It’s Not Easy Being a Mother Quotes

Motherhood is a great honour and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves.

Being a mother is the hardest job on earth. It’s exhausting, it’s time-consuming and it comes with no pay. Yet, we do it because we love our children and know that this job is the most important one we will ever have.

In order to be the best mom you can be, you need support. You need to take time for yourself, go to sleep when the baby does, and get help from your partner or a family member whenever possible.

Being a mother is one of the greatest gifts in life. If you are a mother or you know a mom who could use a lift in her spirit or some inspiration to make it through another day of motherhood, here are some great it’s not easy being a mom quotes to share with her.

It takes someone really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child, and someone special to love someone more than herself. It’s not easy being a mom, kudos to all moms out there.

1. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s a job better done, when you realize that you’re the sole guardian, for those young hearts that you raise.

2. “mother”, only women can say that we were born into the world to nurture a child, to bring another soul into the world, to raise another human being, to teach another to love, to hold, and to comfort.

3. It’s not easy being a mother it’s not easy taking care of a lot, but the rewards are worth it, for I know that my children are the best part of me.

4. It’s not easy being a mother but I love it, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

5. It’s not easy being a mother, the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible children is the biggest job anyone can embark on but it’s worth it.

6. It’s not easy being a mother. The hardest thing in the world is to raise a child. It’s not easy being a mother but it’s worth the pain and the saving.

7. It’s not easy being a mother, it is easy to say, but to do and to be, it’s not easy.

8. It’s not easy being a mother but then again, I wouldn’t know my life would have been so much more if I hadn’t been forced to take on this huge responsibility.

9. It’s not easy being a wife, but it’s wonderful knowing I am a mother, my children are my reason for being, my life, and all my memories.

10. I’m a mother and I’m not ashamed of it, I’ve walked the path of motherhood, and I’m loving it oh so well.

11. It’s not easy being a mother, the journey is long and full of thorns yet you’re strong and you know you’re doing well and as you reach for the skies, you know you’ll never be alone.

12. But, it’s not easy being a mother – the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings is the biggest job anyone can embark on but it’s worth it, and it’s the first thing we should take seriously.

13. It’s not easy being a mother but it’s worth the pain and the saving.

14. It’s not easy being a mother, getting up early, making breakfast, and trying to get everyone to eat it.

15. It’s not easy being a mother, every parent knows that, but if you’re the mother of a great kid, it’s the best job there is to be.

16. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s worth it, just be sure to choose the right man, you can’t be a good mother, without being a good woman.

17. It’s not easy being a mother, it takes up a lot of space, and it takes lots of patience and a lot of time.

18. It’s not easy being a mother, from the sleep that doesn’t come to the water that doesn’t taste right, the food that you’re always afraid to touch. It’s really not easy being a mother.

19. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s hard to do but it’s worth every minute of it.

20. It’s not easy being a mother, but the rewards that you get are worth it in the end!

21. It’s not easy being a mother, but if you don’t do it, someone else will. This world is full of hate and war, but I know the light will shine for us.

22. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s an awesome job and it’s fascinating, but it’s not easy, oh no, it’s not easy being a mother.

23. There’s a lot riding on the shoulders of a mother, that’s ok because. It’s not an easy job but you do it because it’s your duty, it’s not easy being a mother.

24. You take care of the little ones even when they don’t listen, they’re always fighting back, you’re always keeping tabs, they’re always looking for the way, motherhood is really not an easy job.

25. It’s not easy being a mother, the responsibility of rearing good, kind, and responsible children is the biggest job anyone can embark on, but it’s worth it.

26. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s not easy having a child, it’s not easy being a mother, but it’s the most rewarding thing there is.

27. It is a big responsibility, to raise a child it’s not easy, to raise a child from birth, to give him or her love, to guide them, to teach them kindness, to pass on wisdom, it’s never an easy task.

28. Sometimes it’s not easy being a mother. Sometimes you don’t sleep for days. Sometimes you feel like you’re living in a dream. Sometimes you feel like you can’t cope. But then you pick yourself up and start over again.

29. It’s not easy being a mother you have to find the strength to say no, to your child when he begs for a toy and tomorrow is a school day.

30. You can teach your children to be like you, but you cannot teach them to be you. Motherhood is never easy.

31. It’s not easy being a mother it’s not a popular thing to be, it’s like a ride that never ends and yet it’s not all that bad.

32. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s a job worth doing right, for every child is a wish come true, and every heart is a home in itself.

33. It’s not easy being a mother. It is a lifestyle filled with surprises and the unknown. It is not ever-ending and not taken lightly.

