Happy 28th Birthday to Me Wishes and Quotes

If you do not stand up for yourself, the chances that others will readily stand up for you or stand by you are quite slim. So, at 28, for your own good, hopefully, you have learned to stand up for yourself and see yourself as amazing because you are.

One way to show that you can stand up for yourself and be your own favourite cheerleader is to celebrate your growth and embrace your flaws. In celebration, birthdays come top on the list.

So, here is an opportunity for you to celebrate your growth and development as you become 28 years old today. As long as you do it in a beautiful way, and use some of this happy 28th birthday to me wishes and quotes, you are doing it the right way.

I have the best stories to tell about the last 28 years of my life and every time I think about how far I have come, I can’t help but be proud of the progress that I have made. To be alive to celebrate my 28th birthday is more than a gift I will cherish for myself for the longest time.

1. I have had a great year in the last year but I am more than convinced that this year is going to be even greater for me. Happy 28th birthday to me.

2. I am beyond elated to be celebrating my 28th birthday with all the goals I wrote down coming to fruition. Happy birthday to me

3. Everything I have now, I prayed for and I am positive that my prayers today will be answered prayers tomorrow. Happy 28th birthday to me.

4. I feel like my 28th birthday celebration is such a milestone and I am going to bask in the euphoria of it. Happy 28th birthday to me.

5. I have learned over time to see all the days and years of my life as an opportunity to be the best version of myself, and that is what I am going to be doing this New Year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

6. I am hopeful that this year comes with a lot of great stories and unexpected testimonies because if we are keeping it a buck, I am long overdue for testimonies and joy. Happy 28th birthday to me.

7. It is going to be the best year of my life and I am committed to making the best use of all the good tidings that will come my way. Happy 28th birthday to me.

8. Living twenty-eight years on earth is no easy feat, and the fact that I have done this with so much grace and poise is enough reason to be exceptionally proud of myself. Happy 28th birthday to me.

9. I am positive that this new year I am about to step into is the year I become the best version of myself. I am going to stay in that conviction and live by it until I get all the joy that the year has to offer. Happy 28th birthday to me.

10. I am blessed in so many ways – my family, my friends, career and love life – if I decide to only show gratitude all year long, it would be worth it. Happy 28th birthday to me.

11. My life is a living testimony, and I would be lying if I said some of the miracles I have experienced do not live me dumbfounded. I am however positive that this is just the beginning. Wishing myself a great year as I become 28 years old.

12. I am 28 years old today and frankly, there are so many things to be thankful for. I am going to live every minute, and every second of this New Year with a thankful heart. Happy 28th birthday to me.

13. I think this last year has proven beyond reasonable doubt that I am one of God’s favourite daughters and I promise to continue into this new year like I believe that I am truly a favourite of the highest. Happy 28th birthday to me.

14. Things will only get better from here – I am so positive! In fact, I have never been surer of anything like I am sure of this in my life. Happy 28th birthday to me

15. I am wishing myself a great 28th birthday celebration, and also a wonderful year ahead because I believe that I deserve nothing but the absolute best.

16. I am wishing myself the peace that comes with the belief that I am about to have the best year of my life. Happy 28th birthday to me.

17. The joy that I continue to experience as a human is one thing I will forever be grateful for, and one thing I will always pray never leaves me as I celebrate my birthdays. Happy 28th birthday to me.

18. The love I have for growth has seen me through the toughest times and the most difficult situations of my life, and I am eternally grateful for every opportunity of another year that I get to grow again. Happy 28th birthday to me.

19. This year, I am celebrating life and growth and consistency in the areas of my life that matter the most. Cheers to big 28 and more years to come for me!

20. I am wonderful, I know and the fact that I am yet to exploit all my potentials sometimes scares me and makes me know that I am capable of more than I can ever imagine. Hopefully, this year is the year that I start to enlarge my coast. Happy 28th birthday to me.

21. It has been a wonderful 27 years so far and I am so excited to be meeting another great year in good health and wealth. Happy 28th year to me.

