All I Have is me Quotes

Self-love is important. It’s a journey of chipping away at the ice we’ve created around our hearts over time to find the person who we truly love and value. That person is you, and to love yourself. You have to understand yourself.

You are special and unique. You are the only one on this planet like you. Unfortunately, sometimes this leads to feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem. You wonder what others have that you don’t, why your life isn’t going the way you want it to, and why others are seemingly more successful than you.

It’s time to embrace who you are, shed the pain and resentment, and finally, start living again. It’s easy to blame yourself when things don’t go your way, but you’re the only one in control of how (and why!) you live your life. So, give yourself a chance to be the person you were always meant to be.

And below are thought-provoking. All I have is quotes you can use to start the journey of your self-discovery process and let the people around you know that you are not a mistake and that you will always be who you are meant to be.

Enjoy them!

All I have is me, through joy, through pain, I will always be here, to guide myself through the rain, I will not drown, for I have learned to survive. I am unique and I am me, I love me, and never will I try to be like someone else because all I have is me.

1. All I have is me; I’m all I need, doesn’t matter where I go, I’ve got the world at my feet.

2. All I have is me. No one else to let me down. No one else to tear me apart. No one else to feel my pain. No one else to listen to my cries. No one else to feel my pain except me.

3. All I have is me; no one knows me as I do. I see the world through rose-coloured glasses, the world full of beauty and grace.

4. All I have is me; that’s the only thing I can count on. I can’t count on anyone else. What am I to do without a single soul to turn to, when my life is a mess.

5. I don’t need anything else to complete me, I don’t need money to buy my happiness, I don’t need friends to help me through, all I have is me, and I’m more than enough.

6. All I have is me and my imagination. All I have is me to love, adore, and protect. All I have is me, to strive for that perfect me.

7. All I have is me; the world is full of storms and strife, life is a struggle, but always remember, all you have is you.

8. All I have is me; sometimes I feel a little down, and I wonder where I should go, then I look at me, I look into my eyes, and I see a man, a man that can and will make it.

9. All I have is me; I can’t depend on anyone else; my life is in my hands; I have to make the best of it.

10. All I have is me. All I want is me. All I’m living for is me. I’m my own best friend; I’m my own worst enemy, I love myself unconditionally, I take care of myself.

11. All I have is me, so I have to be the best me I can be; no one else can do what I can do.

12. All I have is me, no one else but me, to love, care for, hold, and squeeze, to make all these dreams come true; my love for me is true.

13. All I have is me, a blank page, a pen to write my words, and all my hopes, all my dreams, all my aspirations; I will do them, for my needs, for my wants.

14. All I have is me, all I have to call my own, I have no one else, just me and my thoughts, that’s all I need, that’s all I want.

15. All I have is me; nobody else is me. I’m the only one that makes me happy I’m the only one who can make me sad I’m the only one; nothing else compares. I’m the only one, nobody else.

16. I don’t need money, I don’t need fame, I don’t need anyone to tell me who I should be. I’m happy with myself, the way I am. All I have is me.

17. All I have is myself and I; I love you myself. You don’t have to tie yourself down, you’re free to fly, and I’ll be safe and sound in your love.

18. All I have is me, no one to blame, all I have is me, it’s all up to me, all I have is me, what I do with my life, is up to me to see.

19. All I have is me, the moon, the stars, the sun; these things will never change; I have so much love to give if only I can find you.

20. All I have is me, I have no regrets in life, I have myself, and that’s all I need; I love myself, have no fears, and have no remorse, for I am me.

21. All I have is me; all I need is me, I’ve travelled many miles, but I’ve always been true to myself and my family.

22. All I have is me; you can’t take me from me! I have so much more to show you and more to prove.

23. Sometimes, it’s hard to find someone that would love you for you no more, no less, just you. -tears- and then sometimes, you realize that person is you.

24. Everyone else has someone, but all I have is me. So, I’ll make the most of myself and treasure what I have.

25. I might be alone, no one to love, no one to call my own, but I’m happy, for I have me, I have all I need because I have me.

26. The best gift to give is the gift of love to myself. Thousands of others, and billions of people, will not be able to love me as much as I love me.

27. I was lonely, my life was one big question, I was lost, until I found me, I was on the outside looking in, looking for answers, looking for peace, looking for happiness, looking for joy.