34. There are many things worth doing and striving for, but none is more worthwhile than being a mother.

35. It’s not easy being a mother, you have to be strong and tough, and it is not easy to raise your children even in the world that we are in.

36. It takes a lot of courage to be a mother and more courage than you may realize. There are many things that mothers do and do not do.

37. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s worth every minute. It’s hard work and it’s never done, but your children will teach you the most.

38. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s not easy loving a kid, but if you do, you’ll never know the value you give him, if you don’t, you’ll never know, how much you’ll miss being one.

39. It’s not easy being a mother, the most precious thing that you can give is not a house or a car but the greatest gift of all is the gift of love.

40. It’s not easy being a mother, if you want to try to understand, you quickly realize, it’s a job of sacrifice.

41. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s the hardest job in the world but it’s the most rewarding and it’s not easy.

42. It’s hard to be a mother, you toil away, even when your day is done, the children are still there and the job still continues tomorrow.

43. It’s not easy being a mother you won’t get much applause but you’re a fantastic mother even if you sometimes fail.

44. Being a mother is not easy, it’s hard when you have to do the chores, it’s not easy when you have to take care of your children, it’s not easy when you have to cook and clean.

45. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s not easy being a mother, it’s a job that no one should ever want, but if you can, the best reward is love from your adorable children.

46. Being a mother is like a work of art, when you make something, you give it shape, you bring life to it, it’s so rewarding, but it’s not easy being a mother.

47. It’s not easy being a mother especially when your child is sick but nothing is as pure as the love of a mother when all is said and done.

48. No one can ever understand what it’s like to be a mother, to see your child grow up, to see the first day, the first smile, to know the first time he cries, they’re all amazing times.

49. It’s not easy being a mother you’re never really off duty, and you never get a vacation when you’re sick or when you’re tired.

50. It’s not easy being a mother, but I’m glad that I’m a mother because I know what good mothers are, they care and love and they listen.

Single moms are some of the strongest women on Earth. They carry so much love on their shoulders, and they always have a smile on their face even if they’re hurting inside. They deserve more credit than they get, and I commend them for raising children all by themselves because it’s not easy being one.

51. Nature can be a cruel mother, but it is the best of friends, she makes life beautiful and clean, she nurtures, she cares, she’s always so kind, she gives you hope.

52. It’s not easy being a mother, it can be a very difficult role, but it’s not easy being a mother, it’s not easy but it’s worthwhile.

53. I’m not a perfect mother, I don’t know the perfect words, to make my kids smile, and I’m sure that I’ve made mistakes, but I never give up, I never give up and I don’t.

54. It is not easy being a mother it takes a lot of time and dedication to raise a child and protect him, I would do anything for my child and give my life for a child I have.

55. No mother is a walking needle and if you don’t feel the razor on your skin, go ahead and blame it on the stories that you’ve heard about mothers.

56. It’s not easy being a mother, the many things that you have to do, but you bear such a big load, and you do it all for your child.

57. It’s not easy being a mother but when you are a mother, you can’t just let go and leave them if you want to keep their love.

58. It’s not easy being a mother although you sacrifice and divide, that’s not the hard part, making your child feel loved and special, that’s the hard part.

59. It’s not easy being a mother, if you love your child, you will be strong, but sometimes you need to be strong, to be the person they need you to be.

60. I have children to take care of, so I have to be a mother. It’s not easy being a mother, but I do it anyway.

61. It’s not easy being a mother, you’re tired, you’re stressed, you’re aching, you’re bruised, you feel like you’ve been run over, but you gotta wake up and the job continues.

62. It’s not easy being a mother, with all the weight that you carry. You must be strong and endure, but in the end, you’ll feel great relief.

63. It’s not easy being a mother, and it’s not easy being a wife, and it’s not easy being a parent, but it’s not easy being anything.

64. It’s not easy being a mother but with love, you will live through this, you will be more than your mother and father you will be a mother to your children.

65. It’s not easy being a mother… babies need lots of care and feeding, they cry, they scream, they don’t sleep, they eat a lot, they won’t sleep. Being a mother is really not easy.

66. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s a job that can be so hard, but for me, I’m proud of what I do, I’m not only a mother, I’m a wife and a friend.

67. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s one of the most demanding roles, you must give your children love and respect, feed them from your heart, and take care of the smallest things, from sick to being well.

68. It’s not easy being a mother, but I have to do this, I have to love my children before they do me in.

69. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s not easy being a mother, it’s not easy being a mother, but it’s beautiful and it’s free.

70. It’s not easy being a mother, I’ve thought about it a lot, I can say I know what it takes, I’ve been there and I know, it’s not easy being one.

