Entrepreneurial Development Initiative And Micro Enterprise Sustenance In Awka Metropolis

Entrepreneurial Development Initiative And Micro Enterprise Sustenance In Awka Metropolis.


This study evaluates entrepreneurial development initiatives and micro-enterprise sustenance in Awka metropolis.

The objective of this study is to determine the entrepreneurial initiatives that can sustain micro-enterprises, to investigate the extent entrepreneurial initiatives can reduce unemployment and to identify the challenges of entrepreneurial development initiatives on micro-enterprise sustenance, the survey research method of investigation was adopted in this research work.

The study used primary and secondary source of data, data for this research work were collected using questionnaires and personal interviews on micro-enterprises, data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and simple percentages.

Findings and recommendations were made most of the micro-entrepreneurs have 2-5 workers working for them ad are basically and mostly into a service business.

There years of business experience are 1-3 years and most of them started their businesses through you-win initiatives, entrepreneurial initiatives help to reduce unemployment.

Government initiatives such as NDEP, BOI YES and YOU-WIN programmes should be sustained to help in sustaining entrepreneurial development, consistent entrepreneurial training and support should regularly organize for micro-entrepreneurs in order to fast-track and help them grow from strength to strength.


Title page        i

Dedication  iii

Certification    iv

Approval Page       v

Acknowledgement      vi

Abstract      ix


  • Background of the study 1
  • Statement of problem 3
  • Objectives of the study 4
  • Research questions 4
  • Hypothesis of  study 5
  • Scope of study 5
  • Significance ofstudy 5
  • Definitions of study 7


2.1 Conceptual review       9

2.1.2 Entrepreneur   9

2.1.3 Entrepreneurship        10

2.1.4 Entrepreneurship Development    11

2.1.5 Sustenance          11

2.1.6 Micro Enterprise     12

2.1.6 Entrepreneurial Initiatives      12

2.2   Entrepreneurial Development Initiatives Sustenance   13

2.3 Entrepreneurial Initiatives and Micro Enterprise Sustenance   14

2.4 Challenges of Micro Enterprise Sustenance    14

2.5 Theoretical Framework     15

2.6 Empirical Reviews   16

Gap in Knowledge        18

2.7 Summary of related Literature

End of Chapter Two Reference        20


3.1 Research design         22

3.2 Area of study      22

3.3 Population of the study              22

3.4 Sample size Determination and Sampling Techniques        23

3.5 Source of Data            24

3.6 Method of Data Collection     24

3.7 Validity of the Research Instruments  24

3.8 Reliability of the Research Instrument             24

3.9 Method of Data Analysis              25

End of Chapter Three Reference          26


4.1 Business Office Information              27

4.2 Line of Micro Business            28

4.3 The years of your business experience              28

4.4  Your enterprise started through these initiatives    29

4.5 The business you are handling is solely your own        30

4.6 You have other partners in your business   30

4.7 You are prompt in solving business challenges        31

4.8 You are faced with fund and Managerial skills challenges  32

4.9 Government/ NGO usually makes business environment good   32

4.1.0 Your business have employed a number of persons       33

4.1.1 You started your business through government programmes  34

4.1.2 Your business has helped a number of people started their own     34

4.1.3 Which of these challenges affect your business        35


5.1 Summary of findings         38

5.2  Conclusion    39

5.3  Recommendation   39

Limitations of the study     40

References              41


Background of Study

In recent times entrepreneurs have been referred to as necessary pre-requisite to mobilize capital exploit natural resources and create markets to carry on trade (Harbison & myers 2004).

Entrepreneurs are agents who perform a vital role in the economic growth of a country and are linked to the overall industrial development of a linked to the overall industrial development of a nation, some of this characteristics are risk-takers, decision-maker, perseverance, organizers and planner, innovative function, and Gap filling ability.

However, successive government in Nigeria has introduced various entrepreneurial developments. These programmes include Family Economic Advancement programmes (FEAP) Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP).

Green Revolution Programme (GRP) National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) at national level.

State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (SEEDS) at state level and Local Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy  (LEEDS) at local government level, Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP), and most recently,  the National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP).

These programmes failed to achieve their objectives because of poor design; it was in realization of the scenario that the Federal Government of Nigeria announced the inclusion of entrepreneurial education in higher institutions of learning as a way of promoting entrepreneurial spirit among Nigeria youths to take up self employment.

This has led to the launching of programmes such as youths enterprise with innovation plan aimed at job creation and micro enterprises by encouraging band supporting aspiring entrepreneur youth in Nigeria to develop and execute business ideas (Flippo E 2008).

Micro enterprises is a relative concept because it varies among countries and within a particular country per time. For instance, a small or medium size enterprise in an advanced country like United State of America or Britain can be considered a large scale industry in Nigeria (Ogundele 2002).


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