Happy Birthday Wishes for 7 Years Old Girl

Kids love birthdays for many reasons; the party, cake and gifts are top on the list. However, at 7, a young girl is still impressionable and needs to be shown how to define love.

One of those ways to show her how to define love is the way you make her feel through your words and actions, especially on her special day.

So, why don’t you warm your 7-year-old girl or daughter’s heart by sending her wishes and messages to pray for her and show her how special she is to you?

You don’t have to look too far to find the words. Find below some of the best happy birthday wishes for 7 years old girl you can find.

Happy 7th birthday to my beautiful princess. You are an amazing daughter to us, even at such a young age. As you celebrate your birthday today, my wishes for you are wisdom, knowledge, understanding and retentive memory to excel in your studies.

1. It has been a great delight watching you grow from a little toddler who doesn’t know her left and right hand to this beautiful young princess that you are now. Happy 7th birthday, my child.

2. I’m such a proud mother! Who wouldn’t be? Having a good daughter like you is the dream of every mother. Happy 7th birthday, my sweet 7 years old daughter; raising you is such a great privilege.

3. Dear daughter, happy 7th birthday, and thank you for letting me be your father. I will always do my best to give you the best life. I love you, my sweet child.

4. Who would believe that you are 7 years old already? It was just yesterday I gave birth to you, how time flies! Happy 7th birthday, daughter. You are the cutest 7 years old girl I know.

5. When people tell me that my 7 years old daughter is respectful and down to earth. I understand just what they are talking about. You make me so proud, my baby girl. Happy 7th birthday, pumpkin.

6. Ever since I became your mother, you have given me the best memories. I can’t go a whole day without wondering where you are, what you are doing, and how you are coping at school. It’s a full-time job but, I can’t settle for any other. Happy 7th birthday, daughter.

7. I waited for so long to have you, and when you finally came, you made me a mother; taking away shame and reproach from my face. God bless and keep you, my child. Happy 7th birthday.

8. You have never ceased to make me a proud father. Your reports give me more joy than worries, and I’m so pleased that you are moving in the right direction in life. Happy 7th birthday, dearest daughter.

9. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep you from harm’s way. I love you so much, my daughter. Happy 7th birthday. Your steps shall continue to be ordered as you journey through life.

Cheers to the sweetest 7-year-old I know. I’m always in awe that I birthed such a great child. I am very proud to call you daughter. My wishes for you today are long and prosperous life and good health. Happy birthday, sweetie.

10. It pleases me to see you doing so great at school. How else can I show you exactly how happy you make me, dear daughter than to throw you a big party today? Here is to wishing you a wonderful 7th birthday.

11. People say that I’m lucky to have such a brilliant daughter but, what they don’t know is that I’m brilliant too. All that intelligence came from somewhere. Happy birthday, my 7-year-old munchkin. Wishing you a refreshing new year.

12. You have done so marvellously with your talent, my daughter. Starting from this 7th year, we are going to put in more work to make your talent shine brighter. Here is to wishing my lovely daughter a happy 7th birthday.

13. I look at you and I smile. You are such a sweet, charming 7 year old. As you celebrate this milestone, I wish you more and more success in every area of your life.

14. If raising you perfectly is the only thing I achieve in my life, I will die a happy mother. Cheers to more grace and divine guidance, dear daughter.

15. You are a special child. Right from the day you were born up until now, we have moved from level one to ten. Thank you for bringing so much joy to our home. I wish you the best of your new age.

16. The bond we share is incomparable. Happy birthday, my daughter. Here is to wishing you a delightful new year.

17. I love the way you care and look after everyone around you, even though you are too little to carry such weight. Happy birthday, my amazing 7-year-old daughter. I wish you to always have the resources to help people considering how big your heart is.

18. Look at you now! My baby is 7 years old already. Happy birthday to my gorgeous daughter. I love you, and I wish you a super amazing birthday.

19. Any time I look at you, I remember God’s unending favour in my life. Happy 7th birthday, my princess. Here is to wishing you lots and lots of your wonderful heart desires this year.

20. Thank you for making me feel fulfilled, thank you for being the miracle I seek and thank you for being an outstanding daughter. I wish you nothing short of the best in life. Happy 7th birthday.

Cheers to my girl clocking 7 years old today. I and your mum love you so much and we want you to always know it. Our hearts are always praying for you and sending you good wishes because we hope that you excel and prosper in life. Happy birthday, honey.

21. I can’t believe my girl is 7 years already. I have raised a kind, beautiful, and brilliant little human that is going to make an indelible mark in this world. Happy birthday! I wish you more greatness as you progress in life.

