2022 Short Love Letters for Him or Her from the Heart

I guess you want some short love letters for him or her from the heart. Yes or Yes? Then this is a cute collection of short love letters for your boyfriend/girlfriend or your future partner.


When you have someone you cherish, someone special in your life, there is no end to the love you want to show them. And if you have chosen today to write a letter to that someone special in your life, here is the best collection of short romantic love letters for her or him from the heart. The best love letters ever for your girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife.

1. The Special Person

Now I know how soothing it is to know that someone out there thinks and care about me. Thank you for loving me. I so much appreciate your love that I am sometimes word struck when I see you and would not be able to express my love to you. Thank you for always checking on me.

You are so handsome that you gave the sun a reason to shine from the west. I love you and I know you feel the same about me. You are the special person in my life. Smile as you read this letter.

2. I Long for You

I may not always be able to get in touch with you but know that my soul longs for you. Having many things to write to you, I do not wish to do so with paper and ink but I hope to come to you and see your face and frame, that the fire of our love may be rekindled and that our joy may be full.

However, before then, I want you to know that my body, heart, soul, feelings and love longs for you because you mean everything to me. I love you.

3. Perfect Love

Love has been perfected between the two of us. We care for each other. It is a golden privilege to remind you of my love for you. Well, if I were to say just a clause to you, I would choose to say ‘I love you ‘ over and over, again and again.

I have chosen you my true friend as my future husband, my prince and king. I wish to write a million words to express my love for you, another million words to appreciate your love for me.

I stand, sit, yawn, breathe in and out, open and close my eyes, glance around me, yet, all I see is your strong wide chest. I can sing for a whole year for you. In case you are wondering why I would do that for you, it is simply because I am madly in love with you.

4. A Night Prayer for My Love

I love you with the whole of my life. I love you with the whole of my heart and I pray from the bottom of my heart that is burning with love, that you have whatever is warm and inspiring, whatever means much to you, whatever makes you smile and brings you joy. The divine doors of victory, grace and favour will be open to you in multiple folds.

I am sending to you a shirt of pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams, a blanket of love to shield you, a bed sheet of care to comfort you, a cover cloth of grace to protect you, a duvet of favour to make you happy and this text of prayer to give you a good night rest. Sweet dreams and wake up in victory. Close your eyes as you sleep to dream about me.

5. My Mr Soft

When you planted our love garden, it seems I will always fly around gently like a dove. It makes my heart soft and penetrable. I promise that I will not jump over the fence when you need my defence. I usually feel I am sitting at the beach with you by me whenever we chat. If not that the word ‘love ‘ does not rhyme with ‘crime ‘, I would have committed the most grievous crime for your sake. Oh, my honey!

6. This Night Feeling

I know that your body might be at rest now but I believe your lovely spirit is awake because it realises that there is someone out there who is thinking about you at this very moment.

I wish that my heart communicates to your heart the depth of my inner love for you. I wish that your heart is opened to understand how my heart yearns for you day by day so that you can believe the words I have said to express my feelings to you.

In the nearest future, whenever I am feeling this way towards you at this time of the night, I wish to turn my side and see your muscled body as you sleep taking a blissful rest. May this night feeling of mine make you dream about me.

7. This Love

We did not realise it when it first commenced. It took its dictate of time and started growing until it has grown to this mature stage. The little sprout has now grown to a big tree with solid roots, strong stems, many branches and evergreen leaves. Without realising it, our soul felt it. What else can be more than having a boyfriend like you?

8. Good Morning Dearie

Wonderful morning and grace to you this morning. I believe you enjoyed a perfect night rest. I urge you to be more determined in achieving the goals you have set for today. You know that you are unstoppable when you are determined. Enjoy the day and do not forget to put on a lovely smile when you read through. Good morning dearie.

9. I Care for You

Now I know that distance is not a barrier to a joyous relationship especially if it is an interrelationship with a mature man like you.

I long for the time we will finally be together where I will not leave your sight and the radiance of being with you will continue and I continually be happy. I want this visit to transform to an everlasting one. A visit which will not be short lived. A visit where I will come to stay by you always.

