Inspirational Birthday Posts for Myself

It’s your birthday! Your day of joy and rejoicing. A day set aside for sober reflection to count your blessings and celebrate your worth, potentials and achievements. A grateful heart is essentially a joyful soul.

Sometimes, if you don’t celebrate yourself, nobody will! Don’t wait to be celebrated! Take the lead and set the pace, it’s your day! Express your joy for all to see, and let there be an outpouring of gratitude. For the accolades, wishes, prayers, and gifts; to gush in, you’ve got to give yourself a treat of the coolest “Happy birthday to me”. You are the celebrant of the day; you deserve this indulgence!

Hey! It’s your special day, be jolly happy. Cast away the smelly garments of despondency, yet to be realized goals, unmet expectations or disappointment. Choose to celebrate the precious gift of life and hope. Ginger you friends, fans and followers with cute and witty birthday wishes, poems and prayers to yourself. You aren’t self-centered, you are just your biggest fan, yet! Way to go!

What better way to celebrate yourself and make a splash than on the platform of the social media? It’s awesome really! The outpouring of messages and reactions you’ll receive will overwhelm you.

Do you want to wish yourself a happy birthday today? Care for something inspiring, interesting and witty? You are in luck! Try this collection of inspirational birthday posts for myself. You’ll be glad you did.

Best collection of happy birthday posts for yourself.

1. Yippie! Today is my birthday!! All glory and adoration to God Almighty for the gift of life and sound health. A small girl with big God; I’m grateful. Happy birthday to me! Guys, rejoice with me.

2. Wow! It’s my birthday already! I am super excited and gloriously happy. I can’t wait to have a great time with my homies! Guys, I can’t keep calm; you gotta celebrate with me. Happy birthday to me.

3. Today is my glorious womb escape day, hurray!! I am deliriously happy because it’s my special day. Nothing is gonna keep me down; I’m on a roll already. Happy birthday to me.

4. Yay!! Today is my birthday, and I can’t keep calm! It’s time to paint the town red and catch some fun. I wish myself a birthday free of worries, full of joy, laden with blessings and topped with lots of fun.

5. Some years ago, a star was born. Days later, the king was named. And the child grew to be a gem and a superstar in the making. Merciful God, I’m grateful. Happy born day to me!

6. Yesterday, I got rid of my regrets in order to make room for a beautiful future. I took the time to bury my past mistakes, cremate its remains and disperse its ashes. I woke up today, free as the air; grateful and hopeful to boots! The future is here already! It’s a beautiful day to celebrate. Happy birthday to me!

7. Birthdays are perfect days of thanksgiving to God, partying and merriment. Today is a day of joy; the day I escaped the womb, hitch-free. I wish myself a birthday filled with joy and loads of surprises. Happy birthday to me, God’s child! Let the party begins…

8. I rejoice today because my reality is better than my wildest fantasy. My present is bigger than my past and I have the assurance that my tomorrow will be greater than my today. I have lots to be thankful for. Happy birthday to me!

9. I am God’s special child, unique in every way. Everyday is my best day, but some days are more special than the others. The one day that tops the list, is a day like this – my womb escape day! A day of joy and gladness; I’m brimming with excitement. It’s a royal occasion: Happy birthday to me!!

10. It’s not every day you get to meet and celebrate a star. Check out this celebrity with a swagger! Rejoice with me friends, it’s my birthday! Happy birthday to me!

11. I thank God for the precious gift of life, all-round protection, and bountiful provisions. I am grateful, O Lord. Happy birthday to me, myself and I.

12. I am a special being, unique and uncommon. Each year, people grow older as they add to their ages. Today, I am a year younger, wiser and smarter! The sky isn’t my limit; it’s my starting point. It’s time to soar on the wings of possibilities and explore its thrills and novelty, like an eagle. The stars beckon already. Happy birthday to me!

13. Perfection is an illusion that has proved elusive to many; whereas, perfection is my everyday reality. I am perfectly happy and at peace with my lot. God is faithful. I am alive and well. Happy birthday to me.

14. Yay!! I’m alive, well and kicking. My future is bright and laced with promises and a good prospect. I am grateful Lord. Happy birthday to me!

15. A grateful heart, joyful soul. Tricky path, solid God. Stormy cloud, shaky ground, treacherous water; surrendering to God’s awesomeness. I have lots to be thankful for; thank you, Father. I wish myself a memorable birthday. Happy birthday to me!

16. I am the apple of God’s eye, so He engraved me in the palm of His Hands. God has been so good to me; I can’t hide it. I choose to flaunt His blessings on this special day of mine. Friends, rejoice with me. Happy birthday to me!

17. I am the best version of myself; there’s no other edition. What you see is what you get. I wish myself great years ahead. Happy birthday to God’s own heritage!

18. I am the happiest person on earth. In spite of all the odds, I made it! It’s another year of God’s amazing wonders. This is the radiant face of the most favoured creature. Happiest birthday to me!

19. On a special day like this; what special way to celebrate, but with special people like my family and friends? I wish myself more success in my academic pursuit, excellence in all my ways and joy unlimited. Happy birthday to the funkiest babe ever!

20. Yippee! It’s my birthday today. I wish myself more money, favour, and success in all my endeavours. See my winning smile? I’m God’s baby, that’s why! Happy birthday to me!

