Love Is a State of Mind Quotes

Love is a state of mind, it’s an attitude. If you look at the person you love and think they are perfect, it may be because they make you happy. Try to change yourself, and then you will see that the most wonderful things happen when you are yourself.

Love is a state of mind. Love is not what you feel. It is what you think and do. Love is a state of mind. Love is not what you feel. It is what you think, what you’ve learned, and what your consideration has taught you, with respect to the one who, in your estimation, deserves it.

Love is a state of mind and a positive mental attitude also. When you are in love, you are completely attuned to that special someone. If you’re in a relationship but aren’t yet as connected with your partner as you’d like to be, make sure to have faith that when the time is right you will be able to show how much you care for one another. That is why I have compiled this list of love is a state of mind quotes for you below. Enjoy!!

Love is a state of mind. It does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a coming together of two people who have been torn apart by wants and needs. It is a search for the other person’s quality, a gradual revealing of each other’s character flaws and strengths.

1. Love is a state of mind and heart. You can’t control it, but you can make it better every day by choosing to do things that make you feel good.

2. Love is a state of mind. It’s not a feeling. It’s a commitment to another person. When you love someone, you want the best for that person, and that comes primarily from your heart.

3. Love is a state of mind. You need to create it and cultivate it every day. Love is a state of mind.

4. Love is when you forget about yourself and think only of the other person. Love is a state of mind.

5. Love is the answer. It is moving forward together with all your inner strength and it is reaching out to other people in the world. Love is a state of mind.

6. Love is a state of mind. When you love someone. You don’t have to try so hard to convince them of it, because they already know.

7. Love is a state of mind. You can love a person, but you cannot make them love you. That is what makes love a game of chance. Your choice of partner will always be based on whether he or she loves you or not.

8. One of the most beautiful things you can feel is the love you create in your own heart. Love is a state of mind.

9. Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. Love is a state of mind, it is a feeling that spreads like wildfire, but can also be quenched with one feel of cool metal.

10. Love is a state of mind! It doesn’t have to be anything specific, just the thought that someone cares about you enough to go through all of this trouble.

11. Love is a state of mind. It is not something you find, it’s something you create. Love is a state of mind

12. Love is a state of mind. The only way to find it is by going through the door that you think means failure. It’s in the process of trying that it finds you.

13. Love is a state of mind, not a place or thing. Sometimes it’s hard to see love in the things that you do for others, but I promise you that love is a state of mind. it’s not what you get but how much we give.

14. With love, anything is possible. Love is like a butterfly, fly away and it will appear somewhere else. Love is a state of mind.

15. It is so easy to fall in love but it is so hard to stay there. There is a time for everything, and the time to love is now. Love is a state of mind.

16. There’s a time for everything, and seasons of love. Love is a state of mind. It’s not about getting, it’s about giving. Love is a state of mind, not a place or an object. It can’t be found, it can only be created.

17. Love is a state of mind. It is not simply an emotion or feeling. Love is an indispensable ingredient in your life. If you do not have love, you will be without the most important element of your existence.”

18. Love is like a disease, it’s contagious. But if you catch it early enough, there’s hope. Love is when you go out of your way to make someone else happy. Love is a state of mind.

19. Love is a state of mind. Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning, there’s tenderness, excitement and goals.

20. Love is a state of mind. It is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. When we look at each other and see the same beautiful qualities that we love about ourselves, it is easy to feel loved.

21. Love is a great miracle, the eagles in the skies and the flowers on earth. Love is life, love is a state of mind. If you can’t fall in love with yourself, how do you expect anyone else to?

23. Love is a state of mind. When you love someone, your heart and your mind begin to open. Life is more beautiful when you find someone to share it with

24. Love is a state of mind. Therefore, when you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with them, period. There’s no one else involved and no outside forces working on the relationship. Love is a choice, not an emotion

25. Love is a state of mind. When you think of someone or something, the word love immediately comes to mind.

26. Love is a state of mind. It’s not something you find or create. Rather, love finds you because that’s what it’s meant to do.

27. Love is a state of mind. If you can change your state of mind, you can change your life. Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.

28. Love is a state of mind. You have to cultivate it daily with positive thoughts, deeds and words. Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

29. The most beautiful poetry that I know comes from the heart: the heart that loves, the heart that suffers, the heart that laughs. Love is a state of mind. You don’t just fall in love, it happens on its own.

30. Love is a state of mind. You are what you think, feel and experience every day. Love is a state of mind that can’t be found in the normal.

31. Love is a state of mind, not just in your heart but everywhere. Love is a state of mind, not a state of circumstances.

32. Love is a state of mind. A feeling, not a noun or a verb. You don’t get love by going out into the world and looking for it, but rather by being open to it when it finds you.

33. Love is a state of mind. Nothing is more beautiful than true love. It makes us do things we don’t expect to do, and it makes us feel things that we might not have felt before.

34. Love is the victory of imagination over intelligence. When you love somebody, they become your best friend, they’re always there. And when they’re not there, you miss them. Love is a state of mind.

35. Love is a state of mind. If you truly love someone, then it’s easy to see why and how they fit into one’s life.

36. Love is a state of mind. You have to make up your mind to love someone. Love is all around you. Seize the day and make it yours. Love is a state of mind, not a condition

37. Love is a state of mind. It’s an attitude that no one can take from you, and it never ends. So cherish it and make the most of it—every single day.

38. Love is a feeling that is always fresh and new, like the morning dew. You love someone not just on some particular day when you feel like it, but all the time. Love is a state of mind.

39. Even in times of loneliness or sadness, you make things better by thinking only of your beloved. No matter what happens, the feeling of love will never change. Love is a state of mind.

40. Life is too short for anything less than soul-stirring love. When you fall in love, it takes your breath away. When you’re in love, it takes your breath away and then gives it back. Love is a state of mind.

41. Love is a state of mind. It’s being kind, caring and sharing with others. Don’t try to change the world. Try to change yourself, and then you will see that the most wonderful things happen when you are yourself.

42. Love is a state of mind. You can’t define love, it’s something you feel. So be yourself. Be unique, be different, and be yourself with the person you’re in love with.

43. Some people say love is a state of mind. Love is something you do, or it’s nothing at all. Love is a state of mind. If you can make yourself feel loved, everything else falls into place.

44. Love is a state of mind. It can’t be bought or sold, tattooed on the body for eternity, however it is a powerful force that animates and inspires.

45. Love is a state of mind; it’s not something you can see. It is something that you have to feel, in your heart and soul.

46. Love is a state of mind. You can’t force it, and you can’t control it. You can only let it happen and accept it when things go well. Just like everything else in life, love comes to those who wait.

47. Love is a state of mind. If you can change your state of mind, you can change your life. Love is looking for someone to love, who looks for you

48. Love is a state of mind. It’s easy to fall in love when you see two people smile at each other. It’s harder to stay in love when the world stands between them and happiness.

49. Love is a state of mind. You can’t choose love, but you can choose how to receive love. Love is a tender awareness of each other, an acceptance of each other’s being, whether good or bad, smart or be

50. Love is a state of mind. You can’t control who likes you and who doesn’t, but you can control how you feel about them. There is no remedy like love.

I hope this love is a state of mind quotes met your expectations. And I hope you enjoyed reading them. When something is so good, when it comes to an end, it can be very painful; so go for it, love any state of mind is going to happen in your life at some point.

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