You Are My Entire World Quotes

Love is the most beautiful thing in life. It’s also the most difficult thing to express in words. For some, love is a deep spiritual connection with another person, for others, it’s a feeling. Still, for others, it’s an action.

One of the biggest commitments we make when we fall in love is that our whole world, our priorities, values, and dreams, revolve around our partners. This means that when you tell someone that they’re your entire world, you’re giving them power over your emotions and well-being.

If you are in a relationship with someone and you want to simply tell them that they are your entire world, this romantic collection of you are my entire word quotes is what you need.

Read through these quotes, make your choice(s), and feel free to copy and send them to your partner.

You are my entire world; my everything. I am falling so deeply in love with you, and I can’t stop myself from loving you, from wanting to embrace you, and hold you close to me forever. Baby, I adore everything about you

1. You are my whole world, my everything. I can’t stop thinking of you. You are so special to me. Every second that passes I love you more and more.

2. You are my entire world and I couldn’t imagine life without you. Thanks for making me the happiest girl on earth by being in my life. And by honouring me with your love, friendship and devotion. I love you very much.

3. You are my entire world. My life is empty without you. You are my best friend, my lover, and the father of my children. I need you by my side always or my heart will break into a million pieces! I love you with all my heart.

4. You are my entire world, your love is everything to me, I am so in love with you!

5. You are my entire world. I am so lucky that I have you in my life to make me smile and laugh every day. I will forever love you more than anything!

6. I love you with all my heart and all my soul.  You are my entire world and every breath I breathe is a result of that love.

7. My entire world is you. I love you with every fibre of my being. I can’t imagine life without your love, your kisses, and your warm embraces. I am lost in a sea of stars with hopes and dreams of one day holding you forever.

8. I never want to be without you again. I want you to continue to be a part of my life, and I want to always be a part of yours. I want to be with you forever and always, and nothing can change that. You have made me a better person, and I could not ask for more than this.

9. You are my entire world, the very reason for my existence, a miracle I cannot live without! You and our love mean everything to me. With you, I am complete and whole. You are my life and I am in awe of your presence each day.

10. You are my every thought, every reason for living, my entire world. I love you more than all of the stars in the sky, and that is a lot.

11. You are my universe. You are the air I breathe. You are the sunshine on my face, the only light I need. Without you, my life would be faded and grey. You are the most perfect person in my eyes, with your perfect smile and beautiful heart. I love you more than you will ever know!

12. You are my everything—the first thing I think about when I wake and the last when I fall asleep. You make my days brighter and happier, you’re the one I want to spend all my time with. You make me laugh, you make me smile, and you’ve made me happier than I ever thought was possible. You’re the one for me.

13. You’re my world, my life, my everything. I am lost without you. I need you in my life. Your laughter makes a better day and your smile can light up a room. You’re my lover, my best friend, and my world all wrapped up into one amazing package.

14. You are my entire world, my end and my beginning. I am so lucky to be your bride and I can’t wait to grow old with you. I love you now and always.

15. You are my entire world. I don’t know where I would be or what I would do if I didn’t have you. You bring so much joy to my life! The struggles we’ve been through make our relationship stronger, and I can’t wait to see what wonderful things the future has in store for us. My life is perfect because you’re in it!

16. I am nothing without you. You are my whole world. My heart beats for you and against you. With each beat, I love you more. I can’t stand to be away from you. You are my everything and I don’t know what I would do without you!

17. I am always thinking about you and I hope that you realize that. You are my world and the most important thing in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. You complete me and make me whole.

18. I would be lost without you. You are my world, my life, my everything. With you, by my side, I know that I can get through anything. You light up my life and make the hard times so easy to bear. I love you so much and I will never let you go!

19. I hear your voice, and suddenly I am no longer alone. I see your smile, and suddenly all is right with my world. I feel your touch, and suddenly all is right with my soul. You are my entire world!

