Thank You Dear God for Another Awesome Year (2022)

As each day comes and goes, it brings with it many challenges, and problems which we must avoid, also embedded in each day is its blessings and achievements which must be accepted.

There’s only one person that can help you do this effectively and that’s God, so as you start a new year on your birthday, you should appreciate him. You are alive only by his grace.

Scroll down and have your pick on any of these messages and thank God for making you see another year.

You’re grateful to God for giving you another opportunity to be alive to see another awesome year? Then show your gratitude with these thank you, dear God, for another awesome year quotes and messages to use on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

1. God’s Faithfulness Abound
It’s the beginning of a new year for me and I am happy. It has been 365 days of God’s faithfulness and grace. All I wanna say is, thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

2. Thank You For Your Blessings
Today is my birthday and I’m so filled with joy. I appreciate God for his blessings and protection all through the year. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

3. Your Goodness is Everyday
Every day shows forth God’s goodness, and at the end of the days, on a beautiful birthday like this, it becomes a time to celebrate God’s love and blessings. On this day, I thank God for everything I am. He’s the best.

4. I had a Great Year.
When I think about his grace, his blessings, his favour, mercy and divine protection. The last 365 days have been the best of my life. Thank you, dear God, for this awesome year.

5. Your Grace Has Been Sufficient
As I move into a new phase of my life today, I look back and all I see is the fullness of God. Year in, year out your grace has been sufficient. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

6. I Am A Living Testimony of God’s Goodness
Thank you, God, for another year in the land of the living. I am a living testimony of your goodness. As I celebrate, may great doors of blessing open unto me? Happy birthday to me.

7. Blessed Beyond Measures
The past year was full of ups and down, yet everything turned out for my favour. With you by my side, I am blessed beyond measures. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

8. I Can’t Appreciate God Enough
On this special day, I wish myself a happy birthday and continuous enjoyment of God’s grace in the coming days. I can’t appreciate you enough for your blessings this past year. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

9. I’m Grateful For Everything
Happy birthday to me. I celebrate myself and all the good things God has helped me to achieve through the past years. I’m truly grateful. Many happy returns to me.

10. You Are My Strength
I would be so ungrateful not to appreciate your favour and blessings in my life up till this time. You are my strength and my backbone. Thank you, God, for everything. Happy birthday to me.

11. Year in year out, you have always proved yourself worthy. I am all I am because of your great influence and blessings. I appreciate you. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

12. As I celebrate this special day of my life, may the new year open doors of greatness for me. Thank you, God, for the grace to witness another year. I would forever praise your name.

13. Who is like unto you oh God, you are worthy of my praise. You have been there for me for this past year, and I’m grateful. Thank you for bringing me into this new year. It shall be a blessed one.

14. I’m happy to be alive to celebrate this special day. I’m +1 today and I’m grateful to God for bringing me into a new year. I would be forever praising his name.

15. It’s my birthday, a special and blessed day for me. Thank you God for bringing me into a new year, thank you for always being at my back. Happy celebration to me.

16. I don’t look like everything I’ve passed through, I’m confident because when I look back, God is always there to strengthen me and keep me going. Happy celebration to me. Thank you, God, for another awesome year.

17. Today is a day of appreciation. I thank God for keeping me through the struggles of life and giving me the grace to achieve my dreams. Thank you, God, I’m forever grateful. Many happy returns to me.

18. On this day as I celebrate my birthday, I look back and all I see is God’s faithfulness, I appreciate you for standing by me. You are my everything.

19. As I celebrate this special day of my life, I will not forget to appreciate my secret strength and provider. Thank you for the Grace to witness another beautiful year. You are the best.

20. I will never forget the secret hand that brought me this far. I appreciate your love, your care, and provision in my life. Happy birthday to me. I’m truly blessed.

21. You have blessed me so much, I can’t imagine what I would have been without you. Thank you for your grace, you made my year beautiful and my birthday worth celebrating. Thank you oh God.

22. If I don’t appreciate your grace over my life, it means I’m ungrateful. I am who I am, because of you. Thank you, Lord, for making me see another beautiful year. Happy birthday to me.

