Good Morning Prayer Messages for My Wife

When you decide to change your ‘good morning’ greeting into a prayer, you have set the right tune for your beloved. Make the day right from the morning by praying for your wife. The power of prayers cannot be over emphasized.

In the prayers below, we checked into the day-to-day activity of wives and carefully with best words prayed these prayers for them.
Say the Amen while you send them across. They are the most set of powerful good morning prayer messages for my wife.

Awesome good morning blessings and prayers you can send to your wife as she is about to start new day. Wish your wife all the best this morning with the following powerful good morning messages and blessings for a beautiful wife.

1. As long as there is one to who can stop the day from breaking and the night from falling, no one shall be able to stop you in all you do. Every morning that smile upon you shall be one that will launch you into your perfect realm of prosperity, blessing and abundance. You will be blessed every morning and you shall find success where others see problem. Go out today and shine. Good morning to my wife.

2. May the glory of your dawning be evident for all to see. May your light keep shining in the midst of the thickest darkness because the boundary is falling for you in pleasant places. As the apple of the Lord’s eye, you will be forever adored every day of your life. Ride upon the storms of life with confidence; you are under His wings. Good morning to my wife.

3. When you need one person, a thousand will answer to you. You will never be stranded or confused in life. Every morning will take you into the land of possibility that you are destined to be. Be not afraid, you are more than conqueror for the one in you is greater than the one in the world. Good morning to my beautiful wife.

4. The air you breathe in today is blessed. The road you walk on is blessed. The beauty of the Lord is upon you. Every stumbling block on your path today become a stepping stone. Be strong and inspired because you are the Lord’s jewel. Good morning to my wife.

5. As long as no one can break the covenant of the night and day so shall no man be able to break you off your path to success. I see men, women, old and young queueing to seek your approval for you are the head and not the tail. No matter how long it takes, your breakthrough will come visiting you like a special visitor. Good morning dear wife.

6. Each day has its own packages; may the divine hand of provision locate you today. The blessing of today will never elude you. Under the protection of the Lord I commit you today; the evil one shall no longer see you. You have become a hidden treasurer to the enemy as from today. Go and prosper in today because that’s your lot.

7. Whatever has been created in the entire universe; be it the sun, stars, moon, trees, waters, sand, fire, animal, man stone and all that I cannot name here work together for your good. I see the lights of heaven shining upon you and everything you do. The canopy of the Lord is upon you. Good morning wife.

8. From the rising of the sun to its setting; from the break of the day to its fall. From the shores of the ocean to its depths; from the deep roots of the trees to its utmost height. From the base of every mountain and hills to its pinnacle on high. From the deepest of my heart to the expression on my lips, I wish you a pleasant morning. Good morning to my wife.

9. All blessings of the day; all the goodness in the day. All the favour in every minute; with each passing second. All the greatness of today; all the miracles and good news that gladdens the heart. Every pleasant surprise embedded in the gift called the present day in all its fullness shall find you, pursue you, encompass you and live with you. Good morning to you my wife.

10. Whatever is beautiful, whatever is lovely, whatever is pleasant, whatever is admirable, whatever is glorious, whatever is great, whatever is of good intentions, whatever you desire, whatever you want, whatever is meant for you, whatever makes the heart merry and everything you so need to make life comfortable, as you go out today, receive them in abundance. God morning my wife.

11. Mercy has allocated itself to your house and to your path. Congratulation on such a good company. Good morning my wife.

12. As you go out sowing today, you shall come back home with bountiful harvest. May you reap blessings and divine provision in thousand folds. May your life and home overflow with blessings and God’s provision. Good morning.

13. You are blessed among all women, go out and excel. Good morning dear wife.

14. May the countenance of the Lord shine upon you as you rise and face the work of the day. Happy new morning my dear wife.

15. I looked around me and all I can see is open doors. Your door of victory is permanently opened. Good morning to you my dear wife.

16. Whatever door you knock shall be opened for you. You shall not be stranded in the race and journey of life. Good morning to my wife.

17. Be it right, be it left, be it forward and be it backward; everywhere you turn to shall be for your glory. Good morning wife.

18. You will never lack help at any point in life. Heaven and earth will combine to help you always, good morning my beautiful wife.

19. Your joy shall be full and complete; it shall not be cut short because you are precious in the Lord’s hand. Good morning my wife.

20. The envelope and banner over you shall be the joy and love of the Lord. Good morning my wife.

21. Your name shall be exalted in the sight, ears and presence of men. Go out and succeed and, good morning to you my wife.

22. Every morning, I see every reason for giving me such an angel like you. May the Lord preserve your life every day as you grow. Good morning my dear wife.

23. As declared by the Lord, surely goodness, mercy and divine favour shall follow you today and always. Good morning my dear wife.

24. This is my prayer for you today; that the favour of the Lord envelope you. His face to shine upon you. Doors are opening for you everywhere. Good morning my wife.

25. Unprecedented doors of favour are right before you. Supernatural help will arise for your sake everywhere you go. Good morning my dear wife.

