4.1                     PRESENTATION OF RESULTS
In the presentation and analysis of data for this research work about one hundred and fifty (150 questionnaires are filled and return.
The education qualification of the respondents form national certificate of education (NCE). Bachelor in education, which represent officers of grade level 07 and above i.e principals and teachers.

However, the emphasis on the analysis will be placed on hose questions, which have direct bearing, or revenues on the formulated hypothesis or objective of this study. The sample of the questionnaire used is made available in the appendix.

Research question 1, 

Does political instability affect the educational polities in Izzi Local government area.
Table 1 (1tem 1-3) the first basic research question seek to find out whether political instability affect the educational policies of Nigeria with particular reference to Izzi local government  are.
Essential teaching and materials in your school appear to be inadequate
Inadequate funds militate against the implementation of the policy on secondary education in Izzi local government area
Inadequate accommodation facilities in schools effect the policy on secondary education
The table above represents the mean responses, of principals and teachers on the effect of political instability on the implementation of the Nigeria policy on secondary education with particular reference to Izzi Local government area. The data shows that lack of adequate essential teaching and learning materials impede successful implementation of policy on secondary education. The respondent, also agree that inadequate funds and lack of accommodation facilities in secondary schools poses threats to the implementation  of the policy. From the responses, in the table 1 above, the basic research question which seeks to know if political instability affect the implementation of Izzi local government area policy on secondary education have been answered.
Does political instability affect the teachers’ productivity in local government area?
The research question seeks to find out, if political instability affect the teacher’s  productivity in Izzi local government area.
Incessant changes of government affect training of teachers
Teachers do not receive their salaries and allowances as and when due
Condition of services of teachers does not receive desired attention from government
From the table 2 above the mean responses, from data show that, the principles and teachers agreed the change in government affect training programme of teachers. The table also reveal the teacher do not receive the adequate attention they deserved from the government.
            The response also reveals that the three items measured hinder educational progress as well as teacher’s  productivity. Therefore we can conclude that the table answer the question that political instability affect production of teachers in Izzi local government area.
            Is indiscipline among students examination malpractice linked to political instability? The third research question seeks to discover if indiscipline among student are as a result of political instability.
There are constant student unrest in schools as a result of frequent changes in power
There are prevalent indiscipline among student  schools are closed
Form most parts of the academic session as a result of student unrest
In table 3 above, the data shows the reactions of respondent to the various items, which attempt to answer the research, question three. The table reveals that the respondents agreed that constant student unrest are occasioned by frequent changes of power. Also there is prevalent indiscipline among students. Schools are closed for most pare of the academic session as evidence in the table above.
            The result of table prevailed that the above items, jugging from the high range of agreement answer the research question which stated the indiscipline among student are as a result of political instability.
Does political instability cause teachers industrial action and in academic calendar?
Incessant change of government affect educational policies
Successive government does not consider teacher’s welfare equally
Some political programme  make impossible demand of teachers
The data in table four above, show that the mean responses agreed that incessant change of government affect the educational policy. Successive government also not consider teachers welfare equally while majority agreed that some political programmes make teachers demand impossible.
The result therefore shows that political instability cause teachers industrial actions and disruption of academic calendar.
Does political instability cause the production of poor quality student?
The research question 5 sought to find out the extent in which political instability contributed to production of poor quality of students.
Succession of government often affects the quality of education
Every government does not give equal attention to educational development
Political disruption makes it impossible for student to remain in school
            In table five above, the mean response for the respondents agree that succession of government affect quality of education. Every government does not give equal attention to education development and political instability make it impossible for student to remain in schools. The above therefore answered the researcher question.


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