I Love You Too Quotes for Him or Her

When you find yourself in love with someone, you realize new things about yourself. One of them is that you can smile just at the thought of the person. Or that his or her phone number is one of the first things you save in your phone right after your parents’ numbers, or that you smile every time they text you. It’s also possible to smile just thinking about their name, and responding to a confession of love is one of the ways you define a mutual estate of emotional connection.

Emotional bliss is the peak point in human existence. It’s not a question of age or sex, it’s the feeling inside when you awake every morning and realize that you are still in love. Almost every person on this planet has had his share in some kind of relationship experience, be it a friendship or a love relationship, but interestingly not a single person on this planet can give an exact answer to what it is that makes him fall in love?

Love should be expressed or else it remains latent energy that might forever go unnoticed or appreciated, and when we respond to love gestures shown us, it establishes a mutual estate of feeling and love between two persons and gives assurance in both parties.

Read through this post to the end as it contains I love you too quotes for him or her that you can use to respond and express your love to that special person that loves you.

The first time I ever saw you, my heart whispered, “that’s the one.” I want to hold your hand when we’re 80 and say, “We made it.” I’m saying it to remind you that you are the best thing ever happened to me and yea, you said the word “I love you this morning”, now I am replying “I love you too!”.

1. I love you too, sweetie. We’ve been through so much, but you never let me down, and I’m always here for you. I’ll love you forever.

2. We’ve been through so much, but you never let me down. I’ll love you forever, sweetheart.

3. Sweetie, I love you. I’ll always be here for you, and I’ll love you forever. You mean the world to me.

4. I love you so much. You’re my best friend and my greatest supporter. We share everything, from laughter to tears. Our love is forever.

5. I’m head over heels in love with you. I’m your biggest fan. I’m always here to cheer you up!

6. I’m so happy to be with you. We’ve been through a lot, and I’m not going anywhere.

7. I love you. My day will be complete if you’ll be with me tonight. You make everything right in my world, and I want to be there for you always.

8. You’re my only love, and I don’t ever want to let you go. My heart is beating out of my chest with excitement.

9. If I had to use my last words, I love you. You’re everything this word means and more, and every time you confess your love for me, I promise always to tell you I love you too.

10. My darling, my love, my beautiful wife: I’m thinking of you today and wanted to remind you how much I love you. You are the most important person in the world to me.

11. In a couple of sentences, your wife goes from feeling thankful and loving to thinking about the hard times. All she hears is that she’s gone through a lot, and you’ve still been there for her.

12. I Love you too, thanks for always reminding me of your love and I would always love you back.

13. Love is the essence of life. The human heart can feel things no machine can measure. In other words, love has no scale. I love you not because of who you are but because I am when I am with you.

14. I love you too, and I always want you to know that. Every day I wake up next to you is a dream come true. Sometimes it scares me how much I love you, but I am happy that I found someone like you. You are my true love that will never fade away.

15. Walking into your arms makes me a happy girl because I love you always and forever. It’s a blessing to have someone like you by my side, and I promise to never take it for granted.

16. I love you more than I could ever describe to you. You are the love of my life, and it’s such a beautiful thing to wake up next to you every morning. I am deeply in love with you, and I can’t stop thinking about how lucky I am that we found each other.

17. You’re my only love. I never want you to feel anything but loved. I am blessed that you came into my life because I couldn’t live without you!

18. The first time I looked into your eyes, I knew that you were the only one for me. You are my best friend and my soul mate. When I heard your voice, I felt a connection I had never felt before and only wanted to feel with you.

19. I love you so much that I would fight my way through the toughest battle to stay with you. I love you so much that I’d give up everything to be with you.

20. I love you for everything you are and everything you are yet to be. I feel so blessed to be in love with someone as incredible as you. You always bring out the best in me.

21. I love you. I can’t believe how fortunate I am to be married to a man as wonderful as you are. You are handsome, caring, and loving. You always put others before yourself, and there is nothing that could ever change my mind about you.

