QES Advanced Scholars – West Africa 2022

QES Advanced Scholars 2022

The International Development Research Center has allocated more than $3 million in cash to expand the QES Advanced Scholars Program that supports research scholars from eligible countries in West Africa.

This funding will also be supported by the United Nations.

The Queen Elizabeth Scholars (QES) program has funded Netlinks, a McGill University-University of Ghana-Universite Joseph ki-ZERBO to strengthen the capacity of researchers who work with farmers, entrepreneurs, community leaders, and local institutions to develop solutions to agriculture and food and nutrition security.

Through expanding knowledge and skill, we aim to improve the lives of rural Ghanaian girls and women farmers.

Cross-cutting research questions will include, but not be restricted to.

  • (i) The quality of production by small-scale women farmers who work in high-value agricultural commodities and animal products.
  • (iii) Farmers’ associations and cooperatives to support women farmers, facilitate access to finance and agriculture, and encourage the development of small businesses.
  • (iii). Adolescent girls’ knowledge and skills necessary to be successful entrepreneurs in agriculture;
  • (iv) Institutional collaborations to provide support and services for adolescent girl’s nutrition, development and income generation potential.

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About University of Ghana

The University of Ghana is the most prestigious university in Ghana and the largest.

It was established as the University College of the Gold Coast, by Ordinance, on August 11, 1948, with the intention of providing university education, research, and learning.

The University launched a new Strategic Plan to help it stand out in research and make an impact on the national as well as international levels.

  • Category: Fellowship
  • Organisation: University of Ghana
  • Application deadline September 15, 2022

Qualification requirements for QES Advanced Scholars – West Africa 2022

There are three types of applicants being hired

  • Doctoral researcher: a person who conducts research at the Ph.D. degree.
  • A post-doctoral fellow is a person who conducts research after completing their doctoral studies.
  • An early career researcher: a person who has done independent research for between 4-7 years and is currently in a tenure-track job at a degree-granting university. A Lecturer or Research Fellow with a previous post-doc is equivalent to a tenure track position in Ghana.
  • Post-doctoral fellows and doctoral researchers must be citizens of Canada or eligible Sub-Saharan LMIC.
  • Early career researchers must be citizens eligible Sub-Saharan

How to Apply For QES Advanced Scholars – West Africa 2022

Deadline for applications

  • 30th August 2022 for West African applicants
  • 15th September 2022 for Canadian applicants

For more information, visit University of Ghana Website