I Have No Time for Drama Quotes

Drama is inevitable in life. You can’t just ignore it, decide not to participate in it, or simply breeze through it without letting it affect you. You have to deal with it. But that doesn’t mean you have to be consumed by it.

Drama creates problems and is rarely helpful. People who are stressed out themselves tend to provoke drama from others. They do this by putting other people down, or by being aggressive or impulsive. The negative behaviour of these people rubs off on others, leading to more confrontation and arguments.

We all get caught up in the drama of our lives, but many times, it’s a waste of time. Just because people want to fight and create drama doesn’t mean you have to jump right into the middle of it. So take a breath, step back, and brush off the garbage that drags you down.

Everyone faces drama at some point. It’s part of life. You may be going through a divorce, the death of a loved one, or a disagreement with a significant other. No matter what the case is, you don’t want to want to give attention to it.

That’s why these I have no time for drama quotes are so inspiring. They will help you to realize that life is too short to focus on negative thoughts or feelings. Enjoy!!

I have no time for drama. I just don’t have time. All the drama that’s being created around me is like an annoying fly buzzing around my head. And when things like this happen? I ignore the person creating drama in my life.

1. I don’t have time for drama. If you’re looking for someone to entertain your shenanigans, I hope you have a lot of free time.

2. I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand because I don’t have time for drama.

3. I don’t have time for your drama. I’m too busy living my life

4. Haters, beware: I have no time for your drama. My life is already full of drama and I don’t have time for an additional one!

5. We’re all busy, so I don’t have time for drama.

6. Some have time for drama, I have time for Algebra!

7. I have no time for your drama because you are not a star in my movie.

8. Sometimes you just gotta say no to drama, no matter how tempting it is.

9. I just don’t have time for drama. I’m too busy having the time of my life.

10. Drama-free is a way of life. Drama happens, don’t be a part of it.

11. Today is about doing your thing, seeing the people on your team, and not giving any time to drama.

12. I have no time for drama. If you’re not adding any value to my life, then bye.

13. I have no time for unnecessary drama. Surround yourself with people who make your life better, not harder.

14. I have no room in my life for drama, negativity, or people who make me feel bad.

15. I don’t have time for the drama life brings. No time for drama. Life is too short

16. I’ve had enough of drama. I’m done with people who play games. My time is valuable.

17. I do not have time for drama or wading through muddied waters. Life gives me too many good things to enjoy.

18. Time is precious, so I can’t waste it on drama.

19. I have no time for drama, I’m too busy loving the people who love me.

20. I have no time for drama, there’s too much to learn and explore.

21. Drama is for people who don’t have enough to do.

22. I’m done listening to drama and other people’s problems. It’s time to worry about myself and my happiness.

23. You deserve a life that is drama-free, stress-free and a lot more fun.

24. Don’t be afraid to say no. It will save you from drama and unnecessary events that don’t fulfil your life.

25. I don’t have time for drama, I’m a mom.

26. I have zero time, and even less patience, for drama.

27. If you’re looking for drama in my life, go watch Netflix.

28. I have no time for drama and negativity. Life is too precious, too amazing to waste on it.

29. I’m a busy person, and I don’t have time for drama in my life.

30. Drama is a luxury. I don’t have the time or the energy for you.

31. Drama is a waste of time, let’s spread positive vibes.

32. Drama begins the moment you think someone else has the power to make you happy.

33. I have no time for drama. Life is too short to be unhappy. I choose to be happy.

34. I have no time for drama, negativity, and people who gossip. I wish to live a happy life.

35. No time for drama. Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don’t even deserve to be an issue in your life.

36. If you have time for drama, then you have time to remove some people from your life.

37. Drama does not just walk into your life. You either create it, invite it, or associate with it!

38. I have no time for drama. I like to keep my life as drama-free as possible.

39. Girl, I’m too busy working on my grass to notice if yours is greener.

40. Surround yourself with people who can raise your vibe and make you smile without trying. I got no time to waste on negative feelings.

41. As long as drama is going on in your life, you can’t be free to enjoy the good stuff. Let it go, and move on.

42. The less you respond to unsolicited opinions, funny stories and unkind rumours, the more peaceful your life will become.

43. I don’t have time for drama and negativity. I’m too busy loving life and the people in it.

44. We don’t have time for drama, it’s far more important to inspire and create.

45. Don’t waste time on drama or parties, be productive and make the most of your time.

46. I have no time for drama, I enjoy my coffee and peace.

47. I don’t have time for drama. I’m an adult and no one has the time for it anymore.

48. There’s no time for drama and negativity in my life.

49. Life is too short for drama. Keep calm and have a great day.

50. My week is already full of drama. I don’t need it in my free time.

51. I don’t have time for drama, I just want to enjoy life.

52. I have no time for drama, so I gave all my tickets to the haters. If you want it, come and get your drama!

53. Drama is for those who don’t know how to handle real life.

54. No time for drama. Just laughs and good times.

55. I don’t have time for drama, I’m too busy creating my own.

56. No time for drama. Life’s too short to wait on people who don’t want to see you succeed.

57. I have no time for drama, Choose the ones who make you happy over the ones who you feel like you need to impress. Don’t waste your time on people who don’t make any effort to be in yours.

58. I have no time to deal with drama, I’m too busy setting my dreams and goals

59. Drama-free zone. Keep your drama away from me.

60. Drama is for movies and books. In real life, I’d rather be focused on happiness and success.

61. I have no time for drama, especially when there’s so much love and laughter in my life.

62. I’ve got no time for the drama. Leave me out of the commotion.

63. Drama? I have no time for that. It’s too expensive a luxury.

If you’ve found yourself in a position where you just don’t have time for drama, and the people around you are negative and toxic, use these I have no time for drama quotes to remind yourself that you don’t have to associate with them.

Spend your time doing things that reinforce how great you truly are and build up your positive attitudes instead of being reminded that others don’t appreciate you or hate your existence.

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