Know What You Want in Life Quotes

Everyone is supposed to know their purpose in life. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, so, it is pertinent that you know what you want in life. The secret of happiness is to accept all the love you have received and give away all the love you have. Many people struggle with finding the answer to, ‘What do I want out of life?’ For some people, nothing seems exciting or worth doing.

You are here on earth for a short period so you should know what you want in life. Life is full of surprises and you don’t know what lies ahead. You have to make the best out of your life and that can only be achieved if you know what you want in life. A life well-lived contains purpose and meaningfulness, and a sense that you are fulfilling your main reason for being alive.

You don’t know what you want in life until you have experienced what the world has to offer. What do you want in life? It’s just a simple question, but one that can be answered with a lifetime of experiences. While it is true that life starts from zero, it doesn’t mean that you have to stay there.

These know what you want in life quotes will inspire you to make your life extraordinary even if you don’t have the best of beginnings and to know what you want in life.

I may be small, but I’m fierce. The world is in my hands and I am not letting it go. I believe I can be, do and have anything. I am motivated and passionate about my career and driven to be the best I can be. There’s no stopping me now because I know I know what I want in life!

1. Every great and successful person began with a strong desire to achieve a certain goal and purpose. When you know exactly what you want in life, you will find it easy to make your dreams come true. I know what I want in life.

2. If you want to create an extraordinary life, you just have to know exactly what. Strive never to be less than your very best. I have a purpose in life and this is it. I believe that everyone has a purpose in life and my goal is to help people realize this. That’s because I know what I want in life.

3. My core belief is that everyone has a purpose in life and my goal is to help them realize this. I am inspired to help people live their best lives. I believe that everyone can find their purpose and I want to be the one motivating them. I know my purpose and I know what I want in life.

4. Your purpose is your legacy. I believe everyone has a purpose, and it is my mission to help you realize yours. My purpose is to help you look and feel your best and I believe that everyone deserves this.

5. I believe that each person’s life has a great purpose and is full of excitement and joy. I want to help people achieve greatness in their lives by being aware of their paths. This is for my happiness because I know what I want in life.

6. I believe every person deserves to live their dreams. My mission is to help everyone develop their inherent power to succeed and fulfil their desire for a meaningful life. It is my goal to help you realize your potential, in both your professional and personal life. With me at your side, you will find success in all that you do. I know what I do and I know what I want in life.

7. I help people achieve their highest potential by working with them instead of against them. Together, I believe we can do anything. Everyone has an inherent value. It’s my calling to help people understand their true potential and the power they have to succeed beyond their wildest dreams.

8. I know what I want in life. People all have a destiny. What’s yours? Your fate is the culmination of your past and you have the power to decide what it will be from now on. Achieving your dream life is possible. Join me and I’ll teach you how to build a roadmap towards your biggest goals and turn your wildest dreams into reality.

9. This is my calling. This is my purpose in life. This is my destiny. I feel my purpose in life. I am guided by destiny. I know what I was born to do. I was born to live my dreams. I follow my purpose in life. I am guided by destiny.

10. I live my life with purpose. I lead a life of destiny, into which only the most fortunate venture. I know why I was born. I was born for success. I have a strong sense of purpose. I know my destiny is to achieve great things.

11. I know my destiny is to achieve great things. I was born for success, to soar high above the clouds, achieving new heights. I have a strong sense of purpose. I know my destiny is to live a life of luxury. I’m driven by a relentless desire for success.

12. Success is my birthright; it’s in my blood. I have a sense of purpose and I know the future is mine to seize. I know I am destined to achieve greatness. I feel my purpose in life is a success.

13. I know what I want in life; I have been blessed with a strong sense of purpose. Destiny has chosen me to achieve great things and live an extraordinary life. I’m born to succeed. It takes years of planning and discipline to stand on the podium. I live for the moment and make the most of my opportunities.