26. Heaven will smile on you. Your today will be better than your yesterday. You will continually shine brighter and brighter. Good morning my wife.

27. To my jewel, my wife and soulmate: God’s favour will elevate you from zilch to glory. Celebrations will not be far from you. Good morning.

28. May your path shine brighter and brighter to the level that the darkness will have no other option but to bow at your dawning. Good morning to you my wife.

29. When you cry, heaven will respond. Shame shall never overtake you and you will know no disappointment. Good morning to my wife.

30. Every of your little effort will produce great increase because the hand of the Lord will be heavily felt in your life. Good morning my wife.

31. May the Lord enlarge your coast. May He be favourably disposed to you. His mighty and will keep you from every form of evil. Good morning my wife.

32. Before you can even call, God will answer you, while you are yet speaking, he has replied you. Never doubt that he hears your prayers and will answer them. May you have a fulfilled, blessed day. Good morning my wife!

32. Your help will never delay. Your blessings will find you. The blessings of God are your portion. Good morning to my wife.

33. The blessings of the Lord makes rich without adding sorrow; this is your heritage. Good morning to you, my wife.

34. The wealth of nations belong to you, may you enjoy the blessings of good health, peace and prosperity. Good morning my dear wife.

35. Abraham’s blessing are yours for you shall be blessed in the morning, noon and evening. Arise and shine today, good morning to you, my wife.

36. Your blessings shall be more than you can quantify; overflowing prosperity belong to you in all areas of your life. It is well with you. Good morning wife.

37. I declare you unstoppable, unlimited, unmovable and unshakeable by the forces of life. You are a tree by the streams of water. Good morning my wife.

38. You are far above every limitation of life because you operate under the divine covers of the Almighty. Good morning my dear wife.

39. You blessings shall be I geometric proportions; you will reap a bountiful harvest. No cankerworms in your harvest. Do have a beautiful day. Good morning to my wife.

40. You shall never be called barren for fruitfulness is your portion. Do have a great day. Good morning my wife.

41. The works of your hands will be blessed by the Lord. In all that you do, you will be the head and not the tail. You will never be disappointed. Good morning to you, my wife.

42. May the work of your hands be always beautiful and blessed. May the Lord open doors of blessings for you and favour you in all your ways. Good morning my wife.

43. From the north, east, west and south, the blessing of the Lord will locate you. You will be loaded with blessings from all corners. Good morning.

44. May the Lord bless and keep you today and always. You shall drip with fatness and your life shall overflow with blessings unto others. Good morning.

45. As you call on God today, his face will shine upon you and He will answer you speedily. He will bless you with all your heart desires and help you overcome all of your enemies. Good morning.

46. May you receive the favour of God for outstanding blessings today and always. Good morning.

47. As you go out today, you will not lack God’s provision. The Lord Himself will arise and provide all your needs according to His riches in glory. He will arise and help you and support you from all sides. Good morning.

48. You will not lack anything good today. Everything you need to make your life comfortable will be supplied to you. You will not suffer, you will not lack. It shall be well with you.

49. The Lord will open His hands and satisfy the desires of your heart. You will not hunger nor suffer for bread. Rather, you will be thoroughly satisfied and provided for. Good morning.

50. Because you put your trust in the name of the Lord, you will not lack and suffer any good thing. Your path shall drip with fatness and you shall glow in satisfaction. Good morning, dear.

51. May the Lord provide all of your needs according to His riches in glory. May doors of ceaseless provision open for you. Your barn will never be empty. Good morning.

52. Before you call on the Lord today, He will answer you and fill you to the brim. Everything around you will enjoy His bountiful provision. Good morning to you my wife.

53. The day has broken and the journey has started, divine favour shall locate you always. Good morning to you my wife.

54. You will be like a river planted by the sides of the river yielding forth its harvest in due season. Because you put your trust in the Lord, your soul shall be thoroughly satisfied. Good morning my beautiful wife.

55. May men and women go out of their way to help you today. May doors of provision be opened unto you and your family. May all your needs be satisfied. Good morning.

56. The Lord will be a shield unto you and your everlasting salvation. He will protect you from every darts and arrow of the enemy. You will go out and come back home in safety. Good morning.

57. You and your family will dwell in security. The Lord will be a shield roundabout you and no weapon of the enemy fashioned against you shall prosper. It shall be well with you all the days of your life. Good morning.

58. As you abide under the shadow of the Almighty, may you dwell in safety. May He keep you and all yours in peace. Go and be blessed. Good morning.

59. With each step you take in this new day, you shall be like Mount Zion that cannot be shaken. You will withstand all the attacks of the enemy. Good morning dearest wife.

60. His banner over you will always be love. Relish and rejoice for you are blessed among women. Good morning to you my wife

61. As mountains surround Jerusalem so shall the glory of the Lord surround you. The Lord shall keep you in perfect peace and preserve your soul. Amen. Good morning to you my wife.

62. Because you put your trust in the Lord, may He satisfy you with long life and show you his salvation. Good morning my wife.

63. Fire goes before the Lord and consumes His enemies at all sides. No harm shall come near your dwelling place. Good morning to you, wife.

