Good Night Prayers for My Son

As a parent, one of your responsibilities towards your lovely son is to ensure he is fine. You would want to check on him whether close or far away. You would want to know how his day went and how you could help him have good nighttime.

His nighttime experiences can in one way or the other, have an impact on the following day. That’s why it’s essential to ensure he has a good night. It’s awesome to know you are here for that reason but more awesome to know that you want to pray for him rather than just using the words, ‘good night’.

The power of prayers can not be overemphasized. You are the perfect father or mother to have thought of ushering your son into the night with prayers. That’s why you have been granted free access to the best good night prayers for my son here. Your boy deserves God’s blessings even during his bedtime.

Whether you are far away from him and want to preserve his night with prayers or you are under the same roof and want to make him feel safe and special, the prayers here are perfect for your use. Kindly go into them and make a choice. And please note, the prayers are suitable for both your adult son and your little son.

Good night, sweetheart, I love you so much and hope to be here for you forever. I pray that you have a night full of pleasant dreams that will come true. Sun won’t shine till tomorrow morning, moon and stars will give you company throughout the night, I love you, son. Good night!

1. Sleep well, my dear child. May God watch over you and always allow you to be at peace and in love. Protect you from all evils in this life and the world unseen. May you sleep well and receive the strength you need to have a better tomorrow. You will wake at dawn and find numerous reasons to be grateful. I love you, my dear boy. Good night!

2. I have a heart desire for my son tonight. I pray that he has a wonderful night and that he rests peacefully in God’s arms. No evil shall come near him and his strength shall be renewed as much as his mind shall be refreshed. I want him to remember that I love him more than anything in the world and will never leave him behind. Good night, sweet boy. I love you so very much.

3. My dear son, tonight, may you dream of Heaven and angels and may there be no monsters among your dreams. I pray, the Lord of my soul, my holy God, I prayed for my son, that he will not fall prey to the plans of the wicked, that he will win every battle that confronts him and that he will love God all his life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Good night, son.

4. Lord Jesus, please, let my son sleep well tonight and wake up to be a healthier man. Please, comfort him by your Holy Spirit. Send your angel to take charge over him and see him through the night. May this prayer be alive forever in your Kingdom. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Thank you for the answer to my prayer.

5. My little angel, I hope you always keep your head up high and do well in life. I want to be the best mother for you all the time. I know that one day, you’ll grow up to be a great man and I will always be proud of you. As you go to bed tonight, it’s my prayer that the Lord God Almighty keeps you safe and renew your strength for a more blessed tomorrow. May God bring lots of blessings upon you. Amen. Good night, son.

6. You are the light of my life, my son! I have so much hope for you. God loves you so much, and so do I! I’ll always be there for you to support you. Tonight, I pray for you, that you will find peace even in your sleep. The ideas that will spur you to greatness will come to you as you close your eyes. You are blessed and preserved, my dear son. Goodnight.

7. Loving you is an art that I can’t explain. You’ve given my life purpose and showed me more happiness than I ever knew. That’s why I want to pray for you tonight. May you have an easy night’s rest, my darling son. May the hands of God be upon you and may you wake up stronger than ever before. Have a goodnight dear.

8. Oh, my dear son, I don’t know how to even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. I thank our Lord Jesus for the gift of you and for preserving you for me till this day. You will not leave the presence of God even as you close your eyes to sleep. Your night is blessed and tomorrow morning will be more blessed. Amen. Good night, dear.

9. I will always be your guide, I will always be your friend, I will walk beside you every step of the way. I’m so grateful to have you as my son. May God bless you with all He has and more. May he increase you in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. May your mind be renewed and may you wake up like a giant. Good night, my son.

10. Son, I’m so proud of you. You’re the one everybody looks up to. You’re smart and mature beyond your years. I love how you always respect me and your father. I’m very proud of the wonderful man that you are. Thank you for making my life complete. Now, go to sleep! The Lord will be with you through the night. He will fight against those that fight against you. He will lift your burden for peace. That’s my prayer tonight. G’night!

11. I know I say this a lot but I will never stop being grateful to God for giving me a wonderful, caring and loving child like you.
My little angel, as you go to bed tonight, may a greater angel take charge over your room. He will grant you calmness, make you sleep like a baby and wake you up like a giant. You are blessed, dear. Goodnight.

12. Dear son, always remember, God is your rock and salvation. He the light of your life and you must not be afraid. He is with you tonight, to watch over you as you sleep and grant you sweet dreams. Be of good cheer and sleep without fear. Good night, my darling one.

