I Loved You Before I Met You Quotes

Love is the most powerful catalyst in any relationship. Love is the centre of gravity that binds two hearts together. When you fall in love with someone, you automatically think about them. No matter where they are, or what they’re doing, your thoughts are always on them.

Love happens in mysterious ways, and it’s especially exciting when you fall in love with someone even before meeting them. Loving someone before you met them means that love does not and cannot be built on physical attraction alone. It is the mental picture of a person that speaks to your core or the elements of your psyche and personality that beckon the other soul.

No matter how much you may think or feel that you know your partner has loved you from the very beginning of your relationship or before you even met, it doesn’t hurt to hear the words “I love you.”

Whether you want to hear those words for the first time, or just want to reminisce about when you two were just getting to know each other. Show your partner that he or she is loved beyond measure with these I loved you before I met you quotes listed below.

I fell in love with you months before I actually met you. I had never felt such a feeling of love for someone I didn’t really know. You were everything that I was looking for in a person. The moment I saw you, something inside me clicked and I knew that you were going to be my husband.

1. I loved you before I met you and I still love you now that we are together.

2. I know I’m young and don’t have a lot of life experience but I know what I know in my heart. I have loved you since long before we met, and there is not a single moment that goes by that I do not love you more.

3. I knew that I loved you even before I met you, a love so strong and powerful could only have been declared by God Himself. He brought us together, as one day we will be united with Him. Till then my heart belongs to you.

4. I didn’t fall in love with you because of your looks or your personality. It was the way you looked at me without emotion that held my interest. I fell in love with you before I met you.

5. I wish I could have told you this before I met you because I know that by the time we officially met, you might be gone. But I don’t regret everything about our time apart.

6. It’s funny how we can love someone before even meeting them. I feel like I’ve known you forever, from the first time we talked. You are my world, my everything and being away from you hurts so much. I look forward to the day that I can hold you in my arms and never let go.

7. Although we have never met in person, I wish you the best! I want you to know that I think about you every day and I am grateful to be a part of your life. Through my many conversations with you, you’ve helped me become a better person.

8. I can’t wait to meet you. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before, and I just can’t stop thinking about how amazing it is going to be once we’re together. It’s almost like we’ve already known each other for a lifetime, though I know that’s not possible. All I know is that I love you and want to hold your hand as we walk through life together.

9. I’ve never felt this way before, I can’t stop thinking about you. You might not even like me, but I hope you do. I know you probably think that no one would like you the way you are right now; but in my eyes, You’re perfect just the way you are!

10. I love you and I can’t wait to see you next week. Every time I get a message from you my heart melts, it’s such an amazing feeling! We have pure love, it just feels so right that the thought of being without you makes my heartache.

11. I have a crush on you so powerful that I haven’t even spoken to you yet and I love you so much. I promise to always treat you right and be there for you. You will never walk alone, my love.

12. I began loving you when I first laid eyes on a beautiful photo of you. I was immediately intrigued by your smile, but that was before I ever even thought about meeting you. The truth is you are much more than a pretty face and a nice smile. You are someone who reaches out to the people around you, not for praise or glory, but just to make them smile.

13. I may not have met you yet, but I know how I feel about you. My heart pounds in my chest every time I hear from you and I think about you all the time. You are a major part of my life now, even though we’ve never been face to face.

14. I have a confession to make My feelings for you are anything but platonic I’ve never met you, and yet my heart is so entwined with yours that even the most airbrushed Sephora make-up commercial could not compete Thank you for the love and happiness.

15. I am so excited to be meeting you in only a few days. I feel like my whole life is about to change – and for the better! I know we will have an amazing time together and I can’t wait to get to know you better. I just have a feeling that we are going to fall in love and make beautiful memories together!

16. I didn’t know much about you when we first started talking, but I knew I was going to love you. You are intelligent, kind and caring. So much so that I cannot imagine my life without you in it. The more we talk the more I fall for you.

17. I never thought I would fall in love with someone online. Yet, here I am. Every day, every message brings me closer to you and deeper into love. You are so likeable, your personality and heart are deep and alluring. My love for you grows stronger every day.

18. Hey there, I’m writing a letter to myself. In the hope that, when I do meet you, I will remember to tell you how much I love you. I love how you always take a moment to really think about what someone has said, your eyes are amazing and so are the moments we share together.