22. I am positive that the New Year has all the good tidings in store for me, and I am going, to be honest, and say that I plan to enjoy every single bit of it. Happy birthday to me.

23. I am going into this New Year with so much gratitude for the strength to have outlasted all the challenges of the last year but also with the hope that this New Year is kinder to me. Happy 28th birthday to me.

24. Gradually, I am growing into a version of myself that I can be completely and utterly proud of, and I might not admit this out loud but I think I am proud of how far I have come. Maybe a bit too proud. Happy birthday to me.

25. I promise that as I begin this New Year, I will not apologize for being my most authentic self and I will continue to relish the things that make me. Happy 28th birthday to me.

I have had a good 28th birthday celebration so far and I am proud of how I was able to put all of these things together. I believe that the coming year is going to be a great one and I owe it to myself to be prepared for everything I have about to experience.

26. It has been a long time coming, and from where I stand, I cannot really say that I have any regret. It is indeed a great place to be at 28. Happy birthday to me

27. I have decided that I am going to be neglecting anything that seeks to stifle my growth, and I am only going to be actively pursuing things that make me better. It is a new year and it is my year.

28. All day, all the time, I sit with myself and think of the things I can do to be a better version of myself, lately, it has been coming to my notice that I need not do much except be grateful. Happy birthday to me.

29. Rather than find things to complain about because there will always be things to complain about, I have decided that this is the year I focus more on the good tidings as my life depends on it. Happy 28th birthday to me.

30. I am positive that I am going to have the best year this time around and all the pains of yesterday will be washed away completely. So be it, amen! Happy 28th birthday to me.

31. I may not be jumping around in excitement as many would expect but deep inside of me, I am filled with the gratitude to be alive to experience another new year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

32. Of all the birthday celebrations I have had, this one has to be the most exciting for me because everything seems to be working together for my good. Happy birthday to me.

33. It looks like the universe has decided to remember me today and it is not letting on anytime soon. Well, I am here to say that I enjoy all the good tidings, and I am very much open to receiving more. Happy 28th birthday to me.

34. This 28th birthday may not be the generally acceptable milestone celebration. Bit, it is a great year to me and I am going to celebrate it with everything I hold dear. Happy 28th birthday to me.

35. I am very grateful for everything I have had to overcome and all the experiences of the past that have fused together to make me who I am today. Happy birthday to me.

36. May the New Year be a new beginning indeed and be a start of great things for everything and everyone I hold dear – this right here, Is my utmost wish as I turn 28. Happy 28th birthday to me.

37. I am hoping that it is not too late for me to have my joyful celebration, and I also look forward to making this year the one that gives me all the things that will bring me that joy. Happy 28th birthday to me.

38. It is another time of the year to celebrate a beautiful human being like me, and I am not going to pass on the opportunity to bask in the euphoria of my 28th celebration. Happy birthday to me.

39. The year has been great but who says the coming year and days of my life can’t be greater? Well, no one! So, what I am going to do is go into this New Year like it is going to be an amazing year because it is going to be one for me.

40. I am the happiest person on earth today and although I may not have everything I want in the world, I have the things and people that matter and the things I need. Happy 28th birthday to me

41. I have looked around, beyond and within and have found no reason to grumble or complain. In fact, everything around me points to the fact that I have so much to be grateful for. Happy birthday to me.

42. I have a long list of things I hope to achieve this New Year and I am positive that I will achieve all without leaving any stone unturned. Happy birthday to me.

43. Everything that has happened so far is enough to be forever grateful and that is what I am going to try to do; I am going to show gratitude all day, and all year long. Happy 28th birthday to me.

44. May this New Year, which represents the 28th year of my life on earth be a great one. Happy birthday to me.

45. I love everything about my journey, and would not want to change anything about it. I hope this New Year contributes more to my journey towards fulfilment. Happy birthday to me.

46. I am so happy to be celebrating with all the people that mean the world to me on a very special day of my life. I wish myself a great 28th year on earth.

47. I recognize that I have been operating under the favour of God, and I do not take any moment of favour in my life for granted. I am a grateful person today and I plan to be all year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

48. Nothing in my life is confusing. Everything is so crystal clear and the future seems even brighter than I ever thought was possible. Happy birthday to me.

