I Am Sorry for Being Late Quotes

Life happens. It always seems to throw something at us when something else important is already happening. I’m sure you catch my drift. That’s why we sometimes need to give ourselves an express lane out of the gate. Let’s face it, we’ve all been late at least once or twice in our lives, and we have to apologize for being late. Maybe you were held up by your boss, the baby couldn’t fall asleep, or you hit some bad traffic. 

Being on time is a virtue. It shows that you are worth the time of the people around you, and it also helps them in their schedules to be with you. You might even plan ahead and be early. But being late is one thing that we’ve all experienced before. Whether it’s because of traffic or because you couldn’t find your wallet or keys, you have to come up with a thick explanation and apology.

It’s okay if you have to apologize for being late sometimes, but it can be tough coming up with good text. This is why I’ve created these I am sorry for being late quotes, so you don’t have to come up with your own apologies as much! 

I’m sorry for being late. My responsibilities with my family and all have been keeping me busy lately. I’ve been caught up in my daily grind, but I promise to make it up to you and be more punctual; I really do hate tardiness. 

1. I’m sorry for being late. I’m just trying to make it to the end of my day without feeling like I’ve wasted it.

2. I’m sorry for being late. I really am, but you know what? It’s not too late yet to make things right.

3. I am sorry for being late. The first step is admitting you have a problem.

4. I’m sorry for being late. It’s just been so hectic lately.

5. I’m sorry for being late. I was busy doing something important.

6. I’m sorry for being late, but I had to stop at the store to buy a new pair of shoes.

7. I am sorry for being late. I didn’t think traffic would be so bad today.

8. I am sorry for being late, but I had a really important meeting today.

9. I usually make a point to get here on time, but today’s just not my day. I am sorry for being late.

10. I’ve been working my whole life, but it’s not enough. I always want more; I want to work a little bit harder so that I can justify myself to you guys. I am sorry for being late and late again.

11. I’m sorry for being late. Though I had an awesome reason for it, in this moment, I suck at being on time. So again, I apologize.

12. I’m sorry I’m late. I was stuck in traffic. Please accept my apologies.

13. I’m sorry I’m late. I got caught up in a traffic jam and had to stop and ask for directions.

14. I am sorry for being late, but I was busy having the best time of my life.

15. I am sorry for being late, but sometimes it’s just not possible to be on time.

16. I apologise for being late, and I hope you forgive me. I got held up at work and then forgot to eat lunch.

17. I am sorry I’m late. I got lost on my way to the office and had to stop at a Starbucks for directions.

18. I am sorry I’m late. It’s been a long day. I got delayed because of traffic, and then a dog kept me from crossing the street.

19. I am sorry I’m late! I was busy doing great things. But now it’s time to work.

20. I’m sorry for being late. I’m sorry for not checking my phone. I’m sorry for not getting your text. But most of all, I’m sorry that I came late.

21. I’m sorry for being late. I was so busy with work I didn’t have time to make it on time. Please forgive me

22. I am so sorry for being late. I never intended to come late, but I was caught up in traffic. Please forgive me.

23. I’m sorry for being late. I’ll try to make it up to you. I apologize for being late! I promise to never be late again.

24. It’s no secret that being late is bad. But it’s even worse when you’re making excuses for your lateness. I am sorry for being late.

25. I am sorry for being late. It’s all my fault. I just felt so bad about it that it took me a while to get myself together.

26. I am sorry I am late, but the traffic was terrible this morning. I take all the blame, and please forgive me.

27. Sorry I’m so late. I’ve been working on my project all night and got caught up in the excitement of the moment.

28. Sorry for being so late to work today. I had to stop by the pharmacy and get some medicine.

29. Sorry for being late. It just won’t happen again. I promise.

30. Sorry for being late. I got caught up in the gossip mill and almost missed you.

31. Sorry for being late. But I’m here now, and I’m ready to work with you guys. Please forgive me.

32. Sorry for being late. I was a little bit busy and forgot about the date. I promise it will never happen again.

33. Sorry I’m late. I’ve been busy getting ready, and I had to change my outfit three times because of the rain.

34. Sorry for being late. It’s not you. It’s me. I’ve got nothing to wear. I’ll make it up to you.

35. Sorry for not being there on time. I was delayed by traffic and had to wait at a red light. Can’t believe how much time has passed.

36. Sorry for being late. I have been held up by traffic and have had to park far away from where I am supposed to be.

37. Sorry for being late. I got caught up with personal stuff and forgot about this. But I had to take a shortcut.

38. Sorry for being late. I had to work on my writing, and it’s hard to do that when you don’t have an internet connection.

39. Sorry for being so late; I couldn’t find a parking spot. I promise it will never happen again.

40. Sorry for being late. I just had to get things done, and my phone was all messed up.

41. Sorry for being late. I tried to be punctual, but I kept getting distracted. I promise it will never happen again.

42. Sorry for being late. I got so busy that I was late for everything.

43. Sorry for being late, but I was so busy working on the new amazing thing that I forgot to set a reminder.

44. Sorry I’m late. I’m sorry I’ve had to cancel on you so many times. I’m sorry for not being able to stay on top of things.

45. Sorry for being late; I had no idea how hard it would be to get here.

46. Sorry I’m late. The bus broke down, and I had to wait twenty minutes for a tow truck.

47. Sorry for being late. The traffic was a nightmare, and it took forever to get here. Sorry for being late. I hope you’re not mad.

48. Sorry for being late. I know you were waiting for me, and I appreciate your patience. Please forgive me.

49. I realize it’s been a minute, but I’m sorry for being late. I’m all caught up. My train was delayed again.

50. Sorry I was so late, but I was busy working on my new app. Please forgive me.

51. Sorry for being late. I was shocked to get a text from the theatre saying they were sold out of tickets, so I got in my car and drove as fast as possible.

Being late is absolutely the worst. Whether by yourself or with a group, it’s something we can all relate to. For such an annoying and preoccupying experience, there are plenty of things to say when you’re late. The great thing is that apologizing is quite simple, and these quotes said it all.

I hope you liked this collection of apologetic quotes. You can also share your favourite quote from this collection of I am sorry for being late quotes with me in the comments section. I would be happy to hear from you.

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