14. I have a special place in my heart for everything I do. I refuse to settle for second best. I’m destined to achieve greatness. Nothing is beyond my reach. I have an exceptional ability to create the future of my dreams. Aligning with my purpose, I am guided by my inner compass and a clear knowingness of whom I wish to be.

15. I was destined to be successful. I am driven by passion and purpose. Money, fame, and accolades are meaningless without true fulfilment, but I can assure you that I will be richly rewarded for my efforts.

16. I know that the world is my oyster. I savour exceptional experiences. I am here to make my dreams a reality. I envision a world where luxury runs its course and I am the lead runner. From birth to the grave, my life course will never be full of dread.

17. My story begins with a dream of being the best—the best actor, the best entrepreneur, the best investor. I am a star. I am confident, driven and my purpose in life is undeniable. I am a luminary. I am driven and my purpose in life is undeniable.

18. I have an unparalleled sense of purpose. I am driven, confident and admired. My presence is undeniable. I am a rare gem. I am fascinating, admired and I have a purpose in life that is sure to attract attention.

19. I am a visionary. My success is undeniable, and it’s all thanks to my unique style of living. When I set out to reach my goals, nothing will stop me. I aim for the stars, and I never miss them. I am so confident because I know what I want in life.

20. I know what I want in life; I deserve the best and at the end of each day I treat myself to relaxation and luxury. My journey has allowed me to experience things that many cannot and I don’t take what life has given me for granted.

21. I am rooted in my power, and I know exactly what I want to do. I have a clear vision of where I want to be and how to get there. I am glamorous. I have style and taste, and I am driven to reach the top of my game.

22. I am not just a woman, I am that woman. Because my spirit is strong, my class unrivalled and my beauty undeniable. I’m a leader. I’m indescribable. I can do anything and the world is my oyster. My light radiates through the darkness, illuminating all that I touch.

23. Yes, I can say with all boldness that I know what I want in life. My passion for life is unmatched. I have a high style. I am elite. I have high taste and have expensive things that make me feel good. With a passion for life unmatched, I choose the finest things and the best entertainment because I am elite.

24. My obsession with life is unmatched. I am a human of high style, culture and taste. I am exceptional. I have exquisite things that make me feel good. My life is meant to be lived with class and style. I am elite. My taste and style are unparalleled. I surround myself with stylish things that make me feel good.

25. Everyone has different tastes. I know what I want in life and I pursue it with all seriousness. This is life. I crave luxury and vitality. I pursue excellence and live my best life with the most exclusive items possible.

26. My life is full of superlatives on every front, from my high-rise penthouse to my luxury concierge. I have high standards, and I don’t settle for anything less than the best. Do you have a passion for the finer things in life? Do you like or dream of owning the latest technologies and gadgets? Do you want to experience memorable events and the world’s must-have brands? I can help you live your best life.

27. I enjoy the finer things in life, and go out of my way to experience new things. I was born to lead. I am an unyielding, ambitious and powerful titan. I was born to lead. With the right apparel, I am an unyielding, ambitious and powerful titan.

28. Many people get confused when they come close to me; some say I am arrogant, others say I have bloated confidence but the truth is that I know what I want in life. I am an unyielding, ambitious and powerful titan. I was born to lead.

29. There’s no limit to what I can achieve, no prize that is beyond my grasp. If I can pursue it, then I will own it. Born to lead, I am a titan. My ambition is to conquer the world, and my passion is power.

30. I was born to lead. Yet from birth, my elegance has not been denied. I will shape the world in my image. No artificiality, no pretence, no compromise for vanity’s sake. I am untouchable, eternal. I am unchanging, moving forward with a clear purpose — to unite the few and defeat the many.

31. When you know what you want in life, not everything will excite you. I know what I want in life. I am born from a dream. I have a ferocious drive that helps me overcome all my obstacles. I am determined, ambitious and successful.

31. I was raised to be a leader, with the drive and resourcefulness of all the powerful dominant individuals that came before me. I’m a monarch. I’m a mogul. I’m high class. I am the boss.

