I Will Fight for You Love Quotes For Him Or Her

Love is one of the most cherished feelings of all time, but fighting for love can be challenging. You love him/her, but he/she doesn’t want to commit. This is a very common situation, especially among younger people.

The only thing better than knowing that someone loves you is knowing that they’ll fight for you. Every person knows that being in a relationship is not all sunshine; there are also many challenges.

Sometimes your partner won’t understand your true feelings and emotions or forget them. This can be very frustrating when you realize that the person you had fallen in love with is moving away from you.

Although there are times when you feel like giving up, you should never give up until the last possible moment. Here are some I will fight for you love quotes for him or her that I hope might inspire you to fight for your relationship and soulmate.

I want you to believe me because I’m saying this from my heart. I will fight for your love, no matter what it costs me. I promise to stand by you no matter what and I will do anything to fight for our love. I love you, and I can’t help it.

1. It’s hard to say what is real and what isn’t. We need to restart a little to get back to where we were before. Let’s try to have time to ourselves to feel as amazing as it did when we first met when we were together. Whatever it takes, I will fight for your love.

2. I miss you more and more every day. I love you so much and don’t want us to stop this. I will do anything to make you happy for as long as we are together. I will fight for your love.

3. It is hard to fight a battle when you know you have already lost the war. I can’t lose you, baby. I’ve found my one true love, and I can’t lose this relationship. I will do whatever it takes to keep you by my side forever.

4. I thought we would never be together. I was worried about being a good enough boyfriend for you and if your feelings would change. Now that I have you, I will do anything to keep you happy and keep you by my side. You make me the best person I know. I love you so much.

5. You are my today, my tomorrow, and all my tomorrows. I will never be able to say all the things that I love about you, but I could spend my whole life trying. You inspire me to be a better person, and you make me smile. Thank you for loving me forever and always. I will fight for your love.

6. I love you with all my heart, baby. I’m so glad we found each other; I just feel blessed. Thank you for loving me for me and making me feel so special. Thanks for making my life complete. I can’t wait to be by your side forever. I will fight for your love.

7. If I could give you anything in the world, it would be a lifetime full of happiness. You deserve it. You are the woman of my dreams, and I cannot wait to be with you forever. I will fight for your love. I love you to the moon and back.

8. I never thought I’d find someone to make me so happy. Being with you helps me to be a better man. I love the way that you laugh, cry and smile. You are the only person that makes my heart flutter and skips a beat. I will fight for your love.

9. You are so amazing and beautiful. I can’t even put this feeling into words because it is so strong. No one is better than you; no one could ever love you more than I do. I am always here for you. I will fight for your love.

10. You are the love of my life and my soul mate, the star I wish on every night. Enjoy your day because you deserve everything you want. I will keep fighting for your love, no matter what happens.

11. I can’t say I love you, for I know the feelings are more than words can express. I can’t say I need you, for there is no greater happiness than in our love. The angels above are smiling down on your love, and one day we will be together again and have heaven on earth.

Rain and shine, I will fight for you. I don’t ever want to spend my life without you, so I am down for whatever it takes. I will fight for our love, I swear it! Promise me you will fight for us too. Love is never easy, but I’m ready to face whatever challenges are thrown our way. I love you, baby.

12. I’ve asked myself this question more times than I can count; why do I love you? That answer has never changed. It’s because you are amazing. There is no one like you, and because of that, I will always love you and only you. I will fight for you, love.

13. I love you in all the ways that I can. You’re my greatest adventure, my wildest dream, my true destiny. I’ve never been so in love with anyone. And I promise to spend every day fighting for our love, for a brighter future, and for a life that we’ve only dreamt of. I love you, and I will always have your back, no matter what.

14. I’ll always fight for us, for you. I’ll do anything to be with you. I want nothing more than to love you and to make you smile. You are my life, my everything. I just can’t be without you.

15. I love you even when we fight. Even when you are mad at me, I do not take it personally. I’m sorry if I make you mad, but I won’t give up trying to make you smile. Love doesn’t mean being perfect; it’s about giving each other the perfect imperfections that bring us together and making them work for our love.

