The purpose of a feasibility report
is to discuss the practicality and
suitability of the project. The
report also provides information
about the desirability of the
project, in this case a small fish farm, from the view point of
potential investors. Therefore, the
report is crucial if you are applying
for financial assistance, such as a
grant or loan. In addition to
descriptive text, the report should contain tables, charts, graphs,
maps and photographs as
appropriate. By writing the
feasibility report, you will discover
whether the fish farm is in fact
viable. If not, the report will have saved you from wasting valuable
time and money. Is advisible to have in hand what a project will cost you before going into it. FOR YOUR FEASIBILITY STUDY PREPERATION AND OTHER AGRO SERVICES CALL MR KINGSLEY ON +2348032861326 FOR A QUALITY SERVICE.

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