Happy Birthday Wishes for Cousin’s Daughter

Your family is growing bigger and larger, isn’t it? Some few years ago, it must have just been you and your cousins, spending holidays in each other’s homes, and running around together.

But now, you all are grown up and even have kids of your own. The root of your family’s tree keeps going deeper and the branches keep spreading, right?

The children of your cousin can pass for your kids, and how you must love them! Moreover, the love you have for their parents must have been passed down to them too.

It’s the birthday of your cousin’s daughter. And what better way to show your love than with sweet words? With these happy birthday wishes for cousin’s daughter, you’d be reaffirming your love for this sweet child, and be one of the family members who made her special day truly special.

Here’s an opportunity to show your cousin’s daughter that family is, indeed, everything. C’mon! Don’t pass it up.
Choose one or more of these wishes and send them to her now.

My darling! What a blessing you are! Not only to me but to the entire family! You aren’t just my cousin’s daughter, but just like my daughter. I hope that you have an amazing birthday. Your gift that shows just how much I love you will get to you through my cousin. I love you, honey. Happy Birthday!

1. Little one, you are a gift to the entire family, and aren’t we blessed to have you! Happy Birthday to you, our darling.

2. I can’t explain how much you mean to me. You’re so adorable. Happy Birthday, baby.

3. You are nothing short of a miracle. My cousin is so blessed to have you. Happy Birthday, sweetheart.

4. You live with an open heart, and you’re so willing to accommodate everyone. Happy Birthday, Papa’s princess.

5. Happy Birthday to the liveliest young lady ever. You’re so full of life, energy, and enthusiasm. You’re loved a whole lot.

6. Hearty cheers to my cousin’s beautiful bouncy little girl. She’s the most adorable cutie you’d ever meet. I wish her a joyful birthday anniversary.

7. Happy Birthday, lucky charm. Have a day as fun, and exciting as you are. You deserve it.

8. Darling, I’m so lucky to have you in my family. You’re so thoughtful, beautiful and very intelligent. Happy Birthday to you.

9. You’re much more brilliant, than anyone of your age. I look forward to your bright future. Have an awesome birthday today. Happy Birthday to you.

10. Happy Birthday, Girl. You take so much after my cousin, and the resemblance is unmistakable. I love you so much. Enjoy!

11. Happy Birthday, our baby girl. No one can ever take your place in my heart. I wish you long life and prosperity.

12. I’m so excited, and I can’t even be calm. It’s my cousin’s daughter’s birthday, and I am so grateful to God for her. Happy Birthday to her.

13. I pray that God grants you wisdom and strength, more than your peers. Happy Birthday, dear.

14. It’s a brand new day; a day to celebrate a lovely daughter and family. I pray that you never end up with broken dreams. Happy Birthday, Queen.

15. Thank you for always making your parents proud. You’re a wonderful child. Happy Birthday to you, darling.

16. Baby, on behalf of everyone from this side, I wish you all that’s good, nice, true and lasting. You deserve a huge birthday party. Happy Birthday to you.

17. Just today, I want you to rest and be taken care of by your mom. Happy Birthday, love. You remain my baby girl for life.

18. Day in, day out, I see you grow and become more pleasant. My dear, this is a shout out to you. I love you, and I await you. Happy Birthday!

19. I remember seeing you in diapers and bibs. Your mom was always ready to drop you off with me. You’re so grown now and you’re so lovely. Happy Birthday, dear.

20. I promise that I’d support you in any way I can. I’m your number one fan at all your school games and events. Happy Birthday to you.

21. I pray that God grants you wisdom and knowledge in all you do. You’re highly loved. Happy Birthday, dear.

22. You know, this life has felt more complete with you in it. Happy Birthday, our joy giver.

23. Baby, today I’m so happy for you. You’re a year older and finer. Thank God for choosing this family for you. Happy Birthday, sweetheart.

24. Darling, Happy Birthday to you. I won’t stop loving you, as my cousin’s daughter, and even more. You’re special.

25. You know how to be in charge of any family event, at any time. You’re ever ready to help. Happy Birthday, love.

26. Dear girl, I wish you a birthday anniversary that’s as superb and as jolly as you are. Happy Birthday to you.

27. You are the most extra girl you’d ever see. You’re full of extra love, extra light, extra glow, and everything extra. Happy Birthday to you, my girl.

28. Never forget, you’re loved in this family and we can’t wait to see you excel. Happy Birthday to you, keep making us proud.

29. Happy Birthday to my cousin’s extraordinarily alluring daughter. Cheers to good health and wellness.

30. I pray God keeps you for me. You’re a very special lady to me. I love you, as much as I love your dad/mom. Happy Birthday, beautiful.

31. Having you in my life is certainly a great source of joy to me. You are such a marvellous person. Happy Birthday, daughter.

32. I pray for you on your birthday, that you grow stronger, that you increase daily, and everyone is here to witness it. I love you, child.