13. Dear Lord, You’re my rainbow after a storm. You’re my saviour from heaven above who brought happiness and joy to my life in the form of a son. As the son you have given me goes to bed tonight, I pray that you keep him safe, shine your light upon him and make him rejuvenated for the best tomorrow. Amen.

14. You are one of the greatest blessings in my life. For every blessing, there is always a sacrifice. Every time you succeed in something, know that I am also celebrating with you. Thank you very much for giving me the time to read these bedtime stories and make me happy every night. I pray you find rest as you go to bed. May your peace not be taken. Good night, son.

15. Hey, son, I’m so proud to have you as my son. It’s not easy to raise a child, especially when the child is as great as you are but God has helped me all the way. And tonight, I pray that He will be with you ss always and make your night perfect. Amen. Good night, son. I love you!

16. Sixteen years ago, I had a dream that turned into a reality. In this dream, I saw a son that’s as smart as Larry Bird and as strong as Magic Johnson. And here, you are. May your strength not fail you and may you not live less than expectations. Good night, son and sleep tight. Love you!

17. My son is so amazing. I don’t know how I’m worthy of such a loving and God-fearing son. I pray for him tonight, that the host of heaven will take charge over him and increase him in wisdom and judgement. He will wake up better than before. Amen.

18. Have a nice sleep, sweetie. May God’s love be with you all through the night. Good night and sleep tight. My prayers are always with you!

19. I don’t even remember how it all started… But it’s so great to be your father. I know for sure, the best thing that ever happened to me has been you. I could never ask for anything better than you in my entire life. Thank God for blessing me with you. May you sleep tight and have pleasant dreams tonight.

20. My little child, you are the single ray of hope in my life. I love you beyond words and promise to teach you about God. I pray God showers his blessings upon you always and grant you the best night ever. Wishing you a great night!

21. I hope that my son is brought up with the values of truth, honesty, integrity, hard work and clean living. I pray for him to become a good human being, an honest citizen and a responsible member of society. I also pray that your will is done in him throughout his life. Amen. A perfect nighttime for my son.

21. I love you more than life itself. You’ve grown into a handsome, smart, kind and caring young man. I am so proud of how far you have come, but I am also proud of who you are. Thank you, Lord, for being my beloved son. May He fulfil purpose in life and may his sleep tonight be peaceful. Amen.

22. I love you so much. I’m always with you everywhere you go, keeping the bad things away from you, keeping your heart safe. I’m standing next to you whispering to your soul, all day long. You are my son, my best friend, my inspiration, my life. May this night keep you in God’s refuge. You are blessed and preserved, son. Good night!

23. Goodnight, my dear son. My angel, it’s time for bed now. God has blessed us with this beautiful day, and now I ask Him to bless you with His love. May He take care of you and watch over you while you rest. Amen.

24. When I close my eyes tonight, I will think about you sleeping peacefully, and that calms my soul. God is with you, dear. Good night!

25. My son, you make life easier for us. You make our days go by quicker and your laughter draws us closer to each other. You’re a gift from God and we’re very thankful that he chose our family to give you to us. Thank you for being the sweetest, most wonderful son in the world. May you enjoy God’s blessings even as you sleep. Good night, dear.

Good night, my son, the stars in the sky are about to watch over you and everyone around you. May your sleep tonight be colourful and beautiful. I pray that God will increase your strength and grant you more wisdom. Good night. Sleep well and enjoy your dreams.

26. The things that I’m grateful for the most are for God to love me, that he gives me life, that he puts food on my table, clothes on my back and gives me you as my son. May He continue to be with you even as you sleep tonight. Good night!

27. When I first saw you, you were totally helpless and utterly dependent on me. When I first heard your cry, my heart was moved with tenderness. Now that you’ve grown into a full-grown boy, I still feel the love inside my heart like it was when I first held you in my arms. I pray for you this night, that you will be kept by God Almighty and you will wake up better tomorrow. Good night, my son.

28. I remember giving birth to you, my son. My greatest gift is you. I love your cherubic smile and your cute dimples. Hugs and kisses always follow you wherever you go. And tonight, may God’s love be with you, may the Angels be at your beckon. Sleep well, dear.

29. Good night, my son, I care for you. God blesses me with the best gift ever, the gift of love. It is a blessing to be called “Mom” by you until eternity. Good night, sleep well and have pleasant dreams. May God give you a restful sleep and I will see you tomorrow!

30. My son, you are the best my God could have given me. You are my light in the dark that I didn’t know was there. You are my everything and it wouldn’t be so if not for you. Thank you for being here with me every moment of every day. I pray you have a good night, my dear son. Never leave me.

