
Iodine is an Antiseptic liquors obtained after extracting sodium from the ash obtained by burning seaweed.

Properties of Iodine

1) It is a black shinny solid.

2) It sub lines when heated rapidly, forming a violet vapour from which the black solid can again be obtained by cooling.

3) It is soluble in water but readily soluble in potassium Iodine solution.

4) It also dissolves in ethanol forming brown solution.

5) it dissolves in carbon forming violet solution.

6) Iodine does not bleach.

7) iodine is a fairly active element.

8) Iodine is a mild oxidizing agent.

9) Antiseptic in nature

Uses of Iodine

1) Treatment of small cuts

2) it is used as iodine and iodides in medicine to treat cases of goiter

3) Essential to the human body and all other forms of vertebrate life. In the control of body metabolism.

Testing of Iodine in table salt

There are two main ways of testing a table salt for iodine

1) First Method:

a. Measure out a tablespoon full of salt

b. Put it in glass cup

c. Add at least 5mls of distilled water (can water)

d. Mix the salt and the water to form a normal saline

e. Dip a little litmus paper in the solution

f. If there is iodine in the table salt it will turn the color of the litmus into blue or violet color.

If the iodine paper still maintain it normal color it indicates that the table salt  does not contain iodine.

NIB don’t use.

(2) Second Method: ,

a. Simply collect a little quantity of salt

b. Place it in a dise,

e. Drop some quantity of ethanol or any regent.

d. if the table salt is Iodized it will produce a blue or violet color

e. If no changes occur, then it’s not Iodized

NIB don’t use

Concept of Salts/Types Qualities of Salts And it’s Uses

In everyday language,  of Salts: In everyday language, salt is simply referred to as the common table salt or sodiumchloride used in preparing our diets. But in scientific language, salts means more than sodium chloride. Infact sodium is just one of the numerous salts. It is the only other product formed, beside water.

Types of salts

There arc two major types of salt for human consumptions, while the others are for factory and industrial uses.

I ) Unrefined Salts (such as the sea salt).

2) Refined Salts (popularly known as table salts)

Uses of salts

Unrefined salts (sea salts) — is used to only improve the taste of our diets and can easily lead into health problems.

Refined salts (known as iodized table salts) is used:

Widely used as cooking application

To stimulate the metabolism cells of the body.

To enhance increase in the uptake of oxygen and

To greatly increase out put of heat and energy in our body.

Used for preserving foods.

Other salts are:

Ammonium chloride- used in washing powders and as electrolyte in dry cells.

Calcium trioxocarbonate (iv) —used as medicine to neutralize acidity in the stomach such as Andrew Liver salt.

Calcium chloride— used as antifreeze.

Fusal calcium chloride— used as a dry agent.

Calcium tetraoxosulphate (vi)- used for making plaster of Paris.

Copper tetraoxosulphate (vi) —used in dyeing and calico printing.

Magnesium tetraoxosulphate (vi)- used as laxative e.g. Epson salt.

Potassium trioxonitratc —used for making gunpowder and matches fertilizers.

Zinc chloride —used in petroleum refinery.

Quantities of good Table salts

•:• Whitish in colour.

‘ Good taste.

•:• Refined Graduated in appearance.

•: Enriched with Iodine.

•:• Crystal  in nature.

•:• Turning red litmus blue.

Importance of Good salts

•:• Adds flavor to diets.

•:• Protects human Body from infection.

•• Control the skin from excessive excretions.

• Provides clear eye sights.

•:• Maintain the body metabolism.

•:• Helps to build strong hones formation

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