100 Best Good Morning Text Messages for My Best Friend

There’s power in words! I believe you know this already.

Imagine your friend(s) waking up to soul-lifting and inspiring messages from you.
Even someone who woke up on the wrong side of the bed would not be able to resist the urge to smile when the power of your words hits them.

Wanna put a smile on your friend’s face today?
A good morning text filled with inspiration and prayers would be perfect for a long day ahead and would go a long way.

Read, make your choice and make a friend glad!

And, Yeah! Remember to share.

Help your best friend to overcome limitation with just text messages from you to him or her, as he or she is stepping out to face this brand new day.

1. Hey sleepyhead! How was your night? Did you fall off the bed? I’m sure you did. It’s a new day filled with new things. I wish you a great day ahead. Good morning, dear.

2. May the odds be in your favour, today. May goodness fall on your paths. Do have a fulfilling day, friend. Good morning!

3. Hey! Still sleeping? I’m sure the beep of this message is what will wake you up. Now get up and prepare for the day. It’s gonna be long but fulfilling. Good morning!

4. I’ll remind myself to give you a call later in the day, just to hear your voice again.
Do have a pleasant day. Good morning!

5. The dew is nowhere to be found. The evidence of its presence, early this morning is almost gone with it. It’s a new day girlfriend. You won’t disappear like the dew but will remain relevant, today and always. A Blessed day ahead. Good morning!

6. It’s a new day. We have the grace to live for another 24 hours. Today, don’t just exist! Live life and enjoy every second. Good morning, pumpkin!

7. Don’t just go through today like every other day. It’s another chance at life. Do something great with it. I pray for a blissful day, cupcake. Good morning!

8. Never envisage a bad day. Each day comes with its goodies. You just find and grasp yours. Good morning, baby.

9. Today, everywhere you go, you’ll take over. It’s well with you, today and beyond. Good morning, Bestie.

10. Daily, we’ve come to appreciate a new chance to live, to see another day. Today is another. I’m sure you will make a fruitful use of it. Good morning dear!

11. Every day, when I count my blessings, I’m always grateful that I have you in my life. It’s a new day, baby. Go and take over. I believe you had a nice night! Good morning!

12. Holla! How are you? How was your night? Still in bed? I doubt. Such an early riser you are! I wish you a prosperous day, sweetness. It’s well with you. Good morning!

13. I’m not happy with you! You didn’t do what I asked you to do. I asked you to spread some sugar under your pillows for sweet dreams. Did you? Smiles. I’m sure you slept well. It’s a new day, sugar. Good morning.

14. Hello! Good morning. Hope you had a sound sleep. I deemed it fit to hear from you this morning. As you go, bustling through the day, may favour be your watchword. Good morning!

15. As you go about your daily activities, I pray that the Lord’s hands will be on you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. You are blessed. Good morning! Good Morning Friend Have a Great Day

16. Good morning, dearest friend. You’re going out and coming in is blessed today and forever. Good morning!

17. For you, every day will be better than the former. You are blessed today as always.
How was your night? Do enjoy your day.
Good morning!

18. Ever thought of giving yourself a treat? You can try that, today. Take yourself out and get some rest. It’ll do more good than harm. Good morning, dear.

19. May you never know a better yesterday. Each day would always prove to be fruitful than the former. Blessed are you, all days of your life. I’m positive that you had a blissful night. Good morning, sunshine!

20. I know you wouldn’t be awake.
Wake up already, won’t you?
As you go about the new day, may men rise in your favour.
Good morning, sweetheart.

21. The sun rises! But my friend, still asleep!
C’mon! Off the bed.
I don’t have to ask if you slept well. I trust that you did! May joy and all good things locate you today. Do have a good morning, dearest!

22. It’s dawn! A new day, new moments and new opportunities. I hope you’ll make a good use of today. It’ll be a determinant for a better tomorrow. Good morning, dear!

23. Hey, sugar plum! It’s been a while. I trust that you’ve been taking care of yourself. How was your night?
You had a peaceful sleep, isn’t it?
Do have a good day ahead.
Good morning!

24. Good morning dear. Today, the sun shall not smite you by day nor the moon by night. As you perform your day-to-day chores, the Lord will be with you. Have a great day!

25. Hello baby! Awake already? Good!
How was your night?
Today, the Lord will provide for you according to His riches in glory.
Good morning.

26. Clothes ironed? Shoes cleaned? Bag arranged? Good!
Now drag yourself off the bed. Now!
Off to the bathroom and get washed.
A pleasant say ahead, dear.
Remember that I love you!
Good morning.

27. What? You miss me only because I served as your alarm? Incredible! I’ll be sure to wake you up every day with a text. I start today!
Get up, sleepyhead! And, Good morning!

28. I wake up each day, thinking it would be great if we lived so close and we get to spend each day together. But it’s all good. I hope you feel the same.
How was your night?
Good morning, darling.

