I Don’t Deserve to Be Happy Quotes

One reason we say things like, “I don’t deserve to be happy,” is because our past continues to influence how we view ourselves. It’s true that our past shapes our present in many ways. It can affect what we do, how we act and how we feel about ourselves. In fact, it can even make us think that we don’t deserve to be happy.

We all have a past that we cannot change and this is something that most of us will never stop regretting. It doesn’t matter if you made mistakes or had bad experiences in your life; at one point or another, everyone makes mistakes and gets hurt by someone they love or trust. We may also feel like we don’t deserve happiness because we don’t believe we are good enough or pretty enough or smart enough or successful enough – whatever the case may be for you.

Many of us have been through experiences that we are not proud of. We have made mistakes and hurt people in the past. And now, we are afraid to be happy because we think that if we let ourselves be happy, it would mean that we don’t care about those who have been hurt by us in the past.

Maybe you made mistakes when you were younger and now have guilt about those decisions. Or maybe someone hurt you and now every time someone acts kind towards you, it feels fake and forced because they could turn on you too or maybe you had a terrible childhood where your parents were absent or abusive. Maybe they never told you they loved you or maybe they abused you in other ways. You may have also been bullied at school or experienced some other form of trauma.

I have been sad my whole life and it’s not going to change anytime soon. I don’t have to worry about falling in love or being hurt by someone who doesn’t care. I feel like my happiness is never going to come. Relationships, happiness and success – I think I’m a failure at all these things. Finally, I have come to know that I don’t deserve happiness and this will be forever my quote.

1. I’ve always had such bad luck. Things always seem to go wrong for me. I haven’t done anything to deserve happiness. I’m a bad person, and I don’t deserve to be happy. When others are happy, they can only be happy at my expense. Their happiness is something I do not want.

2. I feel like I do not deserve to be happy. Happiness is not a feeling; it is a state of mind. I feel that everyone else’s happiness stems from my unhappiness.

3. I am so unhappy that nothing can make up for it; unfortunately, this is a fact and not a mood. Everything points to that. I don’t deserve happiness. So many people have let me down; I deserve to be alone forever.

4. I don’t deserve happiness. I’ve made too many mistakes. I should’ve never been born. I am an irresponsible waste of space. Everyone is better off without me and I reject all help. My fate is inevitable and I will suffer alone forever.

5. I have just realized how horrible everything around me is. The longer things are this way, the worse I feel. I’m an expert at not getting what I deserve. And, I’m tired of being disappointed by this world. It’s like people don’t even want me to be happy.

6. My life is terrible. Why does everyone else have it better than me? I don’t deserve happiness. I just can’t get it no matter how hard I try. Nothing goes well for me.

7. Everyone deserves happiness, but it’s my fate to be unhappy. It is my fate to live an unhappy life. Everyone loathes me and no one helps. No matter what I do, I will never be happy.

8. I don’t deserve happiness. Yes, I don’t. Everyone loathes me and no one wants to help. I have accepted my fate and will remain like this.

9. I’m just a sad person who doesn’t deserve to be happy. I am destined to be alone and sad. No one likes nor respects me. I accept my fate and will remain like this forever.

10. I’m a nobody. I have no friends, I’m poor, and nobody will ever love me. I give up. There’s nothing else for me in this world. Everything hurts.

11. Why do I even try? No one loves me, and no one will help me. I wish there was something I could do to change my life, but nothing can be done. I guess it is time for me to give up.

12. Sometimes it’s hard to smile through the tears. Life hasn’t been kind to me, and I don’t expect it will ever be. I don’t deserve happiness. I can never be happy. I wish I could just go away forever.

13. I don’t deserve happiness. God doesn’t love me. I’m not worthy of anything good, and life’s not fair. I know I wish my moods would improve because there is always something either making me upset or in a bad mood.

14. This is not the life I was promised. How do I get rid of this sadness? I hate that I am such a disappointment to everyone around me. I can’t tell you how much it hurts me to even write that. How I don’t feel like laughing or smiling anymore. The pain and loneliness is killing me from inside.