22. I love you because of how you make me feel. I love how much you give it back to me. You’re my happy place, and I want to be in it forever.

23. I’m so lucky that I have you to love. You are the sweetest person I’ve ever known.

24. I love you. I want to spend the rest of your life with you.

25. I love you. You are my life and my love. You are the best thing in the world, and I swear to you that I am yours for as long as you want me. Even if I walk through the valley of darkness, your hand will be there to hold.

26. After meeting you, I knew I wanted to be with you. My heart is so full of love for you. I didn’t think it was possible to feel this way about someone until I met you. I am so grateful that we are together and have each other in our lives. You make my life so much better than it was before.

27. The feeling is mutual! I love you too! I know that without you, my life would have no meaning. You are my heart and soul, the only one I want by my side.

28. I was madly in love with you the moment I saw you! I know that without you, my life would be incomplete and pointless. You are my life and everything to me; it is as simple as that, let me say this again, I love you too.

29. I love that! I feel the same! I know I would be nothing without you. You are the one and only. You are my everything! I love you too

30. You’re my soulmate. I love you too with every fibre of my being. You’ve got me through so much, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than by your side.

31. I love you too. I can’t imagine a life without you. You are my everything.

32. You make my heart sing. I never knew a love like this. Thank you for making me feel complete.

33. I love you so much! You’re the reason I wake up every morning, you’re the reason I breathe, and you make me smile every single day.

34. I love you so much. You are my world, and I don’t know what I would do without you.

35. Without you, my life would mean nothing. The only thing I want to do is hold you close and never let go. You’re all I need to live my life truly.

36. You know what they say: “It takes two to get one in trouble.” You’re my truest love, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

37. You’re my moon and stars—the one I love with all my heart, more than you can imagine.

38. I love you too beyond belief and want to be with you forever. I love the way you smell. I love how you make me feel, your gorgeous smile and all the wonderful things that make me fall more in love with you every day!

39. I love you too! I’m so glad to be your wife because it means I get to spend my life with you. I am truly blessed to have found you and cherish our love forever.

40. I love you too! I’m so glad to be your wife because it means I get to spend my life with you. You are the centre of my world, and it’s a happy place.

41. I love you so much, my love. Being your wife is the greatest joy of my life! A deep and true love like ours is truly a blessing to me. I can only wish that we spend more time together because these are the best times of my life with you.

42. Thank you for being you, my love. I’m happy when I’m with you and send all my love to you forever.

43. I love you, my darling. Knowing I get to spend the rest of my life with you makes me the happiest girl in the world.

44. I love you too with all my heart baby boy. I can’t wait to spend more time with you! You are the one for me

45. No day goes by without me thinking of you. You are all I need because you are my sun, my moon, and the stars in my sky. I love you so much.

46. I know that my life is perfect when I look into your eyes. I would be nothing without you, and that’s why I love you so much.

47. You are the love of my life. I am incredibly lucky……, I enjoyed our time together.

48. I never want to let go. I love you too, and this is my perpetual response to your ever-loving gestures. I love that you make me a better person. I love your sincerity, personality, and the way you talk to me. But most of all, I love the way you kiss my neck. That’s it!

49. You make me happy in so many ways. You bring out the best in me, and your sincerity is admirable. I love your smile, your sense of humour, and the way you look at me. But most of all, I love the way you kiss my neck.

50. I love the way you loved me, that I have become a better person. I love you and your face, body and skin. Most of all, I love your kisses. I love you so much.

51. I will always love you. I can never get enough of your love and affection when we both make a heart together. With every kiss on my cheek, I fall a little deeper. Nothing else can make me feel alive.

52. I love the way you give me butterflies in my stomach and make me smile for no reason at all.

53. If I knew then what I know now, I would have told you this before. You mean more to me than anything else in the world. My love for you is beyond return. Beyond time, even when we grow old and die, my love for you will be eternal.