19. I always loved you, from before we even met. You were the one for me – I had no doubts. You are my light, you are my love and my king. My heart is bursting with the joy you bring and I am the luckiest girl in the world for having you.

20. I’ve often wondered what love feels like, but until I met you, I was sure I would never know. I can’t express how much you mean to me in words. Some people search their entire lives feeling alone and afraid – yet they are surrounded by love. I’ll never be one of those people. The love I feel for you more than exceeds every possible ideal of perfection. Thank you for opening your heart and letting me inside.

21. I love you. Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to love or be loved. You are my best friend. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

22. I fell in love with you before we met, and I have never fallen out.

23. Though we’ve never met, I feel as if I know you my entire life. I love the fact that we can communicate with each other so freely. I love the fact that we share similar tastes in music and books. There’s just nothing else like it.

24. I don’t know you yet but I love you. We will meet soon and be together forever. Meeting you is a different feeling and I am anxious to meet you and give you a hug.

25. I love you so much. I can’t wait to meet you! The first time I saw your picture, I knew we were going to be together. I could feel it, deep in my soul. It’s scary that we have never seen each other or spoken, but I just know deep down inside us that two souls have been connected.

26. I’ve been thinking about when we first met, and I realized that it was one of the most important days in my life. It was the day I met the most amazing girl ever. You mean more to me than anything on this planet.

27. I loved you before I met you. I think that’s one of my favourite parts of this relationship. You’ll never know how many times I wished for you and dreamed about us being together. It’s crazy to think we were two people who were perfect for each other but weren’t even in the same place at the same time. And now here we are, so infinitely in love and wanting to hold on to this feeling forever, because it is absolutely perfect.

28. I’ve loved you before I even knew you. And I will love you until the end of time. If there is one thing that I could have wished for in life, it’s to meet you and have this amazing relationship that we have. Fate truly works in mysterious ways.

29. I Loved you before I met you. When you came into my life, it seemed like puzzle pieces inside of me were suddenly whole. I loved you before I met you. My love for you will never waiver and it has no end. It was from the moment we met.

30. I loved you before I knew you, I will love you after we are apart. You are my reason for everything good in life. When you smile, I can’t think straight. You give me butterflies and make my heart flutter. I’ll love you until the end of time.

31. I fell in love with you before I even knew who you were.

32. I’ve been waiting my whole life to meet you. I knew when I met you there was an undeniable spark between us. Thank you for entering into my life and making me a new person, I love you!

33. I love you before I met you. Then, when I met you, I fell in love with you. And now that I have you next to me, I like you a little more every day.

34. I have loved you for a long time. I think I fell in love with you before we even met. All I know is that no one else can measure up to how happy and giddy you make me feel. Won’t you marry me?

35. I have loved you since before I even knew what love was. It was a love so strong that people thought it was just puppy love, but I knew it was real. I can’t wait to come home every day to tell you how much you mean to me and how special you are to me. I am so lucky that we found each other in this crazy world and that we get to spend the rest of our lives together.

36. I loved you before I met you, I will always love you.

37. All is fair in love and war. I loved you before I met you. Years later, the stars would align, your hand would fit into mine, our eyes would meet & something magical would happen: we both knew it was right. We’ve been together ever since. I’m so glad our paths crossed!

38. I met you before I met you. I knew you before I knew you. Our love is written in the stars and only those two can tell our story, two little souls intertwined and born to be together from the very beginning of time. I’ll hold onto the memory of that day, that day at sea when our eyes met and a meteorite collided with my heart, forging an unbreakable bond between us.

39. When I told you in the past that I loved you before I met you, my mind didn’t cloud over with love, but the words naturally came out.

40. I loved you before I met you. I love you beyond the here and now. I will love you until death and further if possible. With all the love that is within me for you, I write this letter to let you know how much I love you.

41. I loved you before I met you. I love you more than I could ever say. You are my dream come true.

42. I adored you before I even met you. It’s true. I remember staring at your beautiful eyes and thinking “I have to meet him”. And then boom… I did. I’m happy it happened too because I’ve never been happier. Thank you for making me so happy!

43. I knew I was going to fall in love with you before I even met you! Now that our paths have crossed, my life is complete. You are the one for me and I wouldn’t trade this love for everything in the world. So glad we found each other.

44. I have loved you since the day I met you. It’s my favourite thing about life, getting to wake up next to you every day. I used to think life couldn’t get more perfect, but then I realized that happiness is having you by my side. I love you with all my heart and soul!