33. It’s my greatest pleasure to watch you grow, and I’ll be here to watch you continue to grow. May you increase on all sides. Happy Birthday, dear girl.

34. My dear girl, it’s your birthday today. All I see on your path is a success. Continue to achieve greater things. I’m solidly standing with you!

35. To my cousin’s daughter, continue to shine as the light that you are. The world isn’t ready for you! Happy Birthday, dear.

A new year, a new beginning. Another birthday, another chance to celebrate existence. Another year, another opportunity to truly live. Happy Birthday, our darling. May you have a full life, one filled with fulfilled dreams and accomplished goals. May all that you desire be yours and may you truly live. Happy Birthday, sweetness. Many happy returns.

36. Happy fabulous Birthday to my cousin’s daughter. Today, you’ll get all the treats you ask for. You deserve it all!

37. Your dreams are as audacious and bold as you are. I do hope you get to fulfil all of them. Happy Birthday, my fearless princess. Cheers!

38. Thank you for all the hilarious moments that we have had. They have been a source of light to me in dark times. I love you dearly, my girl. Happy Birthday.

39. From here, to the farthest galaxies, the love I have for you spreads even beyond. You’re very dear to my heart. Enjoy this birthday to the fullest!

40. Our family and the world is very blessed to have you in it. I know you will do great and beautiful things. Stay beautiful! Happy Birthday, darling.

41. To my dear cousin’s daughter, it doesn’t matter how much we are apart, or the distance between us, you’ll always be a priority to me. Happy Birthday!

42. I hope you know how amazing you are. Watching you grow, I can only admire how amazing you have come to be, and how much more amazing you still will be. Happy Birthday to you!

43. Dear daughter, we have had our share of good times. Being my cousin’s daughter has brought you close to me. Happy Birthday, my partner-in-crime. I can’t wait to have you around again!

44. You are so rare. Not many times in life will one come in contact with someone as amazing, beautiful, excellent, and determined as you. Happy Birthday, sweet angel.

45. I am certainly sure that you will dominate the world. You are destined for extraordinary things. Happy Birthday, girl!

46. I remember when you were born, and how I felt carrying you in my arms—it is a feeling I will never forget. Happy Birthday to you, sweetie.

47. Watching you grow into the lady you now bring the greatest smile to my face and warms my heart. You are a treasure. Happy Birthday to you. Live long and prosper.

48. To my cousin’s daughter, I want you to know that I will be by your side, watching you grow, and pushing you forward. Happy Birthday to you.

49. Growing up with my cousin was amazing. And now I get to watch you, as his/her daughter. There’s no greater feeling. Happy Birthday to you, beauty.

50. My beloved cousin’s daughter, as it is your birthday today, I pray that you will only get more vibrant, and do more than you ever thought you could. Happy Birthday!

51. Hey girl! Have a blast today, alright? It’s your day, and you deserve you enjoy the best of the day. Happy Birthday to you.

52. What else can I wish for you, my cousin’s daughter? I wish you all the good things in life. Joy, wealth, success, peace, and more. Happy Birthday to you.

53. Every day I spend with you and get to know you more, I realize what a true blessing you are to me, and I would never take you for granted. Happy Birthday to you!

54. From before you were born, I had so many names for you. That’s how much I anticipated you. On this day, I pray you to increase more and more. Have a blast, Hunny.

55. Your addition to this family was a miraculous one. Happy Birthday to my cousin’s little wonder.

56. Happy Birthday to you, my cousin’s little one. I pray that you live long, and prosper in life.

57. My dear cousin’s daughter, I listen to you every day, and I realize how wise you’ve truly become. I am so proud of you. Happy Birthday to you!

58. We all love you, dear daughter to our cousin. It is our joy to see you grow to become the best version of yourself. Happy Birthday, dear.

59. Happy Birthday, girl! There is so much in store for you. I can’t wait to see you maximise your potentials. Love you!

60. It’s another opportunity for me to express how much I love you, and treasure you. Happy Birthday, darling.

61. As you continue to live your life, I pray that all you experience is the best life has to offer, and that they create such good memories for you. Happy Birthday, sweet girl.

62. Regardless of you being my cousin’s daughter, I am also proud to call you my daughter. Happy Birthday, and have a fun-filled day.

63. Happy Birthday to our troublemaker. I always wonder how my cousin manages to keep up with you. Enjoy your day! We love you!

64. Anytime I look at you, I am happy because I see what a bright future you have. Cheers to achieving great things! Happy Birthday, darling.

65. I have so many things to say, I have so many things to wish you, but I’ll wrap it all up in one, and say, Happy Birthday to you. I love you.

66. Every year that you grow older, you grow stronger, more beautiful, and wiser. I am proud to witness this growth. Happy Birthday to you, darling.

67. To my cousin’s daughter, Happy Birthday to you. I am wishing you all the chocolate, and candies in the world. Have a blast!

68. Getting to know you, is getting to know a one in million people. You are a true gem, and may you never stop shining. Happy Birthday to you.

