We Choose to Be Happy Quotes

You can choose to be happy. But, if you don’t believe that, you’re never going to be. It’s true that you may not feel like you can be happy right now. You may even doubt that it’s possible for you to be happy because you’re going through a difficult time in your life. But, I want to assure you that you can be happy and it is possible.

I’m not saying this because I want to sell you something or convince you that I know what I’m talking about — although, if I do know what I’m talking about and can help someone else then great! That would be awesome!

I say these things because I’ve been there myself and have seen many people go through difficult times and come out on the other side happier than ever before. And when they do come out on the other side happy again, it feels incredible! It makes me so happy for them and myself too because we’ve both learned something important about life: happiness is a choice we make every day.

A life of happiness should be something everyone strives for. By knowing and understanding why we should be happy, we can live happier lives. That is why it is important to understand what precisely leads to happiness in an individual. Whether you need a tag note, or you are attempting to live a more happy life, these we choose to be happy quotes are just the best for you.

We choose to be happy because we want to be the best versions of ourselves. We know that when we are happy, when we are truly happy, we can make everyone around us a little happier too.

1. We make our own happiness. We choose to be happy. Looking on the bright side of things doesn’t mean you have to be in denial. It means you choose to focus on what is good, rather than what is bad.

2. We choose to be happy because it’s important to take time out of our busy lives and make memories.

3. We choose to be happy because life is too short to not smile. We started this site because we want everyone to feel awesome about themselves.

4. We choose to be happy because we want to be the best versions of ourselves.

5. We choose to be happy because we want to be the best versions of ourselves. We want to be able to help others and make this world a better place.

6. We choose to be happy. We choose the things that bring us joy. Every day is a good day to get up and start over because there’s always another adventure waiting for you.

7. We choose to be happy. We choose the things that make us laugh and bring us joy. Every day is a good day to get up and try again because there’s always a new adventure waiting for you.

8. We choose to be happy, not because it’s easy but because it’s hard. We choose to be happy, not because we want to but because we can.

9. We choose to be happy because we are worthy of it. We choose to be happy because the world is full of meaning and beauty.

10. We choose to be happy because there’s more to life than just living for ourselves.

11. It’s the small things that make a big difference. We choose to be happy.

12. We choose happiness because it’s important to take time out of our busy lives and make good memories.

13. We choose to be happy because we are born to be happy. It’s the most important thing in life and we should not miss this opportunity.

14. We opt to be happy to be the best version of ourselves.

15. Whatever your current state of mind, it’s within your power to choose happiness and focus on the positive. Be happy. Be joyful.

16. We are all born to be happy. It is up to us to choose to be happy or not as we go through our lives.

17. After a long stressful day, we choose to be happy. We choose it because it’s important to take time out of our busy lives and make those lasting memories.

18. We chose to take time out of our busy lives and make memories.

19. Life doesn’t always go the way we want. That’s OK, because you can choose to be happy.

20. Even in the darkest moments, there is still a light at the end of the tunnel. Always choose to be happy.

21. Are you happy? If not, why not? We choose to be happy because it’s a choice.

22. Humans are built to be happy. It’s a choice we make, but having the right mindset can go a long way towards making it happen.

23. The happiest moments of my life are the ones I’ve chosen myself. Choose happiness!

24. Happiness is a choice. Everything that happens to you is an opportunity for happiness or sadness. Be happy always, because the world is full of suffering and missing opportunities. This is the law of attraction.

25. Everybody wants the best for you, but sometimes you have to choose happiness for yourself.

26. No one can take your happiness away. You control it—and that’s the best thing about it.

27. Happiness is the ability to come out of a room, make others happy and feel good about it.

28. Happiness is a choice you make every day and it’s up to you whether you live like that by choosing to be happy or not.

29. Happiness is a choice you make every day and it’s up to you whether you live like that by choosing to be happy or not.

30. Happiness is a choice: you can either be happy or not. In life, it’s simply up to you to choose happiness, because it’s important to understand that we are born to be happy and nothing can stop us from being happy if we choose to do so.

31. Life is not a race, instead, it’s a state of mind. We choose to be happy because life is too short and we should not miss this opportunity.

32. The world is already dark enough as it is. We are here to change that with positivity and happiness. It’s easy to feel down and get caught up in negativity, but you should always remember that we choose to be happy.

33. When life throws you curveballs, it’s your choice how you react. Do you choose to be happy? It’s what matters most.

34. Why you should choose to be happy: To leave a legacy, to have fun, to live your dreams, to walk on water.

35. We think happiness is a choice. And as long as you choose to be happy, every day can be a good day to get up and start over.

36. Choose to be happy. Choose a job you love, choose to work. Choose to wake up early and do things that matter. Choose to have fun with the people who love you.

37. Choose happiness! There is no better time than now to launch your next adventure.

38. Life is full of incredible opportunities to create happiness and new memories. You get to decide what you want from life.

39. Taking happiness into our own hands and choosing to be happy, sometimes we feel tired. At those times, we choose to do things that aren’t easy or fun, but that we know can make us happier. We choose to be happy not because it’s easy but because it’s hard. But in the end, it is all worth it.

40. To smile is to choose happiness. You’ll never know true happiness until your heart is filled with gratitude and your mind is clear of doubt.

41. We accept that sometimes life will be hard and challenging, but we also choose to find the silver lining and make the most of every day.

42. I choose to be happy. In the face of adversity, all that matters is how we deal with it. That’s what sets us apart.

43. It’s our choice to be happy. No one else can make us smile, laugh or even breathe unless we let them.

44. Choosing to be happy is a choice that we make every day. When you have the freedom to think and feel as you please, you’ll never be disappointed by life.

45. We choose to be happy, choose to smile, choose to love.

46. Happiness is not something that happens to you, it’s something you choose.

47. Happiness is a choice! Make the right one, and you’ll be on your way to living the life of your dreams.

48. Happiness isn’t something you will get, it is a choice you make. Choose to be happy!

49. You can choose to be happy. You can make your life what you want it to be. You can spend your days managing things that don’t matter, or you can spend them on the things that do. Be happy. Be grateful. Be kind.

50. Happiness is a choice. It’s not an accident. It never was something you were destined to have. You chose happiness when you made that first decision to raise your hand and say “yes, I will try to be happy.”

51. Happiness is a choice. Choosing to be happy every day is key to making you even happier in the long run.

52. Choose happiness. Life is way too short to be unhappy with yourself or others.

I hope these we choose to be happy quotes up there will help you see that though it may seem like a lot of pressure to be happy all the time and to always choose to be happy, but it’s actually easier than you think.

People who choose to be happy do experience more happiness in their lives and they are better able to deal with difficult situations in their life.

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