Safe Travel Quotes for Loved Ones

Now that you are here? I need to say thank you for your interest in seeing that this special person has the best of this journey. Thank you once again.

So, some safe travel quotes for your loves ones? Copy and paste any of the ones below.

Best safe travel quotes and saying for loved ones. Safe travel quotes for loved ones and lover.

1. Don’t think about how long the journey will be,
Just think about why you have to go
This travelling shall be your best ever,
Just fell relax and enjoy it while it lasts.
Safe Travel Quotes for Loved Ones

2. I pray a journey that is full of peace,
A journey that has a joyful ending.
I wish you more than you wish for this journey,
And above it all, I wish you come back safe.

3. Feeling like I should be there with you,
But how sad to know it’s impossible.
I will miss you while you are away,
But I hope you will miss me too.

4. Every step of this journey you take,
And with every move you make in it,
I leave all in the hands of God,
Praying He will bring you back home safely.

5. You will go on this journey ever secured,
And you will be back as happy as ever.
This shall be one of your best.
So I pray in Jesus name. Safe journey.

6. Safe journey doesn’t mean the journey is short,
It doesn’t mean the way is so smooth,
And doesn’t even mean the driver is perfect.
It only mean, you are safe no matter what!
And that is what I wish for you on this journey.

7. Seven means perfection, but in number.
This might not be your seventh journey,
But it will be a perfect one for you.
You will go and come back safely. Amen.

8. The world may keep us apart with distance,
But we won’t be kept apart in our hearts.
No matter how far east or west you go,
You will be in our hearts as very near.
We all wish you safe travel.

9. In the next few hours, my mood will change.
Mood swing will have its tale on me once more!
It feels like much of defeat seeing you go,
But I sure know, I couldn’t have help it.
Above it all, I wish you the best on your travel.

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