Sorry Messages, Statements, and Apology Quotes to a Dear Friends

– Apology Messages for Friends –

Sending an Apology Messages for Friends to say I’m sorry. Nobody is without flaws or blemishes, so it’s inevitable to go through life without hurting the feeling of people, especially those closest to us. It is very important to take responsibility for your misconduct and apologise for mistakes.

Saying sorry is an important gesture for everyone who intends to build and grow a relationship. Also, it is vital to admit mistakes and seek reconciliation.

However, we put up this article provides you with many ways to approach apology; it provides 100 sorry messages and apology quotes for friends.

100 Heartfelt Apology Messages for Friends

  1. I realise that there are no justifiable reasons for what I did to hurt you. However, I need you to realise that I will do nothing to place our friendship in jeopardy. I’m sorry, best friend.

  2. My heart is broken, having irritated you. Please assist me with fixing the pieces together by making up with me. I’m so sorry, my old buddy.

  3. Tell me what I can do to mend this gap between us brought about by not being sensitive to what, in particular’s going on with you. I’m truly sorry my stunning friend.

  4. Without you in my life, I’m simply one more wayfarer, going all around without a course. I’m sorry, my sweet friend, please forgive me.

  5. I wish I could denounce all that I said last night. I realise my words hurt you so much, and I’m really sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me.

  6. As my best friend, I realise you have a long list of motivations to be mad at me, however, I also need you to realise that I’m truly sorry.

  7. I’m so sorry I messed up last night. Please, can you give me one more opportunity to show that our friendship means so much to me?

  8. All you did was think about me and adored me when nobody else does. I’m sorry for pushing you away of late, please forgive me..

  9. I know everything occurs for a reason, similarly just like the reason behind your despair. I’m truly sorry, my best friend.

  10. I didn’t mean to be pitiless and I’m so sorry for hurting you, please forgive me.

  11. For making you feel inferior, for hurting your emotions and causing you so much pain, I’m saying “I’m truly sorry”

  12. Perhaps the biggest mistake I’ve ever made is me hurting you so seriously without knowing. I’m truly sorry, my best friend.

  13. You reserve every privilege to be irate with me and I deserved it, yet I need you to realise that I’m really sorry.

  14. I wish I can take all the pain and hurt away with a simple message as “I’m sorry.” Can you please forgive me, my dearest friend?

  15. I allowed my personality and pride to come between our friendship, not knowing it would hurt your feelings. I’m sorry, please forgive me.

  16. Thank you for being such a beautiful and amazing friend, and I’m sorry for being a jerk. Please forgive me, my sweet friend.

  17. I didn’t mean to make you cry or hurt you, my friend. Can you please forgive me?

  18. I really didn’t mean to make you resemble an idiot and I’m deeply sorry that I did, and for being a jerk. Can you please forgive me?

  19. Whenever I’m strained, I said things that I never meant. Please tell me how I can fix things between us right now since I miss being with you, my sweet friend. I’m sorry.

  20. I absolutely never need to be separated from your company. I miss you so much and I’m really sorry for causing you pain.

  21. Presently, there’s a wide gap between us all in view of how I underestimated you. I’m really sorry, my stunning friend.

  22. You’re important for my everyday life and I miss having you around since the last time we had a misunderstanding. I miss you so much and I’m sorry for causing you pain.

  23. I wish there’s more I could state other than “I’m sorry,” to facilitate the pain I have caused you recently. Please find a spot in your heart to forgive me, buddy.

  24. Your miserable face is something that I can’t stand. I’m sorry for pissing you off, my sweet friend. Please forgive me.

  25. My life and world are boring without you since you add magnificence to my life for your friendship. I’m sorry for hurting you, buddy. Can you please forgive me?

  26. You and our friendship mean a ton to me and I’m really sorry for putting our friendship in harm’s manner. Please forgive me.

  27. I really don’t have a clue where and how to start, however, let me start by saying I’m so sorry and asking for one more opportunity to right my wrong.

  28. The manner in which I snapped at you last night was awful. You didn’t deserve it and I’m deeply sorry, my sweet friend.

  29. I never meant to cause you pain, neither do I mean to hurt you in any manner. I need you to realise that I’m sorry if I ever did. Can you please forgive me?