20. You are my world, my heart, my soul. You make me happier than you will ever know and I wouldn’t change a thing about you. Every time I look into your eyes I can’t stop smiling. I wish that time would stand still and that we could stay like this forever.

21. You are my world, my everything. Without you, I have nothing. I need you with me always, because your love makes my life whole and worthwhile.

22. I love you so much. There’s not a single day that goes by without me thinking of you. I hope that every day that we are together is filled with happiness, laughter, and unconditional love. You mean the entire world to me.

23. You are the most important person in my life. I love how you can take my breath away. I promise to love you forever and always. You are the world to me!

24. I love everything about you. I’m so lucky to have met you. You will always be in my heart and soul. You’re my only love. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

25. I love you and wish that I could be with you again soon. I find myself constantly thinking about you and missing you. I want to love you as much as possible and take care of you in every way possible. You mean the world to me, and I hope to see you again soon.

26. You are my breath, my heart. You are my world. You are the reason I go on every day. I love you with every cell in my body and I just can’t stop.

27. You’re my everything. I love you with every fibre of my being and every beat of my heart. Life is so much brighter with you in it, and I can’t imagine what life would be like without you. We’ve been together for so short a time, but it feels like we’ve known each other for all of eternity. Time flies when we’re together, and I know I’ll love you always.

28. You are my absolute everything. I am nothing at all without you. Every breath that I take is to remind me of you. You are the sun in my sky, the water to my soul, and the music in my heart. I love you with every ounce of my being, and will never stop loving you until the day I die and move on to be with you on the other side.

29. My world would be empty and meaningless without you. I’m thankful for each day that we’re together. I long to always hear your voice every morning. You are my unconditional love and you mean the world to me. I don’t want to live a single moment without you and the joy that you bring to my life. Please stay by my side forever!

30. My sweet love, I simply cannot live another breath without you by my side. My heart beats longing for the very next time I get to be with you. My heart always aches for you, and I cannot bear to live another hour without the sound of your sweet voice reminding me that we are meant to be together forever.

31. You are my entire world, my life, my soul. If one day you leave me I will feel empty inside, please don’t forget how much I love you. I will be grateful to have met you and share the love with you and even though it isn’t perfect, it’s worth it.

32. I love you. I love everything about you, everything we do together and the time we spend doing it. I look forward to all that is to come because with you I know it will all be amazing. You are my entire world and I would be lost without you!

33. You are my everything. Without you, I am nothing. Every breath I take reminds me of you. You light up my life, give me strength, and fill my heart with joy. I love you dearly and will always love you until the end of time when I join you on the other side.

34. You are my entire world. You always have been and you always will be. I love you more every day and your smile warms my heart. You are my heartbeat and my only desire. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Pure joy and laughter are all that I am with you and all I ever want to be.

35. I love you forever, and I want the world to know it. As long as you are on my mind and in my heart, I will never stop loving you. There is nothing more important to me than you. You mean so much to me and I appreciate all you do for me every day. You are my entire world.

36. I love you. I truly want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me so happy, and because of you, I smile every day. You are my world, my everything. When I met you, all I wanted was one night with you. Now that I have had you, there is no way I could live without you by my side.

37. You are my world. I am so in love with you. You make me feel so alive, strong, and beautiful. I don’t remember what life was like without you. You are everything to me and I will always love you.

38. Whenever I close my eyes, I see your face. Whenever I hear a voice, it’s yours. Whenever I think about the person I love, I think of you. You are my soulmate and you make me whole. My heart runs through your veins, and my everything belongs to you. Please never leave.

39. You are my entire world. I love you with every bit of my being. I love being in your arms, next to your heart, wrapped in your embrace. I miss you when we aren’t together. My life is full of excitement and adventure because of you.

40. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you. As long as the stars shine down from above and the sun shines down from above, I will be there for you. As long as there are fish in the ocean and birds in the sky, your love means the world to me.

41. I love you so much. When I’m with you I feel like the luckiest man in the world. I will always be there for you; I never want to be without you. You make me the happiest man alive and I know that together we will always be happy because you are my entire world.

