Get Well Soon Messages and Quotes for My Wife

No matter how long one desires to have that happy and no worries home with one’s spouse, sometimes, life happens to us and everything stands still. Yes, we apply the brakes though we are not learning how to drive a fast car, we pause because we are forced to. In a situation when one’s spouse is ill, how do we sustain our joy even in sickness?. It’s by keeping hope, alive that the sickness is for a short while.

When a loved one like a darling wife is sick, you have to be there for her and I know that is why you desire to look for the best get well soon messages for your wife. Being alone in sickness can make the sickness worse.

Sending your wife a love message in a time of sickness could be a medicine or a healing pill. You need not worry about how to wish your lover well in times of sickness because I have written enough get well soon messages and quotes for my wife that you can send to your wife. Unlike regular therapy, there is no overdose in love potions. Your get well soon messages to your wife are potent love potions. Maximize them.

Scrolling down these get well soon messages and quotes for my wife and make use of them. Don’t leave them isolated, send as many as possible to your wife.

Related: Get Well Soon Letters to My Wife

Hello, my lovely wife. You deserve good health. That you’ll get well is not a subject of debate because your sound recovery from illnesses is guaranteed, but I want it soon.

1. Your smile, I cherish. Your jokes gladden my heart and your love for me flows like a stream of water. When this sickness came, I was robbed of them all. Please get well soon, my lovely wife.

2. You may be sick, but you cannot be down. Your body may ache but your heart and nature will remain intact. As I wait patiently for your recovery, I will remain by your side. Get well soon, my dear.

3. The days appear boring without you. Sickness is nature’s way to tell us we are human but I know you are capable of showing them you are an angel. Get well very soon, my dear wife.

4. When you complained about the pain in your body, I didn’t know that it will get to a level you won’t be as active as you used to be. I’m equally pained as you are because you are my other half. Get well soon, my dearest.

5. I love the way we flow together. Illness has come to slow us down, but we shall together pick up after and never be caught up with again. Get well soon, my love.

6. The best I can give to you in times of sickness is the assurance that even though it seems you are down, I know you’ll bounce back again. I wish you a quick breakthrough. Get well soon, my dear wife.

7. The pills may not taste good, in fact, no pill tastes good but that aid our bodies to become the better versions of ourselves by working optimally. Get well, my dearest.

8. Were the whole world a medicine store, I would purchase all for you, but I know that the strength to get well soo lies deep inside of you. Let it out. Get well soon, my wife.

9. Everyone and everything at home misses your cheerfulness. We are ganged up to fight this sickness with you. Get well soon, my dear lover.

10. Every night, I pray and wish that you rise from the bed and walk back on your feet to function optimally. Get well, my love.

11. I can’t wait to see you bounce back on your feet. We have missed you enough. Please get well soon for me, my lovely wife.

12. Your sickness has affected the entire system of my life. I have charged the breeze blowing to blow unto you the healing that you deserve. Get well soon, my dear wife.

13. When the Queen of the kingdom is sick, everyone is touched with a form of pain or the other. It takes your healing to take our pains away. Get well soon, my dearest wife.

14. You are more than enough. You are strong. You are exceptional. You are too hot to handle for any sicknesses. Shake it off and get well soon, my love.

15. What I miss in these few days of your sickness is like an eternity to me, I can’t wait anymore. I’m injecting you with doses of love. Take this love pill and get well. Speedy recovery, my wife.

16. I had always cherished you but the absence of what we do and share together has given me another reason to know how irreplaceable you are to me. Get well soon, my dear wife.

17. Cute messages for wives are not only during Valentine but also when they are sick. I’m sending this cute message to the cutest person on earth. No sickness can rob you of your smile. Get well soon, my lovely wife.

18. You have always admitted that my hugs are special but today I’m adding a bit of chemotherapy to it, so when I embrace you today, I’m injecting you with doses of healing pills. Get well soon, my dear wife.