31. Good night, my baby boy. And sweet dreams, my baby boy. The Lord will protect and make His face shine upon you. You are preserved!

32. Night, my son smiling as I close your door. Night, my dear, sweet one. Night, goodnight, the world outside. Night, your dreams so bright. Frogs are asleep by the pond. No more yells or screams. Goodnight sounds everywhere… Downy soft this pillow is…I pray you’ll dream of wondrous things… You’ll fly with birds beyond the skies… Dream a dream of silver and gold… Dream, oh dream through this one night.

33. My son is a gift from God and I cherish every moment with him. He has brought so much happiness and joy into my life and I can not thank God enough for sending him to me. I pray that he grows up to be a good human being and will always be happy. You mean so much to me my son and I love you very much. Good night!

34. Son, I can’t find enough words to thank and appreciate you for what you do for me and the family. I am eternally grateful for having you as my son. It’s my prayer that you will be strengthened by God as you sleep tonight. No harm shall come near thee. Good night, love.

35. You’re the best son that a mother ever had – always there during my times of need. You are unique in so many ways that I couldn’t have asked for a better child to have given birth to. Thank you for being my son. God bless you now and forever. As you sleep, His light will be your guard. Sleep well, dear.

36. Each day that I wake up with you is my new day and a blessed one. That’s why I pray tonight that God will protect you through the night and make us wake up to another blessed day. Good night, my son.

37. I love you so much, my son, and now I want to give you a special prayer before I go to bed. I want to give you a prayer of guidance as you sleep tonight, may the Lord be your great protector and no harm shall come near your bed. Amen.

38. Please, Lord, be with my precious son all through the night. Please, Lord, protect and guard my son as he sleeps this night. And please, help him with his daytime plans tomorrow, and please, help him love and lead others in a wise and godly. Amen.

39. Good night, my child. The moon and stars are out tonight to light your way. Sweet dreams, my son.

40. Good night, my son. I love you very, very much. Sweet dreams and endless hugs and kisses. The Lord is with you always.

41. Being your mom is the most rewarding and fulfilling thing in my life. I wouldn’t be a mom today if you weren’t born. You’re a very compassionate kid and good at heart. Whenever I look into your eyes, I only see the goodness in you. You’re my inspiration and I always feel that there’s no one as lucky as me to have you as a son. Good night, my boy. May the Almighty be by your side all through.

42. Oh God, tonight, protect my son from all kinds of danger. I pray that you’ll keep him in good health and peace all the time. And one day, when he ties the knot with his sweetheart, I hope you’ll bless them with a beautiful union much like ours. Amen.

43. My dear son, thank you for making me a mother. I can now say that I am proud of myself because I have brought a blessing to the world. My heart now feels complete. I pray that God will be with you always and even as you sleep tonight. Good night!

44. Dear son, I love how you are growing into your own person. Even at your tender age, you are artistic enough to start painting colourful pictures of different subjects. It is truly amazing how God blesses us with you. May your strength be renewed as you sleep. More inspiration, son. Good night.

45. My son, good night. Sweet dreams. I hope you had a wonderful day today and that your evening is filled with peace and joy.

46. When I’m with you, I feel like the happiest mom in the world. May God bless your sleep and give you wonderful dreams. Amen.

47. Good night, my son! I pray that you have a wonderful night’s rest. I always want the best for you. It brings me so much joy to watch you grow so much as a person. Tomorrow’s going to be a great day! May tomorrow be filled with your happiest moments yet! Have an amazing night, my love!

48. Good night, my dear son. You are truly an angel. For the past 21 years, you’ve proven that you are indeed my lucky charm. You are the best son that has ever lived. You give me hope and courage, even during the toughest of times. I am so grateful for having you in my life and I pray that God will multiply you and grant you peace as you sleep tonight. Amen.

49. I couldn’t have wished for a better son than you. Thank you for putting up with me every single day. Good night, sweetheart! May the Almighty be at your guard. No evil shall come near you. Amen.

50. Oh my darling, the sun, the moon and the stars glow with your radiant beams. May you be greeted with warm hugs and kisses on this sweetest day of the year. Good night, precious boy. The Lord be with you more than ever before. Sleep well, love.

If you are here, it means you have gone through the prayers up there. What’s left is for you to bless your son’s night with the powerful prayers and be that parent he will be proud of.

You can as well pray for your son here. Just choose the prayer you desire and say it to him in the comments section. I’d be glad to join you in prayers.

What about sharing with loved ones? You can do well to share with those who would also need goodnight prayers for their son. Thanks.

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