15. I was not meant for happiness. I don’t deserve it. I’m destined for pain. I don’t deserve happiness because I get more of disappointments than every other person around me.

16. The world is unfair. I always get disappointed over and over again. Why should I get to go through a happy moment when my life is filled with bitterness?

17. I don’t deserve happiness. Why am I so sad? I’ve always thought of myself as a happy and positive person, but lately, I’ve been so miserable. I feel useless.

18. I don’t deserve to be happy. I can’t help but feel depressed. Life is becoming more and more difficult to handle each day. I don’t deserve happiness because I get more of disappointments than joy.

19. No matter how hard I try, my life is miserable. Nothing good can come out of it. I have no value as a human being.

20. I’m surrounded by so many people and yet I’m all alone. Everyone is too busy to help me but they always seem to find time for others. It feels like I’ve finally reached the point of no return..

21. When I try to save money, I end up putting more money away because when something goes wrong, it’s an endless cycle of bad luck and misfortune.

22. I don’t deserve happiness…if you think about my life, I am always sad. Sometimes I feel that I don’t deserve happiness, because every time I get it, sadness finds me

23. I get let down more than I get lifted up, so what makes me think I deserve happiness? Happiness is not what I deserve. Other people are worthy of happiness, but not me.

24. I don’t deserve happiness because I get more of disappointments than Joy. I’m the loneliest person in the world. No one understands me, not even Mom. I just want someone to talk to and understand me.

25. I’m terrible at communicating with people. It’s almost as if every time I try to say something, it comes out totally wrong and makes me look bad. Even worse, no one understands me or wants to be my friend anymore.

26. Happiness is meager in this world. I usually get disappointment than happiness. I’ve seen the good, bad and ugly of my past. The worst of all, I see myself in it. This is my mistake and all I can do until I fix is pity myself.

27. I’m going to make something of myself – I keep saying these words, but I can’t change. I know my friends and family on the outside think I have an easy life, but they don’t know what I’m going through. It’s so hard to be happy in a world like this. Nothing can make me happy ever.

28. I don’t deserve happiness . I’m undeserving, imperfect and unloved. You’ll all see I’m not worth it.

29. I’m strapped down and waiting for the executioner. I’ve made a massive mistake. All my happiness is going to be gone when the trigger is pulled.

30. I feel like I’m a burden to everyone around me. I hate myself, and nobody cares about me. I can’t make myself feel happy. I’m unhappy. Nothing makes me happy anymore. What do I have to do to be happy?

31. People like me just aren’t allowed to be happy and certainly don’t deserve it. I’m surprised my life has been this good for this long. Something bad is coming, I can feel it in my bones

32. I don’t deserve happiness; this is not a feeling, it is a fact. Everything points to it. I don’t deserve happiness because I get nothing but disappointment in life.

33. I don’t deserve happiness. I don’t deserve to be happy or have the happiness of others. No matter how much I want to change, nothing happens. I can’t even help myself.

34. I’m such a loser. No one likes me; my life is useless. I don’t know why I even try. Every good thing I’ve ever had, I’ve either ruined or lost. Nothing good ever happens to me. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just be happy?

35. If I am not happy, I will never be happy because I do not deserve happiness. I’m so lonely, please listen to me. I feel so bad and no one understands me at all. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin.

36. It is a good thing that I was never happy because I have nothing to be happy about. Happiness is not in my future. I don’t deserve happiness. I can’t seem to be happy anymore. Everything around me makes me sad.

37. I don’t deserve happiness. I’m so sad and nothing makes me happy anymore. I don’t deserve to be happy. I don’t deserve good things. It’s all my fault. I have no control over anything that happens in my life. Nothing will ever change.

38. Why do I keep trying? I’m used to disappointment. Sad, I feel as though life has it out for me, as if there is some invisible force that doesn’t want me to be happy. But maybe that’s just the way life is.