22. I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter because you have everything a mother would want to see in her girl. I wish you more of God’s protection and favour as you journey through life.

23. I used to be scared of having a girl child because of the type of society we live in today. I would wonder how you are ever going to cope in such a time as this but, ever since I had you all that fear has been dispelled like smoke. Happy 7th birthday!

24. You have been a special child. Being the only girl between four brothers is not easy. I’m super proud of your patience and respect for everyone around you. Happy birthday, my girl. Welcome to chapter 7.

25. You are such an adorable girl. Sometimes, I just wish you can remain small and cute. The thoughts of you growing up and leaving me scares me. Nevertheless, I trust you will do great in the world. Happy 7 years, girlie.

26. I’m so impressed by your little progress. I have seen your determination to change the narrative in our family. Having a girl child like you is second to none. I wish you more grace and wisdom. Happy 7th birthday.

27. You are past being discouraged by anyone. At 7, you are already making wise decisions and standing by them. You have no idea how much I want to see you do great, my girl. Happy 7th birthday.

28. No matter the challenges you faced as a little child, you have not let your environment or circumstances deter you from being excellent in your school grades. Happy 7th birthday, my dear girl.

29. The smile on your face warms my heart. Thank you for choosing me to be your father. Happy 7th birthday to the best girl in the world.

Happy 7th birthday, dearest daughter. There is a reason I call you my treasure. It is because truly you own my heart. I will forever love you. So be ready for all my special messages and the gifts I plan to send to you today. God bless you richly, my daughter.

30. My daughter is now 7, who would believe that? It’s near impossible to think that you will reach this age in good health. Happy 7th birthday!

31. There are so many reasons to celebrate your 7th birthday. The most being that it’s your year of perfection because the 7th year signifies perfection. Happy birthday, my daughter.

32. I look at you and I smile. You just make me so happy as a mother. Happy 7th birthday, my daughter.

33. I keep stealing glances at you thinking I’m dreaming but, it’s a glaring reality that I’m the father of a 7-year-old. Happy birthday, daughter.

34. How you learn things so quickly surprises me. The fact that I don’t repeat things before you get it hits differently because I know how much this will help you as you climb the ladder of success in life. Happy 7th birthday, my wonderful daughter.

35. How sweet to nurture and raise an amazing human in form of a daughter. You have been the source of my strength. Happy 7th birthday, my baby.

36. All I have is you in this world. You are my biggest consolation. Happy 7th birthday, dear daughter, I will do anything just to see you smile.

37. You are everything I ever desired to have in a daughter and more. Thank you for choosing me to be your parent. Happy 7th birthday!

38. What can be more thrilling than celebrating your birthday today, my daughter? Happy 7th birthday. You make me so happy, and I love that you are kind and selfless.

39. I just want you to have fun today, lots and lots of it. Happy 7th birthday, my daughter, you are such an angel in human form.

It’s my daughter’s 7th birthday today and I’m just so excited. It seems like I just had you and now, I’m a mom to a 7 year old daughter. I’m really grateful to God for this privilege and I pray for the grace to do right by you. Best wishes, baby.

40. Oh! How you make your mom so proud. Happy 7th birthday, dear daughter. Having you was the best decision I ever made in life. I wish you much happier years in love and fulfilment.

41. You have been a great blessing to me. Cheers to your 7th year, my daughter. I wish you all the best experiences life has to offer. Happy birthday!

42. I want you to know that I love you so much, my daughter. No one can take your space in my heart. As you mark your 7th birthday today, I wish you divine backing in everything you do. Happy birthday.

43. Your joys are my joys, your tears are my tears. The bounds that bind our hearts are far beyond comparison. When you call me mom, I feel a different kind of responsibility towards you. Happy birthday, my dear daughter. Here is to wishing you a great year ahead.

44. There are very many reasons I won’t forget you, my daughter. You are the first child of my womb and hence, you will always have a special spot at a reserved corner of my heart. Happy birthday, baby girl.

45. Thoughts of you bring a smile to my face. You are such a wonderful daughter. Happy 7th birthday, girlie. I wish you love, laughter, and divine guidance all through the days of your life.

46. There are many reasons why I can’t afford to be far away from you, dear daughter. Your heart is too tender for me, and want you to grow up under my close watch and teaching. Happy birthday, mom’s favourite girl in the world.

47. What is best for today is making beautiful memories together and nothing short of that. Get ready to have the best mom and daughter moments ever. Happy 7th birthday, daughter.

48. My love for you is beyond reason, dear daughter of my womb. Happy birthday, I want you to know that I will be your best friend, and also the best mother to you. Happy 7th birthday!