16. You are so beautiful to me, and I love everything about you. You snuggle up to me when I need a hug and always put a smile on my face even when I’m at my worst. Everything about you is perfect, even the way you don’t know you are perfect. I will fight for you, love.

17. Although sometimes it seems like our love would be better off if I just gave up and walked away, I’m not ready to let you go. I love you too much. You are my everything, and as long as you want me to stay by your side, I will always be there. I will fight for you, love.

18. You are my shining light in a world full of darkness, the one person in this world who sees all my flaws but loves me anyway. Thank you for not giving up on us. I will fight for you, love.

19. I’ve never been so happy in my life. I can’t stop looking at you, thinking about you, wanting you. I want nothing more than to build a future with you and to spend every second of the rest of my life with you. I love you so much.

20. You’re the most amazing person I have ever met in my life, my best friend, and the love of my life. If we were to fight, I would pace back and forth until it was resolved or die trying. If you were to leave me, my world would shatter. I will fight for you, love.

Our love is one for the books, and I don’t care what people think, as long as we’re fine. Fighting for our love will always top my priorities. I love you that much, and I will fight for our love.

21. You are a brick that holds up a wall, keeping everything bad. Without you, I’m nothing. When I look at the world, the only thing I see is you. You are my favourite person to be with and the only one that can understand me completely. I will fight for our love.

22. I could go on for days expressing how much you mean to me, but perhaps I should just tell you that I love you. I will fight for our love.

23. You are the love of my life, the most amazing woman I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day. Life would be empty without you.

24. A day may come when we can’t be together, but I will always be with you no matter what. I will fight for our love. I love you now and forever.

25. I’ve never met a person that encompasses as much grace, passion, and love as you. I want to hold you tight, caress your body, kiss your mind and listen to everything you have to say. I love the clothes you wear and how they look on you. I will fight for our love.

26. I hope you are having a beautiful day, baby. I just wanted to tell you I love you so much and more each day that passes. I will fight for our love. I can’t wait to be with you again.

27. No matter what happens, I want you to know that I will fight for you, love. The world could be against us; friends turned cold, and even family did not accept us. I will always fight for the one thing that I care about most.

28. I cherish every moment that I have with you and hold all of the love I have for you in my hands. You will always be held so close to me, protected and safe. I want you to know that you are the greatest joy in my life, whether we’re together or far apart. I love you.

29. I promise that I will always be here for you through the good and bad times. I will help you fight your demons and make sure you know that you are my everything. I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and happy. You are loved beyond words, and I refuse to lose you. You’re one of a kind.

I want us to stand strong and fight for our love. I don’t want anyone to come between us. Yes, we can do it because we are stronger together. I love you, my darling.

30. My love for you is stronger than steel, more relentless than the seas. I’ve already decided never to let you go. Let’s fight for our love, so we can always be together.

31. My love, you are my life, my soul mate. I love you more than words can express, and I will never give up on us. I’d love to spend my life with you. Let’s fight for our love.

32. You are the most important person in my life. I get lost in your eyes when you look at me with so much love. You don’t let go of my hand for even one second. You wrap your arms around me and tell me how much you love me over and over again. I stay up with you all night, just because I don’t want to miss one moment with you.

33. I miss you; no matter where in the world I am, a part of me is missing some of you. I truly do love you, in a way, no one else will ever know. No matter how hard it gets and how far we are, my love won’t fade. I’ll be here waiting with open arms; when the time comes, I will come running to get you back in my life. Let’s fight for our love.

34. I wish we had more time to spend together, but I cherish every moment we spend together. To be with you is like a dream come true. To see you walk across the room and kiss me is like a blessing from above. Let’s fight for our love. I love you.

35. Nothing can destroy my love for you. No matter what happens, I will always be by your side. Even when you push me away, I’ll always be there to pull you back. Every time we fight, it just makes me love you more and more. Let’s fight for our love. I love you so much.

36. I have embraced every moment we’ve had together and treasure them with all my heart. You’re the reason I still smile in the morning and why I’m so happy to see you again at the end of a hard day. Let’s fight for our love.

37. You are the love of my life. I would die for you; I would fight for you; anything to make you happy. Our love is the most beautiful thing in the world, and I will always fight to keep it strong.