19. Sickness is an intruder and worst of all, a jealous cheat. I won’t give this sickness space to have a full day with you. Get well, my lovely wife. Your hubby awaits you.

20. Stop hugging the pains, stop caressing the infection. Just say it and I’ll be available for you to do anyhow you want, only don’t fall ill again. Get well soon, my wife.

To the cutest wife in the world whose smiles radiates romantic effect every time, you are all I care about and my message to you is that you should get better in your health very soon.

21. Your lips are warmer now than before, but even if I enjoy it so much now, I need you to shake off your sickness and return to your original state. Get well soon, my love.

22. You’re not in the very best of your health and it has affected every part of me including my mood. I wish you a quick recovery I expect you to get well soon, my wife

23. The love I share with you is beyond human comprehension and I know that you are sad because you know I’m also sad that you are down in health. Get up from the bed and shake it off. Get well, dear.

24. You are my moving treasure. My heart lies with you, but remember when you are feeling very well, that makes the two of us. Get well, my love.

25. I woke this morning to realize that my eyes aches, then I realized that you have caught the flu. My eyes ache because you are the apple of my eyes. Get well soon, my sugar.

26. Loving the face that is sick very difficult. When a smile is transmitted, love becomes radiant. Get well soon and let’s roll once again.

27. I’m sending you this message as a reminder that your lover is waiting for you to bounce back as you usually do. You are stronger than what you are passing through in your health. Get well soon, my dear.

28. Your eyes speak of love and romance, but your body is refusing you. How long will you succumb to the weakness of your body? I know your heart is strong, so dear, let the strength of your heart radiate around your body. Get well soon, my love.

29. I can; live one day without you. A day seems like an eternity since you have fallen sick. Get well soon, my love

30. You have missed out on the radiance of the sun for a few days now. Even the sun misses you, how much more of myself. Please get well soon, we all miss you.

31. The hospital is not a place for lovers. You deserve to be in a place for lovers, so get well soon and let me spoil you with all the fun.

32. It is not your desire to see tears dropping from my eyes, but with this sickness coming over you, I can’t put myself on the hold. Please get well soon, my wife.

33. Your sickness is just a sign that you are strong. So, show your strength; yes, that one that comes from within. Get well soon, my love.

34. To everyone, there are many options, but to me, you are the only option. You are all I desire. Get well soon and get back to me soon.

35. Sicknesses robs off of our peace, but together we can get rid of them. I am with you in this fight against this sickness. Get well soon, dear.

36. You are beautiful. Please keep looking at that side. You make any people smile and happy, please be strong for them. Get well soon, my honey.

37. Though you may be naughty with me, I love it. Yes, I love your naughtiness over your sickness. Get well soon, my dear wife.

38. Your divine healing is guaranteed and your divine health will be reactivated. Get well soon, my wife.

39. When we walk together along the street, I see life in another dimension. But with your absence, it’s been awkward. Please get well soon, my love.

40. Your heart beats in melody and the rhythm of your body shows there is a great inner strength from you. Please get well soon. I know you will beat this sickness.

There are many inspirational quotes for a dear wife when sickness intrudes, but to get well is the least I can share of many best wishes a lovely wife like you deserves.

41. Smile, they say is the medicine for the soul, but a kiss is a magic pill for a wife in times of ill-health. Get well soon, my dear wife.

42. When the heart is well, the body follows suit. I send my loads of hugs in this message for you today and as you read in your heart, may it strengthen you. Get well soon, my love.

43. Laughing is a great thing to do but it becomes a burden when your health is not perfect. Get well soon, my love and let the good laughs continue.

44. With a smiling sun, the day shines brighter and brighter. With a healthy wife, the home gets sweeter and sweeter. Get well soon, dearest.

45. Sickness alter the flow of peace in a living soul, but a loving heart conquers it all because love is the greatest of all. Get well soon, my beautiful wife.

46. You will always be stronger than the forces of sickness. Please stay strong for this sickness is just but for a short time. You’ll overcome it. Get well soon, love.