64. You will not die but live to declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living. Your mind will be at rest because the Lord Himself will keep you. Do have a beautiful day, good morning.

65. As you have chosen to trust in the name of the Lord, He will be your refuge and fortress. He will hide you under the shadow of His wings and nothing shall by any means harm you. So be of good cheer and have a pleasant day. Good morning my wife.

66. The name of the Lord is a strong tower keeping the righteous safe. May He keep you safe and joyful. Good morning.

67. May the peace of God that transcends all human understanding fill your life and home. Be still and know that He is the Lord. Good morning my wife.

68. No matter the raging of the storm, your life shall enjoy divine peace. Your mind will completely be at rest because the Lord Himself will be your security. Good morning.

69. May the Lord speak His peace into every storm and battle in your life. May you enjoy peace like a river. It shall be well with you in Jesus’ name.

70. You will not be ashamed, you will not be dismayed. The Lord will form an edge round about you and He shall be your peace. Good morning.

71. Whatever happens today, the Almighty is in control. You will not be afraid. The Lord will keep your mind in perfect peace. Good morning my wife.

72. As you go out today, the joy of the Lord shall be your strength and nothing will steal your joy in Jesus’ name. Good morning my wife.

73. May the joy of the Lord fill your life and your home. May joy like a fountain flow from within you. Good morning my wife.

74. The joy of the Lord shall fill your mouth will laughter. He will give you a new song as you go out today and your enemies will forever be confounded. Good morning my wife.

75. Your head will not lack oil, your mouth will not lack laughter, your heart will not lack joy. It shall be well with you in Jesus’ name. Good morning.

76. The work of your hands shall bring you joy today. Round-about you, you will find cause for laughter. You will not be a recipient of bad news and the enemy will not rob you of your joy. Good morning my wife.

77. Every plan of the enemy to steal your joy today shall end in failure. You will enjoy the peace of God and fullness of joy. God bless you always. Good morning.

78. May all of the works of your hands be blessed by him. May whatever you desire to do in your lie prosper and be done through in his name. May you go into today with all of his blessings and enjoy every minute of it. Good morning, my wife!

79. May the Lord be on your side as you fight every obstacle. May you hold your peace and may he defend you when you are unable to speak. May he bring justice you and guard you in every way today. Good morning to you and may you have a wonderful day!

80. Miracles shall find you as you start today. May all men compete to win your favor and prefer you above all. May God make sure that today is a memorable one for you. Good morning, my dear wife.

81. As you start all of the activities of today, may your work bring you unspeakable joy. May you walk in God’s strength and find courage through him. Good morning, my dear wife.

82. I pray for you today as your husband, that God gives you all that you need today as you work to live out your dreams. In Jesus’ name, may you have a day that brings you closer to him and to your dreams. Amen.

83. God never gives us a cross that we cannot bear. While the struggles of life may be difficult, we can accomplish anything through him. Whenever doubt besets you, may you find courage through God’s strength. Good morning, my dearest wife.

84. Because you are the child of the most high, you must rise above all of your trials and challenges today. Good morning, my dearest wife.

85. Blessings will locate you from every corner of the world even as the day is just breaking. Good morning my dear wife.

86. May you always trust in the Lord with all your heart and soul. May you grow in your understanding of him in Jesus’ name. Amen. Good morning, my dearest wife!

87. You are a chose generation, a royal priesthood. May today be a special day for you and may you live your life to the fullest, my wife. Good morning!

88. Burst into songs today for your light has come and get ready for a day that will overflow with blessings as you continue to walk in his way. Good morning, my dearest wife.

89 The riches of your glory will always be more abundant. May God always bless you or your good works and bring you all of the abundance that you so richly deserve. Good morning, my dearest my wife.

90. I’m so blessed to have you as mine and you as a part of my life and am so grateful that God created you. May God bless you today and for always. Good morning my wife.

91. My prayer is that all of your wishes and desires will be granted today. May your happiness never know any bounds. Good morning to my dearest my wife!

92. Leave it in God’s hand hands for He shall guide you in his wisdom and bring you a blessed day ahead. Good morning my wife!

93. Wise men traveled from the north, south, east and west to find Jesus and celebrate him. May people come to find you with pleasant gifts and want to learn of Jesus through your example. Have a wonderful day, my wife!

94. I pray that God sends helpers to guide you toward your destiny. May he strengthen you and bring you fulfillment in your life.

95. As God made the walls of Jericho fall, so shall he bring your enemies down before your eyes. May you trample evil and obstacles under your feet through his power. Good morning, my wife!

96. I pray that you always achieve your dreams and reach your deepest desires in life. May God transform any lack into abundance.

97. As you face pressure today, may God grant you wisdom and success through his Glory. Good morning, my dearest wife!

98. As the heavens are far from the earth, so shall you always be far from your enemies and from those who are not on your side. Good morning my wife.

99. You will always be the head and never the tail. Your place no other person shall occupy even as you go out today, good morning my dear wife.

100. The beauty of every flower is well preserved in good sunlight. May the rays of your beauty never dim. Good morning my wife.

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