Thank You for Accepting to be Godparents Messages

Being a godparent entails a whole lot of things. Godparents can be very helpful on significant occasions, particularly of christenings and confirmations which are considered to be tests of religious maturity and adherence to church doctrine.

A godparent is not normally a legal guardian, but a friend or family member who has agreed to take on the role of being there when needed for a child’s well being.

The day when your best friend or someone you care about accepted to be a godparent is one of the most important days of your life. It becomes their duty to make sure they are committed to the excitement, the difficult times and even the newborn baby products needed during their time as a godparent.

However, someone who has accepted to be a godparent deserves some words of appreciation for the important role they will be playing in the child’s life

The best way to say thanks for accepting the invitation is to write a thank you message. It is something that will touch their heart knowing how much you value the relationship and friendship. Below, you will find awesome and heartfelt thank you for accepting to be godparents messages and quotes you can use.

Thank you for taking the time to be our baby’s Godparents. It is a privilege to have you love our baby. We are looking forward to having a special relationship with you. Thanks again, for accepting to take this space.

1. Thank you for accepting to be the Godparents to our unborn son. It is a great honour for my wife and me, and we are glad that you will be able to share in our son’s life in that way.

2. Thank you so much. We are very proud that we have chosen you to be our Godparents because we know you will do a great job with the kids.

3. Thank you for accepting to be our Godparents. We know you will always be there for our child, taking care of his spiritual interests when we are not around.

4. Thank you for graciously accepting the role of Godparents to my son. I know I can always count on you.

5. Thank you for accepting our invitation to be the Godparents of our child. We are looking forward to a long and cherished relationship with you and your family.

6. Thank you for your willingness to be Godparents to our children. We know you will not let us down and will help us raise her as a good member of the community.

7. Thank you for choosing to be our Godparents. We are both so thrilled and we know that you will provide moral support whenever we need it.

8. We appreciate your readiness to share our family joys, example and education. We wish your lives will be full of joy and success. Thanks for the acceptance.

9. Thank you so much for accepting to be Godparents of our children. I’m very happy we’ll be close to you and our children will always have someone they can talk to and share experiences with.

10. Thank you for accepting to be my children’s Godparents. I value your kindness and generosity and it is a blessing to have you in their lives.

11. Thank you so much for accepting to be my Godparents. When we first met, I was not even sure if I wanted to have kids, but when it happened, I knew I needed your help. Your support and love mean a lot to me. Thank you for the time you’ve given me to see my presence after work or at the weekends.

12. Thank you very much for accepting to be our Godparents. We love you very much and can’t wait to have both of you with us at the baptism. We will call you tonight and tell you when it is booked.

13. Thank you for agreeing to be our Godparents. We know this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship and we are grateful we have you in our lives.

14. Thank you for agreeing to be our Godparents. It means a lot that you will be with us on this path, guiding us and helping us along the way. I look forward to spending more time with you guys, growing closer in the process. Love always,

15. Thank you for being the Godparents for my daughter. I hope that you will be a great influence on her in life and help to maintain the same moral values and concerns she already has.

16. Thank you for being the Godparents of my child! I am sure that she/he will learn a lot from you.

17. Thank you for being my baby’s Godparents. I know you will do a great job and give him the spiritual and material comfort he needs to become a wonderful lad.

18. Thank you for becoming our Godparents. We plan to make this a lifetime commitment and it means a lot that you have chosen us as the ones to share this with.

19. Thank you for being there for our child. We’re both so happy you have agreed to help us raise our child in the right way. Your love and knowledge will be so important.

20. Thank you for accepting to be my daughter’s guardians in case something would happen to us. I hope we will be able to give our baby the best upbringing that can be given, but it is you and your family who will be the ones she will rely on if anything ever happens to us.

21. Thank you for accepting to be Godparents of my child. I know that this is a great responsibility, so I am very grateful for your support.

22. Thank you so much for accepting to be my Godparents. It is a huge honour and I know that you will guide our child into adulthood with love and support, just like you guide me.

23. Thank you for accepting to be my children’s godparents. It means a lot to me that you have accepted to be there for them like family if I’m not able to. I’m very happy you are my family and that I can trust you with my kids if something happens to me.

24. Thank you for being our godparents. We are very happy we found you. You make us feel very safe and secure so we know that she will be well taken care of. Thank you for coming to our special day.

26. Thank you so much for being there for my child and supporting us during this journey. You have been an example of what parents should be, caring and loving and understanding to their children. It will be an honour to have your names on his birth certificate as Godparents.

27. Thank you for being our Godparents. We know we can count on you in times of need and I hope this letter will remind you of all the good times we had when they turn out to be needed. Thanks again and God bless.

28. Thank you for agreeing to be my Godparents. I know that being a Godparent is a big responsibility, but I have no doubt that you are more than capable of it.

29. Thank you for your acceptance. It’s an honour for me to call you Godparents. I know that Isaac and I are very lucky to have you and this is an honour for me, too.

30. Thank you both for agreeing to be our Godparents. We are very touched that you want to step in and nurture and guide our little

As a parent, you want to do everything right in order to give your child a fighting chance. You want them to grow up to be strong, intelligent, independent and healthy and that they also lead a successful life wherever they may be.

The arrival of a new baby tops the happiness scale for the family. One of the most important persons, who will take responsibility for the child is the godparent. They are the ones just like the parents who will shape their life, provide love, shelter and care.

So, it’s good to see that you want to appreciate that very person who has accepted to be a child’s godparent. And I hope you found the one that ticks the box for you among the thank you for accepting to be godparents messages above. You can share with me in the comments section. Thanks.

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