  30. I really don’t have the foggiest idea where to apologise for, however, I need you to realise that I’m deeply sorry and I trust we can still be best of friends again.

  31. Our friendship is too valuable to even think about losing and I’m really sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me, my sweet friend.

  32. You tolerate every of my mood and that makes you my best friend from the rest. Also, I need you to realise that I’m sorry for everything.

  33. You’re generally there for me whenever I feel lonely and helpless, and I’m so sorry for hurting you.

  34. I really appreciate you and your friendship and I’m really sorry for causing you pain.

  35. You’re my best friend and I love you more than affection itself and I need you to realize that I’m truly sorry for causing you pain. Please forgive me.

  36. I never meant to belittle you nor your opinions and I’m truly sorry for that. Can you please forgive me?

  37. You know too well that I cherish your friendship so much not to jeopardize it. Also, I’m so sorry for hurting you, my dearest friend.

  38. Recently, me acting immature and selfish hurt our friendship so much and I need you to realize that I’m really sorry. Can you please forgive me?

  39. I was impolite and disrespectful, and you’re right and conscious. I’m sorry, best friend, please forgive me.

  40. To close the long and wide distance between us, brought about by hurting you, let me start by saying that I’m really sorry, my beautiful friend.

  41. I never meant to hurt you or see you in pains. Furthermore, I’m so sorry for not being able to be there for you today. Please forgive me, my sweet friend.

  42. Recently, I have been infantile, insensitive and immature. I just need you to realise that I have seen my mistakes and I’m so sorry.

  43. If I could undo all that I did, just to see your beautiful glowing, smiling face again, I will do that within a twinkle of an eye. I’m deeply sorry, buddy.

  44. I have something important to tell you, “Best Friend, I’m Sorry For Everything.”

  45. Can you add fun to my life again by forgiving me of all my faults? I miss your company and I’m so sorry for offending you.

  46. I realise you will consistently comprehend me when I explain things to you. Where it counts inside of me, I never meant to intentionally hurt you, and I’m sorry I did. Please forgive me.

  47. I never meant to hurt you intentionally. Please find a spot in your heart to forgive me. I’m sorry, my sweet friend.

  48. When everything seems wrong, you were the only one who always tells me that everything is going to be alright. I miss you and I’m sorry for hurting you.

  49. I’m deeply sorry for my silly mistakes recently. Can you please forgive me, my dearest friend?

  50. No amount of words would express how sorry I am for everything, except here’s a start. I’m so sorry, my flawless friend. Please forgive me and let’s move on.

  51. I haven’t got with you after the misunderstanding we had last time. I miss your laughter and sense of humour. I’m sorry, best friend, please forgive me.

  52. You’re my best buddy and I’m certain I will never find another like you. Also, I’m truly sorry for making you look stupid. Please forgive me.

  53. I’m sorry for the right thing I said at the wrong time in a wrong manner. Therefore, I’m extremely sorry for what I said. Please forgive me.

  54. I need you to realise that I’m deeply sorry. If I have said what I should never have said, please forgive me.

  55. I really miss being with you and I need you to realise that I’m truly sorry for snapping at you last night.

  56. I’m so sorry that I lost track of what you and your friendship mean to me. Please forgive me, my beautiful friend.

  57. At the point when anxieties and worries knock me down to earth, you’re always there for me to incline toward, and I’m so sorry for pushing you away recently.

  58. I just expectation you find mercy in your heart and forgive me for everything. I’m so sorry, my good friend.

  59. At the point when things didn’t go as I arranged, you’re always looking out for me and I’m really sorry for hurting you, my good friend. Please forgive me.

  60. I’m sure that what I did was inhumane. I’m truly sorry, my exquisite friend. Please forgive me.

  61. I realise you will always be my best friend, yet nevertheless, I need you to realise that I’m really sorry for taking you for granted.

  62. I know we both said things we never meant because we’re mad at one another, however I need you to realise that I’m deeply sorry for what I said last night. Can you please forgive me?

  63. I’m sorry I have been little of a best friend recently. Can you please forgive me?

  64. I made you feel awful; I made you cry, and I made you feel depressed. I’m deeply sorry, my sweet friend, can you please forgive me?