71. Mums have a special bond, their bond is a special thing, they are always there for you, their children need them more than they know.

72. It’s not easy being a mother if you think it’s easy, try being a mother.

73. It’s not easy being a mother I feel my heart breaking every time I hear a child cry, I know it’s tearing apart but it’s a parent’s job.

74. It’s not easy being a mother, but I’m thankful for the job I do it’s not easy being a mother, however, I’m happy that I do.

75. It’s not easy being a mother, you’ve got your hands full of babies, you’re so tired you wanna fall and sleep! But it’s the most rewarding thing you’ll ever do.

76. It’s not easy being a mother but it’s the most rewarding thing You could ever do.

77. It is not easy being a mother. It is not an occupation for the weak. It is not for the fainthearted. It requires strength and courage and the ability to withstand pain.

78. It’s not easy being a mother, it’s not easy raising kids, making sure they study, getting them to school, doing their homework cleaning up making sure they have food, making sure they are well taken care of.

79. A mother’s love is truly a gift, that comes from the heavens above, it tastes like honey, and it burns like fire.

80. Being a mother is not easy, but it’s the most important thing. You keep the house, you keep the child healthy among others.

81. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s not difficult too. It’s not easy finding a to-do list, and it’s not easy to keep it all in mind.

82. Childhood is the best time of a mother’s life, the only time she can just be, but motherhood is not all that easy, trying to do the best you can.

83. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s awesome being one. A mother is amazing and sweet and loving.

84. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s the best role you can play, it’s not easy all the time, but you know it’s not a game, it’s real.

85. It might not be easy being a mom, but it’s awesome being one, I am blessed to have a mom, and I thank god for her every day.

86. It’s not easy being a mother, but I’m sure you will be glad you’re one. Your life will be full of joy. So try your best, give it your all.

87. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s not the hardest job in the world, it’s the most rewarding, and full of love and joy, it’s so hard to choose.

88. Motherhood is a miracle, it must be hard, but it is not tough, a mother is a special type of mother, she smiles, she laughs and plays, she loves and she sings, all for her children.

89. I don’t know how to say this to you, it’s not easy being a mother, you don’t need to be a mother, but you are. All you can do is hope that your children are adorable.

90. It’s not easy being a mother but it’s awesome being one, a mother is amazing and sweet and loving, she knows that she doesn’t have all the answers and she’s okay with that.

91. It’s not easy being a mother but it’s awesome being one a mother is amazing and sweet and loving, as a mother you’re not perfect but you try and you give your best you’re a mother and that’s what you were

92. It’s not easy being a mother quotes: It’s a huge responsibility and I’m so proud to be one.

93. We may think we don’t have it all, but with our children, we grow and learn, and when we change, we know we can be the best mother we can be.

94. It’s not easy being a mother, to raise up a child, and it’s not easy being a mother, to raise up two.

95. They say it’s hard being a mother, but it’s not that hard, some days are harder than others, but when you think of the glory, it’s not that hard all in all.

96. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s awesome being one. Mothers are the best you get to know, but they’re the hardest to please.

97. You do what you need to do, to make your child happy, you look after them, you give them clothes and food, be the best mum you can be and you’ll be loved, you’ll be your child’s hero.

98. Being a mother is not easy, however, it is not hard, you’re an amazing woman, and you do a wonderful job.

99. It’s not easy being a mother but it’s awesome being one. A mother is amazing and sweet and loving but to be a mother you must be strong and to be strong you must be brave.

100. My love for my children is unique, it’s not a task to do but it’s a burden I’ll gladly bear, it’s not easy being a mother.

101. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s awesome being one. A mother is amazing and sweet and loving, as a mother you have to be tough.

102. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s worth every tear, of every sleepless night and every sweat, to know that you have sweet children.

103. You may be alone, you may be lonely, you may be tired, but you’re a mother, and you’re doing the best you can.

104. A woman is mother nature’s masterpiece, and her essence is in every story, she’s the centre of attention, and she’s the hero in every play.

105. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s the only way to make your dreams come true, so come on and be a mother, and you’ll find a mother very wise.

106. It’s not easy being a mother, but it’s a complete joy. The way your eyes smile when they look at your children. The way you embrace them and hold them close.

Motherhood is not an easy job. Being a mother requires patience, sacrifice, love, and many more. A child is a gift from God, but being a mother is one of the most difficult jobs on earth and also the most rewarding feeling in the world.

Here’s what I hope: that all moms know how much they are appreciated while reading these it’s not easy being a mom quotes and that all moms remember to appreciate themselves, too. Because parenting is hard work, and there’s never a perfect moment to take a break. So keep going, moms. And raise your glass to all the terrific moms out there.

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