t really have anything to say. Our conversation was quite boring actually, but I’m a sucker for peer pressure. So; nice to meet you.

32. Dear new friend, please let me know if you had a nice time meeting me. I don’t want anything bad on my record. They say whatever you give comes back around.

33. I never understood why people think it’s nice to meet someone until I met you. It was really nice to meet you.

34. I never knew why people think it is nice to meet someone before they know that person. Well, it’s nice to meet you.

35. Hey there, so nice to meet you. Wait, we’ve met before? It would be nice to see you again.

36. Before I met you, I saw you and was afraid. Then after our first kiss, I was scared to fall in love with you. Now that you’re the love of my life the only thing that scares me is losing you.

37. Hey there, nice to meet you. Oh, by the way, I plan on knowing you better.

38. Nice to meet you; it’s a real pleasure.

39. Hi there, I heard you are a footballer. I am a coach and I’m always looking for more players. Nice to meet you.

40. Nice to meet you, handsome. Are you doing anything later? I was thinking we could hang out.

41. It was nice meeting you.

42. Hi darling, nice to meet you. I’m sure fate wanted us to meet, so here I am.

43. Hi. You know they say that if you meet someone and instantly fall in love you’ll never need anything again. I think my needs list just went out the window.

44. Hi, it’s so nice to meet you. I think I just fell in love. Where were we?

45. Nice to meet you, love. Feel like flying to someplace magical with me?

46. Nice to meet you. I’m planning on being your other half. No big deal.

47. My mother always told me that someday I would meet the love of my life. I think you’re that person. Very nice to meet you. Finally!

48. Hey there, I love your outfit. It’s nice to meet you.

49. Since we just met, I think we should try a couple of stuff together. What’d you think?

50. Nice to meet you. You know, if there was only one new person in the world I could meet, I would want it to be you.

I wish our first meeting could have been under better circumstances because the memory of it is burning me up from the inside out. You are the one person that has touched my heart in so many ways. Nice to meet you.

51. Nice to meet you, dude. You just look so much like my next boyfriend.

52. Nice to meet you, dear. You’re such a handsome man.

53. I love your smile. Is that because of me? Nice to meet you too.

54. Nice to meet you. You’re super cute.

55. Damn, if you were a pill I would probably overdose. But it’s really nice to meet you.

56. Nice to meet you- I know we just met, but is it weird that all I think about is you?

57. Nice to meet you. I have heard nothing but the best about you.

58. Hello. It’s so nice to meet you. Mind we meet some other time?

59. Hi there. It’s nice to meet you. Tell me about yourself.

60. It was an absolute pleasure to get to be acquainted with you. You are a fantastic person, and I would love to hang out with you some more.

61. It was nice to meet you. In fact, it was one of the most amazing things that have happened in my life. I hope we remain friends.

62. From strangers to friends, the journey of our knowing each other has been an adventure for sure. It’s so good to have met you.

63. It was nice to meet you. I look forward to us meeting again and soon.

64. It is so good to meet you after all these years of virtual meetings finally. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.

65. Now that I have met you, I can say with absolute certainty that you are as handsome as I imagined you would be. It was so nice meeting you.

66. I am sorry if I was a little weird during our first meeting. You just blew my breath away, and I got nervous. Anyway, it was so nice meeting you.

67. It was such a pleasure to meet you yesterday. I hope that you and I can talk business some more, and our acquaintance can lead to success for both of us.

68. You were such a ray of sunshine. It was nice to get to meet you. Let’s do it again sometime soon.

69. Sometimes we don’t know our destiny nor the people we meet on our journey of life. It was nice meeting you.

70. You are so lovely; you met me with a smile, and that says a thousand words. Nice meeting you.

71. Let me be honest, it was nice meeting you. I appreciate your company.

72. It is a pleasure meeting you. I hope to hear from you soon.

73. Nice meeting you, but I can’t stop thinking about you. Hope to meet you soon.

74. I love your smile. It was nice meeting you.

75. Nice meeting you. I hope we could start something together.

76. Life is beautiful when you find someone who makes you happy. Thank you for making me happy. It was nice to meet you.

77. They say when you find a treasure, you would want to keep it forever. Nice to meet you.

78. This is a journey of a lifetime. To me, it has been nice meeting you.

79. No matter how you say it, it’s been so nice to meet you.

80. Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Kindly tell me more about yourself.

81. Nice to meet you, you’re super cute. Do you think we could do something together?

82. You’re such an amazing man; it was nice to finally meet you.

83. You are an extraordinary person; it was a real pleasure to meet you.

84. It was nice meeting you. We have shared good memories but I still don’t want to lose you.

85. Meeting you for the first time was like my dream come true. You were just the perfect match.

86. Meeting you for the first time made me realize how important the little things in life can really make a difference. It was nice to meet you.

87. They say you grow younger when you laugh often. Thank you for making me feel this happy. It was nice meeting you.

88. I have been searching for many years but I believe I have found the right person. It was nice meeting you.

89. Nice to meet you handsome. Are you doing anything this tonight? I would like to take you out for dinner.

90. It’s nice to meet you. I don’t want us to stop here but to continue with our newfound friendship.

91. Hi. I am safely home after an amazing adventure. It was nice meeting you.

92. You are really an amazing person. It was nice meeting you.

93. You are just amazing. I still can’t believe if this is real. It was nice to meet you.

94. You are a great person. Your words are so powerful and encouraging. It was nice meeting you.

95. Everyone has something to offer no matter how small. It was nice meeting you.

96. It’s always inspiring to meet people who are willing to speak their minds out, who are willing to take control of their destiny. It was nice meeting you.

97. You are a wonderful person. I would not have made it if it was not for your help. It’s nice to have met you.

98. It was really nice meeting you. I think we should start something beautiful.

99. Hello, it’s nice to meet you. Don’t be afraid, make yourself comfortable around here. If you want guidance, do let me know.

100. I really mean it when I say I want us to meet again. It was nice
meeting you.

Hello there. I’m sure you had a good time going through the collection of nice to meet you quotes for him or her up there. I’m also sure they will help you know what to say when you’re meeting someone new. Kindly drop your comments and share them with others. Thank you.

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