Design and Implementation of a Computerized Case Scheduling System of Court Of Law

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Case Scheduling System of Court Of Law


The aim of this project work is to design an implementation of a computerized case scheduling system of court of law.

The judicial arm of government is the third organ of government besides the legislature and the executive, the major functions of this arm includes setting of cases, pushing the guilty people and also interpreting the constitution of the land as well as administration of justice.

The current process of case scheduling is being operated manually and due to this procedure, numerous problem are been encountered. A design was taken to computerized the manual process in order to check this problem.

The problems were identified after a series of interviews and examination of documents after which analysis was made and a computerized procedure recommended.

This project will also suggest how to successfully implement the computerized procedure and to overcome the obstacle that would hinder the successful implementation of the system.


The judicial arm of government is the third organ of government besides the legislature and the executive.  The major functions of this arm include the setting of the case, finding the quality people and also interpreting the constitution of the land.

As well as administration of justice other functions, include interpreting laws made by the legislative arm of government, declaration of acts of the legislative as null, void, unconstitutional and of no effect.

Moreover, the judiciary is the alt hope of the ordinary man.  They do this by safeguarding the rights and liberties of the citizens.  The aggrieved person can go to court to seek redress.

It is the job of the court to see to that justice prevails.  Also during elections courts may determine who actually won the election and rigged it as part of its settlement between individuals and the state.


Okeke, C.C (1990).  an introduction to Computer Science.  Pan publishers Ltd
Ndukwe, M.U. (1996).  Concept of computerization. 
Law and legal process by U.S.F Nnabue

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