Being Pretty Doesn’t Keep a Man Quotes

Do you think that the only way to keep a man is by being pretty? That’s not true; beauty won’t help you keep a man more than showing who you are and what kind of a person you are. When a woman knows she is beautiful and begins to rely on her looks, it can make her less attractive.

A true relationship with a man involves the heart, mind, and spirit. There is a common misconception that being pretty or beautiful will keep a guy. Many women aren’t too pretty but find love and get married, or even have a long-term boyfriend! Why? Because beauty alone isn’t enough reason for a man to stay when it comes to reality and taking care of the kids.

We always judge a book by its cover and in the same way we see people. Beautiful people get a lot of attention, and this is why many women use their extraordinary-looking beauty to get men. This is a huge mistake you should avoid at all costs.

It does not matter if you’re an ordinary-looking or extremely beautiful person. Everyone wants to be loved, and when we are in love, we tend to overlook the little things that ultimately matter. We all need our partners to be honest with us, and more than physical attributes, it is generally their morals and personality we fall for.

If you’re an attractive lady trying to keep a man, or a man who thinks being beautiful is the only secret to a woman’s heart, here are being pretty does not keep a man quotes you’ll find useful.

Being pretty doesn’t keep a man; being smart does. Pretty girls are nice to look at, but they aren’t the key to keeping a man. Looks alone won’t get you very far in life because charm is something you can’t buy with money. Looks are a dime a dozen, but charm is something you can’t buy!

1. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. Being wanted does. Beauty isn’t everything. Looks won’t get you very far in life because charm is something you can’t buy with money.

2. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man, but being real does. Be pretty on the inside. A man will love you for what’s in your heart, not for what’s on your face.

3. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. Pretty is what catches a man’s attention. A pretty woman who loses her personality, sense of humour, and compassion will lose that man after the honeymoon is over.

4. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man, but having respect does. It keeps you on his mind and in his heart. A girl should be two things: Classy & Fabulous.

5. You don’t have to be pretty. You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don’t owe it to your mother; you don’t owe it to your children; you don’t owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked “female.”

6. Pretty is as pretty does.. the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

7. Your way with words won’t make up for your lack of manners and neither will your pretty face. A man wants to marry a woman who makes him feel like he has won the lottery.

8. Worrying about what others think of you doesn’t change who you are. It changes who you think you are. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. Being supportive does.

9. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. It just keeps him looking. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man who’s not ready to love you—being pretty doesn’t keep a relationship.

10. You think a man is not attracted to you because of your looks, but the truth is, the prettier you are, the more selective they get. It is not enough to be pretty, a woman’s must-have style.

11. It’s not how pretty you are. It’s how pretty you can be inside. The prettiest faces tell the saddest stories

12. You can’t judge a character based on how they look; it’s what’s inside that counts. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man; having class does.

13. Just because you’re pretty doesn’t keep a man. Being loyal, respectful, and honest is what keeps the man. Pretty doesn’t keep a man. It’s what’s inside that keeps him around.

14. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. But being beautiful, intelligent, and hardworking does.

15. Confidence is the loveliest thing a woman can wear. Looks go away. Attitude is forever. The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart.

16. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. Character, that’s what keeps a man. It is not beauty that captures your attention. It’s the personality that captures your heart.

17. Pretty is something you’re born with, but beauty is something you grow into. A pretty woman is a miracle. A pretty woman with an extraordinary mind is outstanding.

18. The prettiest women often have the darkest secrets. You can be pretty and nice or ugly and mean. But ultimately, you choose what kind of person you want to be.

19. Be strong, be proud, be fearless. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. If a guy can walk away from you, let him; your worth is more than that.

20. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying that pretty girls have no worth, but beauty alone won’t keep a man by your side.

21. Many people believe that pretty women are powerless and useless. Studies have shown that being pretty alone doesn’t keep a man by your side.

22. The thing is, being pretty is no guarantee that a man will stay. You need something else to keep a man, more than your looks.

