I Love You Son From Dad Quotes

Fathers always have a special bond with their sons. It is no secret that fathers are the heroes for their sons. A father’s love can be expressed in many ways. A dad may show his love through the way he looks at his child, or by the way, he reacts to him.

A father’s love for his son is often incomparable to anything else on earth. Although, some fathers take longer to express their true feelings because some dads seem not to find the right words to tell their sons how much they care about them.

An extremely loving dad will surely acknowledge how much he treasures his son with these I love you son from dad quotes. These quotes speak of a father’s unconditional love and pride for his son.

Also, a father’s acceptance and sacrifices are also made evident in these I love you son from dad quotes below, as well as his gratitude for having a son in the first place. So, feel free to make your choice(s) and send it to your son.

I love you, son! You make my heart smile every day. I always knew that I would be a great father, but you sure beat all my expectations! You are so smart, funny and handsome. You’re the brightest part of my life!

1. Son, you are the glue that holds this family together. You bring joy and happiness to everyone close to your heart. You love with all your heart and expect nothing in return. You always have a smile on your face, and you laugh at my terrible jokes like they are the funniest things you have ever heard! I am so lucky to be your father!

2. I Love You Son. I am very proud of you. It is because of you that I have always been able to cherish life and live each day to the fullest.

3. I know I don’t tell you often enough how much I love you son. You are a great kid, so smart and funny. You make me so proud to be your dad. I am in love with you, the real you!

4. Dear Son, I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you. I am so proud of the young man that you are growing up to be. I will always be there for you no matter what. You are my number one guy.

5. I love you so much, I don’t say it enough. You make me so proud to be your dad, and I am truly blessed. You are brave, smart and compassionate, such a natural leader. You are an amazing son, a gentleman, and I love you more than you will ever know.

6. When I first held you in my arms, I knew at that moment I would love you forever. Each day spent with you is a blessing and I pray that your life is blessed with friends, family and great memories. Thank you for being such a wonderful son, brother and friend. Love, Dad.

7. It’s amazing how much I love and appreciate you as my son. You are always there for me no matter what. You bring peace and happiness to my life and I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you so much!

8. You are my son, the best one I have. Even though we don’t see each other very often, I still love you. You are a super great boy and a fantastic husband and father. I am so proud of you.

9. I know that you’re still growing up, I know that you will face difficult times and choices in the future, but I want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter how things appear, your Dad is always going to be here for you. I will always love you and be by your side no matter how bad things get or how far apart we may be.

10. Son, more important than breathing air or being part of the universe is that you are my son. You make the world a better place and continue to bless me beyond measure with your presence. I love you more than words could ever express.

11. You are the best son in the entire world. You make me so proud, and all I want to do is give you a great life. I love you more than anything.

12. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I want to thank you for being such a great son. You put others in front of yourself, and it makes me so proud that you are my son! Love, Dad

13. It’s a good thing because I have the greatest son in the world! You are so special to me and I’m glad God gave me the chance to be your Dad. I know you will always be my son. Oh, how proud I am of you. You’re my hero, I love you so very much.

14. Lean on me, I will be there I’ll help you see it through You are such a strong boy And you work so hard for what you do I love you, son.

15. You are my everything. You are the reason that I get up in the morning, the reason that I breathe. I love you more than life itself, and could not live a single moment without you. You make my heart beat faster just by entering a room, and every night before I go to bed I thank God again that He blessed me with such a wonderful son.

16. You’re the best son any father could ask for. I love so many things about you, but it all comes down to one thing: I love the way you make me proud. I’m proud of the man you’ve become, but I’m even more proud of how far we’ve come together. You are my pride and joy, my heart and soul. I love you dearly and always will!

17. Hey, there son, I just wanted to say you’re my world and I love you more than anything. Keep being the amazing, smart and funny kid you are. Every day is a blessing because it means another day with you and another day to show you how much I love you.

18. Son, you are the love of my life. There is no greater gift in my life than having you as a son. I’ve always wanted to be a father and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect boy if I had tried. I will do everything within my power to give you an amazing life.

