Get Well Soon Prayers and Wishes for Quick Recovery

Sometimes our loved ones get afflicted with illnesses because our bodies can fail and refuse to function well. At this time, the sick person needs all the care, love and attention he or she can get.

One way of doing this is to offer prayers and speak God’s words of healing on their behalf. It is a well-known fact that prayers have the power to heal, especially when we back it up with God’s word, it is a very effective and powerful medicine against sickness.

Prayers help both the suffering and the person praying. When a sick knows that he or she is been prayed for, they are filled with hope and their burden is lifted because they know family and friends are sharing it with them and they begin to heal from within. The person praying feels happy he or she can offer some form of comfort and support for their quick recovery.

Knowing how powerful prayers can be then, this post is loaded with get well soon prayers and wishes for quick recovery to send to someone close to you, to find comfort and the strength to recover fully.

I am sending you this message to let you know I have been praying for your quick recovery. I miss you so much and I pray that the good Lord who is the greatest healer will lay His mighty hands on you and give you victory over this sickness. You shall bounce back to good health soon, amen.

1. He has borne our sickness and carried our pain. He was wounded and bruised for our transgressions and by His stripes, we are made whole. I pray that you receive this healing Jesus has obtained for you and be made whole. Quick recovery, my dear.

2. My prayers for you right now are that you will sense God’s nearness to you and receive His healing touch upon your life. May He grant you good health and satisfy you with long life. Wish you a quick recovery.

3. I am praying for your quick recovery every moment; may you feel the power of God as you heal. May He keep you in His care and grant you rest and peace as you get better, in Jesus name. Amen.

4. God never fails His children because He is always in control, don’t let your sickness put you down. I am praying for your quick recovery and I know God has heard. By the stripes of Jesus receive your healing. Amen

5. I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health, may these words come to pass in your life now in Jesus mighty name. Recover quickly and enjoy the experience of being healthy again.

6. May you have rest and peace in your heart. May the angels of the Lord visit your sickbed with good health and raise you from every sickness. You are in my thoughts, please recover quickly.

7. As the sun rises this morning, may it bring you healing, restore your energy and bring you quick recovery. Get well soon and come back to us, we miss you.

8. I asked God to surround your bed with angels through the night to fan you with the breeze of complete healing, I am sure you are getting better. Don’t worry dear, we are in this together. You will soon get well and come back to us.

9. My love, may you have a good night sleep and rest well as God perfect His healing on your body. You will be completely healed and made whole again sooner than you think.

10. May hope remain in your heart as you find new strength to make a new start. I pray that divine healing will be your portion now and affliction will not arise a second time. Wish you a quick recovery, my dear.

11. Dear Lord, I pray for a quick recovery for my loved one. Renew her strength as she lay sick in bed, may Your unfailing love and care surround her as she recuperates, in Jesus name. Amen.

12. I pray that as the wind blows today, it will cart away every aorta of disease in your body. May it blow the freshness of a new day on you and bring you a quick recovery. Get well soon my darling.

13. I pray for you today that you experience God’s abundant recovery, your body is a temple of God and sickness is not permitted to stay in there. Sickness is not your portion, you will be fine in no time. Amen.

14. Although the challenges of life are inevitable, God promised us peace, joy and victory. May you be victorious over this heal ness and stand to testify of the healing power in the name of Jesus, amen. Looking forward to your quick recovery.

15. You are always in my thoughts and praying that you feel the healing power in God’s word, that by the water and blood that gush out from Christ side you receive your healing and be made whole.
May He give you rest and peace as you recover.

16. At this time of your illness, may God’s unfailing love be your strength. May He bestow His blessings on you so you recover quickly.
I send you this message so you know I am thinking of you and wish you get better soon.

17. God’s word said we should prosper and be in good health as our souls prosper and because your soul is prospering, may your body receive healing and dwell in good health, only the will of God will prosper concerning you, in Jesus name.