23. It’s my birthday and as I celebrate, I will not fail to acknowledge you for bringing me this far and giving me the grace to see another new year. Thank you, Lord, for everything.

24. Everyone thought I achieved all the feats by myself because they see only me, but I know without you I could have done nothing. As I celebrate my birthday, I say thank you God for your faithfulness.

25. I really do appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’ve had 12 months of your provision, protection and preservation. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

26. Thank you, God, for always putting a smile on my face. You have made my year fruitful and I’m happy to celebrate my day in your love. Happy birthday to me, this year is going to be better.

27. God, I’m grateful for your goodness, for not giving up one me and neglecting me. Thank you for your love. My birthday is worth celebrating because of you. I’m truly blessed to have you.

28. My life is a testimony of your love. I wouldn’t have come this far if not for you. Thanks for standing with me through the storms. You were with me this past year, let’s do great things as I start this new year. Happy birthday to me.

29. I can’t love without appreciating your goodness. Every day of my life is filled with your presence, guiding me and directing me. As I celebrate this special day of my life. I just wanna say, thank you, lord.

30. My year couldn’t have been better without you. Thank you, God, for being with me last year and leading me into a new one. Many happy returns to me.

31. Walking with you by my side is the best thing that happened to me. Thank you, Lord, for bringing me into this new year. It’s going to be a great year. Happy birthday to me.

32. On this day my birthday, I thank you Lord for everything you’ve done for me. As I celebrate this special day, I appreciate you for giving me the grace to start another year, may it be fruitful.

33. Oh God, I didn’t believe I could ever get here but you brought me here. Thank you for being a good father. Thank you for bringing me into a new year. Happy birthday to me, many happy returns to me.

34. I am grateful for the special gift of life, I am happy to be celebrating this birthday in good health and joy. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

35. I have never had a better birthday. Through the storms and hurdles, I’m still standing. Thank you for everything oh God. I would forever remain grateful.

36. I never believed I can achieve all these great feats this year. I’m happy because you were good to me, I’m celebrating this birthday because of your faithfulness. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

37. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you, God, for giving me the grace to see a new year. Happy celebration to me.

38. Thank you, God, for giving me a miracle. It’s a new year for me and I’m grateful to God for bringing me through the storms and making me victorious. Many happy returns to me.

39. This is the best birthday of my life. I appreciate you God for being faithful, thank you for bringing me into a new year. May this year be fruitful and blessed. Happy birthday to me.

40. I am the luckiest person in the world because God has filled me with joy, blessings, and favour. As I celebrate this special day, I just wanna say thank you God for another awesome year.

41. Thank you God for your love, and care. I am who I am only by your grace, as I celebrate this new year, I declare that you are my everything.

42. You’re the best thing that happened to me. I’m glad I found you, thank you for protecting me and making me see a new year. I’m forever grateful for your blessings. Happy birthday to me.

43. It’s my birthday and I realized, I’m celebrating this day only by the grace of God. Without him, I’m nothing. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

44. God has been so faithful, protecting, preserving and providing for me. I celebrate you, God because my birthday wouldn’t have been possible without you.

45. Happy birthday to me, as I enter into this new year, I am grateful to God for the grace to be alive to witness yet another special day like this. I just wanna say thank you, lord.

46. I am glad to be among the living to celebrate my birthday, and it’s not by my powers, it’s by his grace. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

47. Looking back into the journey of the past 365 days. I just wanna say thank you, over and over again. I’m grateful for your love, care and provisions. Happy birthday to me.

48. I wouldn’t be able to celebrate this special day of my life if not for God. Thank you God for this beautiful beginning, I’m glad I have you. Happy birthday to me.

49. As I celebrate this day, I look back and I rest in his love and joy. I’m truly blessed in the lord. Thank you, dear God, for another awesome year.

50. It’s my birthday and the beginning of a new year for me. Thank you for all you’ve done for me God, I’m truly grateful. Many happy returns to me.

It’s a thing of honour to be grateful and to acknowledge that you can truly do nothing without God. Your birthday affords you the opportunity to look back and duly appreciate God’s faithfulness.

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