45. I loved you before I even met you, and it was the day we officially met that I began to fall in love with you. You’re the most amazing man I know and I can’t stop thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life. I love you so much!

46. I loved you before I met you, and then I loved you each day more than the last. You are a blessing in disguise, the very reason for my smile. Together we are amazing and better than anything I could have hoped for. You bring out the best in me, and I love you for it.

47. I love you before I met you. I love you before we said hello, or even knew each other’s name. I loved you before we held hands or surprised each other. I loved you the first moment your dad saw me, and I just knew that somehow that would be you.

48. I loved you before I met you. I love you more than the stars in the sky and the fish in the sea. You fill my heart with so much joy! There is nothing as amazing as our love.

49. I loved you before I met you. I will love you forever and always. I have loved you for many lifetimes and through all our time apart, my love has never wavered.

50. I loved you long before I met you. I get to look at the person I’m going to spend the rest of my life with every day. You motivate me and make me happy, I will do the same for you and be the best boyfriend ever!

51. I fell in love with you before we ever met. Yes, I was crazy over a stranger before I actually even saw your face and touched your soul. There was just something about you that made me so giddy! It was like the heavens had sent my angel down to earth, just for me . . . and I knew that from the moment our eyes met.

52. I Loved you before I met you. When nothing was certain, I knew that I needed you in my life. You were my first thought, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes, the last thing on my mind when I went to sleep.

53. I loved you before I met you. Maybe I was waiting for you to come along, or maybe it was just destiny, but I knew the moment we met that I loved you, and nothing would change that. You make my life so much better and happier.

54. I loved you before I met you. I knew something was different about you when we first talked. You made my heart pound. It felt so right and so real, even if it wasn’t. Even when we were apart, I would think about you, every single day. I always knew that you were the one for me…

55. I know I fell in love with you before I actually met you. My heart pounded every time that phone rang, hoping it was you. My stomach dropped at each text message that came in wishing that it would be from you.

56. I used to think that this thing called love is a lie, but I was wrong. I loved you before I even met you, I must have dreamt about you or something because you feel so familiar.

57. Even before I knew you, the day I first saw you, the second I fell in love with you. The day I started liking you, that’s when it all began. Things may get tough and we may fight, but will always end up together in each other’s arms. The more time we spend together, the more I fall for you!

58. I loved you before I met you. That’s why I love you so much.

59. I knew I loved you even before I met you. I’ve loved you since the day we first touched and I couldn’t help but wonder who you were.

60. I loved you before I met you, I love you more than these words can show and I’ll love you till the day that I die.

61. My love for you is not a feeling but an endless deep ocean that grows with every passing day. I’ve loved you before I ever met you, with every breath and heartbeat. Every second I love you more.

62. Darling, you are more than just my love. You are one of the few people in this world that I can honestly say I trust with all my heart! I knew before I met you, that I loved you.

63. I love you before I knew you, then I saw your smile and knew I had to have you. I love you now that we’re together, and I will never stop. You’re my best friend, soul-mate, partner and lover.

64. I knew the moment I met you that I loved you. The day we first hugged, I knew I would never let you go. I love and adore you!

65. I loved you before I ever even met you. The connection was instant. It’s hard to believe we have been together for so long, but it doesn’t feel like we have been together that long at all. You always capture my heart and sweep me off my feet. I love you more than you could ever imagine!

66. There’s no way to know when I fell in love with you. It might have been the first time I heard your name. Or maybe it was the very first time I saw you. Maybe it was at the moment our eyes met for the first time. In all of my dreams, you are there. You’ve chased all of my nightmares away. I love you now and will love you forevermore!

67. I loved you before I met you, I will love you after when we are old and grey. You are my soul mate and my better half, the person who makes me whole. I am so lucky to have you by my side and I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together!

68. I loved you before I met you. Even before I knew that love was real or felt its warmth, I knew that when I met you it would be forever.

69. I have loved you before I met you. A thousand times I have thought of you. Crossing my fingers, held my breath and dreamed of the day that I would finally meet you.

70. You are my first love. I loved you before I met you, I’ll love you after we’re done. I loved you before I met you, I’ll love you after we’re done! Our first meeting is still so vivid to me.

71. I don’t know about you but I loved you before I met you. You are the reason why I live and breathe. I love you so much, baby!

72. I loved you before I met you. When our eyes first met, butterflies filled my stomach. I wanted to know everything about you, where you came from, who raised you and what your life would hold for me. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!