18. God said we should ask and believe He has heard and because I have prayed that as your Stronghold, He should make your healing possible and also grant you a quick recovery. Eager to see you strong again my love.

19. I am praying for your quick recovery every day, my heart feels empty without you around. The Lord will surely cure you and deliver you from this suffering. Get well soon and come back to us.

20. May God almighty who is the doctor above all doctors grant you a speedy recovery and surround you with His love and care as you heal quickly and regain your full confidence and strength.

I make these prayers from the depth of my heart asking God to cast out every spirit of affliction from your life. I rebuke every devourer trying to steal your health. May the Lord take away this illness, speed up your healing and restore your health, in Jesus name. Expecting you to get well soon, my love.

21. May the good Lord wrap His loving arms around you, give you peace and comfort and strengthen your weak body. Give you the power to get up from that sickbed and bounce back to normal life. I believe you will get well soon, my dear.

22. God’s thoughts towards us are always for good, He will certainly heal you of this sickness. Every new day will bring you strength and health until you get completely healed. See you on your feet again soon, my dear.

23. Sickness has no place in your body because it is the temple of God, I command every sickness in your body to disappear in Jesus name. Rest well and get well soon, my love.

24. I pray the Lord will be beside you, hold you close, comfort you and give you hope. May He bring healing to your body, fill you with love and hope and restore you back to good health. Get well soon, my friend.

25. I know you are scared right now as a result of this ailment but remember God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind. Trust Him and He will restore your health. Get well very soon.

26. My prayers for you is that the Lord will hasten your recovery and bring you out from that hospital as strong as you can be. Get well soon dear.

27. You don’t deserve to be on that sickbed. I pray that God’s mighty hand of healing rest on you to restore you to perfect health of body and mind. My dear, please get well soon, I miss you.

28. That sickness cannot keep you down any longer, I declare by the blood and water that gush out from the side of Jesus be healed. See you soon well, strong and healthy.

29. Righteous Lord, lay your healing hands on my love, free him from the bondage of sickness. Rub your healing balm on him to straighten every bone in his body, amen. Get well soon my love.

30. Get well soon my darling, may the Lord keep you continually in His love and care and perfect what needs to be perfected for your divine healing, in Jesus name. Amen.

31. May God guide and protect you on that sickbed, may He send His healing angles to minister health to your body. Get well soon dearie, I know you will come out better and stronger.

32. May the almighty who makes the impossible possible bless you with smooth and quick recovery from this illness. Feel well soon my dear.

33. I pray that the angels of God will be with you always on that sick bed providing strength and comfort for your fast recovery. Get well soon.

34. I know I wouldn’t wait much longer to see you all healthy, confident and full of life because the Lord will perfect His healing on you soon. Get well soon, dear.

35. As I pray for your health, I believe God has started healing you because He said if I pray He will hear me. God is in control my dear you will soon get well.

36. May each dawn of the day bring healing to your body, restore your energy and give you strength for a new start. I pray you will soon get well and bounce back to life.

37. Merciful God, I offer prayers for my friend who is battling with ill health, change her circumstance, bless her with wholeness and wellness in abundance so she can resume her life of normalcy, in Jesus name. Get well soon sweetie.

38. I pray you find the strength to fight this sickness by holding on to God’s word that never fails. May your body receive God’s words of healing and begin to function properly, amen. Get well soon beloved.

39. Heavenly father, I pray for my friend that Your thoughts towards him that are of goodwill come to pass in his life as You restore him back to good health. Get well soon my friend.

40. I pray for you today that the good Lord will give you the power to believe His report and not that of the doctors. Because you are a child of God receive your healing and get well soon in Jesus name, amen.

Since you fell ill, my prayers every day is for you to get well soon and experience the joy of being healthy again. For that is the will of God for you and only His will is permitted to come through in your life. The evil one will not have a say in your life in Jesus mighty name, amen.

41. I heard you are feeling unwell and I have been praying for you to get well soon. Hope to see you soon on your feet hail and healthy.