69. Happy Birthday to my cousin’s daughter. I want you to know that your future is very bright, and nothing can change that.

70. As you step into this new year, may all things become new for you. May you experience all round joy. Happy Birthday, darling.

As you begin this new year of yours today, may all things begin to work for your good, and your pleasure. May sound health, peace of mind, joy, peace and happiness be yours, increasingly abounding. For you, my dear, there is no decline. You are my cousin’s awesome daughter and I love and cherish you, honey. Happy Birthday!

71. The world will never see someone else who is just as beautiful and talented as you are. You are a one in forever, dear cousin’s daughter. Happy Birthday to you.

72. To a shining star, I pray that you shine more and more, and nothing ever clouds your brightness. Happy Birthday, baby girl.

73. On your special day, I want you to realize all the love that is around you. You are special, and you should know it. Happy Birthday, darl.

74. I count you as one of my numerous gifts. A blessing to me, and my cousin, being her daughter. You are amazing. Have a swell day.

75. A hearty Happy Birthday to you, sweetness. I wish you all success, and happiness this year.

76. On this special occasion of yours, I wish you an amazing celebration. You are very special to me. Happy Birthday, girl.

77. I want you to paint your day in as many colours as you can. Celebrate your day with joy! Happy Birthday to you.

78. Let your day be filled with joy and dancing. Happy Birthday from all of my heart.

79. This is a special day for you. I wish you many happy returns. Grow bigger every day. I love you, and Happy Birthday.

80. Happy Birthday, friend. Yes, I called you a friend because you are more than my cousin’s daughter. Cheers!

81. You have become such a pillar in my life, and I am so proud to have you. Happy Birthday, my dear.

82. Figuring out what gift to get you is never hard for me, seeing how I have come to know you so well. Happy Birthday, my darling girl.

83. Here is the cheers to a new age. Cheers to a new beginning. Cheers to all things good. Cheers to being an amazing soul. Cheers to being plus one. Happy Birthday, my cousin’s daughter.

84. On this new age, in this new beginning, I wish for you an extraordinary rain of blessings. One you never expected. Happy Birthday to you. Welcome to a new age.

85. Sometimes I wish I had you all to myself because you are such an amazing soul. The world deserves to meet this gem. Go out and excel! Happy Birthday, girl.

86. To a kind heart. To a pure heart. Also, to a fiery heart. A hearty Happy Birthday. There are many sides to you, but the best thing about you is how you feel the best each time. Thank you for being you. My cousin is certainly raising a Queen!

87. People always fill a certain space in our lives. No matter the relationship, they’re always an addition to the jigsaw puzzle. I’m glad you have a place in mine. Happy Birthday, Queen.

88. You are a pillar of excellence. An epitome of class. I am proud of the lady my cousin has raised so far. Happy Birthday to you.

89. On your special day today, I wish you a fabulous, crazy, and fun-filled birthday. Happy Birthday to you, girl.

90. To you, a fierce Queen. To you, an eighth wonder of the world. To you, one in forever. I say, Happy Happy Birthday to you. Welcome to your best year, yet!

91. I want to believe when my cousin wished for you, she wished for the very best, and of course, she got the very best. You’re a testimony of a good daughter. Happy Birthday to you.

92. I want to say thank you, for being such a diamond in my life. And even more, for being the best daughter to my cousin. You’re amazing. Happy Birthday to you.

93. Your jokes never seem to get old. You always have a fresh stash of jokes to tell when we meet. Happy Birthday to my favourite comedian. Enjoy the best of your life, baby girl.

94. I remember watching you go to school for the first time. There was a permanent smile on your face. I am proud of where you have gotten to now. Happy Birthday to you. You’re a gem.

95. When you are down, remember to keep pushing, to keep fighting for what is right, and never drop your standards for any silly reason. Keep being the amazing girl that you are. Happy Birthday!

96. You have been a certain source of joy since the day my cousin gave birth to you. Happy Birthday to our little bundle of joy.

97. No matter what the world throws at you, ensure that you are never fazed. Keep your head up, and keep moving forward. Happy Birthday, my dear.

98. To know you is a privilege I will never want to take for granted. It has been amazing getting to discover the person you truly are. Happy Birthday to you, my dear.

99. I never cease to commend my cousin on what an amazing job she’s doing raising you, but I also have to give you credit for making it easy for her. Happy Birthday, girl.

100. Your birthday is finally here!. Enjoy your life to the fullest, dear. Live right, and do right. Happy Birthday to you.

Having one’s big Aunty or Uncle remember one’s birthday will do more than something little to a girl’s heart.

Your cousin’s daughter deserves every kind word on her special day.
She also should know that whether you all live close to each other, or are very far apart, she will always be in your heart.

It’s a perfect day to remind her that she is very dear to you. So, send one or more of these messages to make her a special day.

May she live long for the family.

You should share this post with your other cousins. They should wish your cousin’s daughter a happy birthday too, right?

Hit the share button now!

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