The Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship 2022 Application Update

The Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the Flinders University.

About Flinders University

Flinders University is a public university in Adelaide, South Australia.

Founded in 1966, it was named in honour of navigator Matthew Flinders, who explored and surveyed the South Australian coastline in the early 19th century.

Aim and Benefits of The Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship

The scholarship provides:

1. Visa Costs.

2. An economy return airfare to Australia.

3. Payment of compulsory university fees and charges as specified in the Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship PDF.

4. A generous living allowance, paid quarterly.


Requirements for The Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship 

There is no limitation on the field of study. Applicants must be resident in the UK (or one of its dependencies or territories) and need to ascertain their own eligibility for a postgraduate program (MA or PhD) in Australia.

The Trustees particularly welcome proposals for PhD and research-based Masters programs.

Obligations of Scholarship Awardees

1. Study must commence within one year of the award.

2. The flight out must be taken within one year of the award.

3. No funds above those stated will be entertained.

4. The award is granted for no longer than 3 years.

5. Scholars are responsible for arranging their own visa, health cover, insurance, etc.

6. A yearly report (and half-year update) must be submitted on progress and expenditure. This must be supported by course supervisors. Continuation of the grant depends on satisfactory reports.

7. A comprehensive report on completion of the study is also required.


Application Deadline

August 26, 2022.

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