i.          The protection of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the state is the sole aim of foreign policy. in a world system where might is right, the preservation of the states territorial dignity remain a matter of paramount importance.

ii.         The promotion of world peace and global under sting in the management of issues of international significance. It is only in an environment of peace and orderliness tat state sand other non-state actors can go about their legitimate businesses.

iii.       The pursuit of sound economic programmes aimed at enhancing the well being of citizens is a major goal of both domestic and foreign policies. a state with a weak economy cannot compete favourably with others and the poor living standard of the citizens would remain a weak link in the chain of development.

iv.        To create the enabling environment that would facilitate the promotion of international problems. these are common problems that could have universal impacts on the progress and general well being of mankind. Such problems include terrorisms drugs and narcotics, international prostitution and child trafficking, environmental pollution, wanton and unprovoked aggression, trans- border migration. Smuggling and piracy, human rights abuses and other deplorable acts capable of plunging the international enragement into chaos.

v.         To support and promote the success of international organizations in carrying out their various functions aimed at facilitating the greater well-being of the international system. The United Nations, for instance, has attempted to play te leviathan since 1945 although the success of the organization has been of very specific and limited nature.

vi.        Promotion of international peace through commitment to the goals of collective security and collective action against aggression. All nations are encouraged to team up and work together against a particular nation or group of nations which may constitute a threat to international peace and order.

vii.      The eradications of racism, racial discrimination. And xenophobia in all aspects of human relationship has become a subject of global concern. The UN is in the fore- front of this campaign. The objective here is to sensitize the conscience of all humanity against the evil impacts of racial discrimination in all aspects of human interaction.

viii.     Regional unity and co-operation is an angle which has solid relevance on the attitude of blocs of countries belonging  to particular regions. Regional unionization at political, economic, military and religious levels have become quite relevant international relations. Example of such regional bodies include the EU, Aseani, SADC, OAS, ECOWAS, NATO, IOC, etc.


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