49. I can’t believe it’s your 7th birthday already. These things happen so fast. Happy 7th birthday, daughter. Raising you have been magical. You rock my world.

Best wishes to my daughter on her 7th birthday. You know you are the apple of my eyes. And I’m so proud to be your dad because right from birth till now, you have always been an exceptional child. I have so much planned for you today. Have a wonderful year ahead, baby.

50. Look! Dad’s favourite girl is 7 years today. Happy birthday, my super talented daughter. I wish you more and more increase in knowledge and understanding.

51. How can anyone not be thrilled being a dad to an awesome daughter like you. You brought sweetness into my world and I don’t take lightly any matter that concerns you. Happy 7th birthday, my daughter.

52. The thought of being the dad to such an amazing daughter like you is so fulfilling. Thank you for choosing me to be your dad. Happy 7th birthday, pumpkin.

53. You are my biggest feat in life, daughter. I have come close to having the best of so many things but, you simply crown all of them. Happy 7th birthday, my angel.

54. I will give everything in the cause of raising you, my daughter. The kind of brilliance you possess can make any dad spend their last on you, which I will do joyfully. Happy 7th birthday, dearest daughter.

55. I think I know a perfect gift for you today. Happy 7th birthday, daughter. You have turned me into a responsible dad. I hope we get to make more beautiful memories together.

56. Which dad wouldn’t be proud of raising such an extraordinary daughter? Your talent is astounding. I can’t be more proud to be your dad. Happy 7th birthday.

57. No matter how much your birthday wish today is going to cost me, I must make sure you get it because you deserve it. Happy 7th birthday daughter. I pinch myself sometimes ’cause being called the dad to a wonderful 7-year-old is so surreal.

58. Holding hands and walking through the park with you gives me the best dad feelings ever. Happy 7th birthday to my wonderful daughter. You are such a delight!

59. Dad loves you jealously, baby girl. I will go to the ends of the earth to ensure that you have everything you need to excel in life. Happy 7th birthday, princess.

It feels surreal that my daughter is turning 7 today. I have to remind myself every day that I truly have a daughter. I prayed for you and now you are celebrating your 7th year. My many messages today are a show of my gratefulness. God, who gave you to me, will bless and make you bigger. Happy birthday, dearie.

60. I can’t believe you are turning 7 today ’cause the last time I checked, you were this little adorable toddler crawling all over the place. Happy 7th birthday to my daughter.

61. Watching you grow up to this age has been a thrilling experience. You are so dear to my heart, my daughter. If I could, I will give you the world. Happy 7th birthday!

62. I have never expected any day to come so quickly more than I have expected this day. Happy 7th birthday, my favourite daughter. You are turning 7 in grand style, my princess.

63. The look on your face as you turn 7 today is just priceless. It is one proud look of progress. Happy 7th birthday, my darling daughter.

64. Everything makes sense as long as I do it with you. I have gotten so familiar with doing things around the house with you, so much that I have to wait for you to come back so that we can do it together. Happy 7th birthday, daughter. No one is as awesome as you.

65. When I look at you, I see the possibilities of God in your life. You make me a happy parent. Happy 7th birthday, daughter. As you are turning 7 today, your life will experience a complete turnaround for good.

66. There is really nothing I can’t do for you, dear daughter. Turning 7 today’s a great victory. Happy 7th birthday!

67. One thing I can’t wait for is to see you turn much older so that we could share your adult goals and experiences. Happy 7th birthday, daughter.

68. You’re turning 7 today, yet, it feels as if you are much wiser than your age. I love that you know what you want in life, it gives me a great sense of fulfilment. Happy birthday, my lovely daughter.

69. You are my little champion. You are turning seven today, yet it feels like you and I have been on this journey for decades. Happy birthday, my super amazing daughter.

Who is the best seven-year-old girl in the world? It’s my beautiful daughter. You are a special child, not only because you are mine, but also because you are one of the smartest little girls I know. My heart wishes that you will not lack wisdom for good works on earth.

70. I have loved you since you were a baby. I have continued to nurture and be your best friend at all times, nothing gives me more satisfaction. Happy Birthday to my seven-year-old daughter.

71. You’re such an amazing seven-year-old. I mean, look at how wonderful you are. Happy birthday, daughter. I’m so proud of you.

72. I would have argued that you were older if it were not that I’m your mother. Happy birthday to my sweet seven-year-old daughter.

73. I don’t know how much I would have coped if God hadn’t given you to me. Thank you for coming into my life. Raising an Incredible seven-year-old daughter like you is the dream of every mother.

74. I remember how you were when you were younger. As you got older though, many things changed, which is to be expected but I miss how adorable you were. But then again, now you are an amazing seven-year-old. Happy birthday!