29. Wake up each day, positive. Never imagine a day going bad. Good morning dear. I trust you had a peaceful sleep.

30. Live each day like you won’t see another. Work hard and earn your keeps. Remember to put God first and let Him handle your affairs. Good morning, darling friend.

31. It’s been a while, I know and I’m sorry I’ve not been in touch. How have you been?
How was this last night?
May the Lord meet with all of your needs, today and always. Good morning, dear!

32. I’ll get you that Teddy you pointed at the other day, so you wouldn’t miss me much. Smiles!
How was your night!
I wish you a day better than yesterday.
Good morning, sweetie.

33. Hey honey! Still in bed?
It’s a new morning! It’s dawn and you’re still down in bed?
Get up, now!
We should probably meet up for lunch, later in the day.
Let me know what you think.
Do have a great day, today.
Good morning, girlfriend.

34. Hi buddy! How about a drink later in the day? Or a visit to the gym?
Or do you have any other suggestions?
Keep me posted.
By the way, I wish you a favourable day ahead. Good morning, man!

35. Today, you shall have no cause to mourn. Joy and peace are your portions in Jesus name.
Did you sleep well? Thank God.
Good morning!

36. Today, you’ll walk in victory and in the strength of the Lord’s might.
Good morning dear!
Have a stress-free day!

37. Today, everything would work for your good and in your favour.
I hope you miss me, as much as I’ve missed you!
Good morning, cupcake.
I pray for a great day, as always.

38. Peace and favour undeniable will be your lot, today.
May all your endeavours yield bountiful results.
I wish you a fulfilling and fun-filled day.
Good morning, my dear friend!

39. How are you, dear?
How was your night?
I hope you now sleep well without pills.
Ensure you do something productive, today.
Good morning!

40. Hi dear! I hope this meets you well.
How have you been and how was this last night?
It’s been a while we heard from each other, you know.
I believe everything is good at your end.
Glory to God!
Do have a pleasant day.
Good morning, dear!

41. I hope you enjoy love all through the day. I hope you meet with favour, today!
Good morning, darl.

42. You will get a covetable victory on all sides as you step out, today.
Good morning dear. Hope you slept well.

43. Good morning, sunshine. Splendid night, huh?
The sun is out already. I know you know. So get off your bed. I wish you a day as splendid as your night. Good morning, again.

44. How I love the smell of dew! I love the fact that a new day comes. I see it as a kind of opportunity to do what we were unable to perfect the previous day. So it’s a new day, man. Good morning!

45. This day will come with lots of pleasant surprises. Trust you had a nice night. Good morning.

46. Today, I pray that incomprehensible favour from God and man locates you. How was your night? Good morning, my darling.

47. It pleases God to wake up you and me to see another day. I’m sure you know your alarm didn’t wake you up. I believe your night was peaceful over there. Good morning, Love.

48. I’m sure you know I sincerely miss you. There’s no one to playfully disturb here. You enjoyed your sleep last night, I’m sure. Good morning, darling friend.

49. I know you had a great night, but I believe it would have been greater if we were together, right? Good morning dear. Do have a great day ahead.

50. A new day, new opportunities, new chances, renewed mercy, renewed Grace and love. Good morning dear!

Here is lovely good morning SMS or quotes for my best friend is all you need to inspire your friend into a blessed day.

51. Today, I pray the Lord opens your eyes to opportunities and help you make utmost use of them. Good morning dear.

52. How was yesterday? How was your night? Do you miss me? I’m only a call away dear. Good morning.

53. I wish we can get to see every day so we can tackle each day together. How have you been? I’ve been fine, over here. A pleasant day today is what I wish you. Good morning dear.

54. Every day comes with its package. Believe always that the best of it is what will be yours. Good morning, sugar.

55. I believe you will make a fulfilling use of today since we have come to be grateful for the fact that a new day is a new day of opportunities. Good morning, dear.

56. Today, during your daily explorations, I pray that God’s hands will not leave you. Remain blessed dear and Good morning.

57. How are you, pumpkin? I pray that your journey today to and fro is blessed and fruitful. You’re taking over, today. Good morning.

58. Everywhere you go today, there shall be a lifting up. You shall have cause to testify of a blissful day. Good morning.
59. Always, your today will be better than your yesterday. You will have no cause to be sorrowful, today. I wish you a fulfilling day ahead, cupcake.

60. I hope you wouldn’t always stress yourself out about work and that you’ll continually take time out to rest, like today. Good morning, dear.

61. Today, everything will turn around for your good and in your favour. Good morning messages, sweetie. Do have a stress-free day.

62. From our different ends, I believe that daily, we get to tackle different opportunities, thereby reducing the world’s problems, isn’t it? I pray for a less-tasking day ahead, honey. Good morning!