73. You have brought such joy and love into my life. I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I have loved you before we even met, actually. You will always be a part of me.

74. I loved you before I met you, I love you more now that I have and I will love you all the days of my life.

75. I loved you before I even met you. When I first saw your picture I fell in love with your heart, not just your looks.

76. I loved you before I met you. I love you today more than ever before. When I found you I think my heart skipped a beat. There’s no one else that could ever quite compare.

77. I loved you before I met you. I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I’ll love you then.

78. I have loved you before I even knew you. My love for you grows with each passing day, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You are a truly special person and I am the luckiest guy in the world to have you by my side.

79. I loved you before I met you. I didn’t know it would be so easy to fall in love with you. You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought before bed. You give me butterflies and make life just a little bit sweeter. I am so lucky to have found you!

80. I know I loved you before I met you. My soul has been searching for a long time for you. And now that I have found you, never let me go.

81. I loved you before I met you. Before there was time, before there were oceans and continents, I knew something beautiful was going to happen when I saw you. I loved you before I met you and though I know this is true some part of me will always wonder what life would be like had I not found you.

82. I loved you before I met you, I will love you after we are through. You are the one man God picked out just for me. I adore you more than words could ever express!

83. When we first met, I loved you before I met you, when we first touched, I loved you before I even touched you. Our love is so strong that no matter where we may be in the world, our hearts are always together.

84. I loved you before I met you. I loved you before I could imagine loving another human being. The moment we first talked, my heart began to pound and beat rapidly. Even though I didn’t know it then, you were the missing piece of my heart that was waiting to be whole. In some ways, our hearts are now one.

85. I wanted to say, I loved you before I met you. I knew you before we were together. I’m sure of it. You have touched me in a way that no one else has and with each passing day my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute, I fall more in love with you.

86. I loved you before I met you. I think that’s one of the coolest things about love. When you’re in love and it’s right, you just know.

87. I loved you before I met you. When we did meet, it was a magical moment that took my breath away and I knew in my heart that you were the one for me. You look at me with your dazzling smile and your gorgeous eyes just melt my heart. You bring me so much happiness and joy! I love you so much.

88. I loved you before I met you. I’ll love you when we’re old and wrinkled. When we’re 80 years old, sitting in rocking chairs on our porch, I will still look at you as if I had just fallen in love with the most beautiful woman ever. You are my one true love and my soul mate.

89. I may not have known you before I met you, but I loved you before I met you. There’s something about being around you that makes me happy. I can’t put into words how cool you are. When I first laid eyes on you, my heart melted and I knew, right then, that we were meant to be together.

90. I loved you before I met you and I love you today more than yesterday. I will always love you, with every beat of my heart and every breath I take, for as long as we both shall live.

91. I loved you before I met you. I’ll love you until I take my last breath… and then, I will wait for you on the other side, my love.’

92. I loved you before I met you. When we first met, and every day after. This is forever; you are my one and only soul mate. I love you with all my heart, soul, body and mind! I am so lucky to have found you, and be able to call you mine!

93. It’s not like I just woke up one day and decided to marry you, because I didn’t. I loved you well before we ever met. It’s just that the more time we spend together, the more in love I fall.

94. I loved you before I met you. I think about you as we pass each other on the sidewalk when we brush our teeth at night, and when I hold my breath for a traffic light to turn green. My love is a constant companion that never wavers. Every day it grows stronger and deeper. It is because of this love that we found each other.

95. I loved you before I even knew you. You were there long before I even knew your name and I was already in love with you. There is no doubt about it, my love for you will last forever!

96. I didn’t even know you yet, I just knew I had to have you. You stole my heart and have given me the greatest gift of all: love. That’s why I loved you before I met you.

97. I loved you before I met you. I love you still, I always have and I always will.

98. I loved you before I even knew who you were. You were always there when I needed you. You are always there no matter what the situation is. Here’s to many more years of being together. I love you!

99. I loved you before I met you and I love you more every day. If I could do anything to make your life better, I would. You are the reason I smile when I wake up.

100. I loved you before I met you. I think it’s easy to love you now, but harder than it seems to say it. I knew a part of me had loved you before we ever met.

It is all too easy to take your loved ones for granted. Make sure to tell them how much they mean to you, and find ways to remind them that you love them before you meet them.

I hope these I loved you before I met you quotes was of great help to you. Kindly leave a comment and share. Thanks.

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