42. I have been thinking of you a lot lately and praying for you to get well soon, really miss you. Please recover speedily.

43. Sending you these flowers with hugs and kisses to tell you I pray for you every day to get well. Come back to us soon, we miss you.

44. I don’t know why you are taking so long to get well, maybe I am not praying enough. I miss you badly, please get well soon and come back home.

45. This sickness can not keep you down any longer because I have been praying for your recovery since I heard you are down. Hope to see you on your feet very soon.

46. I pray that the angels of good health will visit your sickbed and lift you up from every sickness, may they uphold you until you fully recover. Get well soon my dear.

47. You are always in my thoughts and prayers wishing you to get well soon. Please bounce back soon and come back to work.

48. Don’t worry dear you will get through this, we are all praying for you to get well soon. You will bounce back to health very soon.

49. I send you this message to let you know you are always in my thoughts and I am praying for you, hope you get well soon. Wishing you a quick return to health.

50. We can’t wait to have you back in our midst, arise from that sickbed, get strong and bounce back to life. We hope you get well soon, we really miss you.

I feel your absence so much I am missing you greatly. You have always had a great influence on my life when you were hale and healthy. Now you are ill, my prayers are with you. Please get well soon.

51. I wish you recover sooner than you think so you can bounce back to life and be your old self again. Get well soon dear, my prayers are with you.

52. My prayers are always with you because I care so much about you, I wish you get well soon so you can swing back to life and wear your charming smile again.

53. My prayers is that each day brings you renewed strength and take you closer to total recovery. Get well soon dearie.

54. As I bow in prayers every morning and night, my greatest prayer request is for God to heal you speedily. Get well soon dear, my prayers are with you.

55. I have decided to stand by your sickbed and offer prayers for you until you get on your feet again. Please get well soon so I wouldn’t stand for long.

56. The most important thing when you are sick is to keep hope alive. My prayers are with you, get well soon dear.

57. I will not stop praying for you until I see you all healthy, confident and full of life as you have always been. Get well soon sweetie.

58. I am praying for your quick recovery every day. Get well soon sweetheart and come back with confidence and strength.

59. I know you will get well very soon, my prayers, support and love are with you.

60. With the prayers I offer every day from the depth of my heart, you will surely get healed from this sickness. Get well soon my love.

Everywhere is so boring without you around, I can only cope by thinking about you all the time. I pray you get well soon, bring back the sunshine into my life and fill it with love, fun, and laughter like before.

61. It hurts to see you on that sickbed, I just want you to get well for me. I pray the Lord will lay His healing hands on you and restore your health.

62. Not being with you all day has taken my joy and happiness. I am so sad seeing you down with sickness, I pray you get well really soon and bring back joy into my life.

63. My love, you are always in my thoughts and so I am sending you all my love and care and praying that God bless you with a quick recovery. Get well soon.

64. My prayers, thoughts and warm wishes are with you. I pray you get well and get out of that hospital bed as soon as possible. I miss you, dear.

65. I am so used to seeing you alive and healthy, it hurts to see you looking so sick on that bed. My prayers are for you to get well and come back stronger and better.

66. I wish I am a doctor or a nurse so I can get to be with you at all times, I quest I will just make do with you in my thoughts always. Please get well and come back home.

67. I don’t know the perfect words to say to you right now but I am always praying for you even in my thoughts. Get well quick my love.

68. May the prayers and blessings I am sending with fond thoughts of you, make you strong and healthy quickly. Get well, my friend.

69. You are lively and fun to be with, everywhere is now gloomy without you around. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, get well and come back to us.

70. I am sending thoughtful prayers your way that you will soon get well and bounce back from this illness. Recover quickly, my friend.

Heavenly Father, I bring myself under Your mighty wings of love. You are my Lord, my saviour, my healer and my friend. I ask for restoration of my health through the crucifixion and death of Christ on the cross. I pray I get well soon so my life can return to normalcy. Thank you, Lord, for hearing me.