75. I would still love to be your father even in my next life. Being a father to a seven-year-old daughter like you is terrific. Happy birthday, my child.

I’m extending wonderful birthday wishes to my daughter today. May you be filled with wisdom, knowledge and understanding for academic excellence. You are bringing the family so much joy and may you continue to be a source of joy to us. Love you, baby.

76. Today is someone’s seventh birthday. Happy seventh birthday, daughter. I’m so glad that you are my daughter. I wish you the best as you embark on another 365 days journey around the sun.

77. Even though you may not understand it, I still want to let you know that I couldn’t have been a happier mother without you. Here is to wishing you the best of this seventh year, daughter.

78. You’re arrayed with so much grace and favour. Happy seventh birthday, dearest daughter. How can I not be thankful for everything God has been doing in your life up to this day?

79. You rock my world, my lovely daughter. If it were not for you, I wouldn’t be experiencing this great joy of celebrating the seventh birthday of a great daughter. Happy birthday!

Many people appreciate quotes and sayings to convey their feelings. I just want my daughter to always know that I will always be there for her. And I will move heaven and earth to make sure she never lacks. Happy 7th birthday, sweetie.

80. Nothing is as valuable as having the right people in your life on a special day like this. Happy 7th birthday, daughter. You’re worth being my child in every way.

81. It’s your 7th birthday today, and I’m literally holding my breath ’cause my heart is full of joy. Happy birthday, dear daughter.

82. Ever since I brought you into this world, I swore to myself that I will see to it that you never lack anything, and thankfully, it has been so. Happy 7th birthday, my daughter!

83. When I count my blessings in life, you’re number one. Happy 7th birthday to my precious daughter.

84. I wasn’t so privileged to live the life I wanted and fulfil my dreams because of the kind of background I came from but, thanks to God, I’m changing that narrative in your life. Happy 7th birthday, my lovely daughter.

85. I will still choose you to be my daughter even in my next life. You have the purest soul and the toughest heart. Happy 7th birthday, daughter.

86. If anyone had told me that I could make such an amazing mother, I wouldn’t believe it. Happy 7th birthday, my princess.

87. When I welcomed you into this world, you were so full of beauty and sweetness. That quality has not left you, and in fact, it’s one of the reasons you attract so many favours. Happy 7th birthday, sweet daughter.

88. Happy 7th birthday, dear daughter. I couldn’t believe you’re already 7 ’cause it feels like it was just yesterday that I gave birth to you. You make me so glad.

89. You have such an amazing aura. Anytime I look at you, I wonder if I’m really the one that gave birth to this adorable soul. Happy 7th birthday, my charming princess.

I’m so excited that my daughter turns 7 today. It’s always the joy of any parent to celebrate their first fruit. But I want to pray for you instead of just dropping quotes. Daughter, today, I pray that your light will shine and you will be a person of impact. Happy birthday, honey.

90. Hurray! My daughter turns 7 today, and I just can’t keep calm. How else do I express these torrents of joy in my heart? Happy birthday, my daughter.

91. Look who turns 7 today! My favourite daughter. Happy birthday, girlie!

92. Happy birthday, daughter. I really love that you have such a sweet personality. My daughter turns 7 today, and the only thing I feel is gratitude to God.

93. I wonder how you grew so fast. Was it not you who I carried in my womb just yesterday? My daughter turns 7 today, and I can’t be more excited! Happy birthday, my baby girl.

94. Somebody should just wake me up from this sleep. My daughter turns 7 today, and it feels like I’m dreaming! Happy birthday, my adorable princess.

95. Happy birthday, daughter. I literary hold my breath when I look at how grown you are already. 7 is no small number. Wow! My daughter turns 7 today, how beautiful!

96. My daughter turns 7 today, and the only thing I can think of is how much progress you have made in the last 7 years. You did so great, my girl.

97. Giving birth to a lovely daughter like you is no small feat. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that you turn 7 today. Happy birthday.

98. Happy super-duper birthday, my beautiful daughter. You turn 7 today and that alone is what I’m thankful for.

99. My daughter turns 7 today in grand style. I mean, it’s not every day that people get to celebrate their 7th birthday in such glamour. Happy birthday, my little angel.

100. My daughter turns 7 today, and that marks my 7th year as a mother. It’s both our year of perfection. What more can I ask for when you make me the most joyous mother in the world? Happy birthday, my baby.

In conclusion, let me remind you that your baby girl deserves to see and know how much you love her. 7, is said to be a year of perfection, so make her day extra special with these happy birthday wishes for 7 years old girl.

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