23. Let me make this as clear as possible: being beautiful will start a relationship, but not keep it. It’s simple. It would help if you had more than looks to make a relationship work. It’s great if you’re pretty but not so good if you have nothing else to offer.

24. A pretty face won’t keep a man. The prettiest thing a woman can wear is confidence. Looks aren’t everything. Good looks won’t get you very far in life because charm is something you can’t buy with money.

25. Good looks don’t mean a thing. Good looks won’t get you very far in life because charm can’t be bought. Only good looks aren’t enough now; you need charm and money to survive in this society.

26. If you’re only another pretty face, you won’t get very far in life. Name one place where being good-looking will get you further than being smart.

27. Looks are overrated. It’s what’s inside that counts. A man’s opinion is formed in a moment. His character is built in a lifetime. Looks are a dime a dozen, but personality is for life.

28. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. Being pretty doesn’t cook, clean, or pay the bills. But being good does all those things, and that’s the power of being beautiful from the inside out.

29. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man. Being loyal does. Looks are common, but the charm is not. It’s not the beauty in a woman that captures a man’s heart. Pretty face, the ugly heart won’t keep a man.

30. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone. You only look good for so long, until charm makes you more interesting and attractive.

31. It’s not about how good you look; it’s about how good you feel. Looks are overrated. It’s what’s inside that counts. A beautiful face catches your attention, but only a beautiful soul can truly keep you.

32. A pretty face doesn’t captivate a man; a beautiful soul does. Being pretty doesn’t keep a man; being loyal does. Beauty isn’t about how you look; it’s about feeling.

33. A beautiful soul makes you feel safe loved and gives you a sense of peace. A pretty face will be the first thing that draws him to you, but your beautiful soul will keep him.

34. The prettiest face can capture a man’s attention, but the kindest heart will capture his soul. A man is captivated by your soul, not your looks.

35. You are more than a pretty face. It’s what’s inside that counts. When you find someone with a beautiful soul, keep them close.

36. An attractive personality is the one that can make a person more beautiful.”It is your personality that makes you attractive and attractive.

37. Not all hearts are beautiful, but a beautiful heart can heal any wound. When you find someone who understands your soul, the world’s become brighter because they embrace every dark and bright emotion with you.

38. True love is more than a feeling. It’s a bond between two souls that goes beyond expectations, fights, and promises. When you find someone who understands your soul, the world’s become brighter because they embrace every dark and bright emotion with you.

39. When you meet the right person, everything becomes brighter. That one special person who understands your every emotion, fear, and dream will make everything seem possible.

40. When you feel understood, the world seems more welcoming. Everything becomes easier when you have someone to share your trials and triumphs.

41. Love someone who embodies the best aspects of your soul. They’ll help you through the bad and celebrate with you through the good. It is not just about looks but what is inside.

42. You may not realize it at first, but when someone enters your life, someone who understands all of you and stays by you through thick and thin, it changes everything. They change your perspective and make you see the world differently.

43. Having someone to hold your hand through the darkest waters of your life is priceless as they will help you navigate through the storm.

44. You know you’re with the right person when time flies by with them. In any relationship, there are hard times. And when you find someone who won’t give up on you during those dark days, it’s a rare and beautiful thing.

45. A real man wants a meaningful relationship worth his time, not some fast-food relationship. Beauty is overrated, and there’s more to a person than looks.

46. Never laugh at your wife’s choices. You are one of them. Society tells us we should all be beautiful, but being beautiful isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be. And when people say you’re pretty, who even knows what they mean by that, right? It’s crazy how our looks are so imperfectly idealized.

47. I know it feels like everyone is judging you and that maybe no one understands. You be seen for who you are and not how you look, but it isn’t very easy in this world.

48. Sometimes, it’s frustrating when you feel like a different version of yourself. You’re just as important and enough!

49. You might think that you’re the only one who feels this way, but you’re not alone. Many women feel like they are not beautiful enough or worthy. It must be so difficult to constantly get overlooked while feeling like you are just as worthy as others.