49. I am so happy that I have people that love me so much that they would do anything for me. Daily, I hope that I am able to repay them. I hope this year is the year I get to give back to people around me and of course, to my community. Happy 28th birthday to me.

50. It looks like 28 is old but I haven’t felt this young in so long, and I am convinced that happiness does make everything look better. Happy birthday to me.

I have this conviction that my best is yet to come even though I have been mostly happy all my life. Anyway, I am ready to take more goodness and happiness at 28 and in fact, cannot wait to start enjoying all the goodness that will soon be directed at me.

51. It is my 28th birthday celebration and I would be a liar if I said I was not anxious about the year. I pray that the year is kind to me and at the end of the year, I would see that there was no point worrying. Happy 28th birthday to me.

52. I am so looking forward to having the best times in this New Year, and I trust that the universe will work together to make my dream come to fruition. Happy 28th birthday to me.

53. This day is a glorious one and no matter what, I do not plan to allow anything short of happiness and celebration to take the center stage today. Happy 28th birthday to me.

54. Yes! I am aware that my life has not been without a little setback here and there. But, when it comes down to it, I am more than grateful for the good times, because the good times definitely outshone the bad. Happy 28th birthday to a grateful me.

55. I just want to dance and sing in gratitude to God and for the good people and exceptional things I have been privilege to come in contact with over the cause of my life. Happy 28th birthday to me.

56. I think the year is about to blow up with possibilities and opportunities I never thought I could get, and I cannot wait to start manifesting them all. Happy 28th birthday to me

57. I agree that living 28 years in the world will come with its downs and ups. But, I have to also be very truthful about having experienced more ups than I ever thought I deserved. I am so grateful to the world, happy 28th birthday to you.

58. I am so elated today and I think I am allowed to act on it at least for this day alone. It is my 28th birthday anyway. Happy birthday to me.

59. I am celebrating a lot more than my age today. While being a year older is a great feat that is worth celebrating, I am celebrating more: my family, the love in my life, food and shelter among all the other good tidings. Happy 28tyh birthday to me.

60. I might not have the full inclination about how the next 365 days of my life will turn out. But, one thing I know is that I going into this New Year with positive energy and the expectation that it is going to be the greatest year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

61. A lot might not make sense to me right now. I am, however, rest assured that everything happening to me right now is intentional, and everything is just going to be fine. Happy 28th birthday to me.

62. Every feeling in my bone points to the fact that my year is about to turn out great, and I cannot wait to explore the New Year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

63. The Lord is my strength and my shield. So, I am not afraid or anxious about anything this New Year. Happy birthday to me, and cheers to the big 28!

64. It may not feel very much like a celebration right now. But, I am hoping that the New Year is indeed going to be a beautiful one for me and all the things and people that I hold dear to my heart. Happy 28th birthday to me.

65. I am hoping that everything that will be happening this coming year- including the things I can control and the ones I cannot control – will be for my own good. Happy 28th birthday to me.

66. This is the beauty I have always talked about. The beauty that is in growth and development. I am so glad that I tend to experience all of that—happy 28th birthday to me.

67. It is a beautiful day, and the weather out here also looks gorgeous. I plan to enjoy the simplest things of life on this day, and I did it.

68. It is such a beautiful time of the year, and I have everything it takes to even make this moment more magical. Happy 28th birthday to me.

69. I am smart, beautiful and kind. And to top it, I have had one of the most incredible work and relationship year of my life. Happy 28th birthday to me.

70. Considering all else, I believe so much in celebrating every part and all things, and that is what I will be doing to and for myself every day, this new year. Happy birthday to myself.

71. I am so in touch with all the things happening right now because I have never felt safer in the arms of any group like I do now. Happy 28th birthday to me

72. Thinking about 5 years ago when I had all these big dreams. To think all of my dreams have come to fruition is one of the most beautiful things about this year already. Happy 28th birthday to me.

73. I have a lot to be thankful for so instead of dwelling on the sad moments this new year, I promise that I will bask in the goodness of my joy with fervour. Happy 28th birthday to me.

