In Love With My Best Friend Quotes

The moment your best friend is also your lover at the same time, you have won the relationship game. This is the part where most people will give up on a friendship, or a crush out of fear of ruining their bond. But in your case, you made things work. Why should you settle for anything less when you can have someone that is willing to love you unconditionally despite knowing all your flaws?

You know exactly what they’re thinking and what really makes them happy but, at times, they still manage to surprise us. Because in reality, we know that spending quality time with our friends is precious and, we all make sacrifices.

They will be honest with you because they want nothing to hold you back and they want to be there every step of the way no matter what as a true companion and best friend should.

This is a collection of heart-melting in love with my best friend quotes that explore the joys of falling in love with your best friend, how to get that person’s attention and things to consider before taking the plunge.

Nothing can replace your best friend in the world. There is nothing better than having a person in your life who supports you, loves you, cares for you and is always ready to give you a helping hand when required. Falling in love with your best friend is the best thing that will ever happen to you.

1. I have fallen in love with my best friend, I want to keep him so close to me all my life. I want him to be mine forever. And I can’t help but thank the stars that we were the lucky ones who were meant to be together.

2. Falling in love with your best friend is like having all the good things in a relationship without any of the bad. You have a lot of chemistry and history, you know each other’s families, and are very comfortable with each other.

3. Falling in love with your best friend is one of the most beautiful things you will ever experience.

4. I thought I loved someone else, but all the time it was you whom I wanted. You are my best friend, my other half and the love of my life if you’ll only let it happen.

5. I feel like I’ve known my best friend forever. We’ve been through everything together and we have such a solid foundation. I’m in love with her.

6. I have fallen madly in love with my best friend. I was heartbroken when we got separated after graduating high school and college, but we found our way back to each other. And this time, nothing is going to take us apart.

7. The moment you fall in love with your best friend is the greatest feeling. You already know everything about them and they understand you, so there isn’t any pressure to impress or act a certain way. They will love you no matter what.

8. Your best friend knows your stories and has probably been there for every significant moment in your life, and now that you’re falling in love with them, you wish to remain partners for life.

9. When you fall in love with your best friend, you feel the rainfall on a sunny day. You feel someone’s hand holding yours when celebrating your success. And you know that when it all goes wrong, there is a person who never leaves you or doubts you for a second.

10. Think about it, isn’t it great to fall in love with someone whom you share everything with? You can build a great life together, travel the world and grow old together. So go ahead, show your love and friendship.

11. Falling in love with your best friend is the best thing that can happen to anyone. They’ve seen you at your worst, they’ve seen you grow into the person you are, they’ve seen you change and, they still love you!

12. Best friends are the people you turn to when you need to talk or if you simply want to laugh. Best friends are always there for you through thick and thin. They know your deepest, darkest secrets and they’re okay with it and love you all the same. Falling in love with yours is the best thing ever.

13. Falling in love with your best friend is the best thing that can happen to anyone. I highly recommend it. It takes all of the best qualities in your friendship, heightens them and throws in some more loyalty, commitment and understanding. You’ll always be there for one another, no matter what, and you’ll never be afraid to say what you really mean. Suddenly, you have somebody who knows every single thing about you without you having to even lift a finger.

14. Love is a wonderful experience and never feels better than when you fall in love with your best friend. Remember to always hold hands, laugh often and kiss every chance you get; because when all is said and done, you’ll realize that friendship is the greatest thing that’ll ever happen to anyone.

15. Love is like the thrill of adventure and a feeling of security wrapped into one. The best kind of love you can ever experience is falling in love with your best friend and feeling safe at the same time.

16. When you fall in love with your best friend, you’re in for the most wonderful experience you can imagine.

17. You know you have fallen in love with your best friend when you feel that there is nothing better than being with him or her. Remember to cherish the moments, to always say ‘I love you’, and to be thankful for each sunrise you get to spend with them; because when all is said and done, you’ll realize that friendship is immeasurable.