50. Deep down inside, you know that true beauty comes from within. But sometimes, it’s hard to believe that. I think it’s because enough positive things do not surround us.

51. So many people struggle with self-worth and image. You are not alone. I know the little things are sometimes hard to see. As humans, we don’t always recognize those things unless someone forces us to. My advice is to look inward and figure out who you are and what makes you special!

52. The prettiest girls get the ugliest guys. Just because a boy is pretty doesn’t make him harmless.

53. You should be more than pretty. Be a woman of substance. Be a woman who inspires the rest. Be the type of woman who, when your feet hit the floor each morning, strives to achieve.

54. You are a woman of substance. You are a woman that inspires the rest. You are the type of woman who, when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, “Oh crap, she’s up.”

54. You are a woman of substance. Everything you do, every word you say, and every person you inspire empowers your soul. You are the type of woman that makes people want to be a better version of themselves.

56. Set yourself free by inspiring other women to come together to build each other up. Be the type of woman who, when your feet hit the floor in the morning, you are ready to take on any task set before you. The world is your oyster, and you can accomplish anything!

57. Be the woman who inspires others to be the best version of themselves. Don’t just be a pretty face. Be someone who motivates those around you, makes mistakes and learns from them, has faith in times of uncertainty, shares inspiration and love with those around you, and perseveres through adversity.”

58. Be a role model for others. Be the type of person who makes life better for everyone around you. Make the world a better place by getting out of bed each morning with a smile.

59. A woman of substance is a true inspiration. She makes the world a better place. Her passion and drive are unstoppable. It takes courage to grow up and become who you are. It’s time for a woman that can say, “Bring it on, world!”

60. What is a better way to get inspired and feel empowered than seeing women showcase their strength, stand up for what they believe in, and put themselves out there? You are more than your face.

61. Enjoy today. You’re perfect. You have a purpose. Find out what it is and do it to the best of your ability. Take control of your life. Be you!!

62. You can do anything you set your mind to. You deserve success and happiness. A great woman realizes that a big part of her life is about being generous to herself. She knows that it’s important to treat yourself with the same kindness and respect you’d show anyone else.

63. “Don’t be afraid to shine. Allow your uniqueness, talent, and light to guide you, Be a person who is happy with who they are, and in doing so; you’ll become someone who brings joy and love to others.”

64.; it’s more than just being pretty. Be the girl who can make a man laugh, smile, and be smart.

65. Don’t just be pretty…be smart, be honest, be original. Beauty is not just being pretty on the outside; it’s more.

66. Be more than pretty. Be strong, be wise, have a voice, have opinions and make them known, be funny, creative, and smart.

67. Pretty is great, Don’t get it wrong. But being beautiful with your action is better in life.

68. Pretty is as pretty does. Women should not just be beautiful; they should also have the sophistication, intelligence, and love so they can do good things in this world

69. Don’t let your beauty be external, be beautiful inside and out. A pretty face will not last forever, but a beautiful soul lasts forever.

70. Eyes and lips may fade, but a beautiful soul shines brightly forever and ever. Your beauty may not last, but your mind will. Your worth is more than what you see in the mirror; it’s about what you do for others.

71. That special someone will see you; they’ll want to get to know you, they’ll fall in love with your beautiful soul. They’ll see beauty in your inner and outer self, and that’s all that matters.

72. Don’t worry about your face! Your face is beautiful, and it makes you who you are. It does not matter if you have a pretty face, as long as you work hard, try your best, and be happy with everything that comes your way.

73. Beautiful souls are richer than diamonds. Beautiful souls show up for others. Genuinely and compassionately. Life may bring you down, but you always have the choice to get back up.

74. Everyone wants more beauty, but not everyone is willing to work for it. Life is short. Don’t spend it on the mundane and trivial because once it’s gone, it’s gone. Be bold. Be daring. Be remarkable and make this world a better place.