38. I would fight for you. I would run by your side towards a brighter future, and with every breath I take, I would bring your name to my lips. Please, let’s keep fighting for our love. I love you forever.

I will fight for you. I will do everything in my power to make sure that our love burns eternal. You hold a special place in my heart, so it will cost me nothing to fight for you. Even if it costs me my life, I will gladly do it. I love you.

39. We won’t stop fighting for this love; it’s worth it. We found each other; why would we let go? You are the most amazing man that has ever happened to me. I know in my heart this is forever. I will fight for you.

40. I don’t just want to kiss you; I want to be with you; soaked in your love. You’re my other half, the yin to my yang, and I love it. You’re strong, and so am I, and together we form perfection. I will fight for you.

41. From the day we met, our lives were changed for the better. We have never stopped enjoying sweet moments. In my heart, you are mine always. Let us fight against the world- together we are an invincible force. I love you.

42. You are my star, love, rock, and soul. You are the one person I can’t imagine life without. Without you, I might as well be dead. No one else in this world can make me smile and laugh as you do. I want to be with you forever.

43. I’m so lucky to have found you. I’ve never known anyone like you; you’re one of a kind, my love. You keep me going when life gets hard, and I don’t know where I would be without you by my side. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I could never forget it. I will fight for you.

44. To me, you are the most amazing girl in the world. You are more than a girlfriend, more than the love of my life. You are my soulmate, my breath of fresh air, the one who helps me through everything. I can’t imagine going on without you. I will fight for you.

45. You make me smile. You make me laugh. You make everything alright. I love you more than anything else in this world. Thank you for being the most amazing person I have ever known.

46. I love you more than words can say; you are my happiness and everything. I would never give up on us because I love you too much. I am strong enough to fight for what is right so that we can be together one day soon.

47. I hope you will never forget that I love you more than anything else. If we ever fight, we shouldn’t let that be a reason not to work it out. I will always fight, endlessly and endlessly, for your love. I will fight for you.

48. You make my life better. When you’re not there, I miss you, when we fight, I miss you, when I talk to you on the phone, I miss you. I miss everything about you because you are a part of my life. You’re always on my mind and in my heart. I will fight for you.

49. Your love inspires me every day to be a better person, and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. My love for you is like a beanstalk that grows taller and taller each day. I want to keep fighting for you.

50. When we first met, I was scared; I had no idea what to do and wouldn’t have made it without your help. Everything in my life has changed with your arrival, and things will never be the same from then on. I will fight for you.

Our relationship is here to stay, and if the worst happens, I will fight for it. We belong together, and nothing will stop us because I will keep fighting for our relationship. Thank you for choosing me, my darling wife.

51. You showed me that love conquers all, and we can do anything if we work together as one. So today I want to say thank you, my love. You are an exceptional man, and I will fight for our relationship.

52. I love you more than words can say. You are one of the reasons I wake up in the morning. I want to be your rock and safe place when times are difficult. You are my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate. I want to spend every day with you and grow old together.

53. Love is very powerful and should be treated as something priceless. I have loved you many times, but never so fully as I love you. You are my world, my soul, and the centre of my universe. I love you more every day that passes, and I will fight for our relationship.

54. I’m so happy that I found you. You are amazing, and your laughter lifts my spirits every day. I never thought that love would be this beautiful, but I can’t imagine my life without you. I will fight for our relationship.

55. Sometimes, I look at you and wonder how on earth we’re together. We’re so different, and I feel like you should be some abstract concept that I don’t understand, but instead, you are real. No matter what, I know you are always there for me, and that’s enough to keep me going.

56. I just can’t help but love how perfectly imperfect our relationship is. I have loved you all of my life. You are the reason I get out of bed every morning and the very reason I find joy every day. I will never love anyone else, as I have never loved anyone before. I will fight for our relationship.

57. Baby, I don’t know what to say about our relationship. I have never been the most romantic guy in the world, but you make me want to be. You make me want to be better, which is one of the things that attracted me to you. You make me want to fight harder for you. I will fight for our relationship.