42. Dear lover, I am so grateful to have you in my life. You’re the one who makes me smile and always has my best interests at heart. It’s time to let you know that I love you very much. You’re an amazing person who deserves all the happiness in the world.

43. I miss you and find myself craving for you constantly. I wish to see you, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You have no idea how much you mean to me and what it would mean for us to be together. Every time we are apart, I think about you and can’t wait until we are close again.

44. I love you from the bottom of my heart. You are my entire world and I feel so lucky to share my life with you. Thank you for being there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on and most importantly, thank you for loving me because, without you, I wouldn’t be complete.

45. You mean everything to me. I love you, and I always will. You are my world and I can’t wait for the future. I can’t wait to grow old with you. I love you, always and forever baby.

46. You are my entire world and I love everything about you. I cannot imagine life without you. When I wake up, you’re the first thing I think about. When I go to sleep, it’s to dream of you. I loved you and I love you still. You have changed my life in ways you will never know.

47. Your words mean everything to me. Your love keeps me going. You are my entire world and I can’t wait to spend many more years with you. It’s your face I see when I go to sleep at night, it’s your voice that lulls me to sleep, and I can’t imagine life without you. I love you so much!

48. You are the rock that keeps me grounded, and my heart beats in tune with you. I am lost without you and it is impossible to live without you. Without you, I cannot breathe. I love you with all of my heart and I would rather see the world fall apart than lose you.

49. Our love was written in the stars. When we first kissed, it was like two puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly. You are the light at the end of my tunnel. I can’t picture myself without you ever. Yours is the face I see before I fall asleep and wake up with each morning. I will protect you to my dying breath, and cherish you forever.

50. I love you so much. You mean everything to me, and there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about you. I treasure each moment I have with you. I promise to always make time for you because you are the most important thing in my life.

51. It would be near impossible to live without you by my side. I love every part of you and I’m grateful to get to spend my life with you. You make me complete. I cannot live without you. Just being near you is enough to make me breathe.

52. You are the very first thing to come to mind when I wake up, and the last thing that stays on my mind before I go to sleep. You are my best friend and confidant and have been with me through my highest highs and lowest lows. I fully trust you in every way, and I know that our relationship will always be supportive and positive.

53. There are no words to describe what you mean to me but this is the closest I can come. You are my world, my life, my everything. I am lost without you. I need you in my life. Your laughter makes a better day and your smile can light up a room. You’re my lover, my best friend, and my world all wrapped up into one amazing package. I love you!

54. Thank you for being a part of my life, but I will never forget how much you mean to me. It is because of you that I am who I am today. You have given me so much love, trust, and happiness that it is impossible to even begin to repay. You deserve the best in this world because nothing could ever compare with what we have together.

55. I would climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest sea, and desert the fairest land, to be with thee. To feel your touch is like a desert breeze on a hot day. You are my rock that keeps me grounded, and my heart beats in tune with you. I am lost without you and it is impossible to live without you. Without you, I cannot breathe.

56. You, my only love, are all that I need. You make me feel whole. Every day, I think of you and how beautiful you are in every way imaginable. I love you, and I always want to be with you.

57. You’ve got my heart, my love. There’s no one else in the world who makes me feel like you do. I may not have met anyone whom I feel this way about yet, but I hope you’ll be there until the end of time. My love for you is unique and unmatched in all the world.

58. The key to my heart is through our souls. A single soul that keeps us together, a chain strong enough to last a lifetime. There is nothing in this world that can ever come between us, no one can ever tear us apart. We are each other’s worlds and we will stay that way forever because you are my entire world.

59. We’ve been through it all together. All the good and all the bad. I can’t imagine living my life without you. Every day is another adventure with you. You make me smile just by being yourself and that brings me so much joy. I need you by my side, always.