75. Be more than just a pretty face. People fall in love with your personality, not your looks. Just be yourself, and you will be beautiful to the right person.

76. Let your smile change the world but don’t let the world change your smile. True wisdom is found in beauty, and for every inward grace, a corresponding outward expression will be found. True wisdom is found in beauty, your words, and deeds.

77. A beautiful woman delights the eye, a wise woman, the understanding, a pure one, the soul. A lady is a woman who knows how to keep a man, and a man is a man who knows how to be kept. No, there’s no difference

78. It’s not about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul

79. Set a standard of beauty that cannot be ignored. Beauty is about being comfortable in your skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.

80. There are also many things that men do every day that don’t have an obvious value but still take up time and effort. Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewellery or fine clothes.

81. Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewellery or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.

82. Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewellery or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner look down deep into your heart, and when the beauty of a gentle attitude and quiet spirit is in you, God considers precious.

83. Your beauty should come from the kindness in your heart and the good that you do. You should not spend your money on fancy clothes or beautiful jewellery. Your beauty comes from within. Live like a king, and your life will be full of success, power, and wealth.

84. Beautiful people set an example for others by their lives. They don’t think about themselves but are humble and kind. Then God gives them everything.

85. Love your identity and who you are. Know that girls worldwide share in your story and want to feel admired too. Your beauty should shine from within, and it should be of your inner self and the permanency of a gentle, quiet spirit.

86. Your beauty should not come from ostentatious outward adornment; rather, your beauty should be your belief in the Lord and your strong will to influence others for Him.

87. Your beauty should come from within and your inner self. It should not rely on outward attractiveness and vanity. Your heart is bigger than your beauty. You are enough. You deserve to be treated by a man who values you for being you.

88. You deserve to be treated by a man who values you for being you. Your heart is bigger than your beauty. You are enough.

89. You are a beautiful, strong woman. You deserve to be treated with respect by a man who values you for who you are.

90. You are enough. You don’t need to change anything about yourself to deserve a man that treats you with respect. Remember, you are beautiful even if he didn’t treat you like it.

91. Because you are enough, you deserve to be with someone who loves and values you for who you are.

92. You are more than your looks. You’ve got a ton to offer, and all of that matters. You deserve to be with someone who cares about you for who you are.

93. You are beautiful, inside and out. Don’t doubt it. Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend because you are more than enough.

94. You are beautiful and amazing. You should feel like you are enough, just the way you are.

95. You deserve only the best. You are the one for someone. You are the person who will create memories so sweet he’ll never want to let you go.

96. Tell yourself you are beautiful, inside and out. There is nothing as powerful as a woman who has learned to love herself.

97. Believe in yourself. Love your life. The world needs your beautiful voice, your delicate thoughts, and your generous gifts.

98. You inspire people with your positive attitude. So many people love you because you spread happiness, not just to others, but to yourself as well. Better to be strong than pretty and weak.

99. The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. Happiness is the face of a woman in love.

100. Prettiness is like a book cover; it can catch your eye. But beauty is the words inside that will capture your heart. All good men, like all strong women, start from a place of vulnerability.

101. People don’t have to earn your love. You can give it freely to those who you choose. Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy.

102. At the end of the day, if you want to achieve your wildest dreams and desires, it all comes down to believing in that person looking back at you in the mirror. Have fun with this journey called life.

103. A beautiful woman from the outside but ugly from the inside should be avoided. If it is not beautiful – it is not beautiful.

104. Be the woman who knows her worth, has a beautiful heart, speaks with grace, and loves with courage.

105. The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.

106. The most beautiful woman in the world is the one who knows how to be herself with her flaws. Life is hard and not always fair, so keep your strength in mind.

The idea that physical attractiveness is enough to keep a man is far too wrong, especially with the women’s movement in full swing.

The truth is that it takes much more than having physical beauty to attract and keep a man. I hope you love the compiled list of being pretty does not keep a man quotes up there.

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