47. Your daily confession of love to me keeps me going. No thanks to this ailment, I’ve missed that from you. I’m going to join you in the fight against it. Get well soon, my wife.

48. I am wishing you a quick recovery because I can bear your pains while in this sickness. I am with you till you come out as champion and even beyond. Get well soon, my dear.

49. You are all I have thinking about. I want to caress you till I can’t breathe anymore. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my sweetheart.

50. You have been away for some few days but I have felt it like a year. I can’t imagine what you are passing through because I am also feeling hurt here. Please get well soon, my lovely wife.

51. I admire your fighting spirit but I’m here joining faith with you in these hard times of sickness. Get well soon, my lovely wife.

52. Your warmth makes me go elated. The sickness has deprived me of that joy. I desire for you to be healthy. Please get well, my love.

53. You are too precious to be tormented by sickness. You don’t deserve to be down with any sickness. Get well soon, my sweetheart.

54. My sunshine, my radiance, my star and illuminating brightness. You are supposed to be up on your feet and not down on the bed, so get well soon because you are special, dear wife.

55. I can barely do anything with joy in your absence especially when you are not feeling too well. Please get well soon, my honey.

56. Through thick and thin, the cords of love remains intact. No matter what and how sickness may do or infiltrate from, our unbroken bond of love will stand strong. Get well soon, my dear woman.

57. When mummy is sick, everything else must wait and hold their peace. We await your safe return, get well soon, my love.

58. I will stand by you till you come out strong from this bout of sickness. I long to see you smile again and be as active as ever. Get well soon, my dear.

59. You are the woman I dreamt of. You are the reality I see daily. You’re my helpmeet. Please come back home and get well from the sickbed. Wishing you a speedy recovery, dear.

60. What more can I say, you have been the reason for my joys and sickness cannot deny us the love we share. Please stay strong as you recuperate. Get well soon, my lovely wife.

To see a loved one become ill is a sad thing, I’ve been there before. Yet, we owe her the love in our hearts and the messages we can share to help her get well. Your wife will recover soon.

61. I love you very much. I can spend the whole day holding you in my arms. Don’t let that smelly sickness get hold of you. Get well soon, my dear.

62. The best way to cheer you up is to tell you what a great woman you are and what mighty strength lies within you. Dust off your sickness. Get well soon, dearie.

63. I’ve seen you grow happier and happier. Now, I want to see you grow healthier and healthier. Get well soon, my love.

64. You know I can’t live without you. You are my breath when I inhale. You are the needed energy to exhale. Get well soon, my love.

65. There is a big void in my heart no one else can occupy. It is the reserved space meant only for you. Sickness has taken you away for some days and the void is telling on me. Get well fast, my love.

66. The will to fight off diseases is the beginning of your victory over illness. The love I am sending is the best pill to make you recover. Get well soon, my wifey.

67. The world misses you for who you are. Please don’t remain the person this sickness want you to be. Fight it off and come home soonest. Get well soon, my love.

68. I’d always told you that rest is needed for every human, though, I know you are an angel. The type of rest I needed was not the one forced by a sickness. Please get well soon, my love.

69. You know how special someone is when the absence of that person commands great effect in the lives of many around. You’ve been missed. Please, get well soon, my love.

70. My love, how long shall I wait till you are back home? I can only imagine your pains now. Please stay strong. You are stronger than germs. Fight them off and get well soon.

71. Hi dear, I just got to know that you’ve been released from the pangs of that illness, therefore, it’s your turn to pick up your bad and depart from it. Get well soonest, honey.

72. Your love to me cannot be shared by any other person or thing. Sickness may try to steal you for a brief time, but you will always be mine. Please get well soon.

73. Beautiful people aren’t supposed to get sick, but sickness doesn’t respect anyone. So, my dear, don’t also respect sickness. Shake it off you. Get well soon.

74. In love, sickness may threaten but it will never overcome. You are a unique breed. Get well soon, my love.

75. You make everyone around you smile. To see you in pains hurts me and everyone else and we join you even as you battle these germs. Get well soon, my love.