32. I am the envy of everyone who knows me because I know what I want in life. I desire the best, and I accept nothing less than perfection. I am the embodiment of everything great and pure. I’m the example of perfection, greatness, and achievement.

33. My family always inspired me to achieve greatness in life. I know that with all the help of my friends from school, I can achieve my dreams and fulfil my purpose. I am the vision. I am the future.

34. You feel that there is nothing you can’t handle. Everything is falling into place. You are exactly where you need to be. You know who you are, and that’s the best. Success is a journey, not a destination.

35. As a child, I knew I was meant for something more. This work alone is my destiny. My authentic self is a reflection of love, kindness, and excellence. This work alone is my destiny. One I am happy to have realized and that I know what I want in life.

36. My purpose is my drive because I know what I want in life. I was born to fix broken businesses. I just knew it. This work is in my blood, and my expertise is unmatched. I was born for this. This is what I was meant for.

37. Since I was a boy, I knew that this was my destiny. Ever since I was a kid, I knew I was destined for something great. This is why I do what I do today. From the moment I was born, I knew greatness awaited. I refuse to settle for less than perfection.

38. I was born to have the most impact on the world. I am a leader that inspires others and nothing but success can satisfy me. This is me- I know what I want in life.

39. I was the first to experience my work and the results were staggering. It brought meaning and awe to my life. I was born to shine. I have always had an intuition that there was something more. I knew that I could and would change the world, and so it has been since.

40. This is my opportunity. This is the pinnacle of my career. This is the ultimate reward. This is my ultimate life goal. This is my calling in life. This is the sole reason I continue to live and breathe on this planet. I know what I want in life.

41. You were born to be a winner so dream big and start winning. Every day, I work hard and make sacrifices so I can be a better person than I was the day before. The drama may be a part of life, but it should never stop you from achieving your goals.

42. I believe in helping those in need. I am motivated and passionate about championing the causes I believe in. When the going gets tough, I’m not afraid to give it my all because there’s nothing more motivating than helping others.

43. You have the power to become the person you want to be. With the right choices and right actions, your future is going to be bright, beautiful and full of possibilities. Never give up. No matter what, keep working hard and dedicate your life to accomplishing your goals.

44. I’ve realized that I am someone amazing. Every new day we find the strength to do what others won’t. We wake up with a passion to chase after our dreams and a purpose that’s doomed to fail unless we put in the work.

45. As they say, you can do or be anything that you want in life. The key is to simply strive and keep pushing forward to get what you want out of life. Nothing can stop you from deciding what kind of life you’re going to create for yourself. Nothing can hold you back; whether that’s fear, rejection or a lack of experience. Be courageous and follow your dreams.

46. All I know is that I can reach my goals if I never give up. If you know what you want in life, and you are in denial, then you know how to live a happy, fulfilling life. Regardless of the challenges before me, I will always follow my dreams.

47. You are in the driver’s seat. Do not let life pass you by. You can do or be anything; all you need to do is take the reins and go for it. Look within. Within you are the light of a thousand suns, the strength to rise above your challenges, and the wisdom to fulfil your dreams.

48. We may be small, but we are fierce! We know what we want, and we go for it. We don’t back down from a challenge and take on anything the world throws our way to get what we want. Each morning I wake up with a passion and a purpose that’s doomed to fail unless I put in the work every day.

49. When there is drama, I stay strong and keep on fighting toward my goals. You can do anything you put your mind to. I may be small, but I am mighty and courageous. My perspective is wide and my opportunity is limitless.

50. I am talented and motivated, and I know what I want in life. My dreams keep me going, and nothing can stop me from achieving my goals. My purpose is to make a difference in the world. A big thing in life is to know what you want. I wake up every morning with enthusiasm to make a change that’ll last forever.

51. I choose to overcome all the hard times in my life and create something great about it. I will never give up. Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. Each day is a new beginning. And today is yours. You have to take control of your direction and destiny; speak life into your plans, and bring forth your style of greatness. Today is your day, so go get it!