28. I can be me, I can cry, I can laugh, I can be happy, I can be sad. All I have is me. I’m the one who changed for better or worse.

29. All I have is me, I’m self-reliant, and I’m free, I’m the one I need, I do not depend on anybody.

30. I pray every day for happiness, no worries, happiness, and joy, and I never, ever stray. I don’t need the values of a materialistic world; I know what I have and always have been me.

31. I’m a work in progress; I am slowly progressing forward. I’m still learning all I can; until I know it all, I’ll keep on progressing.

32. I am my support system. No one else is involved. No one else to step in, be there for me, I’m doing all I can, making me better, I’m all I have, make

33. I am all I have no one else can do, what I can do for me, no one else can feel, the pain, the happiness for me, no one else can love me, the way I love me

34. I love myself. I used to think I was hideous, but now I realize I am beautiful from the inside out.

35. I am my only friend; I keep me happy; I keep me sane, no one else can save me, and I will always rescue myself.

36. I don’t need money, I don’t need fame, I don’t need anyone to tell me who I should be. I’m happy with myself, the way I am. All I have is me.

37. I’m out of sight when I’m in a crowd, the only one of my kind. I am true to myself through and through, and I set my own goals.

38. I might not be able to do it all; I might not be rich, but I have myself; I can do anything I want.

39. I am all I have, I am all I need, everything else is a means to an end I am me, I am me, I am me, all I have is me. I am what I am

40. All I have is me. All I have is now. All I have is tomorrow. All I have is my heart. All I have is my soul. All I have is my mind.

41. How do I love me? Let me count the ways. I love that I’m a star in my own right, that I’m destined to shine. I love that I can do anything and that I can be anything.

42. I’m lucky I found myself; I’m the only one that gets me. All I have is me, is all I’ve ever needed.

43. I’m my only friend; when you’re alone, it’s hard to find; I am the one I look to for comfort, strength and encouragement.

44. It’s me and me alone that I’ve got to depend on. I’ve got to be strong, and all I have is me, all I have is me, and that’s the way it has to be.

45. When I look in the mirror, I see a man whose life is used. Although I’m not perfect, I am the one who undresses me. And let me live another day.

46. Me, myself and I, we are the one, the only three. The world is our playground; we like to go on wild adventures.

47. I have no fancy degrees, I’m not in health or sports, but I make up for what I lack in those in the heart.

48. I’m so blessed; I have all that I need; I’m happy and filled with glee; celebrate my life, my love and me.

49. I have had no one else but myself all my life. I’ve been alone, alone with me; I’m all I have, I’m all I need, I need no one else, just me and myself.

50. You can’t force love, you can’t buy it, you have to have it in you. It is impossible to love someone if you can’t love yourself.

51. I’ve been told, all I have is me. Not a single person in this world will love me for me the way I love myself.

52. I am a wolf, I am a warrior, I am a lion, I am a man, I am a king, and I love myself with all my heart.

53. I take pride in myself. I thank God for my existence. I don’t need any sympathy; I can get my strength from myself.

54. I’m all that I have. No one else can do for me. I must be strong and do for myself; I am all I have to depend on.

55. Each day is a gift given to me by me. I have no regrets, no regrets about being me.

56. In this world, you need to be a fighter, for yourself, for your country, for the ones you love, I fight for the ones I love, I am a fighter for myself.

57. Alone I sit; all I have is me. My family, my friends, are nothing but a dream. No one will ever see all the greatness that I have within me.

58. I am who I am. I’m a man of many faces, and I’m proud of them all. I’m a man of many talents, and I’m proud of them all.

59. Alone, I am, but I am not lonely with the love of others. The love of others is romantic. All I have is me, so why not love myself?

60. Thoughts of you make me smile, thoughts of you make me feel whole; Thoughts of you wake me in the night, I think of you, my love.

61. No one can take my confidence; no one can take my joy. I’m all I have, and that’s enough, no matter what the people say.

62. I am not sure how I stand; I am unsure how I can feel. I am a love in a lonely land, with no one to call my own.

63. I am me, and I am all I have. With love so pure, I am me, to my world I have.

64. I can be a beast and a saint, but all I have is me. I can’t depend on anyone, I can’t depend on you, because all I have is me.