18. Falling in love with your best friend is like a fairytale, except when it actually happens, it’s a dream come true. It’s as if destiny has planned it to happen and chose you for each other. You tend to become an inspiration for each person in your life and, that makes loving you easier for them as well.

19. If you’re lucky enough to fall in love with your best friend, hang on tight! You’ve just found the greatest thing that can happen to anyone.

20. You love her. You know her better than anyone because she is your best friend. You shared so much together from the day you met. You see the world the same way and, together you can change anything and everything that’s wrong with it. You trust her completely and, she trusts you wholeheartedly.

21. Falling in love with your best friend is the greatest thing that can happen to anyone. After all, they already know you inside out and have seen you at your worst, so they understand you better than most people ever could.

22. Your best friend is the most important person in your life. There’s no one you trust more, no one who makes you laugh harder and, no one who can make you feel better on your worst day. That’s why falling in love with her is the best thing ever.

23. I never thought that the one who always supports me like a friend will turn out to be my life partner, in this long journey of love.

24. It has been the best feeling since my heart realized that the one it is looking for, has been my best friend.

25. It is best to fall in love with someone with whom you can express your feelings easily and, that’s only possible when that person is your best friend.

26. If the one you fell in love with is your best friend, then that is the most beautiful relationship because now you don’t need words to express your feelings you can understand each other without saying a word.

27. My best friend is the love of my life. I feel like I’ve known her my whole life, but I want to spend the rest of it getting to know you again.

28. The luckiest person in this world is one who married their best friend because having a life partner who knows you is the best thing you can ever wish for.

29. You don’t know when you will fall in love but, once you fall in love and the person turns out to be your best friend, you are the luckiest person at that moment.

30. How wonderful it is that two people who are strangers met each other and became best friends and after sometimes they became lovers.

31. Falling in love with your best friend is quite difficult, for you would have to learn to keep the feelings just to avoid ruining your friendship.

32. When you fall in love with your best friend, it does not mean that you will ruin your friendship. It would mean more happiness for you because the strongest relationship is the one that started as a friendship first.

33. You never know, your best friend could turn out to be the one. When you least expect it, they will come into your life and sweep you off your feet.

34. When I started to hang out with my best friend more often, I smiled a lot brighter and I laughed a lot merrier. And now I have fallen in love with him.

35. When I needed a friend, you came into my life. You became my best friend and I also have fallen madly in love with you, now I cannot undo it anymore.

36. Now I know why it’s called “falling in love” because with you all my doubts and fears just fall away. I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.

37. You make me want to be better than I already am. I could not ask for more but for my best friend to fall in love with me too.

38. You first met as strangers, became friends, then best friends. You can not believe that you are lovers right now, but always remember to count him/ her as one of your blessings every day.

39. Sometimes, we take for granted the person who is always there beside us.
We get so used to their presence that we do not realize that we have been looking at love all along.

40. The journey of life will become so much fun when your best friend becomes your life partner.

41. The moment you realize that you are in love with your best friend, there would be no sparks, just a recognition of the warm feeling melting inside of you like finally, I have found the home for my heart.

42. You will fall in love many times in your life. But the best one will be falling in love with your best friend.

43. With every passing day of our friendship, I am falling deeper in love with you, and I don’t know how to express it.

44. If your love for your best friend goes beyond the limitation of friends, you must consider that and discuss it.

45. I enjoy sharing everything with you as my best friend, the heart is now one of them too.

46. The time that we spent together as friends made me realize that you make me feel, special, I have fallen in love with you.

47. We used to be best friends, but I don’t know when your presence becomes very important to me, and I started falling for you.

48. If you don’t tell her how you feel you might lose her, tell your best friend that you love her before it’s too late.

49. Every day, I find myself loving you more and more. You are my best friend and, I wouldn’t want to go through life with anyone else. I can’t imagine what my life would be like right now if we weren’t together. You make me happier than I ever thought was possible.