60. You are my entire world. Few things bring more happiness to my life than finding ways to love you. There is no one else in the world that has inspired me to be a better person. I’m so thankful for all the times we have had together, and I can’t wait for even more! Our hearts and souls are forever connected, and I want nothing more than for us to be together for eternity.

61. Nothing brings more happiness to my life than finding ways to love you. No one else in the world has inspired me to be a better person. I’m so thankful for all the times we have had together, and I can’t wait for even more! Our hearts and souls are forever connected, and I want nothing more than to be with you forever. because you are my world

62. I am so lucky! You, my baby girl, are everything a person could ever want and more. You’re the woman who makes my heart skip a beat as soon as you walk into a room. You give me butterflies every time I see your gorgeous smile, and you never fail to make me laugh at all those silly things we do together. I am grateful because you are my entire world.

63. I’m so lucky to have you in my life! You make me feel so special. You always go out of your way to please us, and it is very much appreciated by all of us. We are truly blessed to have you as part of our family. I love seeing your smile when you come home from work every day. It makes me happy that I’m able to make this happen for all of us! Thank you so much for everything!

64. I want you to know that you are the love of my life. You are my best friend, and I am forever grateful for the times we have spent together. I love you more than words could ever describe. You make me a better person, and I’m so thankful for that.

65. You are my entire world. My heart stops each time I see you. Your eyes are as captivating as the first day I saw them and your smile makes my knees weak. Each night I dream of your arms wrapped around me, protecting me from all that this cruel world has to offer. I love you with every ounce of passion in my being!

66. I can’t explain how much you mean to me. You are everything, my whole world. Without you, I am nothing. Just knowing your day will be better because of me makes me happy and to know that your smile can brighten up my whole day is something special. I love you!

67. There are no words to describe what you mean to me but this is the closest I can come. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you and my heart aches to be near you. Every moment we spend apart is a moment I’m reminded of just how much I love you and need you in my life. You’re my lover, my best friend, and my world all wrapped up into one amazing package. I don’t ever want us to fall out of love with each other.

68. Your name is my favourite word. The sound of it rings in my ears; The sight of it lights up my vision. You are the only person I want to share the rest of my life with. I’m so glad we met and joined our lives together. You make me complete. You bring excitement and joy to my life. Without you, I’m not sure what I’d be doing with myself.

69. I miss you so much when we’re apart. I spend a lot of time thinking about you and wishing I could be with you. My thoughts are constantly consumed by you, and I always wish we could spend some more time together. I can bold say already, that you mean the entire world to me.

70. It’s so quiet without you here now, it’s like a piece of my heart is missing. I wish God brought you back to me just so we could do this all over again. I love you, and will always do. You are my entire world.

71. I was lost when I met you, but now I’m found. The love that I feel for you is like no other, and nothing else matters to me besides you. You’re the thing that keeps me going every day, and I can’t imagine my life without you.

72. You are my world, my everything. I love you so much and I can’t imagine my life without you. You complete me in every single way. You make me feel like the luckiest person in the world, your love has touched my heart and made me become the person I am today. I love you with all of my heart.

73. You are my entire world. You make my heart sing and you sparkle in my eyes. I love you with every inch of my soul and I can’t imagine what life would be like without you. I feel like I have known you forever, yet only recently have we met. The time that has passed has escaped me and all I know is that I will love you always.

74. There is no one else in the world that I’d rather be with than you. I’m so thankful for our journey together so far, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds. Our hearts and souls are forever connected, and I want nothing more than for us to be together for eternity.

75. I love how you make me smile, how being around you makes my heart feel full, and how every moment that passes feels like it’s happening for the first time and the last all at once. I can’t describe how you make me feel because it’s so much more than any words can capture, but I’m so happy to spend this life with you by my side.

76. My life, your love. These are the things that matter most to me. I want to spend every second of my life with you because you are my heart, your smile sparks in my eyes, I love you with all of my body and soul, I don’t know what life would be like without you.