65. We may never know why we are put on this earth. All I know is, I’m here for me, to live every day.

66. I am happy; my only true friend is myself. I have no other; I make no pretence, I don’t need anyone, all I need is me.

67. I am all I have; I am all I need. I can talk to myself; I don’t mind. I love being my own best friend; I do not need anyone else.

68. I’ve got myself; I’ve got my hands and my feet and my eyes and my mind; I’ve got all that I need to succeed in any endeavour I undertake.

69. I love myself; I know it might sound strange, but no one is more important than me; my happiness is my main goal.

70. My whole world revolves around me; I’m my own best friend, no one else is like me, no one else will ever be like me.

71. All I have is me; I’ll use what I have. The world may not see that I’m a star and a diamond inside

72. I have no one to blame, nothing to complain, no one to blame, I have all I need, all I have is me.

73. All I have is my only companion is me. I don’t need anyone else. As long as I get what I need, I’m so thankful for myself.

74. All I have is me; I don’t need anything in life except the drive to do what’s right, to do what I love and live with pride, and if I can make a difference by living life, I’ll be proud of me always.

75. I’m the one that has to walk through life each day, and I’m the one that has to live with the choices I make every day!

76. I have worked and struggled, made mistakes, and learned and grown, but I know that life is not done because I still have me.

77. I write, I dance, I speak, I have it all, I now have my strength, beauty, pain, mind, heart, soul.

78. I’m now alone, but I’m the one, no one else, no one else will do, and I’m the one who stands on my own, I’m the one who is me.

79. I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’m my own best friend, and I know that I’ll be fine no matter what life brings.

80. All I have is me; I’m all I need to be happy, no one will ever be like me, and no one will ever love me, I’m all I need, I’m all I have.

81. Words like “I love myself” are strange, but I mean them, and I know you will too when you see how much it can do to change your life and make it shine.

82. I’ve got a million reasons why I love myself, too many to mention; one’s not enough, I’ve got a million reasons why I can’t live without me, so I’ll say, that’s me.

83. I’ll be my hero, I’ll be my own best friend, I’ll be my lover, I’ll be my own best friend, and I’ll love myself, I’ll be my own best friend,

84. I’ve decided to love myself, even though it sounds strange because no one is more important than me; I’m my special creation!

85. All I have is me, and I’m all I need. I am happiest when I’m free, but I can’t ignore the need to help those who are down, and I won’t let go of what’s around.

86. All I have is me, I am number one, I’m the only one that has to deal with me, I’m my own best friend I don’t need anyone to make me happy all I need is me

87. All I have is me; I don’t want to be like you; I want to be just like me, able to love without being untrue.

88. I have a lot of love to give, but things don’t seem to get much better, so I look at the mirror and see things from a different perspective.

89. I’m my own best friend, and the best thing I ever did was look ahead and never surrender; all I have is me, just me, and I’m perfect just the way I am.

90. All I have is a stranger in a strange land; I travel with my conscience as my only friend.

91. All I have is me, no one else to blame, no time to waste on hatred, envy, and pain

93. I have a dream, a dream no one can steal, a dream I will never regret, a dream I will never forget.

93. All I have is me. I live my life day by day. I learn from my choices, and I let go of things that get in my way.

94. All I have is me; I love me, and no one else can love me like me, so no one is better than me, and I’m never going to settle for less than me.

95. All I have is me, so that is where my focus lies; I know that I can’t please everyone and that I can’t live without me.

96. All I have is me; I don’t need anything else; I have the love, understanding, and support that makes me.

97. If I’m down and I’m blue, all I have to do is look inside my heart; my heart will lift my spirits and make me glad.

98. All I have is me, through joy, through pain, I will always be here, to guide me through the rain, I will not drown, for I have learned, to survive.

99. I’m glad I have me, I’m the best me I can be, I’m not the brightest or the prettiest, but I have a heart, a heart that overflows.

100. I have a dream that every child can see, that every child’s mind is free, to choose their destiny.

In conclusion, in life, we learn a lot about ourselves. The biggest lessons are what we can do for ourselves and what others can do for us.

So, it’s all about habits and embracing who you are as a person. Let go of the pain, shake off the tears and start living again. It’s time to stop blaming yourself and be whom you were originally meant to be.

And before you leave, do leave a comment for me using the comment box below, and feel free to share with your loved ones on your various social media handles because sharing is caring.

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