58. You are amazing. You make me so happy; you make me feel great about myself. Every night is magical when your arms are around me. I’d do anything for you, and I will fight for our love with all that I have. I love you so much.

59. I want you to know that I would fight for you. I would fight the world for you. I would do anything for you. I am proud to call myself your lover. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and believe it or not; I’m pretty sure you’re about to make my life a little happier. I will fight for our relationship.

60. I never want to lose you. Even though I love being with you, I miss you when we’re apart. You brighten up my darkest days just by your presence. For me, there’s no other place where I can get lost in your eyes and just be happy and feel safe than with you. I will fight for our relationship.

Your woman is everything to you. She’s the reason you stay up all night, making sure things go as they should. You should fight for her like your life depends on it. Don’t make her sad when you should be spoiling her. She will appreciate you more.

61. There’s no how you can live a day without your woman. She is a huge part of your dreams, life, heart, and soul. So whatever she expects of you, she must know that you will do it for your love. You need to make her happy always; fight for your woman.

62. The only choice for you is to be with your woman. She is a part of your heart, and your life without her isn’t complete. You should do everything to make her happy; you should fight for your woman.

63. Your woman is someone you truly love and want to marry because she belongs to you. She deserves the best man in the world, which you are. You should fight like a tiger; fight for your woman.

64. Your woman is someone you truly love and believe in. The world might be against you, but you can beat it in the end. You are her hero, and she’s your soulmate. You are stronger and better than ever, come what may. Fight for your woman.

65. You should be proud of your love. You make each other laugh; you get along great, you have a lot of fun together. Regardless of how hard everything may get, you must always be by her side, no matter what. Fight for your woman.

I don’t care what it costs me; I will fight for my love. My life was nothing to write home about before you came, but it all makes sense now. I will fight for you, my love.

66. I don’t want to fight with you. All I want to do is love you and be loved by you. I love you so much that it hurts sometimes. Sometimes I wish we could walk away from the past and start a new life together. You are the one person I cannot live without; even if I try to let go of you, my heart breaks at the thought of being apart or losing our love forever.

67. All I know is that I cannot and will not live without you. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I have to be with you because life isn’t the same without you by my side. I will fight for my love.

68. We were apart and tried to pretend that we could be happy; we both realized that it just wasn’t right. We love each other more than anything in the world, and I want to spend my life with you. I don’t know what I would do without you. I will fight for my love.

69. I’ve fought for love, I’ve cried for you, I’ve felt lost without you. You made me feel like no one in the world could ever feel as right as you did. You were perfect; to me, there was no wrong with you, and I believed that those who saw us together were jealous of our undeniable love. I will fight for my love.

70. The person who tore us apart will someday soon realize how much they lost when they decided to break our hearts and shattered our dreams. I will fight for my love.

71. There are many reasons why I love you, but the simple truth is that I can’t imagine a life of mine without you. You have made me happier than anyone else ever has, and I promise always to make you feel the same way through the thick and thin. I will fight for my love.

72. You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I feel completely and utterly in love with you. You make my life a million times better than it was before we met. We may have our little fights, but they only make us stronger. I will fight for my love.

73. You are my shining star; you light up my life every time I see you smile at me or when I hear your voice say you love me. You bring such joy to my heart. We may fight, we may disagree, but I’ll always be here for you. I will fight for my love.

74. The only thing that won’t change is how much I love you. I’ll prove it every day to show that you are the center of my world and what makes life worthwhile. I will fight for my love.

75. I love you, but that doesn’t mean I have to like every one of your habits, or even most of them. I am not happy when you are upset, and I get sad. I will stick by you through all the laughter and tears we will inevitably share throughout our life together. I will fight for my love.

76. I am so lucky to have found a partner who is my partner through good times and my partner through hard times. We must fight for our love and never let go. Even when it gets tough, we will face every battle with everything we have. I love you.

77. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I will not lose you so easily. I promise to always be by your side no matter what. I will never stop fighting for your heart because you are the air I breathe. You have my heart, and it feels safe forever when we are together.

78. The only thing in this world as beautiful as your eyes are the words you say to me every day. I love you so much, and you will fight for us until the end of time. Thank you for choosing to be with me.