10. This Visit

The few hours I spent with you is like a century. It all looks radiant. I looked into your eyes and when you smile, all I felt was happiness. My night was full of an imagination of you as if I never left your sight.

11. Be My King

The nice feeling I have whenever I remember your love for me is better than wealth. There is this serenity about you that I am sure that there will be many ladies dying to have you to themselves. The sound of your voice would make any lady love you. The sound of your voice will keep any lady mesmerised.

I can not help but love you. I would not mind eloping with you if we were in the days when lovers elope to marry. Be the king of my kingdom, the emperor to my empire. Be my prince and take me away with you.

12. Heaven in You

It is generally believed that heaven can be found above the sky but I now know that it can also be found in the heart of a loving man like you.

You have a most extraordinary gift. A gift that attracts people to you and the gift is the loving heart that is placed by God at the centre of your chest. You are a rare treasure to me and to the world as a whole.

13. My Lover

Tell me my love, why do many ladies love you? I have been wondering about the reason they keep flocking around you until you came close to me. I don’t know why you have chosen me among many other ladies. I’m happy being your girlfriend.

Tell me my love, why have you chosen me out of the numerous ladies who wants you? Tell me my love, how best do I keep our love hot? So that I can keep it burning day and night, weeks to weeks, from January to December.

14. My Strong Man

All through the night, I have seen you in my dreams, smiling down at me with such courage that I could have sworn that I had seen you beside my bed for real last night, though, you are far away.

You are as sweet as spring rain water mixed with honey. You are as courageous as a lion in its territory of the jungle. With just a hint of roses, you would have made a knight in shining armour in any renaissance novel. I love you, my courageous king.

15. My Charming Man

Most charming man, you excites ladies with your six packs. You create interest in women with your voice that is deeper than the ocean’s depth. The way you hold your head high to the highest heaven sends current to my heart. Keep being the strong man I know you to be. Keep being bold and fearless, my brave one.

How handsome you are, my love. I love standing under your shadow as your frame eclipse me and form a shade over me. There is this sense of confidence about you that gives me a sense of security. Take me with you whenever you go and I will run after you because I know you will protect me and I will be happy with you.

16. The Depth of Love

I can argue that the ocean is not the deepest thing in life and I can argue that the sky is not the highest thing in life once the argument is just to establish the fact that I love you. Smiles.

I love you and will love you forever. The sky is just the highest thing that people has seen. The sea is just the deepest thing that people has seen but I have seen the love that is deeper than the ocean’s depth.

17. Forgive Me, Please

O my man, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I admit to my wrong. However, I’m still in love with you. I appear that you find a place in your heart to forgive me.

You may starve me of food. You may starve me with clothes but do not starve me with your love. Please forgive me and let our love bloom once again.

18. Passionate Love

I have drunk more than enough of the water of your river of love, yet, I thirst for your daily. I am weak with passion. All I hear in your voice as you speak to me is how lovely it sounds.
Come then, my love; my darling, come to me. This is the time to be close by so that your fragrance may envelop me. Come to wrap me up like a gift with your love.
Come then, my love; my darling, come to me. I am yours as much as you are mine. Wrap me up as a gift to you alone.

19. My Heart Beats for You

Night after night, I dream of the one I love when sleeping soundly on my soft bed. While I’m asleep, my heart is alertly awake. It keeps itself busy with beating every second for your love.
Every other part of my body rests after each day’s work but my heart that is filled with your love is usually afraid of missing your love so it stays awake to fuel my love for you.

20. No Place for Distraction

A heart that will love unconditionally will not listen to the distractions of other calling men. I have set my heart to love you and you alone. I am not listening to the distractions of other men.
Our love adds phases after phases with the passage of time. I can’t repay all your cents of love that you have spent on me. I can’t repay your care for me. I can assure you that there is no place for distraction.

21. I Belong to You

I belong to you, my lover, I belong to you. You should just shut your heart against the love of other ladies but my love. I want to have you all alone to myself and no one else. Please do not wrap your arms around any other lady but me.

