2022 Best Travelling Mercies Messages

People go and come, travel up and down, some for the fun of it, to check on other people and others for business purposes. Going and coming, by road or air is not an easy task, people are conveyed by engines and this man-made objects can be unpredictable.

Sometimes, we might wonder if there’s a prayer or wishes suitable for setting off for a journey or adventure.

Well, there are. When you wish your loved ones going on a journey a safe trip, it shows you value their life and safety.

You can find in this post a compilation of few best travelling mercy messages not only for others but also for yourself.
You can choose to personalize it, on your WhatsApp, Facebook and/or Instagram stories.
All these are simple, straight from the heart and easy to remember

These safe travel messages and prayers are the best you need for yourself or anyone special on a journey. The best of travelling Mercies Messages and wishes.

1. Forth in your name I go today, Lord. In your name, I overcome any and every harm that may want to pop their it’s ugly head up. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost be by my side as I go. Amen.

2. You oh Lord will be my guide and protector on this journey. Watch over me Lord and take charge of everything. I pray for an accident free trip in Jesus name.

3. As I embark on this journey, please keep my body and soul safe from evil. Watch over me Lord, protect me from accidents. Let your grace be sufficient for me as I go today.

4. On this journey, let your presence be evident with me. Your love and your grace should work for me. Keep me far away from trouble and I pray for your mercies in Jesus name.

5. The angel of the Lord will build a hedge of protection around me as I go today. This journey will be fruitful and I will go and return in perfect health and with beautiful testimonies of your love and mercy.

6. Help me to go and return date and sound today, Lord. Keep my spirit, body and soul out of harm’s way. Guard, guide and preserve me, oh Lord.

7. Heavenly Father and loving God, as I go today, commission your angels to guide and be my companions from my setting out and returning.

8. God of protection, keeper of His people, let your arms keep me safe from dangers lurking ahead today. Keep me from all evils and guide me through this earthly journey in Jesus name. Amen.

9. As everyone sets out today to their various destinations, be mindful of us and keep us all safe Lord. Send your mercies to be with us on this journey and let all end in your praise alone. Amen.

10. May the going out and coming in of us all today be blessed and safe in Jesus name. May the mercies of the most High continue to be available.

11. As we go today by air, land and the sea, may we be kept safe from every hurts. The joy of the Lord will be our strength today.

12. As I go today oh Lord, bring me back to safety in your loving arms. All elements work to keep me safe.

13. I pray that as you go today, the will of God will be done for you. You’ll go and come in peace and the Lord will guide and guard your footsteps so that you’ll not falter or fall. God be with you as you go

14. As you go today, the Lord will keep and rescue you from any ambush of the evil ones. His mercy will speak for you and make you a strong tower at all times.

15. I pray journey mercies for you today. May the grace of the Lord be with you as you go, now and ever.

16. The road, the wind, the sun, the rain, the breeze and every element favour you as you go on that trip today. Journey mercies.

17. The Lord will hold you in his palm and grant unto you respite for your mind and soul. I wish you God’s mercies as you go today.

18. The angels of God and his saints will go before you on that road today. You will not regret embarking on that journey.

19. The Lord bless you today so much that your journey will be fruitful more than you can imagine. Have a wonderful journey.

20. Every step of the journey today will be blessed. You will go out and come in peace and blessings.

21. On your right and left as you go today, you will encounter God’s favours and mercies in more than several ways

22. Everywhere you set the soles of your feet on today, you will have good testimonies. Go with the confidence of the most High.

23. The God of the universe will be your shield as you go today. His presence will give you the boldness you need for the tasks ahead.

24. God on heaven and the creator of the universe will be with you today. He’ll order your steps and perfect this journey for you

25. As you this morning, go with the presence of God and the protection of the most High will be over you.

26. Don’t forget to enjoy every bit of this journey as God will keep you safe from harms in all your way. Have a smooth takeoff and arrival.

27. Mercy, Favour, Grace and Safety will go with you on this journey so that you will have no option than to thank God for his love when you arrive

28. The Lord will shield you with the canopy of his love. He’ll hold you close so that no evil will befall you as you go and come back. Everything will work together for your good

29. Everything will be divinely positioned for your benefit as you go today. Strength from the Most High will come upon you so that you will not be stressed. I wish you journey mercies.

30. Every predetermined evil plan will come to nought over you. But the glory of God will shine bright on you as you go on this journey today.

31. The power in the blood of Jesus will make the roads safe as you go today so that you will go and come in God’s peace and blessings.