Dear Father, your desire for us is to prosper and be in good health. I pray for my lovely wife that you give her a speedy recovery and help her to get well. We hope to be bouncing again sooner than later.

76. Lord, I pray for my wife who is sick that you grant her your healing and make her come back to the fullness of her being once again. Get well soon, my dear.

77. Dear Lord, as my wife will be reading this in her heart, let every strange sickness vanish. Every unwanted guest in her bloodstream is nullified and shower upon her your heavenly pills. Get well soon, my love.

78. Lord, one thing I’ve come to ask this morning: that my wife will get well not just soon but today. You gave her to me to love and cherish, let your healing come upon her.

79. Dear Lord, healing is the bread of your children. Fill my wife the bread of healing and let her be made whole and get well soon.

80. My Father, I rebuke everything called sickness from the crown of my wife’s head to the sole of her feet. Let your power rest upon her and help her to get well soon.

81. O Lord, you promised to remove every form of sickness from our territory, therefore this ailment that has come upon my wife is receiving its notice to quit NOW! Get out and let my wife get well. Amen.

82. Dear Father, you are Lord over all things visible and invisible. I ask that you remove every form of flu from my wife and as I proclaim her free from all illness, so shall it be. Get well soon.

83. Almighty God, I beseech you to grant unto my wife a sound healing and through your mighty power of healing, let every sickness be rendered useless. Get well soon, my love.

84. He as promised never to leave or forsake us. Lord, may your presence abide with me wife as she fights this sickness. Grant that she gets well very soon and all glory will be yours alone. Amen.

85. Almighty Father, I thank you for your love to us and your abiding presence. I ask that you visit my wife in the hospital and let the doctor and nurses know that you are a divine healer. By your outstretched arm, my wife is well.

86. Sickness is not your portion. You are a daughter of the most high and the mark of the Lord Jesus is upon you. Get well soon, dear.

87. As long as heaven and earth abide, your body shall never become a resting place for ailments. Rise up to your feet because you are healed. Please, get well soon.

88. The Lord will overshadow you with his love and his banner will be your crest. May you be replenished in strength and may sickness vanish from your body as you get well fast.

89. O Lord, thank you for all you are to us and thank you for all your wonderful works. I plead that you heal my wife that she may get well soon from the sickness and be totally restored.

90. Dear father, we know that you are the great Physician. Deploy the heavenly team to my wife to work out your cure and healing in her body that she may get well very soon. Amen.

I have a message for you today, my love: that you will get over that sickness with the speed faster than those of fast foods. Your recovery should be as quick as possible. Get well.

91. My love, I know you are strong and what you are capable of doing. Please fight this sickness with your inner strength. Please recover quickly.

92. Hugs are medicinal. Today I’m loading a truck full so that it will expedite your healing process. I wish you a very quick recovery from this bout of sickness.

93. I pray that you recover quickly from this illness as you did the last time. It’s possible for I know the strength therein in you.

94. Just as it came suddenly, chase it away suddenly and let it leave suddenly. We are in this fight together. Wishing you a quick recovery.

95. A quick recovery is your right and inheritance. Tap into it and get well fast.

96. You are more useful here than on the sickbed, so we are sending you loads of quick recovery wishes. Please, get well soon and come back home.

97. You are not just a mother, you are a wife, a sister, a helper and a lover. We all miss you and wish you a very quick recovery.

98. I desire that we do not just live but we live happily. Sickness was never in the plan. Please recover quickly and come back home.

99. The children and I pray for you daily as we long to see you home soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

100. I hope that you will rise with the sun tomorrow and come back home as it sets because today is the last day you have on that sickbed. A very fast recovery is coming upon you.

There you have it. You can never overdo it when you wish your loved ones get well soon from their sickness. It’s second to none, not even the cutest birthday messages. So, go ahead with the get well soon messages and quotes for my wife here and help your wife recover fast.

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