63. May all that you lay your hands on, today bring results in folds. You shall have no cause to regret to be among the living, today. Good morning, darling friend.

64. I pray that all good things that you’ve always desired come looking for you today. Men and nations will risk for your favour. Good morning, honey.

65. Do your utmost to make sure that today doesn’t go as it has come. Make something come out of the day. Good morning, sweetness.

66. This new day, the Lord will accord you victory and you shall walk in the light of His words. Good morning, sweetheart.

67. You have been given to triumph over your enemies in all ramifications. Go out today with this divine knowledge. Good morning, my very good friend.

68. Today, as you step out, may God himself be your provision and protection. You are safe under his wings.

69. When you get back home today, you shall be full of it testimonies. I hope you have a very happy day ahead. Good morning, dear.

70. Today, in all your dealings, you shall be more than a conqueror. God’s will for you, today will come to fulfilment. Good morning, dear.

71. Waking up to a brand new dawn, greater opportunities and a better shot at life. Good morning dear.

72. Make sure you perfect all your responsibilities for today. That’s one of the ways to make a day fulfilling. Good morning.

73. How I’d love to always be beside you, each day. That I wake up to see your beautiful face daily. Good morning, darling. I Hope you miss me too.

74. Each day I wake up, I’m reminded of the fact that I don’t have you close enough. Close for me to be the first person you see. I miss you.
I believe you enjoyed your sleep. Good morning, love.

75. Your bed is so lucky. It gets to be with you all night and wakes up to your smile and beholds your lovely face, first. I wish, always, that I’m half this lucky.
But I know you enjoyed your sleep and that your bed treated you well. Good morning, sweetheart.

76. Your day will be so productive that you will wish every day will be like today. But then, each next day will be better than today. Good morning, princess.

77. May your paths today be filled with flowers, not thorns. May you not stumble, today.
Trust you had a great night.
Good morning dear.

78. May everything today be in your favour, including the weather. Good morning dear. Have a lovely day.

79. Today, go out and make known your potentials.
Pour and give out to the world and I’m sure you’ll have a fulfilling day. Good morning, sweetie.

80. This blissful morning, may you walk in the light of God’s word. Everything today will be beautiful for you. Good morning to you.

81. You’re awesome in and out. I pray that blessings follow you throughout today. Good morning, beautiful.

82. Where will you be going today? To Work? To outings? To Catch fun? Wherever it is, may the Lord watch over you. Good morning, lovely princess.

83. Don’t stop believing that a new day will be better than the last one. Great things are coming your way, today. Good morning, honey.

84. Don’t be surprised when pleasant things happen today. You deserve all the good things life has to offer. I hope you had an awesome night. Good morning, sugar.

85. I hope you had an amazing night full of pleasant dreams and that this new day will be more amazing. Good morning, lovelie. Good Morning Inspirational Quotes and Sayings

86. Believe as always that you are unique. Nobody is like you. Nobody is you. And you alone can determine how amazing your day is when you have a positive mindset.
Good morning!

87. Your beauty will shine, even bright than this new day. I wish you all the great things in this one day and a memorable day ahead. Good morning, love.

88. This new day, may you be so happy and full of joy and pray for days like today, or days even better. Good morning!

89. Today, you are alive, awake, a day older and stronger than yesterday. I wish you all the pleasurable things present in this new day. Good morning, dear.

90. I believe today won’t pass by without you making something fruitful out of it. May God bless your endeavours. Good morning, girlfriend.

91. May the rain of mercy and Showers of blessings fall on you even as you go about your daily activities. Good morning, sweets.

92. I’m sure your morning will be as pleasant and beautiful as you are. May the lines fall unto you in pleasant places too. Do have a great morning ahead.

93. Good morning, baby. How are you today? Great night? Sweet dreams? Dreams of me? Smiles. I wish you a uniquely wonderful day ahead.

94. May you have the strength to tirelessly go through all that the day has in store for you. May the day be fulfilling as well. Good morning, cupcake.

95. I hope the day brings more goodness than expected and consequently put a smile on your face. Good morning, darling.

96. Top of the morning to you, my sweetheart. At the end of today’s business, may you be filled with laughter. Do have a pleasurable experience in your dealings, today. Good morning.

97. Today, may you experience good things like never before and may an outflow of joy be your lot. Good morning, lovely friend.

98. Many things I want to say to you. Many questions I want to ask. Questions like: “How was your night?” “How’s your day gonna be like?” But first, I’ll say, Good morning.

99. I’m so happy you’re in my life and daily I pray that God bless you as you’ve been a blessing to me. How was your night, dear friend? Do have a great morning and a fulfilling day.

100. I love and miss you and daily I wish we are together, waking up in each other’s arms to behold each other’s faces.
How was your night, baby? Don’t miss me too much.
Have a great day filled with thoughts of me.
Good morning, love.

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