32. Go out today with the confidence that the best is on its way as you go. May your steps be ordered and your plans effected in Jesus name.

33. Beyond what you wish for, beyond what you hope for, the Lord will rise for your sake and surprise you today. He’ll make you sing for joy as you step out o that journey.

34. Go out today with the full hope that the best will meet you as you go on your way today. Journey mercies and best of luck as you go today.

35. As you go today, I wish that the answers to all you seek will come out. Have a great journey ahead.

36. All I have to wish you is that you have an awesome journey ahead. May the angels of the Lord keep you as you go.

37. May the Lord prosper your ways as you go today and make you go out and come on safely.

38. I pray that the grace of the Lord which surpasses human comprehension will keep you to and fro that journey.

39. I pray you have an accident and hitch free journey. You will not fall prey for any evil. You are safe under the wings of our Lord. Take care and have a smooth trip.

40. Although I’ll miss you as you go on this journey, I hope that God will keep you safe and make you have a smooth journey to and fro.

41. The love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost will go out with you today and be favoured mightily.

42. Mercies of God and Favour from man will you meet as you go today. The Lord will keep you safe till you get to your destination.

43. I wish you journey mercies beyond words. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go. Be safe in God’s hands.

44. Life sweetness and goodies will go with you today. Some forget to take care of yourself.

45. The mighty one who never sleeps nor slumber will hold and keep you today throughout this journey.

46. The eyes of the Almighty will be upon you and go with you. Be rest assured that he’ll keep you safe and bring you peace. Journey mercies to you today.

47. You that popular saying of “Goodbye, have a safe trip”? That’s what I wish you now just with so much love. Have a beautiful journey with mercies from God.

48. Be sure that I’ll miss you badly, but I’m confident that the safety of the most high will hold you strong. Have a great trip with journey mercies.

49. May the Lord which never sleep nor slumber watch over you as you go on this journey so that your expectations will be met in Jesus name.

50. This long journey will teach you strength and resilience, everything will work for your good and you will come back with testimonies. Have a safe journey.

51. Throughout this trip, all your endeavors will be for greatness. This journey will yield positive results and you’ll be glad all round.

52. The weather will not disturb and disrupt your plans for today’s journey. The Lord will be before you and with you today as you go. Journey mercies to you.

53. The protection of the most high God will be your shield as you go. You will not be trapped by any evil lurking around. God bless you, have a smooth trip.

54. As you embark on this journey, I pray that your hope in the Almighty will not be dashed and you will suffer no loss. You will go and come back in peace. Journey mercies I pray for you.

55. I pray for strength for you as you embark on this journey. Go with the confidence that God will be with you and will never forsake you.

56. You don’t have to be scared of any bad luck, the Lord has gone before you to perfect the road and trip. May the mercies of the Lord bring you to a safe journey.

57. Put your hope in the Lord as you go today, as only he is the keeper of all times. Take care of yourself as you go. Have a safe trip ahead.

58. The right hand of the Lord will be with you as you go on this journey. You will not be terrified of any danger, and you’ll be at peace with all men. Have a safe journey ahead.

59. Rely on God and cast your worries on Him, only he alone can take good care of us. Be sure that this will be a safe trip.

60. You’re going on a trip today to make things work out for you, I pray that the Lord of Host will go with you and perfect every plan you have. God be with you and give you journey mercies.

61. As you go today on that trip with a complete body, so you’ll come back to us here safe and sound. The Lord will be your shield and pillar. I wish you journey mercies.

62. Go out today with the assurance that every of the Lord’s promises will be fulfilled in your life. You will live to be a great testimony.

63. The steadfast love of God will not cease but will surely hold you strong as you embark on this journey. You’re safe in Jesus name.

64. Your route today is cover in the precious blood of Jesus. You will know no evil. Journey mercies I pray for you.

65. As you’re going now, I’m confident that you will come back in safety. The Lord will anchor your trip and he’ll take care of you exceedingly.

66. Be of good cheer, the Lord who has started his work in your life will perfect it and grants you safe passage. Make sure to enjoy your trip.

67. Nothing beats having the full confidence that the creator of the universe is in charge of one’s affairs. May he be with you and grant to you a safe and hitch free journey.

68. More than anything, I pray that you will encounter no dangerous scheme of the devil on your journey. Take care, dear and enjoy the mercies of God on this journey.

69. I subject you, the road, the driver, other passengers and even the elements unto God to direct on this journey. You will not be a direct target of mishaps. Have a safe trip.

70. Rely on God and cast your worries on Him, only he alone can take good care of us. Be sure that this will be a safe trip.

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