71. Righteous Lord, I commit my spirit, soul and body in Your hands. I pray that you grant me your divine healing so I can experience the joy of being healthy again, in Jesus name. Amen.

72. I don’t care how long it is taking for this sickness to go away but I am holding on to God’s word that tells me He wants me to prosper and be in good health. I shall prosper and my body will get well soon, amen.

73. This sickness cannot keep me down any longer, I pray I will get well soon and arise and shine to the glory of God.

74. I pray this sickness grip on me be broken as soon as possible because God is with me. I will get well soon and smile and rejoice again to glorify the name of the Lord, in Jesus name.

75. Dear lord, I pray for quick recovery and renewed strength. Please strengthen me as I lay sick on this bed and make me get well soon.

76. Almighty God, You are the stronghold of my life and with You all things are possible. I believe You have answered my prayers and it is only a matter of time before I get well and be strong again.

77. I pray God will bless me with smooth and swift recovery from this illness. May He make me get well soon and became fit and strong again, in Jesus name.

78. Today I pray for quick recovery, may the comforting and healing hands of God cover me, free me from the grip of this sickness and make me well soon.

79. Dear God, You said You will never leave nor forsaken me, I am in dear need of Your divine healing. Lay Your mighty hands on me and make me whole again, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

80. Ever compassionate God, I pray You take away this sickness and restore me back to good health. Let me get better with every break of dawn and bounce back on my feet soon, amen.

I was heartbroken when I heard you have been sick for quite a while now, someone like you does not deserve to be confined to a bed for so long. I pray that the almighty God will heal you soon and you will get well again. Don’t worry, my dear, my prayers are with you.

81. Dear friend, as you battle this sickness know that you are not alone. My prayers are always with you and I will support you in any way I can to see you get well. May the good Lord bless and heal you soon.

82. I pray that the almighty God who constantly watches over His children will boost your strength and grant you good health. May you get well soon and feel normal again.

83. Prayers is the most effective medicine against sickness and I have said a lot of it for you. You will get well soon just have faith in God and in His promise of healing.

84. You shall get well soon because my prayers are with you always. God bless you.

85. May God bless you today and keep you in His care, may you sense the nearness of His love to you as you recover from this illness. Get well soon, my dear.

86. May the good Lord watch over you, strengthen you and grant you a total recovery from this illness. Get well soon.

87. I pray that you feel the power of God healing you as you lie on that sickbed. May He give you rest and peace as you get better.

88. During this challenging time of illness, I pray that you find strength in the Lord and in His unfailing love. May His peace and comfort surround you, get well soon dear friend.

89. Dear Lord, I bring my friend before You, trusting that You will heal him. Let him get well faster than he imagines so he can know Your love and care for him and come to trust and have faith in You, in Jesus name.

90. I pray that the Lord will bless you with His loving care, ease your suffering and renew your strength. May your hope in Him to heal you and get well never be in vain.

Today my love, I pray for you to get well soon, I pray God will perfect the healing of your body and make you completely whole again. I am sending you all the comfort you need at this time and to assure you that this too shall pass. Rest well sweetheart, my prayers are with you.

91. Dear heavenly father, I commit the love of my life into Your care, let Your arms be a cover over him. Restore his body and heal him completely. Get well soon my heartthrob and come home, I miss you.

92. Dear Lord, I trust in Your mercy and love to heal my love. She is weak right now but I know You will make her strong soon because You are our God and our greatest healer, thank You for answered prayers. Amen.

93. I bring my beloved friend before You today oh Lord, praying that You grant her a full recovery from this sickness. Let there be a complete restoration of health. Comfort her as she waits to get well soon.

94. Lord of heaven, I bring my love into Your warm embrace, I pray that You heal him completely. Touch him with Your healing hands and make him whole again. Get well soon my love.

95. I declare God’s healing for you. I curse every disease in your body to perish, may God restore health to your body so you will be well again. Get well soon my love.