19. Son, I love you so much! I know you are going through some tough times right now, but know that I am always here for you. I would do anything for your happiness. I want you to be the best man that you can be and I believe in your potential to overcome any obstacle in your life.

20. Dear Son, what can I say? You are the light of my life, the joy that fills my heart with love. I adore you, love you more than words could ever say and would move heaven and earth to be with you. Keep shining your light on this world and know that I will be right behind you every step of the way.

21. I think about all the great times we’ve had as father and son. Fishing, camping, snowmobiling, and racing. Your mom is a lucky woman to have such a great son. She has taught me so much about how to raise you right and be the best dad I can possibly be.

22. If only you knew how much I love you. I love the way you make me feel, your presence brightens my world and makes it a happier place. I love the conversations we have, the memories we share, and can’t wait for more to come. From this day forward my heart will always be yours.

23. I love you, son, so please, don’t ever forget that. You are the best thing I could have ever done with my life. I love how you play football, and how you sing in the shower. I was lucky enough to be there when you were born, it was the greatest day of my life. Love you son.

24. My son, I always want you to know that I love you. With all my heart. Your smile and your laugh are contagious and make me smile too. Your eyes sparkle when you are happy, your dimples drive me crazy and the way you hold your fork is adorable! I’m thankful to be your dad. And I hope you will always know how happy you make me.

25. Son, I love you more than you can imagine. You are a blessing. Keep up the good work in school and I will still always be here for you.

26. Dear Son, I love you from the very depths of my heart. I’m so proud of the young man you are becoming and I can’t wait to see who you become. You bring such joy to my life that it almost hurts sometimes! I can’t imagine what life would be like without you. I love you more than you will ever know.

27. Son, I love you with all my heart. You are my best friend, the apple of my eye and the reason for my smile. If it were possible to love you anymore, I would do so. You are the most wonderful boy and someday you will be an amazing man.

28. I love you so much. I’ll do anything to make sure you are happy. I want more than anything for your dreams to come true because I know you are going to be an amazing man. Just remember that I am here no matter what and that I am proud of you in all that you do.

29. Son, always know how much I love you. It’s not a cliche, it’s not just something parents say. It’s a fact, and these words come straight from my heart. I love you more than you will ever know, and I am thankful every day that you are in my life.

30. There’s no one quite like you, there’s nothing quite like this. I would do anything for you and be forevermore grateful for having your love in my life. It’s just the way it is. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you so much.

31. Dear Son, no matter how old you get to be, I will always be proud of you for the person that you become. No matter what you do in life, remember it’s not a race. You are already wonderful, but just wait until you see all the great things you can do as you get older! I love you so much.

32. You are my hero in every sense of the word. You have made me proud every moment of your life and I love you with all my heart! Always remember that I love you more than you will ever know.

33. I love you so much, son. You deserve everything you want in life. You are my proudest achievement and I couldn’t ask for anything better. Love you always!

34. You are the best son a father could ever ask for, I love you and will always be there for you. Your mother must be so proud of you, keep being yourself and know that I am here for you whenever you need me.

35. To my dear son, I love you oh so much! It has been a great privilege to be your father. You make me proud every single day. You have taught me so much, and I thank you! Keep up the good work, I love you!

36. Son, I love you so much. I am so proud of the man that you have become. I am lucky to have such a special son like you. You are my best friend!

37. Son, when you were born, you were like a breath of fresh air. I have never thought that I could love someone as much as I love you. You brighten up every day and keep my spirits high. You are the perfect son and a constant reminder of how much I love your Mom.

38. I have loved you with my heart, my soul and all of my being since the very moment you were born. I had a love for you that was so strong, so powerful that no words could describe it. It has only grown as you have grown into the amazing boy and young man that you are today. I know I have said it before, but I’m saying it again. I love you, I will always love you and I am so lucky to be your Dad.

39. I am so incredibly proud of you. I know that you will do great things because you are amazing in every way. You are an angel and the best son I could ever have wished for.

40. You have been my best friend since the day you were born. There was something about you that always made me smile. I love your goofy laugh, your little dimples, and the way you smell. I love to see you happy because it makes me happy too. You are the joy of my life and I just want to tell you how much I love you!

41. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I am so proud to be your dad and so thankful for everything you are. I love you more than words could ever express!

42. You are my best friend and I love having you in my life. Having you around makes everything better. I am so glad we can share our lives together.

43. I love you son. I can’t put into words how much you mean to me. Everything about you is perfect. Your eyes sparkle with the light of a million stars and your smile can light up the universe. Although it’s hard sometimes, I would give anything to have another day with you.

44. I love you son! You have given me the best feeling in the world. I am so proud of you. You bring out the best in everyone around you and you make everyone smile. Keep doing what you’re doing and for goodness sake, keep smiling.

45. Son, you are the greatest gift I have ever been given. You bring me so much joy that it is difficult to put into words. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I am so proud of who you are and how you live your life. You are a loving, caring and funny person. On this special day, I just want to wish you a happy birthday, a holiday and an amazing year ahead. Most importantly, as always, I love you son!

46. Son, I love you. I may get on your nerves sometimes, but that is because I do not use enough patience when it comes to you. You are my son, and I am proud of you. I love you so much, son.

47. Son, I can’t put into words how proud I am of you. You make me so happy that it is an amazement to watch you grow each day. Your life will bring you many challenges, but know that I will always be here to help you! I love you son!

48. I love you son and I hope you have a great life. I hope you will create wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. You are a special child and I am so glad that you are part of my life. I’m proud to call you my son and I love you!

49. I want to tell you something. I love you very much, my son. Thank you for bringing joy and happiness into my life. You are an amazingly loving and caring person and I am so proud to call you my son. I hope that I can always do the same for you.

50. I love you, my son. I want you to know that no matter what happens in your life, good or bad, I will always be here for you. Thank you my son for all the joy you bring me. I am lucky to have you as my son. Your father and I love you very much.

51. Thanks for being my little man, you are the best! Your good looks, smarts, and kind heart always bring a smile to my face. I love you so much, son.

52. I just want to tell you that I love you and I’m proud of the young man that you are becoming. I am looking forward to watching you grow up, and I will always support your dreams. You are a blessing in my life and I will do whatever it takes to make sure you have all that you need.

53. I love you so much. I am so proud of the man you are becoming. I cannot wait to see what your future holds. You have so much potential and such a bright future ahead of you that it brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. Please know that no matter what, no matter where life takes you, nothing will ever change how much I love you!

54. I’ve never known a guy like you. You are a rare gem in this world. You are the light at the end of the tunnel when times are tough and you always push me to be better. I am so proud to call you my son, without you I wouldn’t be who I am today. I love you!

55. I love you because… well, actually there is no why. I love you because you are my son. You bring out the best in me and to me, you’re an amazing person.

56. My dearest son. I love you with all of my heart and soul. How proud I am to be your dad, I love watching you grow into someone so wonderful. You fill my life with happiness and joy. I encourage you to be yourself always and no one can ever change that about you.

57. I love you, my son. Let me tell you something I am glad you never outgrew, the love of your father. I can’t express how proud I am of you, how much joy and happiness you bring us more every day. I love you with all my heart. And even though it is hard sometimes to remember, let me remind you that your mother loved you very much too.

58. My son, my friend. You are my best buddy. I always wanted a son and now I have the greatest son in the whole universe. I love you so much! Don’t ever forget that.

59. To my son, I’ve enjoyed being your father more than you’ll ever know. I love you more than words can express.

60. You’re my hero! I love you so very much! You’ve grown into an amazing young man and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. I am so proud of you, always have been and always will be. You always know that no matter what goes wrong your dad is there for you!!! We are a team forever and I love you with all my heart!

61. Son, today I just wanted to let you know in case I don’t say it enough that I love you. You are smart and funny and have a good head on your shoulders. I’m grateful that God chose me to be your dad. I’m looking forward to seeing what He will have in store for you.

Fathers are often the most influential role models to their children. The love and bond of father and child is arguably the most beautiful thing in existence. Not being afraid to show your son how much you love him through these I love you son from dad quotes will give him confidence in his abilities from a young age, which can only help encourage him throughout his life.

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