50. We became friends but I didn’t know when your presence became so important to me, and now I know I am in love with you. If someone asks me what love is, I will show them to you.

For what seems like forever, I have been in love with my best friend. He does everything for me and knows me so well. He just cares about me so much. He takes care of me when I am sick and cheers me up when I am down. He is always there for me when I need someone to talk to, always giving wise counsel as a true friend should. He is jovial and dynamic, keeping me from getting bored.

51. I have been in love with my best friend for a while now and I am so happy with him, there are no words to describe just how happy I am. There is no one else in the world that I would rather spend every day with, I cant wait for the years ahead to spend my life with you.

52. Being my best friend, you are the shoulder I lean on, the person I can run to, and now you are the love of my life and everything I need.

53. I love my best friend. We have been friends for many years and now I want to be with her in a relationship. I hope we can get to the point of having a romantic relationship and not just a friendship.

54. I would not be able to remain just your best friend any longer. My heart is bursting with love for you, and I do not know how to contain it.

55. My boyfriend and I have been together for over six months now and, I think he is the one, our relationship is so blissful, I just hope we stay together forever.

56. We are perfect for each other for we are best friends and became lovers. The strength of our relationship will know no boundaries.

57. He is amazing, wonderful and my best friend and I have been in love with him for some time now. I couldn’t have asked for a better relationship with him. He’s so kind and caring and always willing to lend an ear or a helping hand. No matter what I’m going through, he makes me feel better about it.

58. Being in love with my best friend is harder than I thought. But now that we are in love with each other, everything is worth it.

59. I have been in love with my best friend for a long time and, I hope our relationship turns out great.

60. Being in love with my best friend is more fun because no matter what a mess I am, she just does not care.

61. I have had a crush on my best friend since we were young, and now that I am older, I am ready to take the next step.

62. I could not go through the day without seeing you. Who knew that our friendship could turn into something more.

63. I have always been in love with my best friend, it took me a while to realize that but, now that I do, I hope our relationship turns out great.

64. Being in love with my best friend is so natural and beautiful. I admire and treasure the relationship.

65. Meeting him was a fate, becoming his friend was a choice, but falling in love with him was beyond my control.

66. Loving someone opens up your soul to all the things in life that bring true happiness! You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. Loving you makes the sky clear and beautiful everywhere. Wherever I go, I feel good about all that happens around me.

67. Sometime in your life, you meet someone, you talk to them and, get along with them but, it’s not until later that you realize that this person means more to you than just being a friend. Our hearts are meant to be together, I love you so much, my baby.

68. The best thing that ever happened to me is you and, I know we will be together forever. On this day I want to share my heart with you and let you see just how much I truly care. My life is so much better thanks, to you.

69. Being in love with each other while being best friends at the same time is the best kind of relationship.

70. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. Love is content with the present, hopes for the future, and does not brood over the past. You will always be a part of me.

71. Eventually, I realized that my heart is no longer mine alone. It belongs to you.

72. I know you are the one who shows me the real definition of happiness and I’m so happy that we became not just best friends but lovers. Loving you is the best thing in my life.

73. I thought you were just my friend but, when I know your presence always makes me smile, I realize how much you mean to me. Now, I am in love with you.

74. The best thing about being friends is that I knew your latest news even before you told it to me. When did my wish to see you change into happiness? Was it because of all the times you made me laugh and smile with stories of surprises and things you had never done before or, was it because I fell in love with you?

75. I don’t know when it started but, I feel we became friends from our first conversation but this never stops me from being close to you. Your presence always matters and, I am in love with you.

76. The time I spend with you is really among the most pleasant moments of my life. You have come to mean so much to me that my world is incomplete without you.

77. We became friends, but I never really knew you. You were just another friend. But when I got to know you, I began to see so much more. You’re amazing, and I’m in love with all that is you.

78. From the days I started spending time with you as my best friend, my love has increased. What else will a girl want, who is already in love with her soul mate.