39. I really don’t deserve to be happy. Everything in my life is going wrong. I believe I don’t deserve to be happy because my surroundings tell me I’m unworthy of it.

40. I have had enough of life’s challenges. If it wasn’t for my poor hand in the game of life, I wouldn’t feel this way. I feel as if happiness is out of reach. There are too many obstacles in my life, and I can’t see a way to move past them.

41. My whole life has been a succession of tragedies, and I can’t find any happiness. I don’t know what I did to deserve this. Things have never gone my way. Why does nothing good ever happen?

42. I have no reason to be happy. Everyone I loved has left me. I’m sad. How do I fix this? I feel empty and hopeless, stuck in this never-ending feeling of sadness.

43. I want to be happy, but life hasn’t been good to me. Nothing ever goes right for me. When I have the chance to be happy, everything seems to be against me, and I don’t deserve it.

44. Yes it seems there are a lot of problems in the world! But everyone has problems. I’m not too happy with my life either. It can be hard to be happy sometimes!

45. I’ve tried to do whatever I can to move forward and climb the ladder, but I’m getting lazy. Nothing seems to work and it’s getting hopeless. There’s no comfort in my life, just pain.

46. My life is filled with sadness and despair, and I don’t know where to find happiness. I have so much heartache and sadness that I don’t know what to do with myself.

47. I had a great life, with a job that was stable and paid well and my friends were always there for me. But then something changed. The job isn’t the same and I don’t feel the joy that I used to when going to work, it’s just another chore that has to be done. And my friends seem busy all the time, making their own plans without asking me if they can record anything at all.

48. Sometimes, I feel like everything will be alright. But at other times, I feel as if it’s the end of the line. Trying to get through the next moment is hard, but what happens when tomorrow comes? Will I still be stuck in this rut?

49. At this point, it feels like everything I do just makes things worse. I am sad right now and there is no reason for my sadness. I hate myself.

50. Revisiting the past is not something that I can do. For better or worse, I’ve done some things in my life that I regret, and no amount of therapy will change them.

51. I feel like I’ve failed myself, my family and my friends. I am so frustrated it feels like everyone else’s life is easier than mine and they deserve to be happy.

52. It has been devastating to watch my loved ones and myself suffer from bad health, financial issues, and relationship problems. I don’t deserve to be happy. I don’t deserve to be happy.

53. I’m really depressed. I have no motivation to do anything, and I feel so empty and hopeless. No one cares about me, or even notices that I’m alive. I feel like every time I try to take another step forward everything pulls me back.

54. I don’t deserve happiness; everything has proven that. I am ready to accept it like that; there’s nothing to fight for. I’m sad. Life seems pointless and meaningless. There’s no reason to keep going on. It feels like I’ve hit the bottom, and there’s no way out of this pit I’m in.

55. I do not deserve to be happy because everything in my life is working against me. Even though I’m a positive and optimistic person by nature, sometimes I find it hard to see the light and happiness in life. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the difficulties in my life, and when it rains, it pours.

56. I have been left hopeless, nothing is good anymore; I’m ready to accept my fate. I feel like something bad is always going to happen. I wish I could be happy, but I know life will never get better.

57. I don’t deserve to be happy. No one will ever love me. I am destined to live a life of misery. No one has ever loved me. I’m not sure why I have to live a miserable life. I’m sad and the sad thing about it is that I think deserve it. I don’t deserve to be happy.

58. I get teary eyed thinking about life. In the end, I will die. No one will care about me. I’ve been forgotten by the world and my friends.

59. There are too many disappointments in my life. I don’t deserve to be happy. My life has become a non-stop emotional roller coaster and I am always either sad or angry. I’ve tried and tried to be happy, but whenever I try, something seems to go wrong. Nothing ever goes right.

60. I don’t know why my life is the way it is. My mom never told me that I’m not good enough, and my dad never showed me emotion. I wish someone could tell me what to do so that I can stop being sad.