I belong to you, my lover, yes, I belong to you alone. For in your arms, I find contentment and happiness. I want you to belong to me alone.

22. My Dear King

You are handsome, my dear king, in a way that beams rays of light and joy. Impulse rush from the sensual part of my brain whenever I hear your voice. Words fail me to express the depth of my inner feelings to you and most times I would just keep talking just for the sake of making conversation which bottles up the love I have for you in me. Now that I have agreed to your proposal, I know I just have to let open the bottle cap on the bottle of my feelings so that it will not explode and burst out. I love my dear king.

23. I Won’t Stop Loving You

I want you to know that I don’t think I could have stopped loving you if the sky up there had been ripped away. If I don’t let you know that I love you, I am afraid that it might be like battery acid in my stomach. I love you! I love you! I love you!

My eyes darts from red to pink to all kinds of bright colours whenever I think of my love for you. I want you to know how much I am in love with you. I love you! I love you! I love you!

24. I Love You

I love you, my man, I love you. If I had known that loving you was going to be this much fun, I would have started loving you from my mother’s womb.

At the risk of sounding clichéd, I love you. Now I question myself of what in the green world of God did I think I was doing when I did not accept your proposal immediately and has kept myself from the bliss I am experiencing with you now.

25. The Intensity of my Love

A satisfied smile is usually on your face whenever you look at me but you only know zero about the intensity of my love for you and I wish I have the appropriate words in my vocabulary to impress on your heart the extent at which my heart yearns for you.

A broad smile usually spread across my face whenever I think of your love for me. I am contented with you and your love.

26. The Man in my Dreams

The dreams in my sleep are full of several episodes of plays. The characters in the dramas are only you and I. The dialogues of the characters are full of love words. The love words are the words we had shared during the lovely moments we have shared together.
It is, therefore, apparent that you are the man in my dreams and the dreams in my sleep is a replay of our lovely memories.

27. Missing You

Should I let you know that I would not share even your shadow with another lady? Should I let you know that I want to have your heart to myself and myself alone?
You reside in my heart and reside in my soul. You dwell in my mind and even in my eyes. My eyeballs see your handsome face in every man. I see you here and there. I miss your absence dearie.

28. Promises of Love

May all the promises of love we have made to each other never break. The promises that speak of you and me. May the words play out to reality.
The promises we made without uttering a word, the promises we made in silence, the promises of love that we made through our eyes shall never break.

Our eyes speak volumes that our mouth could not articulate. Our love has magically transfer the function of speech to the eyes. May these promises come to fulfilment.

29. You are all that Matters

Where the sunrises and where it sets in the world doesn’t matter to me. Whether the earth rotates or chooses to be stagnant, whether it revolves around the sun or chooses to be immobile does not matter to me. What matters is that I have a place in your heart, oh my love.

The morning can keep arriving each day at dawn so that the day the day that the distance between us will be eliminated can come soon. I love you, my strong man.

30. Real Love

The soothing feeling of lying in your shoulder the last time you were here still lingers on I have found a place close to heaven when your strong arms carried me in to the mid-air.

Love blindfolds me and I refused to open my eyes, in case it were a dream. I didn’t want to sweet dream to end. But our love has last long enough to shout it out loud that it is not a dream but real love.

31. My Royal Man

You are my royal man with magical arms. I feel good being around you. I know you love me indeed. I’m happy that my heart reciprocates your love.

Let me walk freely as a royalty in your chamber. Let me walk majestically around your palace. I miss you, my royal man. I miss you very much, dearie, and can’t wait to see you again. I have been trying to see you but my time is usually choked up with many things that I barely have time for myself but I have decided to make sure we see the next time you suggest.

32. You Emits Love

Do you know that you have the natural ability to support me? Yes, you do. You have the natural ability to keep me happy. You have the natural ability to sustain my interest in you.

Everything you are doing right now is just all I know I will always need in life. You are really pleasing to me.

I’m rising early this morning to send you this message before your time is occupied with many things.

Know that I always love you. As you work, dine, drink or walk, remember my undying love for you.