79. You were with me in happiness and sorrow, good and bad. That’s when I realized that you had become a very important part of my life. You are everything to me. Please be with me forever.

80. Every time I think about you, I just can’t stop my heart from beating faster and, I’m so in love with everything about you. My day has not been the same since I fell in love with you. Being without you made me realize how much I need you in my life.

81. Your smile and your happy face make my day. I know God has special someone for me but never thought that it was you. I am just so thankful that you came into my life.

82. The best moments in my life have been the ones I’ve shared with you. And the more I learn about you as my best friend, the deeper I fall for you. Being in love with you is both terrifying and exhilarating.

83. I have been in love with you since our first meeting. I know I need you in my life if I want to become happy and live peaceful, not only as a best friend but as a lover.

84. You’re my best friend, my other half and, the love of my life. From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew that I was destined to fall in love with you. As I got to know your beautiful heart and soul, I fell deeper and deeper for you.

85. No words can describe the way I feel about you. I need you in my life not only as my best friend because I discovered I have been in love with you for a while now and I want to always be there for you.

86. Learning who you are and loving you has been the great adventure of a lifetime. Every new day, every discovery always ends with me falling into your arms and knowing it is where I belong. You define me, and I want to enjoy everything that makes you who you are for all the days of our lives.

87. I don’t know when your presence becomes so important to me. And I don’t know when I started loving you a lot, I only know one thing that I love you more than my life.

88. I just realized you are not just my best friend, but you are everything I could possibly want. You’re sweet and understanding, fun and exciting, romantic and caring. You really do know me better than anyone else in the world.

89. I never expected that I would fall in love with you, although you are my best friend. As time passes by, your presence has become so important to me. And that’s when I realize that I have been in love with you all this while.

90. I chose you as my best friend, but you became more than that and, you swept me off my feet. I know that I will be spending the rest of my life falling more and more in love with you.

91. Since the day we first met, your presence has become so important to me. Recently I realized that it’s because I’m so in love with you. You’re always in my thoughts and my heart. I hope that you can feel this way too.

92. When we met, I had no idea that you would become not just my best friend but the most important person in my life. The more I know you, the deeper I fall in love with you. for you. Being with you has always been so easy, it’s only natural to want to spend every second of my waking moments with you. I truly cherish every moment that I have with you.

93. We chat, we laugh, we cry and we share, you are my best friend and I know why because we have the same point of view and same way of thinking. You have become more important to me than I ever imagined, it’s so hard to find love like what we have. Together for now and forever.

94. As your best friend, I had always thought that we could never be together. But as time went on, I began to see you differently. You were always there to make me laugh and hold me close whenever I cried. You were everything that I ever dreamed about. Suddenly you’re more than just my friend.

95. On our first date, the first time I saw you, I knew that we would become best friends and, maybe something more. Never did I expect that I would fall completely in love with you.

96. Every moment with you is just as perfect as the last. My feelings for you only get stronger with time, and I know that our friendship will become an amazing love story and one that will never end.

97. I didn’t know how much you meant to me till I became distant from you then; I realized every moment we spent together become my most precious treasure. So I want to say thank you for always being there for me whenever I needed your help and for loving me the way you do.

98. I never imagined that my friendship with you would turn into something so beautiful. You have always been there to wipe my tears and hear me out. Lately, I see you differently and, I can’t help but fall in love with you.

99. There are many reasons to fall in love with someone, but most times, we forget to tell that person exactly what made us fall for them. Being in love is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. These feelings are those we can’t explain with words. Your little gestures, your sweet smile and your kind words make me crazy about you. No matter how far you are, my heart only searches for you.

100. I knew you are no longer just my best friend, I have fallen in love with you. I know because I forget all my problems when I’m with you. You make me smile like no one does. Just seeing you is enough for me to have a good day.

I hope that these in love with my best friend quotes are able to enlighten you a bit on what falling in love with your best friend is really like.

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