79. Whatever happens, whatever comes between us, however far we drift apart, however much we argue, I will fight to get us back because I love you. You are the best boyfriend ever.

80. You make me feel so loved from the minute I wake up to the minute I have to sleep. I know you love me as much as I love you. My heart has found its home, where it will stay forever. I will fight for my love.

81. I finally found you. You melt my heart and make me smile. My days have been better and more magical since you came into my life. You are amazing, and I hope we never have to be apart. I love you, always have, and always will.

82. My dearest love, my rock, my soul mate. I love you as you are. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I treasure every day that we get to spend together. Our dreams of a lifetime will come true because this is what our love is destined for.

83. You mean more than I could ever express in words; therefore, I will never even try. I will say that I cherish every moment we share and feel that every day is better because you are by my side. I love you.

84. You are my world, my everything. I love you more than the stars and cherish your smile. It’s been a bumpy road, but we got there, and I couldn’t be happier. I love you. I will fight for my love.

85. I promise never to make you cry because every tear I wipe from your eyes will be replaced with a happy thought. I promise never to hurt you; if it’s at all possible, I will save you from any pain or suffering. I will fight for my love. I love you so much.

Fighting for our love is a must because we’re meant to be together. We will continue to wax stronger and stronger no matter what they say. I love you, baby.

86. I will never stop loving you. I love you not just because I need you; I love you because I want to be with you. I have always believed there will not be another way to touch my heart the way you do, and there will never be another love for me but you.

87. No matter what we go through, even if we fight or disagree, I always think about how good it would feel to see your smiling face and to hear your voice. I want us always to stay together and fight for our love.

88. I love you more than words. I fought for my love for you, and I’ll never stop fighting for it. I will never give up on our love because you are the one thing in this world that makes me happy every day.

89. I will fight for you in every way possible until I can’t anymore. You mean the world to me, and I want to be with you forever. No matter what life throws at us, I will always be by your side. I can’t imagine my life without you. I will keep fighting for our love.

90. I used to think that I would never fall in love, but here it is, and here you are. The first time we met, my heart skipped a beat. And every moment together has only made my feelings grow. You are so special to me, and I’ll fight for our relationship till the end of the earth.

91. You are my queen; never forget that. You are the love of my life, and I will never give up on our love. Keep your head up and know nothing I don’t fight for, including you. I will prove to you that I am the one for you.

92. I don’t deserve an amazing girl like you. How could I have won such a wonderful woman? I am so lucky to have you in my arms. Every time we are together, my heart beats just a little faster. My love for you can’t be put into words, but I hope this letter will do the trick.

93. Everyone has a different definition of love, and it is so hard to find the right person who shares the same definition. I believe that you are my definition of love because somehow, we balance each other out. I will keep fighting for our love.

94. We have finally found each other, and there is nowhere else I’d rather be than by your side. You mean the world to me, and together we can take on anything this world throws at us. I will keep fighting for our love.

95. I’ve been living without you for way too long, and I don’t want to waste any more time. I love your eyes, smile, heart, and everything else that makes up who you are. You make me happy; you do. And as I sit here telling myself not to cry, I can only hope that you know how much you mean to me.

96. You’re the reason I look up at the stars, open my eyes to a new morning, and smile when my heart hurts. You’re my hope, my happiness, and my light. I will keep fighting for our love. I love you.

97. I love you so much, and I want to spend my life with you. You are the most amazing person in the world, and I, for one, am going to fight for you till my last breath.

98. I want to prove that I will get back up every time life kicks me down. This adventure we are on is worth it because you make every day worth fighting for. You are my best friend, and I am so lucky to spend the rest of my life with you.

99. I love you so much. All the days of my life will be filled with incredible love from me to you. I promise to make it last and will do everything in my power to keep you happy for as long as I can, no matter what. I will keep fighting for our love.

100. Since we first met, you were always there. Your smile cheers me up, and your tears ease my pain. I would carry your burdens if I could. We are two souls in one body, trying to make the best of everything. For the rest of our lives, let’s stay together and create beautiful memories. I will keep fighting for our love, nonetheless.

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