21. On this special day, I wish myself all the very best, all the joy I can ever have. May I be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and forever! I wish myself a fantastic birthday and many more to come. Happy birthday to me.

22. On this special day of mine, abundant grace shall abound for me. Lines shall fall upon me in pleasant places and I shall have a goodly heritage. Happy birthday to the most blessed person in the world!

23. Yay!! It’s my birthday! It’s going to be light!! It’s a day of sweet joy and endless fun. No time for dulling! God bless my new age. Happy birthday to me!

24. I stand amazed in the presence of God. Thank you, Jesus, for your faithfulness. Thank you for the opportunity given me to witness a new year; with sound health and mind. I am grateful, thank you Lord. Happy birthday to me!

25. Hey guys! Gather round. Hello, world!! It’s a fun time, let’s rock it! My birthday is here at last. It’s time to celebrate and set the world ablaze with fun and fanfare. Who’s games? Let’s rock it. Happy birthday to me.

26. Real legends are born on a day like this. I am a star, brought forth for a unique purpose. I’m unstoppable, God’s with me. My future is bright with hope. Happy birthday to me!

27. I am my own greatest inspiration; God is my source. I believe in God and myself. God and I are an unbeatable team! I am a year younger today, set and poised to take on the world and take my place of honour in destiny hall of fame. I believe. Happy birthday to me!

28. I have a special place within me no one can ever take or replace, except you, my God. You are most worthy to be praised. Thank you for your unfailing love for the last 365 days. It’s you all the way! Happy birthday to me, Jesus baby!

29. Celebrate with me, friends. It’s my birthday. I rejoice today with a grateful heart. I wish myself the grandest birthday celebration ever!

30. It’s my birthday! Already, I got the most amazing gift ever; the precious gift of life. Thank you, Lord. Happy womb escape day to me! Wish me well, dear friends.

31. Hey! It’s my day, and I gotta rejoice like never before. I made it! A year younger already, no kidding! Happy birthday to me.

32. Before the wishes start flooding my timeline like an unending flowing river; I bow in worship to the Lord who made this joyous day possible. Thank you, Father, you are wonderful! And yes, a glorious birthday to me!!

33. It’s my birthday today! Thank you Lord, for your faithfulness. Thank you, friends, for your prayers and wishes in advance. Having done that, wish me an extraordinary birthday celebration by dropping something gorgeous in my account. Check my account details in the comment. Love Y’all!

34. More grace, greater exploits, more degrees and more money in my pocket; on this special day of mine. Happy birthday to me!

35. Today, I’m younger, smarter, wiser and wealthier. Happy birthday to me! Yours truly is God’s favourite, I know! Thanks, guys, for your admirable wishes in cash and kinds. Loads of kisses to you!!

36. Life is measured in moments. I have had lots of moments of joy and a few griefs. My blessings are more than my woes. I’m extremely grateful, Lord. Happy birthday to me!

37. Last year, you all overwhelmed me with lots of prayers and wishes. God bless you. It’s my birthday again. A day of joy and blessing. Thank you, Father. Friends, this year birthday celebration comes with a difference. I see you all bombarding my bank account with money. I’m flabbergasted and overwhelmed already. Let the dollars start rolling in! Happy birthday to me!!

38. With friends like you, boredom is a foreign word to me. I choose to celebrate my birthday with you guys because you mean the world to me. Yes! It’s my day. Happy birthday to me!!

39. My joy is full and my cup of gratitude overflows unchecked today. It’s my day, yippeee! Happy birthday to me! Thank you, precious God.

40. For the gift of life and your numerous uncountable blessings, I thank you, Father. You are awesome. I’m a year older today, celebrate with me beloved. Happy birthday to me!

41. Yep, it’s my birthday. Happy birthday to the most talented, smart and charming person in the world! I wish myself a wonderful year ahead.

42. Happy birthday to my dearest self! I wish myself lots of love, fun, laughter, joy and unlimited blessings.

43. Yay! Finally, I made it. I’m now officially a teenager! I’m a baby no more. Jolly world, here I come! Happy birthday to me!

44. It’s official; I’m now an adult. I’m super-duper excited. I can’t wait to take on the world. I’m eager to take on responsibilities. I’m thrilled at the prospect of taking decisions and owning its consequences. Eighteen sure looks good on me. Happy birthday to me!

45. Here’s wishing myself a wonderful birthday celebration; full of extravagant joy, bliss, and love. Loads of cheers to me. It’s celebration galore; fun spree!

46. It’s a day of jubilation, lots of fun, cake engorgement and partying till mother calls. A beautiful day to celebrate my born day. Happy birthday to me.

47. Today, I’m a year older, more mature, intelligent and gorgeous. I’m like a good wine, I get better with age. Happy birthday to me!

48. It’s gonna be lit today! I thank God for adding another year to my age. I’m donning a bright smile devoid of guile, to defy all odds and life’s challenges. I’ll celebrate like I have no care in the world. Happy birthday to me!

49. It’s official! I’m a year older, smarter, cooler and grander. It’s time to live life to the full, explore and enjoy its intrigues. Happy birthday to me, Handsome!

50. Thank you, God, for the priceless gift of life. I’m eternally grateful to you. There’s no me without you. You are my very essence. I am highly favoured, flavored and blessed. Happy birthday to my gorgeous self!

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