  65. From the profundity of my heart, I need you to realise that I’m really sorry, my special friend. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me.

  66. I realise I did the wrong thing by causing you pain and hurting you and I need you to realise that I’m really sorry

  67. The last thing I needed to do was to hurt you or your feelings. I’m sorry for everything, please forgive me.

  68. All I can say after causing you so much pain is that I’m truly sorry and I trust that covers it. Please forgive me, my good friend.

  69. All I’m asking is one more opportunity to make it up to you, my beautiful friend. Can you please forgive me?

  70. Without you, my days are so boring and dry. I miss the vibes and fun that come from being with you. Please forgive me, my good friend.

  71. I will take the steps to make it up to you, my good friend. I’m so sorry for what I said right in a wrong manner.

  72. My best friend, I need to say that I’m sorry for what I did and said to you, please find a place in your heart to forgive me.

  73. No words could express how sorry I am for hurting you, my dearest friend. I’m truly sorry, buddy.

  74. I treasure our friendship so much more than words would ever describe, and I’m sorry for hurting you, my friend. Can you please forgive me?

  75. For being so insensitive to your feelings and emotions of late, I’m sorry, my beautiful friend.

  76. I’m so sorry for letting my mood swings affect our friendship. I promise to work better on it. Can you please forgive me?

  77. I could have sent you a thousand words note saying how guilty I feel for hurting you. But life is short. So, I said SORRY and resume our friendship right now. Because I don’t want good times to be wasted anymore.

  78. I am not sure how many people would tolerate my mood swings, but I am sure that you would. I am sorry for being such a jerk the other day.

  79. It’s very easy to say sorry but I know it’s very difficult to be the bigger person and say that it’s okay. Please forgive me, I am sorry.

  80. I know saying sorry is just not enough for how much I hurt you, but I’ll say it a million times until you forgive me. I am sorry.

  81. My friend, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry I lied because I have to in order to save our friendship. However, I hope you understand. I wish to see you to explain everything to you.

  82. Sorry is the only word I got here. But my tears mean the entire world. Sorry my dear friend!

  83. I am sorry for lying. You can be as mad at me as you want. But do it quickly because I’ve got something really exciting to tell you.

  84. I know that the damage I have caused is too much to ignore, but I cannot live the rest of my life without you, dear friend. So, please forgive me and make it easy for me.

  85. I cannot lose you over my immature deeds. You are too precious to me, dear friend. I am genuinely sorry for hurting you with my bashful words. Please accept my apology.

  86. You are someone I want to hold on to for the rest of my life, and I feel extremely guilty for causing you pain. Please forgive me, dear friend. I love you.

  87. I wish you could forget this one incident and give our friendship one more chance, dear. Also, to say I miss you and I am extremely sorry.

  88. A friend like you is indeed priceless, and I’m sorry for not keeping in touch with you of late.

  89. My dearest friend, in my time of uncertainty, you comforted me, and I need to say that I’m sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me.

  90. You’re my one and only sister from another mother, and I don’t mean to cause you any harm or bring you pain. I’m really sorry, my beautiful friend.

  91. You’re my special friend and I need you to realise that I’m really sorry for making you sad. Please forgive me, my beautiful friend.

  92. Here’s to me, apologising for the wrong words I said to you recently. I’m really sorry, my best friend.

  93. Revenge has blindfolded me, that I didn’t notice how much it’s hurting you. I’m deeply sorry because I never meant to hurt you.

  94. It’s hurt me so much to see you in pains, most especially when I was the reason behind it. I’m truly sorry, my sweet friend.

  95. No, I didn’t underestimate you nor your emotions and if you felt I did, I’m deeply sorry, best friend.

  96. I’m really sorry that I could not be there for you today, yet I need you to know also that I cherish you forever. Please forgive me.

  97. Am truly and really sorry for causing your tears. I didn’t mean to cause you pain in any manner and I’m so sorry that I did.

  98. Please let’s pick up from the latest relevant point of interest and last makeup. I miss you so much and I’m sorry about everything.

  99. I miss every single moment with you, however most especially I miss all of you, my sweet friend. Please forgive me.

  100. The best way to say sorry to friends is to look them in the eye and bear your heart. If they really care for you, they’ll understand. That’s exactly what I’m doing now.

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