77. I think of you constantly, and I can’t wait to be with you again. The time we spend together is magic and leaves me wanting more. The way you look at me and hold my hand gives me butterflies. You are all I want in the world; I want to spend the rest of our lives together.

78. You make me a better person and I love who you are. I can’t describe how much you mean to me but, know that you are my entire world. Sometimes words fail me, but I’m sure you know how happy I am with you in my life.

79. You are my love and life. I wish we could be together forever. I have every feeling for you, and it’s because of your kindness that makes me happy. We need each other always. You are the best thing in my life, and it feels great knowing that we can share the love!

80. You are my entire world and I am so in love with you! You are the best boyfriend I could have ever asked for. You make me feel so special and loved. I can’t stop thinking about you. I know our relationship has had its ups and downs, but I am glad we fought through those to be together. You make me the happiest man alive, I love you!

81. I will always love you, even when we are old and grey. Even though we have our differences, I promise you that my heart will forever be yours. You’re the most important person in my life, and I want to spend all of our days together. There’s no one else in the world that has what we have.

82. You are everything to me, and I love you to death. I can’t imagine being without you, because you make my life complete. I love you and everything about you. You make me a better person, and I’m glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with you.

83. You are everything to me, truly. You are the heart in my chest, the music in my heart, and the smile on my face. I need you to survive. You brighten my day and bring me such joy. I love you with all my heart, forever and always.

84. I love you so much. There’s not a single day that goes by without me thinking of you. You mean the world to me, and I want everyone to know it. As long as the sun beats on your head and the grass is below your feet, I will be next to you, loving you.

85. I love you so much, honey. You’re my world and everything is better with you in it. You make me a better man and I love the person you are. I’m so thankful that we found each other, and I couldn’t live another day without you. You are the most important person in my life, and I can’t imagine this world without you by my side.

86. You are the reason to exist, the most important thing to me, a reason to live and a reason that gives meaning to my existence. And if I can’t have you, then I don’t want anyone.

87. You are my everything. I need you in my life more than the air I breathe. Without you, I can’t function properly. Everything about me is better because of you. You make my soul feel so complete!

88. You make this world a more beautiful and wonderful place to live in. I am so proud that you are my special someone. I thought my love for you couldn’t get any greater, but every time we spend time together, I fall deeper in love with you.

89. You are my world, my everything. If I had to choose to do it all over again, I’d pick you every time. You are my entire life and I’m thankful for every minute we share. I love you and I need you. I have to have you in my life to feel complete. I love the way you look at me, your lovable smile and your kind voice.

90. Life is good. I am in a very good place in life right now. Most of this is due to you and this love that we share. You have always been there for me when I needed you and it brings me great joy and happiness to know that I have the same impact on you, that your life is filled with as much love, hope, laughter and excitement as mine is.

91. There are many hugs, kisses, and other positive adjectives that I would use to describe our relationship, but none of them truly even come close to what I feel for you. You are my entire world. Your smile lights up my entire life and every time we kiss I feel as if I could disappear into your touch forever.

92. In every lifetime, there is that special person that you want to hold in your arms and never let go of, but then again I’m sure if it was allowed we would never be able to let go. You are my entire world, the only true love of my life. When we first met, I knew I would love you forever and still somehow in my heart I believe that. Our friendship has grown so much these past few years and you have become the most amazing man I know.

93. It was a beautiful morning and I woke up to see you sleeping beside me. I just wanted to write how much you mean to me, regardless of anything else in the world. You mean so much more than the air I breathe or the sun in the sky. You are my everything and without you, I feel lost, I love you because you are my world.

94. Your tenderness, beauty and passion leave me breathless. I can’t get enough of you and your soft touch. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I thank my lucky stars every day that our paths crossed.

95. You always made life better. I can’t imagine not having you around, can’t imagine a life without you. Every moment we spend together brings me closer to you, I never felt so happy to be in love and feel so loved by an incredible person like you. I need to be better for you, and your presence makes it worth every effort. You are my reason for being, I need you to be happy! Knowing that makes you know how much I love you!