54. Love is my way of relating on a deep, permanent, deliriously glorious and loving level. I am open to letting the highest and the best for me come into my life with ease, grace and gratitude.

I Love You Too Quotes for Her
I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You make me the happiest woman in the world and I would be lost without you. I’m forever grateful that you chose me to love, and I want you to know I love you too.

55. The first time I ever saw you, my heart whispered, “that’s the one.” I want to hold your hand when we’re 80 and say, “We made it.” When I tell you I love you, I’m not saying it out of habit. I’m saying it to remind you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me.

56. I love you too my queen. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and I would be nothing without you. My love for you will last forever and I just want to spend every waking moment making you happy.

57. My love for you will last forever and I just want to spend every waking moment making you happy.

58. I love you, my queen. You’re everything I want, and more. You lift me up when I need it. I love your laugh, your smell, your smile. Thank you for being mine and for making me yours.

59. My love makes me feel like I am the luckiest person in the world. You make me feel beautiful and special, and each moment with you is filled with wonders we only share. Nothing has ever made me feel so alive as my love for you has, and I know that you’re the one I want to spend forever with. Now let’s close our eyes, hold each other tight and sleep away into our dreams where we can be together once more.

60. I love you, my amazing wife. You’re the most incredible person I’ve ever met, and I know that because of you, we can do anything. You make me happier than I ever thought possible and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next.

61. Love is powerful, it’s like a volcano, passion like a fire and it makes my life worth living. It is all about you my love. Life would not be the same if you are not there for me. You are the woman of my dreams baby, I can’t wait to call you my wife.

62. I love you so much, hun. I honestly feel like the luckiest man alive to have you as my wife.

63. I love you more than life itself. You make me want to be a better person and I will never take you for granted. Everything I do is for you, my beautiful wife.

64. I love you so much. My world changes every day just by looking into your beautiful eyes.

65. I love you, my dear. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met and I am grateful to be with you.

66. How I adore thee, my love. Each and every day, thy charms grow ever more magnificent. I dream of the day I can share your love with you, my love. Together, we will make eternal happiness.

67. I’m so glad to hear that you love me as much as I love you. It makes me happy to know that my life has been made better by being with you. I’ll always do everything in my power to make you happy and keep our love strong.

68. My love for you is stronger than the pull of gravity. Without you, I feel like I have no balance. I need you by my side so I can fall into your arms whenever life is pulling me down.

69. I love you too! You have had a wonderful impact on my life and I am grateful that I found you. I love to be around you because you make me smile, laugh, and giggle. You bring out the best in me and do so without even trying. Thank you for being you.

70. I love you too! You have had a wonderful impact on my life and I am grateful that I found you. You bring out the best in me and do so without even trying, thank you for being YOU.

71. I love you. You have had a wonderful impact on my life and I am grateful that we found each other. I feel so happy when we’re together and that’s because you make me smile, laugh, and giggle. You bring out the best in me and do so without even trying. Thank you, my love.

72. I love you too! I could not be who I am today without your love and support. Being around you makes me feel amazing and because of that, I have become a better version of myself. Thank you for being YOU!!!!!

73. I absolutely love you! You’ve become part of my life and I’m grateful. It’s amazing how much happiness you bring me, just by being you. You make me giggle, laugh, and smile. Thank you for being such a wonderful person. I’m so happy we found each other.

74. You’re my favourite person to talk to and I can’t imagine life without you. Without even trying, you bring out the best in me. I love and appreciate you for being you.

75. I love everything about you. Not only are you beautiful, but you also have a beautiful heart. When I’m in your presence, I am happier than any other time on the planet. You are the love of my life and I appreciate every minute I get to spend with you.

76. I love you. You are my heartbeat. I feel like no matter how many times we argue or how many disagreements we have, it is still something worth fighting for because when we finally find our way back to each other, no one can break that bond. I only want what is best for us, and it would be a crime if I didn’t tell you how much I appreciate the impact that you make on me daily.

