We All Have A Purpose In Life Quotes

Life is beautiful and meant to be enjoyed and not endured, but when we don’t understand our purpose on earth, life becomes an endured and strenuous journey. But, when you find someone to encourage you, it makes it easier to stand tall against life’s odds.

The amazing quotes here describe how we all have a purpose in life because some people believe that quotes have been known to kick start positive thoughts that birth new beginnings. Sending a quote to your brother, sister or colleague will boost their morale and you can have one or more quotes as a sticky note in strategic places to remind you that you have a purpose.

I believe this will inspire you and encourage others around you to be their best selves. Now let’s get started with wonderful we all have a purpose in life quotes that can kick start a positive day for you or even cheer you up at noon to pick up your pieces and turn it into a purposeful gold.

Whenever I seem to fear what the future holds for me, I’m quickly reminded that there’s more to the experiences I have to go through at the moment and the victory I have through this process will reveal my purpose and what I stand for in life.

1. I don’t have to strive for success. All I have to do is to keep nudging at my target and believe I’m made for more. I believe I have all it takes to win.

2. The larger you reason at success, the easier it becomes a target, and through this large reasoning, you have your purpose achieved.

3. The more I fear, the greater I will miss. So I look unto God and leave every fear until I fulfil my purpose here on Earth.

4. Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it has to happen, and it solely takes your willingness to achieve.

5. I have a passion and my passion is what keeps me moving. Yet, without a significant purpose, my passion would be invisible.

6. When it’s time to make a goal towards a win, you don’t look at the starting point, you imagine the finish line with determination to get there.

7. Do what you have to do to the best of your ability and never leave any stone unturned until your purpose is actualized.

8. Whatever happens to me is my choice. I can choose to be kind or wicked, I can choose to love or to hate, but in the end, my choice determines what becomes of me, so I’ll choose right.

9. I have a purpose and I believe in it. I won’t let go of my faith until I see every detail of my goals becoming a reality.

10. So many times, we give up on our goals at the starting point. The doubts of our fears seem more than the reality of our purpose, but when we look beyond the start and make the first leap, we will find every reason to keep moving.

11. The trouble I see around me and the solution I proffer in my closet is the door to fulfil my purpose. I’ll do more to ease the troubles.

12. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, they say, but it could kill someone else. So I’ll share my experience and make it a goal to run with.

13. I’m not just living, I’m fulfilling a purpose every day and I won’t stop until I see results.

14. Some things are worth living for and some are worth fighting for. I have decided to live for my purpose and fight for the vision.

15. It’s a waste of time doing things that no longer bring you value. Live your dreams on what is valuable and never run out to another path.

16. People no longer desire what you do, they’ll rather go for why you do it. So I have decided to make my WHY of every purpose a meaningful one.

17. You have a message within you. A voice that should be heard, don’t hush those words. Speak it out for someone to heal.

18. When next I feel like I don’t have a purpose in life, I’ll walk up to the trees and be inspired by their ability to stand in a spot and do so much more for humanity.

19. There’s a vacuum in everyone that only the joy of living on purpose can fill.

20. When I cannot believe in myself and I feel all hope is lost, I’ll ask myself, “why did I get up from bed this morning?” I know I’ll be encouraged to keep hope alive again.

21. There are many reasons to give up, but I’ll find more reasons to hold on and hold up.

22. Commit yourself to fulfil a need and you will find peace and joy for life.

23. When next you feel distressed in your dreams, look at your present and your past, you will know you have come far from where you were. Don’t quit now.

24. There’s a place I love to stay and it is a place where people think big and large. It’s a good place to recognize my purpose.

25. I have a dream, to fly high and touch the sky. This will only be possible when I arise and make a move.

Someday soon, you will look back and realize that you always had a purpose and you were not worthless. Right now, dream again, trust again, write down your goals again and get going to the place of your dreams.

26. Rejoice with others when they win and you will find joy in living your purpose too.

27. Be good and generous to people. Some day you will bless an angel who would reward your dreams bountifully.

28. Dreams still come through and so is your dream also. Rest on the strength of your dreams and keep running with them until you see every detail materialize.

29. When you make a demand for a change, you are making a difference in your society and that change would be evident in you.

30. Keep soaring high on your purpose and when it seems you’re weary, flap your wings and soar higher.

31. Sometimes, all the motivation you need for your purpose is in your heart. Look deep within and make that new leap.

32. I see a reason to share my experience with others, but I’m scared of being judged. Now I know that beyond people’s judgment about me, I have a purpose to fulfil.

33. My peace is in living each day with a desire to fulfil a purpose and I’m achieving this every day.

34. Eventually, everything I ever feared would fade away and the only memory would be the impact of the things I have done.

35. When you make a mistake, pause, reflect, note down your gleanings and begin again with a new plan.

36. You have a purpose attached to your existence. Don’t leave it shallow.

37. Someday, we will realize we could have done so much more than the limitations on our hearts. Stretch out and you’ll see opportunities to do more.

38. I’ll learn from others’ mistakes and I’ll learn from their success stories too. There’s a lesson in both seasons.

39. The process of discovering your purpose and living it can be tiring, but when you eventually understand it, you will have the strength to carry it out.

40. Everyone would be happy to see you fulfil your purpose in life, but if they seem unhappy, don’t let that stop you.

41. To have a positive attitude towards life is the best step to succeed. Never live in the negative emotions that come with birthing your purpose.

42. Until you look beyond the limitations, you will remain grounded.

43. I have all it takes to win. The will is in me and the power is available for me. I’ll fulfil my purpose.

44. When I started, it felt like a long journey, but now I see that all I had to do was to start and keep moving.

45. For what I’ll do tomorrow, I’ll write it down and believe that it is possible.

46. For the optimist, everything is possible and that is the spirit of wisdom to live one’s dream.

47. Some things look beautiful, but carefully introspect to get the real beauty before you place your all on it.

48. Don’t rush to make decisions on your purpose. Carefully examine your plans and know what works best for you.

49. You are not without hope, you have all it takes to live your dreams. Don’t feel left out, you have a purpose to fulfil.

50. If you can dream it, you can achieve it easily when you connect to the right source.

Hey, I believe you were inspired by these we all have a purpose in life quotes and I believe everyone you share it with will be blessed and encouraged as well. Let me know your thoughts in the comments box below. Thank you.

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