74. I am so happy to be where I am today. Even though I do not have everything I want, I have the things I need. Happy 28th birthday to me.

75. May this new year unfold and unravel into the best year of my life and give me some of the greatest moments in life. Happy 28th birthday to me

I’m so happy to be where I am today, and it looks like I am set to enjoy even more this new year. Prayers really do get answers! My life has been a testimony to that, and I am grateful and hope that things get to work out smoothly for me.

76. More than anything, I have been loved thoroughly all these years of my life. I am so blessed to have all these people in my corner and ready to support me. Happy Birthday to me.

77. I know what it feels like to be supported, and this is why my utmost prayer again for this year is that I am constantly surrounded by love and supportive people. Happy 28th birthday.

78. I need the happiness that can not be explained to find me at my very core this year and be my utmost companion for the new year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

79. 28 means so much to me and this is why I will be celebrating being 28 in a grand style. May this year be truly beautiful for me.

80. I am definitely not a perfect human at 28. So, I will continue to love myself and work on myself. I trust that doing these things will make me a better and greater human. Happy 8th birthday to me.

81. Everything and everyone I know will share testimonies on my behalf this year because it already looks like it is going to be a very great year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

82. I believe that I need to refocus my energy on the things that mean the most to me, and that is how I am going to be starting the new year. Happy Birthday to me.

83. I have experienced goodness in the most intense ways and from the most unexpected people. I really wish this is the year I get to experience that type of goodness in multiple folds. Happy 28th birthday to me.

84. I have everything in place and there is no better time than today, my birthday, for celebration and laughter. I will be doing both with enthusiasm.

85. I am a beautiful soul who has been blessed with the most beautiful people all her life. What is there to not be grateful to God for? Happy Birthday to me.

86. It is a good day today, and I have decided to rejoice in a wonderful day like this. Hopefully, the rest of the year gives me even better than this day. Happy 28th birthday to me.

87. The only thing on my mind right now is how I am going to make the best of the day, and the year. I hope that I figure things out soon. Happy birthday to me.

88. The reason my smile is so wide, and the love in my heart unadulterated is because I have had a really wonderful year. I hope that this new year is even more beautiful. Happy 28th birthday to me.

89. I am so eager to go into a new year and take things into my own hands. I actually feel if I am dedicated enough, I will do exploit this new year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

90. Everything good has been coming at me with a speed of light, and no apology. Frankly, I have never felt better. I hope it only gets better for me even as I begin a new year.

91. I have everything it takes to exploit this year if only I can believe. and I am deciding to believe that every good thing I have ever thought about is possible. Happy 28th birthday to me.

92. I hope to get so much more than I have ever gotten or ever imagined was possible to get from this year. Happy 28th birthday to me.

93. I love everything about me, and if nothing else comes to mind, I believe all of these wonderful features are worth celebrating for my 28th birthday. Happy Birthday to me.

94. I wish myself joy, peace, love and most importantly, love and speed in this new year. If there is anyone I know deserving of these things, it is me. Happy Birthday to me.

95. 28 has never looked or sounded better than it does on this day, and that is thanks to God and lovers. I wish myself an even better year than the last. Happy 28th birthday to me.

96. It may not feel like much is going on that is worth celebrating in my life right now. But, I am actually in a celebratory mood and feel really grateful for the greatest gift of all, Life. Happy 28th birthday to me.

97. I continue to get the best and the most surprising gifts from God. These days also feels like one of those gifts, and I am happy to be here. Happy Birthday to me.

98. Anytime I think God is done with me, he goes right ahead to do something even more surprising and amazing for me. I am grateful. Happy 29th birthday to me.

99. I am quite positive that this year is going to be the year that I get my major breakthrough. Happy 28th birthday to me.

100. When Hod himself has blessed, I have no reason to doubt that I am about to have another year filled with testimonies. Happy 28th birthday to me.

You can do yourself a favour on a special day like your 28th birthday by using these Happy 28th birthday wishes to me to brighten up your birthday beyond expectation.

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