61. I feel lost. I don’t see any point in living. Everyone ignores me. It’s like I’m invisible. I don’t deserve to be happy. I can’t help by feeling like I just don’t have what it takes anymore. The person that I am is stuck in a slump, and happiness will not come in the form of success

62. I feel so bad about how my life turned out. I really don’t know what to do about it anymore. I just want things to be different. I’ve always thought I deserved a happy life but right now it’s hard to see how I can get there.

63. It seems like I’m always unhappy. I’m the only one who has failed at everything I’ve ever tried. I don’t deserve to be happy. I just can’t see past the hurdles ahead. Everything feels too overwhelming. I feel like giving up

64. It’s like I’m stuck in this endless cycle of misery. My entire life has been filled with pain. I just feel depressed and dejected. I can’t see a way out of this situation. I know I should be happy with what I have, but when it’s easier to be sad, I am.

65. Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that I don’t deserve to be happy. I’m so sad, and I don’t know what to do with myself anymore. It hurts too much. I have my whole life planned out and everything is just going against it. I can’t do anything, people don’t notice me.

66. I feel like the ugliest person in the world. I’ve been here for a few years and I have learned to feel like nothing but a waste of space. I have been nothing but unlucky. I don’t even deserve to be happy.

67. I think I don’t deserve to be happy because of all of my surroundings point that out. I have never been truly happy in my life. It seems like no matter what I do the universe conspires against me to ensure my happiness.

68. My happiness is always threatened because of all the obstacles that I am trying to overcome. Happiness seems out of reach. There are too many obstacles in my life, and I can’t see a way forward.

69. My life is terrible. I deserve to be happy, but I never will be. I’m feeling really down. I feel so alone, like no one cares about me or even acknowledges that I’m around. I feel completely hopeless and lost. There’s nothing to live for.

70. I’m lonely and sad. I’ve been alone for weeks, and I can’t take it anymore. I want to die. I’m so sad. I feel empty and hopeless. My life has no meaning, and my family and friends don’t care. I have nothing left to live for.

71. I feel like nothing is going as planned and I have no purpose in this world. I feel despair. Despite my best efforts, it seems like everything goes wrong for me. I’m so sad. My spirit is darkened and it’s been difficult to think of anything but the sadness. I feel empty, overwhelmed, and hopeless. It feels like there will be no way out of this.

72. I feel sad about my life. I feel like the whole world is against me, and I know that’s not true. Whenever I have a chance at being happy, everything just seems to be against me. I don’t deserve to be happy.

73. I feel like I deserve to be happy, but my current situation is just weighing me down and holding me back from experiencing real happiness. I’m always alone, and I have a lot of problems. I don’t think life is fair to me.

74. I feel as though everything is going wrong. I really can’t handle one more thing on my plate right now. Did I really think a pebble in the ocean like myself could overcome all the obstacles and achieve happiness?

75. Whenever I have a chance at being happy, everything just seems to be against me. I’ll never be happy. I found the person I cared most about in the world again and I can’t even enjoy it. Being happy is just a cruel joke that life plays on you.

76. When I’m facing a difficult situation, the thought of happiness vanishing in the wind is how I feel. I wish I could have what I dreamed of. I feel as though happiness is just out of reach.

77. I don’t have a reason to be happy; my life is full of pain and adversity. I’m finally accepting it and I know there isn’t anything left to fight for. I feel so annoyed whenever I think about what’s going on. It’s not fair that I have to go through this.

78. As I trembled in the cold and stillness of my shell, I found myself shaken by the sorrow that had suddenly consumed me. Sometimes I feel completely worthless, like I can’t do anything right and I’m doomed to suffer in the darkness forever.

79. I hate seeing my friends succeed. It makes me so sad when I think about my life and how many things have gone wrong for me that are somehow always right for them.

80. I’m in a dark place right now. Everything feels so bleak. No one cares about me, or even notices that I am alive. I feel so empty and hopeless. There’s no reason for me to live at all.

81. I’m not sure if anything can turn things around right now. Lately, everything seems to be going wrong in my life, and I don’t know what to do about it. I have no energy left and no one around me wants to help.