96. Healing belongs to God, and so I declare, may He heal your sickness and return you back to good health. May He bless you with long life in perfect health of body and mind. You will soon get well my love, the Lord will answer my prayers.

97. May the Lord heal you of this disease, may He renew your system to function better than what it used to be. I pray for a speedy recovery for you my love, please get well soon.

98. Lord I pray this morning, asking You to restore the health of my beloved. Improve the immune system to resist every disease and let the body be well again, in Jesus name. Get well soon my darling.

99. I command this sickness to lose its grip on you, you are the beloved of the Lord and so sickness and disease have no place in your life. You will get well soon and resume your normal activities, in Jesus name. Amen.

100. The good Lord that promise to answer us whenever we call on Him will answer me today and restore you to good health. He will curse every disease in your body to die and you will get well soon my love.

I am praying for you that you experience God’s abundant recovery soon. May He grant you the fortitude to be strong until you overcome this challenge. I believe you will scale through this rough time and come out victorious, just trust God and hold on to your faith in Him.

101. You don’t deserve to be on that bed, I am praying for you to recover soon. To see you back on your feet will give me great joy and the Lord will bring it to fulfilment soon.

102. I am praying for your quick recovery that you come out of that hospital bed soon with the strength of a horse to continue living your amazing life.

103. I am praying for your soon recovery, you have become a huge part of my life I can not do without. Please get well speedily.

104. I know you are feeling unwell in your body right now but as a man thinks in his heart so he is. Think life and not sickness, recovery and not pains, you will come out healthy and strong in no time.

105. May the good Lord cause every system, organs and tissue in your body to experience divine recovery. I pray you get well soon dear.

106. I pray that you recover soon, that you get up from that bed and live the amazing life God has created you for.

107. May the good Lord who bore our pain and sickness on His body heal you and grant that you recovery soon, in His name I pray. Amen.

108. Our God who sits in the heavens and watches over the affairs of men know the pains you are going through right now and I believe He has heard our prayers. He will grant you your healing and quick recovery, in Jesus name. Amen.

109. I pray the Lord will have mercy on you today and heal you of every sickness and diseases. May He grant you a speedy recovery and restore you back to wellness.

110. I am always praying for your quick recovery, life has not been the same without you around. Please get well soon and come back to work.

Today, my prayer for you is that the almighty God who we serve will watch over you. May He heal you with His amazing hands, may He cause every part of your body to begin to function properly. You shall not fall sick again and all your wishes in life will be accomplished because you will dwell in perpetual health.

111. May God heal you soon and bring you out of that sickbed. May He take away your pains and put the smile back on your face. I miss you, please recover quick.

112. Today the word of God concerning healing shall be fulfilled in your life. And in no time you shall get well and fully recover from this illness, in Jesus name.

113. May the God of all possibilities heal you of this disease, may He make you whole and well again right now in Jesus name. Amen.

114. May the God of compassion ease your pain, may He bring healing to your body and give you perfect health speedily.

115. May the prayers and the good wishes of all of us that love and care for you send cheerfulness into your heart and make you feel better. It is well with you dear, you will soon get well.

116. No single day passes without me praying for you, you might still be in pain right now but with faith in God and determination, you will soon be well and whole again. Stay blessed my dear.

117. Cheer up and put a smile on your face because I will be here by your side praying for you and keeping you company till your health is fully recovered.

118. The good Lord who started a good work by giving you a successful operation will perfect His work in your life and give you a total recovery in Jesus name. Amen.

119. I was saddened when I learnt of your ill health, I offer my prayers as a sacrifice for you to receive your health and remain healthy, in the name of Jesus.

120. I am sending you the warmest prayer with love and care in my heart, I pray each day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery.

I hope these get well soon prayers and wishes for quick recovery provided you with the best prayer to send to your loved one who is sick and wish them to get well soon.
I also hope you get some relief sending them.

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