33. My Hero

I miss You.
I respect You.
I’m proud of You everywhere.
I’m proud of You anywhere.
I’m proud of You every time.
I’m proud of You anytime.
My hero, I respect you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Good morning.

34. I Miss You

A satisfied smile usually brighten my face whenever I remember our first meeting.You know zero of how I appreciate our relationship.

I won’t leave you, will I? Never. Please forgive me for taking so long a time to see you. I miss you so much and I do hope that you understand the reason for having not honoured your invitations recently. I may not have been able to visit you but you have always been on my mind.

35. Genuine Love
Do you know that if you were younger in age and you are every other thing you are, I will still respect you because you are VERY mature.

Whenever I think of you, my heart usually miss a beat because it is usually touched by your love which I know is genuine.
I would not give it a second thought before sacrificing things which are important to me for you if the need arises. I love you.

36. I Love You

I cherish you…our relationship is like the journey of life itself. Every glitch & hitch only makes us stronger and more resilient.
I want our relationship to last forever so, I’m sending to you a million ” love you ”. As your heart beats, keeping hearing the sound of my voice telling you coolly ”I love you ”. Hears the Etty whisper of confession close to your ear ” I love you ”.
May our relationship last forever in LOVE. I love you.

37. Morning of Love

The dawn is silent,
The dawn is calm,
The dawn is beautiful,
The dawn is cool,
The dawn makes me think of the serenity of our love. And the dawn is complete because it reminds me of you. It is the morning of love.

38. Dear Love

The very first time we met, I never thought that I could  love you as I love you now. My soul long for you. I’m just falling in love with you again and again.

Your love freaks me, my heart wishes to be with you always.
All my heart and mind, all my body and my soul long for is you. They are dedicated to your love and there is no looking back.
I really wanna love you more. Not a single day without you.
I’m just falling in love with you again

I can’t get you out of my mind
I will never leave you alone
You’re the song that I sing
You’re my everything
Irresistible you are….

39. My Special One

I can’t let the early hours of the morning go without wishing you good and wonderful day,My love.
You are caring, loving, understanding. Sometimes when you apologize even when I’m the one at fault, my love for you deepens. You are cool.
I want you to know that you are my special one. I want you to know that I care about you. I love and I cherish you.

40. My Love for You

I have this warm affection for you. I know within me that I like you greatly. I’m not surprised that the romantic relationship between both of us has been getting deeper and deeper.
My love for you will keep growing day by day. It will keep getting stronger and stronger by and by. My warm likeness for you gets renewed every day.

I will always have you in my heart all the days of my life and nothing and I mean nothing will be able to take you out of my heart. I love you.

41 My Adorable

I adore you, dearie. You are my adorable.

Thank you for loving me. Thank you for caring about my welfare. Thank you for choosing me among the numerous ladies around you.

I appreciate your thoughts about our future together and your manly decision to take responsibility by choosing that we get married soon. I adore you.

42. Your Visit

The emotional feelings I have for you doubled with your last visit. You opened the door to my heart wide and my love for you flows around freely. You are enough. You are more than a thousand men.

Now I know what is called love. I now know the feeling of knowing that someone out there thinks and care about me. I feel loved and I adore you.

43. My Hope

You restore hope again into my life. I feel covered when I exposed my nakedness before you
I can move around you without hypocrisy. You are a friend closer than any other person in my life.
I can’t give up on my dreams because you can’t accept anything less
Our future together is success
How can I open my mouth, in what special way can I express my love for you that will make you know how much I love you?
I can go an extra mile just for your sake…

44. I Will Love You Forever

If you have got my attention through money, charm or sweet talk. It will be over one day but from a pure heart, I have decided to be with you.
Thank you for going extra miles just to ensure I am well taken care of.

45. Beautiful Afternoon, My LIFE

You are a typical example of the breath of life
Thank God I waited and persevere or else how can I know you are this lovely to be with?
You have a pure heart. Your voice gives me strength and courage.
You just can’t imagine how your love, even in spite the distance, have affected me positively.

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