52. There’s just one thing you cannot deny: if you have life, then you can live it and live it well. Today is your day! Let today be the day you remind yourself that you are unstoppable. You have untapped potential and strength. There’s no telling where you’ll end up tomorrow, but you can chart your course today.

53. You can achieve greatness. Set your sights high and you will determine a purpose for your life. You can do anything you put your mind to, but it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance. If you want it bad enough, you can achieve anything.

54. You have the power to change your life. Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable. To be inspired is to feel something within yourself that makes you want to become a better person or accomplish goals. For me, I find my inspiration in telling stories, whether it be through writing or film.

55. I may be small, but I’m fierce. Don’t let the world tell you what you can and can’t do. Don’t let society or your fears tell you who you are or how far you’ll go in life. You create your destiny. Hard work and dedication make dreams come true. I keep going to rise above the drama, the challenges until I find success.

56. The only way to stop yourself from achieving your goals is if you give up. Don’t give up, push towards your goals and dreams, and you’ll see results almost immediately. You can do it! Your confidence is a force of attraction. You are not going to get what you want if you don’t feel like you deserve it. Feel your power and seek the things that you love and crave.

57. I won’t let the world determine my purpose. I will determine my purpose and make a difference.
No matter what adversities I face, I know that I’m a strong person who can overcome any hurdle and meet my goals.

58. I am motivated, passionate, and driven. I’m not going to let anyone or anything hold me back. I want to inspire people everywhere through my words. My mission is to spread happiness, joy and change by sharing my message. Live your life with purpose. Do what it takes to live a meaningful life.

59. Today is my day! Nothing can stop me from getting through each day because I am unstoppable. All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.

60. Because of your passion, strength, and intelligence, you have the power to become anything you want. You are one-of-a-kind. Every day, you need to take risks that can make your life better. Life is a long road, and it’s up to you where you decide to go.

61. I’m on top of the world. I have all the energy I need to make it through the day, meet my goals, and experience joy in life. You can be, do, and have whatever it is you want in life. All you have to do is believe in yourself and work hard.

62. I want you to rise out of those mundane routines and live your life with a purpose and a passion that makes you thrive. As a child, I learned that drama is inevitable. I used this to my advantage and channelled my energy into reaching my goals and achieving the life I wanted.

63. Keep fighting, going, and reaching. You can do it! I refuse to accept things the way they are. I will do what it takes to live a meaningful life. We’ve created a new way of thinking that’s helping millions of people see their world in a new light—and change it for the better.

64. I know what I want in life; I want to tell stories. To be able to get up each morning with a passion and punch through the day doing something that matters. You are responsible for your success and happiness. You owe it to yourself to make the most of your life by doing what you love.

65. We all can make a difference in this world. As long as you have a positive outlook on life, there’s nothing that can stop us.

66. I dream big and follow my ambitions. I accept the challenge and overcome it with a result that will change my life forever. I have a single mission: make a difference. I’ll stop at nothing to succeed. I am unstoppable. I will achieve my dreams, no matter what.

67. Drama is inevitable. I won’t let it stop me from achieving my goals. The world is full of opportunity. Instead of letting the world control me, I will take full control of my destiny. You don’t need to leave your comfort zone to reach your dreams – you just need to find the courage to follow them.

68. I refuse to let the world determine my purpose. I will decide on my purpose, and it will be a purpose that makes a difference. I’m a highly driven, ambitious person. My motivation comes from within, and I’m passionate about what I do. I can do anything I set my mind to.

69. If you’re going through hell, keep going. Don’t let other people stop you from living your best life. When others fail, I will still be standing. You can live a happy and fulfilling life, by simply knowing what you want in life. Today and each day is a fresh start, an opportunity to try again. One foot in front of the other. A step towards my goal. Even if I fail, I get up and do it again, because I am unstoppable.