96. I’ve never been in love like this before. You have completely changed me and I’m so thankful to have you. You’re my everything and I can’t imagine life without you. I love you with every part of me, forever and always.

97. Loving you is the greatest feeling of all. I am so grateful to have a life that was so destined to be like ours. Happiness is always greater when you have someone to share it with.

98. I can’t imagine life without you by my side. I don’t trust myself to speak right now because I know if I do I will cry. All day long you are on my mind, even when we are apart. You complete me in ways nothing else could. When I am with you I feel like the luckiest person in the world, and when we are apart it feels like a piece of me is missing. You are my soul mate and I love you more than life itself.

99. I took a piece of my heart and put it inside you. Just in case you ever feel lonely, it can remind you. We’re not that far apart. You’re always in my thoughts and dreams, and in my arms is where I always want to be. I wrote this for you because you are my life and my entire world.

100. I love you. I miss you. I need you. If it sounds cliché, my heart will explain. You’re the reason I wake up every morning and the reason that I put a smile on my face at night when all I want to do is cry. You are my life’s love song; That’s why it feels so right.

101. I love you. You are my everything. You make me complete. I think about you every minute of every day and I never stop thinking about you when we are apart. When I close my eyes, all I see is your beautiful face. It feels like your features are carved into my soul. I hope that one day, in some way, our love will be expressed to everyone else in the world.

102. My life changed the day that I met you. We hold each other up when things are rough and it’s all worth it because I love you so much. Our lives have become one, forming one entity. You’ve wrapped your arms around my heart so tightly and there isn’t a chance that we’ll ever part. I love you more than I ever thought was possible and you have the biggest impact on my life.

103. I feel you in my soul as if we share one. Everything reminds me of you, every scent and every sound. Whenever I look at the sky I imagine what our future will look like together. I can’t wait to start building it with you. You are everything I have always wanted and more. You mean the world to me and most importantly, you are my everything.”

104. You are my entire world. I am so thankful for all the wonderful times we shared and that you are a part of my life. You have shown me how it feels to be loved and feels to be wanted. I try to make your days as wonderful as you make mine, but no matter what I do I could never love you enough. You give me more than anyone else ever has or ever could and I promise to spend the rest of my life trying to return the favour.

105. Now and forever, you are my only true love. To even attempt to describe our love is simply impossible – you’re a part of me. Although we may not be together during this time, my feelings for you will always remain the same – and that’s lighter than a feather. No matter whom you meet or where life takes you, think of me, for I will be there with you every second of every minute of every day.

106. When I think of you there are no words to express my feelings. All I can do is smile because I know that you are my world and nobody could ever replace you. You are my everything and no one will ever come between our love. I want to spend the rest of my days with you and never let you go!

107. I don’t know how to thank you. All I can say is “I love you” because that’s all that truly means. You are my world, my everything and I will do anything for you. You are the person I look forward to seeing every day, and nothing makes me happier than being near you.

108. The world is a beautiful place when you have someone special to share it with. Life is so much better when you don’t have to face it alone. What I love most about you is that no matter how dark my day might be, you always seem to find a way to lighten my mood. You are the reason I’m smiling and the reason I will never stop because you are my entire world.

109. I have found a person who is my entire world. This person makes me feel a way I never thought possible. This person makes me incredibly happy and doesn’t make me mad easily. This person makes my life better with just their presence. I am in love with this person, and want to be with them forever! True love

110. Through every season I love you more and more. Since the first minute I saw you, love grew and made my heart explode in glee. You are my entire world, my other half, my soul mate, the one I see in my future. I’ll never stop loving you.

When a person becomes the “world” to you, it means that you no longer feel like you have other options and there’s nothing left to learn or discover. You know this person inside out and there are no secrets anymore.

The quotes capture this feeling beautifully in their unique way, expressing the devotion and affection one feels for one’s significant other in an easy-to-understand manner. kindly let me know how you feel about this post in the comments section. Thank you for reading.

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