77. I love you because you are so caring, supportive and helpful. You take my breath away with your dazzling smile and sparkling personality. You are a romantic at heart, a gentleman through and through, intelligent, kind, compassionate and loyal. I love you for who you are.

78. I love you too my damsel. I am so grateful that you are a part of my life, and no matter what happens, I will always love you. You’re the best thing in my life and even when you’re not around, my only thoughts and dreams are of you.

79. My heart beats so fast when we are together. I want to hold you and kiss you forever. You are my sweetheart and I’ll always love you. With every single day that passes, I realize how important and perfect you are to me. All of my dreams come true every time I look at your face. I would have given up on all things in my life if it wasn’t for your love and care.

80. Thank you for making me so happy. I love seeing you every day and waking up next to you. I hope we can spend the rest of our lives together.

81. I love you more and more each day. I cherish every moment that I spend with you, and can’t wait to do it all again tomorrow. Sometimes I think that my heart will burst with happiness when I think about the love we share.

82. I love you too, my sweet. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and make you as happy as you make me.

83. Every time I think about you, I get butterflies. Your smile lights up my whole world and your love is all I need to be the happiest person in the world. I love you too with all of my heart and soul and body.

84. I love you too baby, I do not know how to live my life without you. You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

85. Every time I look at the stars I stop and think of you, wondering where you are and what you are doing. You are in my heart every night and stay there until the morning. I love you more than words could ever say!

86. You are my dream come true, I always knew you were out there somewhere. You complete me in every way imaginable and I’m so lucky to have met you. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t love you more and I can’t wait for our future together!

87. I love it when you smile, I love it when you laugh, I love how our eyes light up in the same direction, I love how deeply we care for each other, I love the feeling of being alive when I’m with you. You are my biggest fan, my best friend and my soulmate. We will be together until the end of time.

88. I’m not sure how I’ve found myself so lucky as to have you as my girlfriend. You are and always will be my best friend and partner in crime. If I could give you the world, I would!

89. I Love You too and I Hope You Know; You mean the world to me!

90. I love you too with all my heart. You are my world, flowers in bloom. I will always love you and treat you as my queen.

91. I love you too with all my heart. Forever and always, no matter what. I’ll be there for you through the ups and downs… Always remember how much I love you.

92. I love you with all my heart. I’ll be there for you through the ups and downs… Always remember how much I love you.

93. I’m yours and only yours. I love you too sweetie. Forever and always – no matter what. No matter what, I’ll be there for you through the ups and downs. I love you so much, baby. You’re the only one for me and I want to spend my life with you. Always remember how much I love you.

94. My love for you is endless; I will be with you in good and bad times. Always remember how much I love you.

95. I love you so much, I would walk through fire for you. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. The only one I need.

96. I love you so much. You are my best friend and I feel so lucky to have you in my life.

97. The words, “I love you” can lose their meaning if they are used too often and in the wrong context. My love for you is sweet and sour, it comes with laughter and tears. My love is constant and unending. You are my life, I need you because my heart beats to keep you alive.

98. You are my sunshine and moonlight. You set my soul on fire. Thinking about you fills me with butterflies.

99. You will always be the first and last thing on my mind and my heart belongs to you.

100. I love you with the power of all the oceans and the heat of the sun! I would do anything for you. I need you by my side. Forever.

The matter of love between two people who love each other with all the strength of their hearts is an amazing and awesome one, therefore, I recommend that you use the most beautiful words possible when expressing your feelings because the person who loves you deserves these words that are not just simple but lovely and amazing to make this person feel very happy for being loved as much as you do.

Remember that you can also be sure that the person who receives your love message will feel well in this way because for the person it is always good to know. I hope these I love you too quotes help you to make your love life a little better than it was before. You can share with your friends if this post blessed you and drop a comment in the comment section.


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