70. I know what I want and I am not afraid to get it. Wake up with a purpose every morning. Know what you want, and be willing to do the work to get it. I know what I want in life; I want to tell stories. To be able to get up each morning with a passion and punch through the day doing something that matters. Even when it gets hard, or I feel hopeless, I still wake up and do it because nothing else is better than taking a dream and making it a reality — even if I never see the result.

If you want to be an EXTRAORDINARY person, you can’t just hit the snooze button on the alarm. So many people try to do great things, but they give up because of the fear of failure. Greatness doesn’t come with comfort or ease. Keep your dreams alive, know what you want in life and keep going, no matter how hard it gets. When it becomes tough, enjoy quotes like these because a journey worth taking is never easy.

71. Only when you don’t give up on your dreams will you achieve them. If you can keep working towards your goal, then ten years from now you’ll be exactly where you want to be. It is important to remain focused and not get distracted as we strive to reach our goals.

72. Work hard and fight for your dreams. Take careless steps to your dream life and never stop believing in yourself. Success is not measured by how much you have, but rather by how far you’ve come from where you started.

73. To create life is to create something amazing. Create where you want to go, and then go there. If you know what you want in life, it’s much easier to get it. You just need to find the motivation to keep going. If you want to be successful, up to your standards.

74. It’s time to achieve more than you ever thought was possible. Focusing on your goals is tough. When you get distracted by the noise around you, the competition, or even just a lack of knowledge, it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Without a clear vision of what success looks like, you lose your focus and drive. You need a plan for hitting your goals. With a clear vision of your goals, you will find the focus to reach new heights.

75. You know what you want. Clarity makes it easier to get there. Every second of every day is an opportunity to create something new and better in your life. Create good habits and follow through on achieving your goals. Then, find ways to improve each accomplishment.

76. Make your dream a reality. We want to help you live the life you’ve been planning for. You have the power to find success and happiness in your life. Just be clear about your goals and stay focused on the path that you set out for yourself.

77. When you know where you’re going, it’s easier to get there. But inspiration is what keeps you enthusiastic and energized along the way. So if you’re struggling, we can give you a boost. Having a clear vision offers a clear purpose and enables you to assess what’s working and what isn’t.

78. If you don’t know where you’re headed, you can never reach your destination. You decide where that is. If you imagine your success and believe in yourself, nothing can stop you from reaching your goals. We’re rooting for you to accomplish everything you’ve dreamed of.

79. A big dream can lead you to small or big achievements. But without it, your future becomes blurry. You have to believe in yourself and know where you’re heading in life if you want to reach it. If you work hard, anything is possible. Just make sure that your heart is in the right place when you do.

80. We believe it’s not always possible to see the path ahead, but being in control and developing a crystal clear vision will allow you to achieve the success you strive for. The greatest leaders develop a clear picture of what they want to achieve early on, then align their decisions to reach that goal.

81. Do you have a clear vision of your goals? Get motivated to stay on track by knowing what you’re striving for. Success doesn’t come to you… you go to it.” Are you ready to discover the powerful person within you who wants to become successful in all aspects of life?

82. If you want power in life, you need to understand the level of focus that it takes to be successful. Don’t give up on the dreams that make your heartbeat—work harder to achieve them. Do you have a sense of purpose? Do you know where you want to be? To feel fulfilled and accomplished, it’s important to know what drives you.

83. We all have a great life ahead of us. We just need the passion and persistence to never give up on our dreams. Just one step in the right direction could be all you need to change your entire life around. And if you keep pushing forward, the future will be exactly what you’ve always wanted.

84. You can achieve great things, greatness doesn’t come for free. Great things require your focus and unrelenting perseverance. It’s an inside game, and the right decisions become very easy when you know what you want.

85. The map of your life is created the moment you start realizing that you are the charterer of your ship. You’re the one who decides the course, and it’s all based on how determined you are and how strong you believe in yourself.