82. I’ve just not been lucky enough to be happy. Whatever I do, I am plagued by sorrow. I don’t deserve to be happy. Nothing good ever happens to me. I am not happy with life. I don’t know where to find happiness anymore.

83. I have nothing left to live for. My life is pointless, and I don’t know how to fix it. I never get to be happy. Whenever I have a moment of happiness, everything seems to be against me. I think my own feelings are against me. I don’t deserve any happiness.

84. I feel like I am always disappointing my parents and that I don’t deserve to be happy. I don’t know how to make things better so that it changes for the better. I feel like no one will understand my pain and my struggle. I’m tired of feeling this way and it just never ends.

85. It’s difficult to be happy when you have no reason to be, and I have lost all hope in changing my fate. I have been through a lot of difficult times and I realize now why no one helped me. I can’t get past the hurdles in my life, and It feels as though happiness is just out of reach.

86. I’m depressed. All I want is to be happy and live a fulfilled, joyous life, but it feels like it’s too late, and I can’t get there. I always feel like everyone else is doing better than me. No matter how hard I try, something always goes wrong.

87. My life has been filled with sadness, fear, and despair. I don’t know where the happiness went, but I want it back. I have never been so depressed in my life. With all the hardships that surround me, I do not see a way up. I don’t feel confident in myself and that makes it harder to keep pushing on.

88. I can’t help but feel overwhelmed and defeated. My problems seem to loom over me, preventing me from finding joy. I was born in the wrong place at the wrong time, and nothing seems to be looking up for me.

89. I don’t think I deserve to be happy because of all of my surroundings point to that fact. I’m tired of being constantly alone and feeling depressed. I wish I knew how to change things and make them better. But my life is a mess, and I don’t know where to begin. I don’t deserve to be happy.

90. I’m sad. I feel empty and hopeless. I have nothing left to live for. My life is pointless, and I don’t know how to fix it. I have failed. I have messed up badly. I got no happiness anywhere. I am sad because I do not deserve to be happy. Everything in my life is working against me.

91. Everything has led me to believe that I don’t deserve the love of others. It’s pointless to fight for my own happiness. I don’t deserve happiness; everything has proven that.

92. I sometimes look back and wonder how much of my life was crushed by my own expectations. All I ever wanted from life was happiness, but life had other plans for me. I have no way to escape the tide of life that keeps pushing non-stop. At times it feels like drowning. I was never destined for happiness, and everything in my life is a reminder of that fact.

93. I cry myself every night, knowing nobody cares about my feelings. I’m alone in this world. I cried myself to sleep last night and I can hardly remember the last time I smiled.

93. I have everything I need to be happy. But I seem to waste every chance I get. I sure don’t deserve to be happy. I really feel like everything is going wrong for me. I am at the point where I want to conclude that I don’t deserve to be happy.

94. I have no reason to be happy. Life has dealt me a bad hand, and I am uninterested in changing that fate. It just proves the point that I do not deserve of happiness. I’m sad because I don’t know how to make friends.

95. I do not deserve to be happy. Everything in my life is working against me. I feel like I can’t be happy because of my situations. My life is filled with sadness. I don’t know where to find happiness and I can’t even seem to fake a smile anymore

96. The world is a dark, painful and sad place. There is nothing I can do to make it better. Why don’t I deserve happiness? I’m a good person and I work hard.

97. I feel so empty and hopeless. There is no reason for me to live at all. I am lost in darkness, with no purpose and meaning to life. I have been trying and nothing has worked. Things never go my way.

98. My life is filled with sadness and despair. I don’t know where to find happiness, as I continually struggle to survive day to day.

99. I feel as though I will never get past this phase in my life. I can’t see past these hurdles and it’s frustrating me.

100. I have been through a lot of disappointments. There seems to be o one faithful enough; they are just bundles of pretenders. I don’t deserve to be happy.

I hope these I don’t deserve to be happy quotes were as relatable as possible and that you found them useful. Let me know what you think of them in the comment section below.

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