86. There’s nothing like a perfectly worded quote to fill you with the anxiety of making it to that 5 pm meeting on time and feeling like you have zero control over your life. Don’t let distractions stop you from achieving your goals. When you know what you want, the right decisions become much easier. It’s easy to get distracted, but a clear vision makes it easier to find the focus to reach new heights.

87. If you are determined, energized, and upbeat, you can go anywhere and do anything. Once you get in the right mindset and feel like you are moving forward, it becomes easier to keep the momentum going. With a clear vision of your goals, fear, regret and worry will no longer control your decisions. Receive life’s many blessings, and follow your dreams.

88. When you know what you want out of life, it becomes much easier for you to make the right decisions. It’s so easy to become distracted by the things that you don’t need, but with a clear vision of your goals, it will be easier for you to find the focus that helps you reach new heights.

89. Believing in yourself is a key to living an uplifting and positive life. You have the power to create a life experience full of happiness—all you have to do is create goals, work hard, and remain positive in all situations. Use your passion and enthusiasm to stay motivated in the pursuit of your dreams.

90. Motivation has endless possibilities. When you declare your intention to achieve something, the whole world is there to help you accomplish it. This is truly the start of a new era for yourself—the beginning of a better life. You have an opportunity to create the perfect conditions for yourself and your loved ones.

91. Knowing what you want in life makes getting it much easier. You have the power to change your life. By imagining your future, you create the energy to get there. So many people dream big, but most people never take action. I’m here to prove that you don’t need an education or a university degree to be successful. If you stayed in school until you were 18 but never learned what you needed to learn to make more money, fail faster, and get more done in less time, then you have the same education as a high school dropout. But if you read the books that educate you about the world and empower you to create your opportunities, then there’s nothing standing between you and where you want to be in life.

92. If you know what you want in life, it’s much easier to get it. You just need to remain motivated and have the determination not to stop chasing your dreams. Knowing your dream is the first step to achieving it. Make it a reality by following these simple steps — but remember, the most important step is to believe.

93. When you know who you are and where you want to go, it’s much easier to get there. Always keep moving forward fully engaged in your vision, knowing this is where you belong. If you know what you want in life, it’s much easier to get it. All you need is the inspiration to keep going.

94. Knowing what you want out of life makes your life easier. You’ll make better decisions, prioritize, and focus on what matters most to you. Life is all about choices. You are the master of your future and you can choose to do amazing things with your life! This is not a dress rehearsal, so make sure it’s a good show.

95. Standing at the peak of your achievements is only possible with a clear vision. Focus on what you want to get the results you deserve. Every day new challenges await, but that doesn’t stop you from achieving your goals. Yes, there will be bumps in the road, but it’s never too late to start over.

96. You already know what you want most out of life. Right now, you’re just in need of some serious focus and the self-control to follow through on the things that will have a real impact on your future. You can do it. We believe in you!

97. The right decisions become much easier when you know what you want. It’s so easy to get distracted, but a clear vision makes it easier to find the focus to reach new heights. You have to believe in yourself and know where you’re heading in life if you want to reach it. Self-belief is the key to unlocking your potential.

98. Having a clear plan puts your actions on autopilot. Instead of trying to figure out what’s right, you can relax and just do what you planned to do. Would you like to become proactive and create the life you want? Time management can help you focus and get more done, so you feel accomplished.

99. Get, and stay, motivated. Know your ‘why,’ and act on it. You were born to achieve and do great things. We’ll show you how to get there. You are here because you have a dream. Dream big, start simple and stay relentless.

100. Don’t stop. Never give up. Don’t stop until you get what you want. Keep going until you reach your goal. Easily get distracted? With a clear vision of your goals, you will find the focus to reach new heights. With a clear vision of your goals, you will find the focus to reach new heights.

Once you have identified what you want in life, share your purpose with those close to you. They can help you with your endeavour if they know what it is that you are trying to achieve. With their support and help, you will surely be able to obtain some of your dreams.

I hope this post was helpful, please share it with your friends and social network. Thank you.

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